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Borodin & Bill Palmer MIMC
Sheherazade by Borodin & Bill Palmer MIMC

Punx considered Borodin (Ulf Bolling) his best student, who had a gift weaving storytelling and magic into one coherent and mesmerizing unit. This work has received numerous accolades including from Ted Lesley who wrote:

"Believe me friends, it is a wonderful book. The first trick in it is alone worth 10 times more, as you have to pay for it. I recommend it highly!!!!

Sheherazade is not a magic book. Sheherazade is also not a story book. Sheherazade is the successful synthesis of the two. This ebook contains extremely refined routines which are easy to perform. They are dressed up in artistic presentations...

★★★★★ $49.50
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Jon Racherbaumer
The Legendary Kabbala (1971-1981) by Jon Racherbaumer

The meaning of Kabbala, translated from Hebrew, means something received and handed down. This definition resonates. Knowledge of magic, after all, is handed down from generation to generation, from magician to magician, and from teacher to disciple. Prior to xerography and personal computers, most magical knowledge was transmitted in this primitive, semi-private, and intimate means. Word-of-mouth reigned supreme and to a certain extent still does.

The magic scene in the Seventies was a blooming, buzzing place, atwitter with contentiousness and creativity. Close-up magic, particularly with...

★★★★★ $49.50
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Carl Willmann
Zauberwelt alle Jahrgänge (1895 - 1904) by Carl Willmann

Die Zauberwelt war die erste Deutsche Zauberzeitschrift. Es war eine ausgezeichnete Publikation. Der Inhalt spannt einen großen Bogen der Zauberkunst von Tricks mit Karten, Münzen und Billardbällen, über Apparaturen und mechanische Tricks, Illusionen, Tricks mit Blumen, Tüchern und Fahnen, bis hin zu mentalen und spiritistischen Routinen. Sogar Chapography, Gesellschaftsscherze und Spiele findet man. Es werden auch Leserbriefe und Anfragen abgedruckt.

Besonders hervorheben sollte man die vielteilige Kartenschule die sich über mehrere Jahrgänge zieht. Es finden sich auch Routinen und...

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Wilford Hutchinson
Conjurers Chronicle by Wilford Hutchinson

This house organ ran from May 1919 until February 1940. Each issue had 8 pages and was mostly filled with ads for items Hutchinson retailed. However most issues also included a trick contribution or effect (see below for the list of contents). The most interesting contribution is Graham Adams' Card Work, a series of his favorite effects, moves and in particular his take and fondness of Erdnase.

  • Volume 1
    • The Evolution of the Flags / Wilford Hutchinson
    • The "C.H." Sympathetic Blocks / Cecil Heygate
    • The Mysterious Glass Frames (stage illusion) / B. Wayre
    • The "Flu" Trick / Jas. H. Smith (The Naval...
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Alfred Czernewitz
Zauberreport alle Jahrgänge (1992 - 2001) by Alfred Czernewitz

Für zehn Jahre hat Alfred Czernewitz berichtet was sich speziell in der Deutschen Zauberszene getan hat. Nachrichten, Lehrmaterial und Tricks finden sich alle in dieser Zeitschrift.

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Peter Wilker
Magische Blätter by Peter Wilker

Die Magischen Blätter ist eine hervorragende Zauberfachzeitschrift die sich exklusiv auf Tricks konzentriert. Sie werden keine Werbungen, Nachrichten, oder sonstige Plaudereien finden. Jeder Trick ist ausgesucht, erprobt, und durchgearbeitet. Es werden auch einige Tricks aus der Jinx herangezogen und teilweise in neuen Variationen präsentiert. Da von dieser Zeitschrift nur 100 Kopien angefertigt wurden werden die meisten sie nicht kennen. Mit dieser digitalen Ausgabe haben Sie die Möglichkeit die Geheimnisse dieser Fachzeitschrift zu erkunden.

  • NUMMER 0 (1986)
    • Immer Dieses Bier
    • Der Trostpreis ...
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Edward Bagshawe
The Magical Monthly by Edward Bagshawe

Edward Bagshawe was a very creative and innovative English magician. The Magical Monthly ran from October 1923 until September 1926 (Volume 3, No. 13), more than 600 pages strong. From the foreword to the new magazine:

In presenting for your delectation the first issue of The Magical Monthly, a few words regarding our aims and policy may not be out of place.

The publication will be an absolutely independent one; our sole aim in presenting it is to offer, for professional and amateur magicians alike, an up-to-date and promptly issued magical magazine, devoted exclusively to their interests....

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(Benny) Ben Harris
Run Silent Run Deep by (Benny) Ben Harris

If bought together with Silent Running you will receive an instant $5 bundle discount. (Also applies to all who bought Silent Running from us before. Make sure to FIRST login to your customer account and then add it to your shopping cart. Otherwise you will not receive the loyalty discount.)

Run Silent, Run Deep is the highly anticipated sequel to the controversial book, Silent Running (which created such a storm of interest in early 2010). This clever approach to the "Think of a Card" plot gained immediate acceptance with mentalists around the world (being translated into Japanese, Spanish and German editions), yet...

★★★★ $49.95
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Percy Abbott
Tops all Volumes 1-22 (1936-1957) by Percy Abbott

Tops was the house organ of the Abbott Magic & Novelty Co. Percy Abbott, the company founder and owner, served as the magazine's first editor as well as publisher. In 1940, Howard "Mel" Melson, Abbott's staff artist, began editing Tops, and continued doing so until his death in 1957, when the magazine ceased publication. It was succeeded in 1961 by The New Tops.

★★★★ $49.95
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Michael J. Fraughton
The Dark Waltz by Michael J. Fraughton

Michael J. Fraughton's material has been difficult to find—until now. For many years The Dark Waltz, a text on the fine art of Bizarre Magic, has rested within the ownership of L&L Publishing. Now, it is available at last. Within its pages you will find many of Michael’s signature routines like 'The Dorian Hand of Glory' and 'The Phantom Violinist'.

It has taken time, but at last Michael has opened his world to you. Welcome to the dark side of illusion.

Michael J. Fraughton is being recognized as one of the foremost up and coming Bizarre magicians. This is his full show, along with...

★★★★ $50
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Barton Whaley
Encyclopedic Dictionary of Magic by Barton Whaley

This is a new edition of the famous and unique magic dictionary by Bart Whaley. Bart has continued to correct entries in this dictionary until the present. We have converted everything to PDF and added bookmarks for each entry in the dictionary as well as inserted thousands of hyperlinked cross-references to make browsing and using this dictionary as convenient as possible.

There is simply no other such encyclopedia. Some have tried but nobody has achieved what Bart Whaley has. The depth and breadth is mind boggling. Almost 4000 terms are described. This is the absolute must have magic desk...

★★★★ $50
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Bob Cassidy
Mind Razor by Bob Cassidy

Bob wrote: "Too many of the secrets of our art have become useless because of widespread exposure in the media. It is only via limited releases that I feel I can contribute to the art while not unwittingly prostituting it."

Since Lybrary purchased the copyrights to this ebook we will honor the limited edition to protect past and future customers.


A spectator writes a word, a question, or draws a picture on a card-stock billet. (No impression device is used and the mentalist's back may be turned while the spectator writes her thought.) She drops the billet into an ordinary sugar...

★★★★★ $50
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Paul Romhany
Laugh Yourself Well by Paul Romhany

This is the 2nd book in a series of books Paul has in his package called 'Magician To Speaker'. (The first one was Key Note Speaking for Magicians). If you are considering becoming a key-note speaker or after dinner speaker then you will need this ebook. It is full of research, tips, advice and includes 150 ways you can add humor to the workplace or your life. It is full of examples that you can pass on to others during your key note address.

This ebook goes in to detail on how to bring humor to the workplace. For any magician who wants to get in to motivational speaking then this ebook is a must. It contains years of...

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Dale A. Hildebrandt
Lunarcy by Dale A. Hildebrandt

The author, publisher, editor, and/or seller of this ebook and anyone else connected to this ebook in any way, shape, or manner, shall not be responsible for your use or misuse of the information in Lunarcy. This leaves you as the sole person responsible for your use or misuse of this information.

  • Control Minds
  • Control Skies
  • Dominate the World - If you dare!

"Dale Hildebrandt has produced a real gem with 'Lunarcy.' His ideas are outside the box, solid, workable and well worth your serious attention. I particularly enjoyed his work on the Cube and "Alien Amazement." This...

★★★★ $50
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Barton Whaley
Who's Who In Magic by Barton Whaley

New updated edition.

This biographical guide lists over 5,500 men and women associated with the art of conjuring from earliest recorded times to the present: performers, inventors, writers, teachers, dealers, manufacturers, publishers, collectors, historians, and showmen of magic. Several are included from the so-called allied arts of magic. Thus it gives those whose deceptions or careers directly influenced magicians, such as pseudo-psychics and card sharps; and those who share many deceptive methods with magicians, such as escapologists, mentalists, and stage pickpockets and hypnotists....

★★★★ $50
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Bob Cassidy
Unified Remote Viewing: A Fly on the Wall by Bob Cassidy

URV is a remote viewing presentation involving complete audience participation. In a series of tests replicating actual remote viewing experiments the audience is able, under what appear to be strictly controlled conditions, to perform amazing accurate remote viewings of hidden target photographs.

Such effects are rare in mentalism and have an extremely powerful impact. They not only provide a unique experience for any intelligent audience but serve to greatly enhance the mentalist's credibility.

Two versions of the routine are described. One is designed for use with a single participant...

★★★★★ $50
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Bob Cassidy
Puzzled by Bob Cassidy


The method used in Puzzled is completely original with Bob Cassidy. It is based on an "out-of-left-field logical disconnect" that will positively fool anyone who sees it.

The premise of the effect was created by the late English mentalist, Romark, back in the 1970's. A few years ago there was a minor hissy fit in the magic world about the creation and ownership of a jigsaw puzzle effect involving an image of the Mona Lisa. (But apart from the fact that the effect used a jigsawed version of...

★★★★★ $50
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Bob Cassidy
The Heathen Devices by Bob Cassidy

Bob Cassidy teaches a three part routine where each part's method cancels the other to leave the audience without a clue to how this is possible. One of the methods used is an adaptation of a Royal Heath idea. Thus the name of this ebook. The methods are very general and can be adopted to many personalized and customized routines.

"I believe that The Heathen Devices are my greatest contribution to close-up mentalism." - Bob Cassidy

Here are just a few of the limitless applications made possible by the Heathen techniques and devices:

A spectator is handed several dice - anywhere from...

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Orville Wayne Meyer
Magic in the Modern Manner by Orville Wayne Meyer

This is a work most will not be familiar with. Many will dismiss it with 'another old magic book'. But those in the know have carefully studied it and hold it dear as one of the most valuable books for a working professional magician.

It is the original and the only one of four places where Annemann's bullet catch is described, because it was Orville Meyer who supplied Annemann with the method. All the three other places where this is described are out of print and hard to impossible to find.

And now this lost Orville Meyer gem has been made even more valuable by extensive annotations and a new...

★★★★★ $50
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Philemon Vanderbeck
The Supplemental OORT by Philemon Vanderbeck

A continuation of the original volume, The Collected OORT, The Supplemental OORT continues its exploration of the subject of cold reading through 19 more essays by such authors as; Craig Browning, R. Lee Davis, Ian Fabian, Alain Gesbert, Brother Shadow, William Thomas, Philemon Vanderbeck, A. E. Waite, Larry White and Jon Why.

Contents include:

    • Victoria’s Secret
    • The French Method
    • The Path of Roodmas
    • Maternal Bibliomancy
    • Modern Arcana
    • Over The Rainbow
    • The Prolix Spirit Revisited
    • A Wicked Pack of Cards
    • Or Would You Rather Be A Pig?
    • Tricks of the Trade
    • Oneiromancy
    • Lines of Thought ...
★★★ $50
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Gift Card $50 by

This gift card is valid for any purchase at Only one gift card per order can be redeemed. After purchasing a gift card you can email the gift card code to the person whom you want to present this gift. They will be able to redeem the gift card with this code in the shopping cart. The gift card can be used all at once or piece by piece for smaller purchases.

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Bob Cassidy
The Wadcutter Catch by Bob Cassidy

Warning: Performing a Bullet Catch or Russian Roulette type of effect is extremely dangerous. Several people have died attempting such stunts. If you use any information from this ebook you are voluntarily and free willingly taking on any liability and risks to your, your helper's and your audience's well being.

It is one thing to read about such stunts. It is entirely different to actually do them. If you want our advice: Don't do them!

Bob Cassidy is a professional performer who has practiced and performed these type of effects and stunts for many years. In this ebook he shares his advice...

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Bob Cassidy
The Messing Effect by Bob Cassidy

Wolf Messing (1899 -1974) is often said to have been the most talented mind reader in the world. A native of Poland, Messing moved to Russia just prior to the outbreak of World War II. His decision to emigrate followed a performance, during which he predicted that Germany would be defeated and Hitler would die if Poland were invaded. Hitler, a devout believer in psychic phenomena, showed his appreciation for Messing's psychic gifts by placing a bounty of 200,000 marks on his head. After the war he worked for many years as a performer, and it has been suggested that he was one of Josef Stalin's...

★★★★★ $50
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Dr. Bill Cushman
Subliminal Squares by Dr. Bill Cushman

This isn't your grandpa's magic square!

Dr. Bill originally released Subliminal Square as an alternative to the traditional instant magic square plot. Instead of the mentalist rapidly completing the square with a number provided by an audience member, using a Subliminal Square he rapidly implants a number into the subconscious mind of an audience member!

This innovation in mentalism was first seen in Banachek's Psychological Subtleties 2 and received wide critical acclaim and near instant classic status. It quickly became a staple in the repertoires of many working pros.


★★★★★ $50
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