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How To Escape From Any Handcuffs
by Devin Knight


(2 reviews, 3 customer ratings) ★★★★

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How To Escape From Any Handcuffs by Devin Knight

Every magician should know how to escape from any pair of regulation handcuffs at any time. You can even challenge people to bring cuffs from home to your show and yet, you escape. You can challenge any police department and yet escape from their cuffs.

Imagine you could do this without carrying lots of picks, keys, shims and without years of practice and study! Imagine you could do this for less than a dollar! Well, it's true. In this PDF you will learn two easy ways to escape from any cuffs within a few minutes. A secret source gives you everything you need for less than a dollar. This source is worth more than the price of the PDF, if you aren't aware of it.

These are the same methods used by Devin Knight when he played the role of Jason Michaels to escape from cuffs. He was once arrested for driving blindfolded and escaped from the cuffs the police put on him. Learn his secret in this release. This is the real work. You will learn how to escape from any handcuffs in minutes.

Two methods revealed, plus the secret source that will allow you to escape from any handcuffs for less than a dollar. No need to be an escape artist. This was written for magicians who want to be able to escape from any cuffs just like seen in the movies when they handcuff a magician. No need for picks or shims. Yes, you can do this. One of the most valuable secrets you can buy.

1st edition 2017, 7 pages
word count: 1395 which is equivalent to 5 standard pages of text

Reviewed by David Cox (confirmed purchase)
★★★★   Date Added: Sunday 27 August, 2023

Please don't buy this. I feel like I have been robbed. Thank you for stating the obvious method for unlocking a set of handcuffs. I was hoping for a sensible document discussing different tools, cuff orientation or even modern vs vintage. Instead, I get a leaflet telling me to palm an object used to unlock stuff. A waste of time and money.

Reviewed by Christian Fisanick (confirmed purchase)
★★★★★   Date Added: Friday 25 August, 2017

I generally love Knight's stuff, and while the effect of getting out of handcuffs is strong, this ebook is way overpriced. I could summarize his methods in three words: Get a *******. Yes, he does give a you a source for what you need, but you probably could have found that with an Internet search. Anyway, not to get technical here, but while I agree that if you are using double-locking handcuffs his way is the quickest and easiest, I just single lock them and use an even cheaper method. (Or get yourself a set of regulation thumbcuffs, and you don' t need anything. That's amazing too.)