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by Devin Knight


(1 review, 4 customer ratings) ★★★★

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Roly-Poly by Devin Knight

Roly-Poly is one of the most commercial close-up tricks you can do, it is quick and easy to do. It's perfect when you have less than a minute to impress someone. I used this effect in my strolling restaurant gig for over seven years. This often got better response than some of my other effects. Kids love to watch this, and it always generates smiles and laughter. This was taught during my 2010 lecture tour and was well received by the magicians in attendance.

The effect is that you show an ungimmicked quarter (any quarter size coin can be used in foreign countries). You start rubbing the coin with your fingers; it becomes soft and pliable, you begin to visibly bend the coin back and forth as though it was made from rubber.

Next, you begin to knead and roll the coin, until you are left with a small metallic ball that you immediately give to the spectator. He can keep the metallic ball as a souvenir to show to his friends and tell them this was once a quarter you kneaded into this small ball!

This is the perfect follow up to my Autobend Spoon or any bending spoon effect. The spectators have just seen you cause a spoon to visibly bend. It is no surprise when you start bending a quarter back and forth and knead it into a small metallic ball, which can be kept by the spectator.

Roly-Poly uses no gimmicks. Just an ungimmicked quarter and a small metallic marble that can be bought in most craft stores. These are sold in bags of a hundred for just a few dollars, so it only cost you a few cents for each ball you give away as a souvenir.

Spectators have seen coins vanish and change from copper to silver, but they haven't seen a coin kneaded into a small metallic ball. Do this and stand out from your competition. You will use this. I carry it in my pocket all the time for a quick impromptu miracle.

Comes with detailed instructions, including several photos, showing you how easy this is to do. Priced so low, that this is a no-brainer purchase.

1st edition 2016, 6 pages.
word count: 1401 which is equivalent to 5 standard pages of text

Reviewed by Ronald M Levy
★★★★★   Date Added: Friday 06 May, 2016

Roly-Poly is a charming effect where the magician begins by bending a quarter repeatedly in order to soften the metal and then rolls the metal in his hand to form a metallic ball that is then given out to a spectator. This is an entertaining exhibition of conjuring with a delightful conclusion, and can amaze both children and adults. Every performer will be able to deliver an impressive experience of magic with Roly-Poly. Devin Knight's instructions are easy to follow and have helpful illustrations. Don't allow the price to mislead you: This is a gem