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Mentalism & Spiritism Cards Magazines & Journals with Demo Video DIY, Makers & Builders DVD (download+stream) Books (printed) Video clips (download) Theory, Articles & Reviews for Beginners Coins, Chips & Buttons Illusions, Escape & Stage Biographies & History in German (Deutsch) Marketing, Selling & Business Matters Audio Balls, Eggs, Dice & Cups Memory & Mnemonics Paper & Paper Money Science & Math Tricks Ropes, Ribbons, Strings & Reels Comedy Magic Compilations Patter, Plots & Scripts Physical (Non-Digital) Tricks & Gimmicks in Italian (italiano) Kids & Children Hypnosis & NLP Rings Cigarettes, Candles, Matches & Fire Phone, Apps & eTricks Liquids, Chemicals & Bottles Published 1800-1899 DVD & Video (disc) Silks & Flags Hands, Fingers & Body Thimbles Catalogs Chapeaugraphy Published before 1800 Ventriloquism Instruction Sheets in French (français) Second Hand in Spanish (español) Animals Gospel Magic Gift Cards & Donations Pickpocket Fiction for Resellers Free in Japanese (日本の)


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Zauberkunst Verlag
Zauberkunst alle Jahrgänge (1955 - 2007) by Zauberkunst Verlag

Die Zauberkunst erschien vom Juli 1955 bis 2007 in der Deutschen Demokratischen Republik. Es war ursprünglich eine Idee des Magischen Zirkels Saalfeld unter der Leitung von Dr. Hans-Gerhard Stumpf.

Die Zauberkunst war eine ausgezeichnete Zauberzeitschrift die nach dem Zerfall der DDR von Manfred Scholtyssek im Privatverlag weitergefuehrt wurde. Nach dem Tod von Scholtyssek gab es leider niemanden der die Zauberkunst weiterführen konnte.

Da Ostdeutschland für viele Jahre wenig Austausch und Zugang zum Westen hatte finden sich in dieser Zeitschrift oft einzigartige neue Lösungen die...

★★★★★ $199.50
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(Benny) Ben Harris
Monsterbox #4: Cards, Cards, Cards by (Benny) Ben Harris


The EBOOKS in MONSTERBOX #4 cover a wide range of CARD MAGIC and CARD SLEIGHTS. Ben has created several original effects, plots and methods that have added to the vocabulary of the card magician's art. Sleights like SUPERFIP and FANDANGO are used by today's leading card workers. Harris also created the INVERSION plot and his TORN & RESTORED CARD (Hoodwink) is considered a classic, as is his handling of OIL & WATER. Works like XRAY, CROSSROADS and SILENT RUNNING have also been embraced by workers the world over!

MONSTERBOXES are simply the best...

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Al Mann
The Purloined Thought by Al Mann

This is the best and most exhaustive work on billets. It is a treatise on the history, methodology and technique on the use of torn billets in the mentalist’s art of thought reading. It starts with an in depth study of the history and evolution of the Center Tear and goes on to detail more work on billets than you could use in a lifetime. The Thirteen Chapters are:

  • Initium
  • Blue Ribbon Effects
  • Facts
  • Prophesy
  • Qanda Central
  • The Covert Tear
  • Tear And Read Methods
  • The Young Lions
  • Pyramid Power
  • Sans Tear Methods
  • Pre-Torn Missives
  • Sealed Messages
  • The Day Of The Sit-Tores ...
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Magicseen Half Page Ad by

You will get a half color page of advertisement in the next issue of magicseen.

  • Your ad will appear both in the US edition as well as in the UK edition. (Even though they are printed in two locations they are identical in contents.)
  • Your ad will be hyperlinked to your website in the digital edition. (A single click will take the reader to your product page or website. It is the most direct way to connect an ad to sales.)

Issues typically appear March, May, July, September, November, January. Artwork deadline is one month in advance. This means 1st of February for the March issue, 1st...

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inside page

John Philip Quinn
Fools of Fortune (hardcover) by John Philip Quinn

This is an 1892 edition in good condition.

The original description read:

A history of the vice in ancient and modern times, and in both hemispheres; an exposition of its alarming prevalence and destructive effects; with an unreserved and exhaustive disclosure of such frauds, tricks and devices as are practiced by "professional" gamblers, "confidence men" and "bunko steerers."

This is a massive tome on gambling, the largest one at that time, describing gambling locations, games, scams, fraud and how they are operated, as well as many personal stories from the author. Makes for fascinating...

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PEA: Psychic Entertainers Association
Vibrations issues volume 20, 21 (used) by PEA: Psychic Entertainers Association

Note: I would prefer to sell this lot to a PEA member, because their magazine is for members only. However, after several years of repeatedly offering this lot to the PEA and to individual members nobody showed any interest regardless of price. Therefore I am opening it up to anybody interested be it a member of the PEA or not.

These issues were previously owned by Al Mann who was a member of the PEA. Issues are in excellent condition. The lot includes:

  • Volume 20: Numbers 7, 8, 9, 10, 12
  • Volume 21: Numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 (misnumbered as 6), 6, 7, 8, 9, 11
  • Bylaws 1998
  • PEA posters order form ...
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David Britland
Parallax: a topological miracle (used) by David Britland

Softcover stapled booklet in excellent condition (like new). Included is a jumbo-sized version of the prepared card. Also included is a letter by Martin Breese to the Filofax company and a Filofax brochure. Martin pitched them on selling FiloTrix, magic tricks which fit into the Filofax clear pockets, and are sold wherever Filofax is being sold. Parallax should have been the first such trick.

To my knowledge, this FiloTrix idea was never realized. However, it is a nice example of Martin's business sense and constant exploration of business opportunities. A unique association piece for collectors....

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Lubor Fiedler & Chris Wasshuber
Gozinta Boxes Revisited Prototype by Lubor Fiedler & Chris Wasshuber

Collector alert! Since this is a prototype, there is only one of it available.

This was a prototype for the Gozinta Boxes Revisited, an improved version of Lubor Fiedler's ingenious invention. This prototype is slightly larger than the final version and the transparent box has thicker walls. Otherwise, it is the same, 3D-printed magic trick.

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Richard Kaufman
Genii: The Conjurors' Magazine: Volumes 1 - 75 (1936 - 2012) by Richard Kaufman

For the first time in history, you can own all the back issues of the longest running magic periodical in history: Genii, The Conjurors' Magazine. Available only in a complete file from volume 1 (starting with the first issue in September 1936) to volume 75 (ending December 2012), these 55,000 pages contain thousands of tricks, illusions, articles, reviews, and much more. There is no resource in the history of magic as worthwhile as Genii. It is available either as a download or on a flash drive (coming soon) and is in full color, printable and text searchable.

You will receive 75 PDF files,...

★★★★★ $249
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(on USB flash)

Gaetan Bloom & Chris Wasshuber
Bloom Miracle Poker Machine by Gaetan Bloom & Chris Wasshuber

This is a completely new and improved implementation of the famous Al Stanger Miracle Poker Machine. It is based on Gaetan Bloom's superior routine for this miracle. The first phase of the Bloom routine is now customizable and requires zero mental work - an improvement to an already astonishingly clean and clever and easy to perform routine.

Here is a brief outline of the effect: A spectator selects 5 cards from a regular deck of cards. (The deck is not gimmicked in any way and can be a borrowed one.) Four of these cards are entered by the spectator into the Miracle Poker Machine. A fifth...

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gadget & PDF

Dale A. Hildebrandt
Hildebrandt on Package Deal by Dale A. Hildebrandt

This package deal includes all ebooks Dale has currently listed on

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Charly Eperny
Merkbuch by Charly Eperny

Das persöhnliche Merkbuch von Charly Eperny vom Jahre 1961. Wärend dieser Zeit lebte Eperny in Wien. In mehr als 250 Seiten mit handschriftlichen Aufzeichnungen in Wort und Bild finden sie die schönsten und verwunderlichsten Zaubereien beschrieben.

Obwohl Eperny im allgemeinen sehr schön und sorgfälltig geschrieben hat wird der Text für die jüngere Generation wahrscheinlich schwer zu lesen sein.

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Luis Zingone
Zingone's Recorded Card Tricks (used) by Luis Zingone

These three 78 rpm records with instructions come in a beautiful hardcover folder. Everything is in very good condition. Even the instructions are the original instructions. Zingone teaches six card tricks. These records were released in 1939.

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Ted Annemann & Victor Farelli
202 Methods of Forcing - with Victor Farelli Notes (used) by Ted Annemann & Victor Farelli

This copy was Victor Farelli's own copy of Annemann's 202 Methods of Forcing and features Farelli's handwritten notes. Also included is a tipped-in sheet: The Master's Touch by Annemann with a handwritten dedication by Annemann dated 4-6-29. This makes it a unique association copy.

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Edward Bagshawe
The Magical Monthly (used) by Edward Bagshawe

A complete file of Magical Monthly by Bagshawe. The issues are only clamped into a black compression folder. The issues are in good condition. There is some moderate bumping and soiling of the later issues. For the content see the digital edition.

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Eckhard Böttcher
Zauber Butike Routinensammlung Komplett by Eckhard Böttcher

Eckhard Böttcher hat über die Jahrzehnte mehr als 1000 Tricks und Effekte über seine Zauber Butike Firma vertrieben. Jeder Trick wurde detailiert beschrieben und oft mit seitenlangen Anleitungen ausgeliefert. Diese Anleitungen beinhalten wunderschöne Routinen - oft Eigenkreationen von Eckhard Böttcher, Tips, Illustrationen, Fotos und manchmal sogar lange Literaturverzeichnisse. Diese Sammlung beinhaltet alle mehr als 1000 Routinen die wir gefunden haben.

Bitte beachten Sie dass Sie nur die Anleitungen bekommen und nicht die Gimmicks oder Apparate. Vielleicht fehlt Ihnen nur die Anleitung,...

★★★★★ $299
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Magicseen Full Page Ad by

You will get a full color page of advertisement in the next issue of magicseen. (If you contract a page ad for 3 issues or more we offer a 10% discount. Please email for details.)

  • Your ad will appear both in the US edition as well as in the UK edition. (Even though they are printed in two locations they are identical in contents, both editorial contents and ads.)
  • Your ad will be hyperlinked to your website in the digital edition. (A single click will take the reader to your product page or website. It is the most direct way to connect an ad to sales.)
  • You will receive 20 copies of the printed...
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inside page

Alexander de Cova
Burners: alle 6 Bände by Alexander de Cova

Alexander de Cova zählt seit vielen Jahren zu den innovativsten Zauberern im deutschsprachigen Raum. In jedem dieser sechs Bände sind viele Tricks und Ideen beschrieben, die er sich die letzten 15 Jahre ausgedacht hat. Das Material ist in der Praxis entstanden und hat sich in unzähligen Vorführungen bewährt. Viele professionelle Künstler haben seine Kunststücke bereits fest in ihr Repertoir eingebaut.

Die Methoden der Kunststücke sind so einfach wie möglich gehalten, damit Komplikationen bei der Vorführung vermieden werden. Der Schwierigkeitsgrad wurde bei den meisten Tricks auf...

★★★★★ $300
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Dale A. Hildebrandt
Total Bundle: Everything by Dale A. Hildebrandt

For a limited time only, until July 13th 2020, you can get all of Dale's ebooks (the ones released on for merely $300.

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Paul Romhany
Ultimate Personal DVD by Paul Romhany

Romhany Studios bring you the ultimate marketing tool! Find out why so many top professionals are using this DVD to sell their own personalized magic teaching DVD and making their money back from this product and more.

This DVD is used by cruise ship magicians, birthday party magicians, stage magicians and even trade show magicians who want to sell or have a product to use as a special give-away.

Once you receive your original master copy you own the DVD and can produce as many as you want for as long as you want, you can sell them for as little or as much as you want.

Throw away the...

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Wolfgang Riebe
Magic as a Million Dollar Business by Wolfgang Riebe

Do you want to take your magic career to the next level?

From whom would you like to learn the real secrets of success in the magic business? Someone that has a little theoretical knowledge and lives in one-bedroom apartment and claims to know it all? Or someone that started with nothing and today has the global hands-on experience, lives in the dream mansion, drives the big cars, walks the talk and has actually done it all?

As a magician, you may not have heard of Wolfgang Riebe. Why? He never focused on the 'magic scene' - instead he focused on the 'layman out there' and building a mega...

★★★★★ $399
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Dale A. Hildebrandt
Hildebrandt on Lifetime Digital Subscription by Dale A. Hildebrandt

This is on sale for $400 (was $1250) until February 1, 2016.

This is a lifetime subscription to all of Dale A. Hildebrandt's past and future ebooks and videos and whatever he plans to release in digital form.

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Rupert Howard
Rupert Howard Magic Course by Rupert Howard

This is a pristine copy of the rare Rupert Howard Magic Course. It is an almost complete set of 23 lessons of the 25 lesson course. The two lessons missing are lesson 17 and 18. Each lesson is an oversized booklet with a color cover and glossy inside pages.

This course is rare and a perfect addition to any serious collector of magic books. Additionally you will receive a disc with the complete digital version of this set.

Most likely you have never heard about this magic course. When I think about a 'magic gem' I have these 25 volumes in mind. This course could be called the 'British Tarbell...

★★★★★ $1500
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Wolfgang Riebe
The Million Dollar Magic Act by Wolfgang Riebe


For the first time ever. A verifiable, proven Comedy Cabaret Magic act that has been performed in over 150 countries, the world's top cruise liners, theatres, and global corporate events.

Why would anyone share a success formula? Wolfgang has had an incredible global career and believes that we all need to share the magic for future generations. This is his way of leaving a legacy for a group of select magicians who are serious about taking their careers to the next level.

  • Learn from a professional that walks his talk and has lived the dream. ...
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