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David Devlin
Sight Unseen by David Devlin

Sight Unseen will earn you a reputation. If you already have a reputation, it will make it bigger. The effects in this eBook contributed greatly in earning David Devlin his IBM Entertainer of the Year Award in 2003.

This eBook comes with two presentations and two methods for the same effect. The basic effect is that a deck is shuffled by spectators until they are content. The deck is spread face down. The spectator slips a joker face up into the deck anywhere she wishes. The second joker is placed face up above the face down card above the other joker, thus trapping a single unknown card...

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Stephen Ablett
Romantic Bar Magic Volume 1 by Stephen Ablett

This is a collection of romantic themed magic that can be performed at weddings, on valentine day or close-up at restaurants and bars to couples on a date. Many of the effects are suitable for parlour, as well as close-up and there are multiple live performances for all the tricks, filmed at Illusions Magic Bar before a full explanation.

Glass and Strawberry
A strawberry continually reappears under a glass then turns into a lime.

Key to my Heart
The spectators have to find the key to the magician's heart shaped lock.

Heart and Silk
A silk is produced, penetrates a solid metal heart...

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Stephen Ablett
Romantic Bar Magic Volume 2 by Stephen Ablett

More romantic themed magic that can be performed at weddings, on valentine day or close-up at restaurants and bars to couples on a date. Many of the effects are suitable for parlour, as well as close-up and there are multiple live performances for all the tricks, filmed at Illusions Magic Bar before a full explanation.

Gamble with my Heart
My version of five card repeat, with a surprise ending.

Card in Heart Balloon
A thought-of playing card appears inside a heart shaped balloon.

Wedding Thoughts
Two people think of two objects from a list, then you read their minds.

Heart String...

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Cameron Francis
Spell-Binder Part 3: effects from volume 2 by Cameron Francis


  • GETTING YOUR OWN BACK (Paul Brignall): A clever all backs routine with a surprise finish.
  • JUMPING JOKERS (Al Smith): A Joker Assembly with a backfire ending.
  • INTO THE THIRD DIMENSION (Stephen Tucker): A sponge ball is split into two halves. The halves jump from one hand to another and finally fuse back into one complete ball.
  • UNBEATABLE (David Britland): A card is selected, say the Two of Hearts, and lost in the deck. Two Jokers are removed from the deck and placed aside. The deck is spread and the spectator FREELY selects any card, which is then placed between the Jokers. The card turns out to be the...
★★★★ $10
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Cameron Francis
Spell-Binder Part 4: effects from volume 2 by Cameron Francis


  • FIRST TIME EVER (Stephen Tucker): Five black cards and one red card are shown. The red card is placed on the table but reappears in the packet. This happens several times. In the end, all of the cards are shown to be black.
  • CYCLE (Paul Spencer): An off-beat rising card, card to card case effect.
  • ACE MBLEY (David Britland): A beautiful ace assembly routine.
  • GOLDMINE (Roger Curzon): Three coins are produced from thin air.
  • DISCOVER (Bill Worsley): Bill's excellent Biddle trick variation.
  • PRI-MAGE (Derek Robbins): A selection and its mate transpose.
  • ANATOMY (Stephen Tucker and Paul Brignal): An easy to make gaffed deck...
★★★★★ $10
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Cameron Francis
The Gen: 10 effects from volume 4 by Cameron Francis


  • ONE GOOD TURN (Al Koran) - A card is selected and replaced. A spectator, while the deck is behind his back, takes one card from the middle and reverses it. It is the selected card.
  • ZOMBIE CARD RISE (Eddie Ward) - A very clever floating card under handkerchief. No gimmicks. Everything can be examined.
  • FOLLOW MY LEADER (Ed Marlo) - A very easy to do Follow The Leader routine using ten red and ten black cards.
  • KNOT ON THE CORNER (Tom Sellers) - A knot appears on the corner of a handkerchief.
  • THE SLIP CUT EFFECT (Ed Marlo) - A selected card keeps appearing face up on top of the face down deck. You'll...
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Cameron Francis
Club 71: 10 effects from volume 4 by Cameron Francis


  • TWO TIMES TEN CARD TRICK (Simon Lovell) - A super fair packet effect where a spectator's freely selected card is found in an impossible manner.
  • WHAT'S IN A NAME (Arun Bonerjee) - A freeely selected card is discovered using the letters of a spectator's name.
  • YCLIPT (Max Maven) - A paperclip disappears and reappears on a freely selected card.
  • SIGNED TRANSPO IN TRIPLICATE (Justin Higham) - An excellent variaiton of Bro. John Hamman's "Signed Transverse Triplet". Two cards (can be signed) change places among four Kings... three times.
  • A SUIT IN COURT (Solyl Kundu) - A B'Wave type effect using normal cards. ...
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Ricardo Marré
Numismagia Volumen 1 by Ricardo Marré

Enciclopedia recopilatoria de las técnicas, pases y manipulaciones, a emplear en la magia con monedas. Ordenadas por materias, y con algunos efectos para su aplicación y práctica. Completos índices para facilitar la búsqueda del pase requerido.

Volumen 1:

  • Introducción.
  • Pequeño léxico para la magia con monedas.
  • I. Ocultaciones (13).
  • II. Desapariciones (50).
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Ricardo Marré
Numismagia Volumen 2 by Ricardo Marré

Enciclopedia recopilatoria de las técnicas, pases y manipulaciones, a emplear en la magia con monedas. Ordenadas por materias, y con algunos efectos para su aplicación y práctica. Completos índices para facilitar la búsqueda del pase requerido.

Volumen 2:

  • III. Desapariciones completas (17).
  • IV. Desapariciones en papel plegado (5).
  • V. Desaparición por enmangue (17).
  • VI. Producciones de monedas y reapariciones (14).
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Ricardo Marré
Numismagia Volumen 3 by Ricardo Marré

Enciclopedia recopilatoria de las técnicas, pases y manipulaciones, a emplear en la magia con monedas. Ordenadas por materias, y con algunos efectos para su aplicación y práctica. Completos índices para facilitar la búsqueda del pase requerido.

Volumen 3:

  • VII. Cambios de monedas (28).
  • VIII. Volteos y falsas vueltas (13).
  • IX. Florituras (7).
  • Indices acumulados de los tres tomos.
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Ricardo Marré
Técnica Cartomágica Volumen 1 by Ricardo Marré

Volumen 1: Referencias 1 a 83

Enciclopedia recopilatoria de las técnicas utilizadas en magia con cartas, desde las más antiguas a las más modernas. Seis volúmenes, con un total de 343 técnicas. Unos completos índices, por nombre y por materias facilitan la búsqueda del sistema, el pase o manipulación requerida. No se explican efectos, sino únicamente las técnicas empleadas para su presentación (evitando así el engorroso no saber qué hacer cuando en la descripción de un truco se dice: realiza el pase tal o cual).

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Ricardo Marré
Técnica Cartomágica Volumen 2 by Ricardo Marré

Volumen 2: Referencias 84 a 161

Enciclopedia recopilatoria de las técnicas utilizadas en magia con cartas, desde las más antiguas a las más modernas. Seis volúmenes, con un total de 343 técnicas. Unos completos índices, por nombre y por materias facilitan la búsqueda del sistema, el pase o manipulación requerida. No se explican efectos, sino únicamente las técnicas empleadas para su presentación (evitando así el engorroso no saber qué hacer cuando en la descripción de un truco se dice: realiza el pase tal o cual).

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Ricardo Marré
Técnica Cartomágica Volumen 3 by Ricardo Marré

Volumen 3: Referencias 162 a 222

Enciclopedia recopilatoria de las técnicas utilizadas en magia con cartas, desde las más antiguas a las más modernas. Seis volúmenes, con un total de 343 técnicas. Unos completos índices, por nombre y por materias facilitan la búsqueda del sistema, el pase o manipulación requerida. No se explican efectos, sino únicamente las técnicas empleadas para su presentación (evitando así el engorroso no saber qué hacer cuando en la descripción de un truco se dice: realiza el pase tal o cual).

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Ricardo Marré
Técnica Cartomágica Volumen 4 by Ricardo Marré

Volumen 4: Referencias 223 a 271

Enciclopedia recopilatoria de las técnicas utilizadas en magia con cartas, desde las más antiguas a las más modernas. Seis volúmenes, con un total de 343 técnicas. Unos completos índices, por nombre y por materias facilitan la búsqueda del sistema, el pase o manipulación requerida. No se explican efectos, sino únicamente las técnicas empleadas para su presentación (evitando así el engorroso no saber qué hacer cuando en la descripción de un truco se dice: realiza el pase tal o cual).

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Ricardo Marré
Técnica Cartomágica Volumen 5 by Ricardo Marré

Volumen 5: Referencias 272 a 343

Enciclopedia recopilatoria de las técnicas utilizadas en magia con cartas, desde las más antiguas a las más modernas. Seis volúmenes, con un total de 343 técnicas. Unos completos índices, por nombre y por materias facilitan la búsqueda del sistema, el pase o manipulación requerida. No se explican efectos, sino únicamente las técnicas empleadas para su presentación (evitando así el engorroso no saber qué hacer cuando en la descripción de un truco se dice: realiza el pase tal o cual).

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Ricardo Marré
Técnica Cartomágica Volumen 6 by Ricardo Marré

Volumen 6: Referencias 344 a 420

Enciclopedia recopilatoria de las técnicas utilizadas en magia con cartas, desde las más antiguas a las más modernas. Seis volúmenes, con un total de 343 técnicas. Unos completos índices, por nombre y por materias facilitan la búsqueda del sistema, el pase o manipulación requerida. No se explican efectos, sino únicamente las técnicas empleadas para su presentación (evitando así el engorroso no saber qué hacer cuando en la descripción de un truco se dice: realiza el pase tal o cual).

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David Devlin
Theoretical Reality by David Devlin

This is a very in depth work on The Gozinta Boxes. This is not just a little eBook that teaches a single effect. It is a book on theories, philosophies, and thoughts on the effect; however, the thoughts on the effect itself that David discusses can be applied to all magic. This eBook really lets you in on the mind of David Devlin, how he thinks, how he puts routines together, and his feelings about magic as an art and the performance of magic. So, even if you do not use the illusion that is discussed you will learn ways of creating and improving routines of your own. The effect of the Gozinta...

★★★★ $10
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Cameron Francis
Bound Ambition by Cameron Francis

"The change blew me away!" - John Gelasi

"I have no idea how it works! Really good stuff!" - Liam Montier

An incredibly visual, high-impact, in-your-face Ambitious Card ending.

A signed card suddenly appears on the card case - under a piece of electrical tape! Easy to do, and generates powerful reactions.

Simple to make gimmick - you probably have everything you need laying around the house already.

Gimmick can easily be transferred to another card box.

Get ready to amaze: buy Bound Ambition today.

1st edition 2014, length 25 min.

★★★★★ $10
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Mystic Alexandre
Side Stebbin by Mystic Alexandre

Resolving the alternating color issue of the Si Stebbins stack

You can now use the easy Si Stebbins stack without guilt. The alternating color issue has been resolved. Use it with confidence. Continue to perform every effect you already perform with the Si Stebbins stack, with the alternating black/red color issue resolved.

Included in this updated PDF Alexandre's closely guarded presentation/effect using this stack (or any stack for that matter!) "MENTAL STEBBIN - The Predictive Physiological Anticipation Effect".

This was one of my first offerings to the Magic and Mentalism community...

★★★★★ $10
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Steve Sanders
Recycled Stebbins by Steve Sanders

We all think we know the Si Stebbins Stack, so did I, until I dug a bit deeper. This publication describes the stack used by Si Stebbins himself and it's not the old favourite that we all know and love.

Not just a one-trick pony, a deck of cards set up in the Si Stebbins System can be used to build a complete card routine, consisting of many different card effects. Six such effects are described and explained in this text. Also included is a simple diary or planner with a named card at every date, which can be used in the "Planner Ahead" effect.

Plus you get a new, 'low maintenance' method...

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Paul A. Lelekis
A Topological Trio by Paul A. Lelekis


1) There have been many, many ways to perform the Torn & Restored Card over the years, but Paul Lelekis has created a brilliant, brand new version!

Imagine removing a single card from the deck, with empty hands and then, VERY OPENLY, tearing it in half (without ANY cover at all) and then restore it into a single playing card. You then sign the card and hand it out as a souvenir - with absolutely NO clues.

There are NO extra pieces of card to add, NO duplicate cards (except for the construction of the gimmick), NO additions, NO awkward moves,...

★★★★ $10
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Ray Noble
Brother Can You Spare a Dime by Ray Noble

This routine uses 4 coins and a borrowed paper bill. Three of the coins are the same style while the 4th is different. Ray uses three silver coins and one gold colored coin when he performs this routine. The odd coin (gold) is laid on the close up mat and a bill is placed over it. Next the magic starts to happen without any clue as to how it is being done. One by one the other three coins are picked up and vanish from your hand and travel beneath the bill. Each time, the spectator picks up the bill to find the traveled coin. The first coin vanish is so complete there is shock and awe on the...

★★★★★ $10
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Cameron Francis
Flat Pack by Cameron Francis

"Flat Pack packs quite a punch!" - Stephen Tucker

"Flat Pack is cool as Ice. Love it!" - Tony Chris

Inspired by David Regal's "Sudden Deck" and Stephen Tucker's "Tardis Deck".

You display an unfolded card box, and clearly show it inside and out. You then proceed to fold it up, snap your fingers and slide a full deck of cards out of the box! It's that simple. It's that effective.

Flat Pack is great for close-up as well as stand-up work. It's super easy to make, and the angles are great.

1st edition 2014, length 20 min.

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Cameron Francis
Vivid by Cameron Francis

"Brilliant T&R! One of the best I've seen!" - Tony Chris

"Vivid is the strangest T&R card routine I've ever seen!" - Stephen Tucker

Introducing a wild test of a spectator's imagination...

A card is selected - say, the King of Hearts - and placed inside the card box. A second card - say, the Five of Spades - is then selected and lost in the deck (really, it's completely lost!). You ask your spectator to imagine that she's tearing off a corner of the King of Hearts. You then ask her to imagine taping that corner to the back of the Five of Spades. The magician removes the King from the box...only...

★★★★★ $10
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