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Aldo Colombini

Aldo Colombini

#1 in Italian (italiano) author
#1 DVD (download+stream) author
#2 Balls, Eggs, Dice & Cups author

(19th March 1951 - 12th February 2014)

Aldo Colombini moved to the United States from Italy in 1993. He has performed in over 45 countries. He is a F.I.S.M. prizewinner. He performed often on Italian television (RAI 1) and has also appeared on television shows in Portugal, Spain, Japan, Colombia and Sweden.

Aldo has performed often at Caesar’s Magical Empire in Caesar’s Palace, Las Vegas and continues to appear several times a year at the famous Magic Castle in Hollywood, California where he is one of few magicians who are able to perform in all four showrooms. Aldo was voted by the Academy of Magical Arts, Hollywood, California: twice Parlor magician of the year. In the history of the Magic Castle is the only magician to be nominated in all five categories: Comedy, Stage, Close-up, Parlor and Lecturer. He appeared on “Masters of Illusion,” a series of weekly magic specials airing on PAX-TV. He speaks Italian, English, Spanish and French and can perform in all four languages allowing him to dazzle audiences from diverse backgrounds.

Aldo has written and published several books on magic and created many magical effects used by magicians all over the world. He also lectures on magic worldwide and was nominated by the Academy of Magical Arts twice Lecturer of the Year.

Coauthors: Lewis Ganson, Rachel Colombini, Peter Duffie, Robin Robertson, Cameron Francis, Werner Miller

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Aldo Colombini
ESP Card Magic: all 20 volumes by Aldo Colombini

This is the greatest series of ESP card tricks ever published. It features tricks from Nick Trost, Werner Miller, Howard Adams, Max Maven, and many other of the great trick creators. They are all easy to perform, and sometimes routined, and streamlined by Aldo himself to make them even better.

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MP4 (video)

Aldo Colombini
Encyclopedia of Comedy by Aldo Colombini

The most complete comedy collection!

Hundreds of pages. Thousands and thousands of one liners, sight gags, ad libs, emcee blockbusters, comedy impressions, boffs and screams, insults, lines from hecklers, openers, closers, things to say when something goes wrong, and much more.

A wealth of material to liven up your act, guaranteed to add variety to your presentation.

★★★★★ $40
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Aldo Colombini
Varietà by Aldo Colombini

In Italia, dal 1987 ad Ottobre 1990, Aldo Colombini, che allora era conosciuto col nome d'arte di Fabian, curò personalmente , insieme al Mago Elliott, una Rivista di Magia e Cabaret che, insieme con Elliott, decisero di chiamare Varietà.

Purtroppo non ebbe allora il successo sperato e dopo soli due anni dovette chiudere per insufficienza di abbonati, trattandosi di una rivista indipendente e pubblicata al di fuori dei Circoli Magici.

Ma il materiale incluso nei rarissimi numeri che siamo riusciti a rintracciare e raccogliere è di assoluto pregio, e presentava, tra gli altri, per...

★★★★★ $29.50
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Aldo Colombini
Impact by Aldo Colombini

Cards, coins, ropes, and rings.

From Lothar Malmberg's introduction:

Between the covers of this book, you will find effects which are both quick and fun to perform, as well as items which play longer and are more involved. I think that you will especially enjoy the effects using ropes because Aldo introduces some clever new twists, which, if put together with your own Cut and Restored or Professor's Nightmare routines, will make a winning combination!

  • Introduction
  • Turn Over Revelation: Two selected cards are revealed in a spectacular way!
  • Boom-Boomer!
  • Twice Cato: Two cards are...
★★★★★ $29.50
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Aldo Colombini
React by Aldo Colombini

cards, coins, ropes, balloons, thimbles

Aldo likes simple easy-to-do magic that is direct and to-the-point. This is a great collection of forty routines with cards, coins, ropes and rings, balloons, thimbles, something for everyone. Many of the routines are close-up oriented, but you will find unique gems for stage or parlor, too.

  • Introduction
  • On The "Professor's Nightmare"
  • Rope Just Chance
  • Vice-Versa
  • Up Your Sleeve!
  • The One In The Middle
  • Bubbles
  • That Professor Is A Nightmare!
  • Blowing In The Wind
  • Gong
  • Computer Prediction
  • Catching The Wind
  • Stabbed Revelation
  • Get Off My Spread ...
★★★★★ $29.50
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Aldo Colombini
Aldo's Finale by Aldo Colombini

When Aldo Colombini unexpectedly died he left behind many unpublished tricks. Rachel Colombini has compiled these together with a number of contributions from Aldo's friends. As such this is Aldo's last ebook. It is a testament to one of the most beloved and prolific authors in magic. Wherever he went he performed, sometimes for hours without break. These are the effects he was working on last ... Aldo's Finale!

★★★★★ $20
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Aldo Colombini
Tra La Via Emilia E Il West by Aldo Colombini

Eccoti una sensazionale e unica grande raccolta di giochi con le carte del Grande Maestro . I trucchi che qui Aldo ha raccolto sono per la stragrande maggioranza diversi da quelli che si trovano negli altri suoi lavori. Se conosci Aldo Colombini sai che stiamo parlando di materiale eccellente e commerciale: ottimi effetti ottenuti con metodi semplici e astuti. Questa è una delle più grandi opere prodotte da Aldo. Ti basti pensare che in questo volume di 56 grandi pagine formato A4 sono raccolti e spiegarti con chiarezza circa 50 giochi e routines con le carte!

Dall’introduzione : “...

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Aldo Colombini
Mamma Mia by Aldo Colombini

Aldo Colombini has selected eighteen wonderful card effects for his first ebook. Most of these are completely new and have never been published before. Some have seen print in largely unknown periodicals. Aldo is a master in creating strong effects with little finger flinging. We also included some interesting snap shots from Aldo's magic life.

1st edition, 2002,

  1. 4' Wave
  2. Carousel
  3. Confusing Sevens
  4. Cut It Out
  5. Don't Joke Around
  6. Fire Down Below
  7. Inside Moves
  8. Investigations
  9. Narrow Margin
  10. Nowhere
  11. The Comancheros
  12. The Great Escape
  13. The Kings And I
  14. Triumphant Triumph
  15. Ultra...
★★★ $15
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Aldo Colombini
Incredibili Illusioni Improvvisate by Aldo Colombini

Se quando ti chiedono di fare un gioco sei in difficoltà....

Se ti chiedono di eseguire qualcosa all'improvviso con un mazzo di carte preso a prestito....

Se ti sei annoiato di eseguire continui "setup" prima di eseguire un gioco....

Se vuoi eseguire oltre 30 giochi di grande impatto creati dalle più fertili menti cartomagiche mondiali...

allora "Incredibili Illusioni Improvvisate" è INDISPENSABILE per te !

Trentacinque giochi con le carte da eseguire in qualunque momento, anche con carte prese a prestito , senza preavviso e senza preparazione

35 Giochi dalle fertili menti...

★★★★ $15
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Aldo Colombini
Calendario Cartomagico by Aldo Colombini

1 dispensa con le spiegazioni di 8 stupendi effetti + 1 calendario speciale da stampare

Wow, una bellissima opera in due dispense . Nella prima sono descritti ben 8 effetti da eseguire con un semplice mazzo di carte e lo speciale calendario ( nella seconda dispensa) raffigurante una carta da gioco per ogni giorno dell'anno.

I giochi possono essere eseguiti anche ricopiando le carte dal calendario alla propria agenda!

Le 8 routines sono di Peter Duffie, Robin Robertson e dello stesso Aldo Colmbini. Coincidenze, ritrovamenti di carte scelte, la carta che si trova al giorno di nascita...

★★★★ $15
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Aldo Colombini
The Close-Up Magic of Aldo Colombini by Aldo Colombini

Ever since Obie O'Brien brought Aldo Colombini to the FFFF convention many years ago, it has been a love affair between Aldo and magic in America. While Aldo can do some of the hardest moves, he has developed a unique style of strong magic with little sleight-of-hand. The kind that is entertaining to watch and fun to perform. None of the material is hard to do, yet will fool any audience, including those hard to please magicians themselves.

It is hard to miss Aldo, both in person (6' 5"), and in magic, because he has written for many magazines, performed and lectured throughout the world...

★★★★ $14.95
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Aldo Colombini
Falli Ridere by Aldo Colombini

La più grande ed estesa raccolta di battute, gags, insulti comici, monologhi, battute salva spettacolo del noto comico-prestigiatore 2 volte "mago dell'anno" al Magic Castle di Hollywood. Materiale adatto a tutti gli intrattenitori in genere,ai prestigiatori in particolare e a chiunque voglia passare una piacevole e divertente setata in famiglia o con gli amici !

Ma lasciamo la parola allo stesso Aldo per la presentazione:

"Ci troviamo ancora una volta con un libro di battute, monologhi e altro materiale per 1' artista che pensa seriamente alla...comicità (frase strana ma vera). Questa...

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Aldo Colombini
Battuteca by Aldo Colombini

Una esilarante raccolta di 500 battute su una riga indicizzate !

Se sei alla ricerca di materiale provato per far ridere il tuo pubblico, per preparare i tuoi testi per lo vuoi trasformare ogni occasione in una risata, se sai quanto è difficile trovare materiale valido in questo campo, allora non lascarti sfuggire "Battuteca".

Aldo Colombini , il notissimo comico-prestigiatore, ha raccolto in questo agile volumetto la sua decennale esperienza "sul campo" con queste ben 500 battute e one liners . Non solo questo, le battute sono state anche indicizzate in modo da trovare...

★★★★ $12
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Aldo Colombini
Carte Diem by Aldo Colombini

Se "Carpe diem " si può tradurre "Cogli il giorno" , "Carte Diem" si potrebbe tradurre nel gergo Colombinesco: "Il giorno delle carte". Eh si perché con i numerosi trucchi contenuti in questo bel manoscritto, Aldo ci ha regalato così tante belle routines con le carte che potrebbero riempire un intero spettacolo che potrebbe tranquillamente avere questo tema. . Come sempre Aldo da la preferenza alle sottigliezze piuttosto che a difficili manipolazioni . Le routines sono spiegate chiaramente e illustrate laddove sia necessario. Prendi le carte in mano e fatti coinvolgere dagli splendidi effetti...

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Aldo Colombini
Alle Carte T' Alleni Li Nella Tetra Cella by Aldo Colombini

17 routines cartomagiche di grande impatto, facili da eseguire.

Questo libro di Aldo Colombini, il quinto della serie “Cartomagia commerciale”, contiene delle splendide routines alcune delle quali sono dei veri reputation maker. La descrizione che segue, per ragioni di spazio, non rende giustizia ai bellissimi effetti che trovate svelati e descritti con la solita dovizia in questo libro. Le meraviglie cominciano già con il titolo che è una frase palindroma ( si può leggere sia da sinistra a destra che da destra a sinistra…) per proseguire poi, dopo un introduzione di John Bannon,...

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Aldo Colombini
A Cut Above The Rest by Aldo Colombini

35 new routines totally impromptu, with no set-ups or difficult sleight of hand used, and all the routines require just a regular deck of cards and all of them are very easy to do.

Contributors: Jack Avis, Gene Castillon, Aldo Colombini, Peter Duffie, Karl Fulves, Mike Gancia, Paul Gordon, Marty Kane, Ryan Matney, Werner Miller, Reinhard Müller, Robin Robertson, Roy Walton.

1st edition 2007; 24 pages

★★★★ $10
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Aldo Colombini
A Cut Deeper by Aldo Colombini

This is an ebook of card effects for the magician who's looking for strong impromptu card magic. It contains twenty-five new routines with just a regular deck of cards and as mentioned before, strictly impromptu.

Contributors: John Bragoli, Stephen Clark, Aldo Colombini, Tom Daugherty, Ken de Courcy, Paul Gordon, Tom Hubbard, Joe Hustler, Stewart James, Kinos, Paul Marcus, Max Maven, Peter Rees, Joe Riding, John Yeager.

1st edition 2008; 18 pages

★★★★★ $10
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Aldo Colombini
Anytime Anyplace Anywhere: with a deck of cards by Aldo Colombini

Here's a collection of incredible impromptu card magic compiled by Aldo Colombini. Card magic at it's best performed, anytime, anyplace, anywhere with just a regular deck of cards, no set-up whatsoever and very easy to do. Contributors: Ian Adair, Gene Castillon, Aldo Colombini, Tom Craven, Tom Daugherty, Peter Duffie, Karl Fulves, Stephen D. Gervais, Paul Gordon, J. K. Hartman, Marty Kane, Ryan Matney, Max Maven, Joe Riding, Mike Rogers, John T. Sheets, Nick Trost, Richard Vollmer, Roy Walton, Andrew Wimhurst. 35 tricks in all.

1st edition 2007; 22 pages....

★★★★★ $10
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Aldo Colombini
A Set-Up With Aldo by Aldo Colombini

I am sure that we would all agree that it is the EFFECT THAT IS ALL IMPORTANT and that some of the most astounding effects in card magic can be obtained by setting up the cards in a certain order before the performance commences.

Here are five routines of Aldo which depend on set-ups.

  • CRAZY POKER: The wildest Poker demonstration ever.
  • KNOCK-OUT SPELL: Spelling procedures reveal incredible coincidences.
  • ROYAL CUTS: The four Kings and the four Aces are produced in a surprising manner.
  • JUNGLE JAM: A spectator cuts off a portion of a deck. The next two cards are dealt face up and their...
★★★★★ $10
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Aldo Colombini
Baroque Cards by Aldo Colombini

27 card tricks for stand-up, close-up and walk-around. All of these effects were created while listening to baroque music. Aldo collected twenty-seven tricks and routines mostly unpublished before. Some of them appeared in magazines around the world, some in a couple of lecture notes but most never met ink before writing them down for this tome.

1st edition 2008; 26 pages.

★★★★★ $10
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Aldo Colombini
Card Journal by Aldo Colombini

After four books on impromptu card magic, Aldo is back with an ebook containing different material with cards, impromptu and not so impromptu but all the routines have the emphasis on strong effects and leave lasting impressions on the audiences. Card Journal is not just 'another card book''s something much more special, something different in themes and effects. This is a 'must have' ebook packed with tested material.

  • Introduction
  • Lone Rider
  • Followers
  • Dreamers' Choice
  • Beat the Rhythm
  • Trio Sonata
  • Melting Pot
  • Little Big Card (requires a miniature deck and a double backed card of...
★★★★★ $10
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Aldo Colombini
Card Shadows by Aldo Colombini

This ebook is profusely illustrated with many photographs. A compendium of 20 tricks and routines with cards by Aldo Colombini, Jay Francis, Paul Gordon, Jozsef Kovacs, Floyd Shotts, Terwyn Tomos and Nick Trost.

1st edition 2009; 23 pages

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Rachel Colombini & Aldo Colombini
Comedy Mind Reading Act by Rachel Colombini & Aldo Colombini

This is a serious ebook on comedy! A tremendous act that’s one scream of a laugh! Rachel and Aldo have obtained huge success with this comedy act. They performed the act for magic conventions where most of the audiences are composed of magicians, but they found out that the routine goes over great with lay audiences as well. They had so many requests about this act that they finally decided to put it in print. To keep the ebook as complete as possible, they have listed more gags and jokes that you can use.

1st edition 2009; 13 pages.

★★★★ $10
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Aldo Colombini
First Aid Lines by Aldo Colombini

The cure for hecklers and other problems. In this ebook you’ll find an incredible amount of funny lines (different from the other books) to use when those inevitable accidents happen. It’s not a question of IF it will happen; it's a question of WHEN it will happen. You face a heckler, you drop something, you make a mistake, you hear a noise off stage, a baby cries, etc., knowing exactly what to say at the appropriate moment will show the audience that you are a real professional. Hundreds of comedy one-liners to cover virtually every accident.

1st edition 2009; 20 pages.

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Aldo Colombini
Funny Stuff by Aldo Colombini

The second ebook on comedy with over 300 one-liners, jokes and bits of business. Keep the laughter coming with Aldo's follow-up book to Make 'Em Laugh. All different from the previous volume. Why not get both?

1st edition 2009; 11 pages.

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Aldo Colombini
Insults and Comebacks by Aldo Colombini

Yes, it’s here! Aldo's new comedy ebook is finally available. It contains hundreds of insults and comebacks for hecklers and every possible situation that may arise during a show. All one-liners are different from the previous books in this (now) famous comedy series. For magicians, comedians, you name it!

1st edition 2007; 13 pages.

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Aldo Colombini
Keep'em Laughing by Aldo Colombini

The success of my previous comedy books ‘almost’ forced me to collect another incredible bunch of one liners and other funny material. The best compliment I had regarding these publications came from Ed Eckl (co-publisher of Precursor magazine), who said, “In the 60’s we had Robert Orben providing comedy material, now we have Aldo Colombini.”

Robert Orben was and still is my ‘hero’ and my mentor even though we have never met; so the words assume an even greater meaning to me. Here’s the content: HILARIOUS ONE LINERS, IRONIC AND FUNNY GRAFFITI, SMART HECKLERS REMARKS, and...

★★★★★ $10
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Aldo Colombini
Laughing Out Loud by Aldo Colombini

Here’s the third volume of my comedy series that started with Make’ em Laugh and continued with Funny Stuff. Laughing Out Loud has over 500 one liners! I’m sure you will use these jokes either in your acts or simply among friends in informal situations and gatherings. No matter what, MAKE’ EM LAUGH using this FUNNY STUFF and you’ll leave them LAUGHING OUT LOUD!

1st edition 2009; 15 pages.

★★★★★ $10
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Aldo Colombini
Life Saver Lines by Aldo Colombini

An entertaining, fun-filled ebook written for anyone who wants to be a comedian! It contains:

The fifth book of the new amazing encyclopedia of humor!

1st edition 2009; 23 pages.

★★★★★ $10
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Aldo Colombini
Make'em Laugh by Aldo Colombini

Over 200 one-liners, jokes and bits of business for magicians, jugglers, MC's, etc. While you're knocking 'em dead with your magic, you might as well 'make em laugh' too!

1st edition 2007; 13 pages.

★★★★★ $10
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Aldo Colombini
Put Comedy In Your Magic by Aldo Colombini

This is a practical ebook on the art of writing comedy for your magic. Learn how to routine comedy and magic together and to keep your audiences entertained at all times.

This ebook is in two parts. The first section of the ebook will reveal to you a technique that will help you to create your own comedy patter to use in conjunction with your magic. It is a very enjoyable thing to do, as you will see, and, surprisingly, it is also very easy. The second part of the ebook is actually a bunch of one-liners and other comedy material that you can use to develop the ‘secret’ given to you in...

★★★★★ $10
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Aldo Colombini
Your Host For Tonight by Aldo Colombini

Finally, the long awaited ebook on how to MC is here! This is the professional MC’s handbook that teaches you how to be the perfect host for your show. It includes tips, funny bits of business and invaluable information. 30 years of experience all over the world condensed in dozens of pages full of advice. The importance of rehearsal, how to perfectly introduce the acts, know the acts, handle the end of the acts, how to manage... stage managers, sound and lights, don’t get trapped in the curtain, openings, stage standing ovations, intermissions, closing, curtain calls, life-saver lines,...

★★★★ $10
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Aldo Colombini
Card Trips by Aldo Colombini

This ebook on card magic contains 25 great new routines for close-up, walk-around, or just about anywhere. In this ebook you have a lot of card magic that will make you want to give up some time in front of the TV or some golf or soccer time.

1st edition 2009; 26 pages.

★★★★★ $10
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Aldo Colombini
Vortex: an incredible routine using two regular decks of cards by Aldo Colombini

A small ebook but what exciting contents! The routine uses just two regular decks of cards. Lewis Ganson on the pages of Magigram wrote,

"This is a really super 'Do as I do' routine. The routine starts in the classic way and then enlarges on the theme; the spectator and performer continuing to match cards from their respective decks until a whole series of apparent coincidences have occurred. The final display of matched cards is both amazing and spectacular."

The effect: A spectator freely selects a card from, say, a red-backed deck and the performer removes a card from a blue-backed deck. When turned...

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Aldo Colombini
To Die For by Aldo Colombini

Aldo's first ebook on cards and dice called Snake Eyes was a big hit. This is his second ebook on card and dice routines and contains most (if not all) of the routines included in his two DVDs Cards And Die Deceptions with many new ones and all different effects from the Snake Eyes ebook.

You are in possession of an outstanding collection of tricks and routines with dice and cards. Contributors include: Richard Vollmer, Gary Ouellett, Peter Duffie, Karl Fulves, Aldo Colombini, Paul Gordon, John Rule, John Scarne, Max Maven, Stewart James, Ed Andres, Shigeo Futagawa, Jerry Sadowitz, William Miesel, Doug Conn and Bill Simon.

1st edition 2009; 26 pages....

★★★★★ $10
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Aldo Colombini
Snake Eyes by Aldo Colombini

An ebook with stunning routines using ordinary dice and a deck of cards. These effects are ALL DIFFERENT from the routines in Aldo's two DVD volumes produced by Meir Yedid and called Card and Dice Deceptions.

Contributors include: Howard Adams, Charles Brent, Aldo Colombini, Tom Daugherty, Karl Fulves, Thomas Henry, Stewart James, Lewis Jones, Stewart Judah, Marty Kane, Harry Lorayne, Max Maven, Norm Osborn and Robin Robertson. You will love these routines.

1st edition 2006; 54 pages.

★★★★ $10
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Aldo Colombini
Tight Rope by Aldo Colombini

A unique rope routine with over 20 effects.

Here Aldo created a wonderful rope routine in eleven phases where rope is stretched, cut, restored, knotted and so forth:

  • Phase 1: Stretching the Ropes
  • Phase 2: Two Ropes Become One
  • Phase 3: The Rope With Four Ends
  • Phase 4: Cut And Restored Rope
  • Phase 5: A Rope With No Ends
  • Phase 6: A Knot In A Loop Mystery
  • Phase 7: The Ends Are Back
  • Phase 8: The Traveling Ends
  • Phase 9: The Vanishing Knot
  • Phase 10: Knotty Knots
  • Phase 11: Silk Off Rope

1st edition 2010; 15 pages.

★★★★★ $10
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Aldo Colombini
That'll Be The Day! by Aldo Colombini

20 new packet tricks. Packet tricks are always popular and here you have a great collection of routines from many experts in this field.


  • IMPACT (Roy Walton)
  • MORE AMAZEMENT (Luis Gavilondo)
  • A ROYAL SEPARATION (Francis Haxton)
  • HAMMAN FIVE CARD REPEAT (Stephen Tucker)
  • COME BACK QUEENS (Lin Searles)
  • SHORT WAVE (J.K. Hartman)
  • FIVE IN A ROW (Nick Trost)
  • ELMER'S WEDDING (Peter Duffie)
  • ACES & JACKS (Stewart Judah)
  • STRANGE SANDWICH (Aldo Colombini)
  • ALL RED (Sam Schwartz)
  • STENDARDO (Aldo Colombini)
  • OIL AND WATER (Stewart Judah) ...
★★★★ $10
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Aldo Colombini
Perpetual Calendar: Eight Routines Using Playing Cards and a Pocket Diary or Calendar by Aldo Colombini
  • Centrifugal Diary: Peter Duffie
  • Have a Date: Aldo Colombini
  • The Flexible Diary: Peter Duffie and Robin Robertson
  • The Diary of Expectation: Peter Duffie
  • Freedom Diary: Peter Duffie and Aldo Colombini
  • Versatile Diary: Peter Duffie, Aldo Colombini and Robin Robertson
  • Happy Birthday: Aldo Colombini
  • Zodiac Month: Aldo Colombini

1st edition 2009; 22 pages.

★★★★ $10
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Aldo Colombini
Professor's Math by Aldo Colombini

Here’s a unique handling for the “Professor’s Nightmare” rope routine that you’ll use in your act.


The magician cuts a length of rope into three pieces of different lengths; small, medium and long. The three pieces are stretched until they appear to be all the same length. The three pieces of rope are then tied together. The knots vanish and apparently the rope is fully restored. Until now the effect is a standard one. But wait…here comes the incredible finale! One knot is magically thrown back onto the rope then jumps away leaving the rope completely...

★★★★★ $10
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Rachel Colombini & Aldo Colombini
Here's Your Sign by Rachel Colombini & Aldo Colombini

Here you have a collection of comedy signs that you may use as an MC or as an entertaining funny spot for any act. Just select the ones you like, print them in cardstock (laminate them if you want so they last forever) and just present them to your audiences. We would not suggest that you use them all at once but just a few (seven or ten seems a fair number).

You get a total of 36 signs.

★★★★ $10
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Aldo Colombini & Peter Duffie & Robin Robertson
Killer Koncepts by Aldo Colombini & Peter Duffie & Robin Robertson

A Koncise Kollaborative Kompendium of Kommercial Killer Kount Kreations for Kontemporary Klose-up Kard Konjurors. Over 30 routines using Steve Beam’s Killer Count by Peter Duffie, Aldo Colombini and Robin Robertson. Four Ace tricks, cards across, mentalism, discoveries, spelling effects, comedy routines, a fantastic diary trick and much more.

1st edition 2009; 26 pages.

★★★★★ $10
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Aldo Colombini
Fun With Matches by Aldo Colombini

Over 70 puzzles, brain teasers, stunts and magic tricks with matches (or toothpicks or even straws). You will be the talk of the party. Keep your audiences occupied for hours. You need just a box of matches and you can do miracles.

1st edition 2007; 30 pages.

★★★★★ $10
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Aldo Colombini
Fireworks: 12 card revelation routine by Aldo Colombini

An amazing 12 card revelation routine. This routine is almost an entire act - you reveal 12 selected cards in an explosion of magic and with a crescendo demonstration of sleight-of-hand. A real "reputation maker"! Use any deck of cards.

1st edition 2004; 18 pages.

★★★ $10
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Aldo Colombini
Final Cut by Aldo Colombini

Twenty-five incredible impromptu routines performed with just a regular deck of cards (and, of course, all different from Aldo's other ebooks).

Contributors: Howard Adams, Gene Castillon, Aldo Colombini, Tom Daugherty, Ken de Courcy, Karl Fulves, Martin Gardner, Dougie Gibbard, Paul Gordon, J. K. Hartman, Tom Hubbard, Marty Kane, Werner Miller, André Robert, Lin Searles, Tom Sellers, Floyd Shotts, Stephen Tucker.

1st edition 2008; 18 pages.

★★★★★ $10
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Aldo Colombini
Easy Coins by Aldo Colombini

Coin magic is usually very difficult to perform, and requires sleight of hand and manipulation. In this ebook, you will find seven very strong coin routines requiring NO SLEIGHTS AT ALL and totally impromptu using ordinary coins. We predict you will never stop doing them. Although in the description Aldo use American coins, any coins from any country can be used and can be borrowed from the spectators.

1st edition 2008; 14 pages.

★★★ $10
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