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Joseph White

Joseph White

(Dorchester, Massachusetts: 1st January 1925 - 10th September 2001)

Joseph Michael "Little Joe" was a pro since 1944, initially as carnival sideshow magician, (as "The Midget Magician"). Then circus (Ringling Bros). Protégé of Will Lindhorst. Aka "The Wee Wizard". Thence kid-show, gospel magic, and mentalism. A 4'4" midget, he billed himself as "Micro, World's Smallest Magician/Mentalist". Also as "Shenanigans" with leprechaun magic act and "Merlin, Ancient Mystic". Dids many commercials, including "Little Oscar" for Oscar Meyer 1949-68.

Wrote Magic for Heaven's Sake (1962), Scotch Brand of Magic (1964, 39pp), Micro-Mental Mysteries (1965, 73pp), 5 Micro-Mental Programs (1966, 60pp), and his autobiographical A Wee Wizard's Wiles (1987). Tricks in Linking Ring, (+ a 1960 "1-man Parade") Genii, Hugard's Magic Monthly, New Jinx, Invocation, etc.

Coauthors: Bert Allerton, Tony Corinda, Ulysses Frederick Grant, Edward Marlo, Tommy Windsor

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Joseph White
A Scotch Brand of Magic by Joseph White

Magic enabled by double sided tape.

This ebook will show you how to place a coin at the tips of your fingers and, in full view of the audience, cause that coin to vanish in an instant! All this without the use of a pull. You may shake your hands vigorously to prove that nothing is contained therein. You then proceed to produce coin after coin from mid-air - you will produce a number of coins, not just one. With this new method of palming it is possible for the magician to work in short sleeves (or, for that matter, with no sleeves at all). You can show both hands convincingly empty and at...

★★★★★ $8
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