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Mentalism & Spiritism Cards Magazines & Journals with Demo Video DIY, Makers & Builders DVD (download+stream) Books (printed) Video clips (download) Theory, Articles & Reviews for Beginners Coins, Chips & Buttons Illusions, Escape & Stage Biographies & History in German (Deutsch) Marketing, Selling & Business Matters Audio Balls, Eggs, Dice & Cups Memory & Mnemonics Paper & Paper Money Science & Math Tricks Ropes, Ribbons, Strings & Reels Comedy Magic Compilations Patter, Plots & Scripts Physical (Non-Digital) Tricks & Gimmicks in Italian (italiano) Kids & Children Hypnosis & NLP Rings Cigarettes, Candles, Matches & Fire Phone, Apps & eTricks Liquids, Chemicals & Bottles Published 1800-1899 DVD & Video (disc) Silks & Flags Hands, Fingers & Body Thimbles Catalogs Chapeaugraphy Published before 1800 Ventriloquism Instruction Sheets in French (français) Second Hand in Spanish (español) Animals Gospel Magic Gift Cards & Donations Pickpocket Fiction for Resellers Free in Japanese (日本の)


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Ken de Courcy
A Card Exits by Ken de Courcy

This is Ken's take on R.M. Jamison's 'Yogi Tells' effect from The Phoenix. Someone thinks of one of four cards of the same value of different suits. After two brief shuffles, you spell "Y-O-G-I" three times discarding the card on the last letter, and the card that remains is the one the spectator chose. In Ken's version the spectator thought of card magically flys into the pocket of the performer.

1st edition 1984, 8 pages; PDF 9 pages.

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Ken de Courcy
Hot Ice 1 by Ken de Courcy

A series of novel and above all entertaining card tricks, all requiring a minimum of skill, the simplest of apparatus and all designed for the maximum entertainment and audience appeal.

No. 1. "A Double-Dose": Predestined and Black and Red Computation II.

Two effects, both using the same subtle principle, credited to Nick Trost.

PREDESTINED is for platform performances. You can use a Jumbo pack of cards and four cardboard plates. You will make this up in a few minutes and have a good program item. The working is simplicity itself but, being more interested in the presentation possibilities...

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Ken de Courcy
Hot Ice 3: The Kosky Cut by Ken de Courcy

Here Ken de Courcy took a clever cut effect by Gerald Kosky, changed it, and altered it to make it completely self-contained and also impromptu. Whilst doing this, Ken hit on another use and here you are getting two for the price of one.


A borrowed pack is shuffled by the owner, then the magician extracts two cards from it, hands the cards to the spectator and asks him to place them into a convenient pocket. The deck is placed on the table and the spectator is requested to cut off about two-thirds and lay it face-up alongside the remainder. He now cuts the larger packet roughly...

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Ken de Courcy
The Astro Card File by Ken de Courcy

Effects with the Zodiac deck. (Deck not included with this PDF.)

Excerpt from the introduction:

Whilst this beautifully produced pack can be used for card games, as suggested in the small folder that comes with the deck, its main strength to a magician lies in the way that ordinary card tricks can be given an astrological slant and thus personalized. To the mentalist, of course, the pack represents one of the finest adjuncts to have come out for many years. Whilst a spectator may not be able to associate herself with the Queen of Hearts, she can certainly relate to her own birth sign....

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Ken de Courcy
The Systematic Seer by Ken de Courcy

A simplified system of fortune telling.

One of the most effective ways of entertaining informally is by Fortune-Telling and, as a magician, you must have been asked many times if you can "tell fortunes". To do this properly requires much study and memory work, time you can probably not afford. So here is a new, simplified system that can easily be applied to Palmistry, the Tarot, Sand Reading, and almost every other form of divination. Apart from anything else, it's a great way to make friends.

The problem has always been to obtain sufficient 'cues' with which to give a 'reading'. Whilst...

★★★★ $7
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Ken de Courcy
Cards in Cabaret by Ken de Courcy

From the prologue by Billy McComb:

The thing which annoys me about Ken de Courcy is that he has a tidy mind. This means he correlates everything in his nut so that it all has a place. This I don't have. So I suppose my annoyance is goaded by envy.

Now if you were to ask me to give you a hundred commercial card tricks which were new to audiences, I'd swallow down the Six Card Repeat and the Brainwave Deck and die quietly.

Not so our gallant Ken de C. He just sits down and puts a gaggle of highly commercial card tricks into book form ... and readably so, too. And, blast me thumb-tips, he invents...

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Ken de Courcy
Automentalism by Ken de Courcy

A complete man and wife telepathy act.

A nicely worked out two-person act that eliminates long memorization preparation and training. The basic idea can be adapted and extended to fit your needs.

(Originally this booklet was sold with an 'apparatus'. The 'apparatus' was a set of cue cards or cue stickers which could be pasted onto cards. These are not included in this digital reproduction. However, the ebook does include images of all the cue cards and you can therefore make them yourself.)

A truly sensational mental telepathy act with ordinary playing cards and other objects handed...

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Ken de Courcy
Danson's Diary Trick by Ken de Courcy

Danson's Diary Trick was first published in the New Pentagram Vol 2. It was an effect many magicians liked and subsequently several variations were published. Ken de Courcy compiles here several variations from Roy Johnson, from MUM magazine, including his own ideas, tips, and suggestions.

1st edition 1983, 20 pages; PDF 23 pages.

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Ken de Courcy & Ian Adair
The Magical Jumbo Chinese Coin by Ken de Courcy & Ian Adair

Excerpt from the Foreword:

Certain pieces of apparatus, not many, have a sort of built-in glamour. Maybe charisma is a better word. I'm talking about props you enjoy seeing and handling. Supreme's Jumbo Chinese Coin comes into this category. To coin a phrase ... "It looks good ... it feels good ... and, by golly, it works good!" For the close-up performer it will add an expensive appearance to your routines as well as a completely unexpected climax to any trick with coins. For the cabaret magician, it can be easily seen and appreciated and, since it is unfaked, examined if necessary.


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Ken de Courcy & Peter Pit & Edwin Hooper & Ian Adair & Ravelle and Andree
Giant Size Clever Ace by Ken de Courcy & Peter Pit & Edwin Hooper & Ian Adair & Ravelle and Andree

Four prize winning routines on the "find the ace" theme, performed with extra giant cards that you can print yourself.


The performer shows three extra giant cards. The audience are asked to follow the movements of the Ace of Diamonds, The Ace is mixed up with the two other extra giant cards shown - the Two and Three of Clubs. The audience never are able to discover the whereabouts of the elusive Ace. The Ace transposes continuously in an incredible manner even while it is in the hands of a spectator or while it is marked by a clip. The spectator himself takes the ace in...

★★★★ $8
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Ken Dyne
Gift Wrapped and Bank Night Delux by Ken Dyne

6 Envelopes. 1 Contains a cash prize. 5 Spectators try to win the money by freely and fairly choosing an envelope each. No matter how hard they try, you always end up holding the money.

The problem in past presentations of this routine is that the performer leaves the audience feeling like losers as they don't win the money. The presentation Ken offers here gets over that.

What's more they actually see you putting the cash in to the envelopes, there are no thumb tips, nail writers or strange selection processes.

Bonus routine - Gift Wrapped: 5 colored gift bags. 1 contains something...

★★★★ $18
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Ken Dyne
The Impromptu Mystifier by Ken Dyne

Have you ever been caught out when someone says "show me something"? Ken has put all of his ideas thoughts and feelings toward impromptu magic and mentalism in to this ebook.

Not only do you get his thoughts and theory around how performing impromptu can turn in to some of the most profitable performances, but he has included his entire personal impromptu act in detail.

You will never be stuck for something to do and what's more you will understand exactly how to turn that apparent off the cuff moment in to money and bookings.

This ebook will challenge the way you think and feel. ...

★★★ $30
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Ken Dyne
Future Visions by Ken Dyne

Ken walks you through a method for predicting almost anything, that he developed to satisfy some of the most difficult conditions. Imagine being able to send an envelope out ahead of time and on the day of your big event the contents are found to predict that day’s headlines. There are a lot of methods documented already but he wanted a way of doing it where:

  • The performer never touches the envelope
  • The envelope is signed and sealed by the representative from the company
  • The method is real world and he uses it!
1st edition 2008; 28 pages.
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Ken Dyne
10 Step Marketing for Magicians by Ken Dyne

Would you like to know the real secrets of success, the underground tactics that will allow you make more money than 99% of the other guys out there and have the secret to do that with a lot less work?

In this manuscript Ken is very excited to share with you for the first time his personal secrets of how he transformed his hobby in to a pretty good living.

Ken has selected 10 stellar tactics from his personal marketing arsenal that will not only allow you to launch your assault on the public, create more customers and money than ever, but every approach can be implemented immediately and...

★★★★ $27
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Ken Griffin & Roberta
Illusion Show Know-How by Ken Griffin & Roberta

The Ken Griffin illusion show toured the world for well over a quarter of a century. The priceless ideas and methods used by the Griffins in their climb to prominence and profit are fully explained.

Almost every magician has dreamed, at one time or another, of headlining his own mystery revue. He visualizes the glamorous side of the picture ... the stage flooded with colored and glittering lights, the dazzling scenery, the gorgeous assistants, breathtaking illusions, the music from the orchestra surging to a crescendo, the thunderous cymbal crash as the magician strides on stage for his...

★★★★★ $10
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Ken Muller
Telepathy Once Removed by Ken Muller

Telepathy above and beyond a book test. Innovative methods, sleights, and stratagems.

Once Removed offers a novel approach to demonstrating telepathy between two people. It allows a performer to receive multiple mental images from an audience volunteer, based on a freely selected book never read by either person before. Move beyond any book test to an astonishing telempathic experience.

This is the master guide for the Once Removed Series from which A Novel Thought, Engage, Thrifty, ABAT and Steroid Telempathy evolved.

This ebook includes all of these applications, plus the concepts and theory behind Beta Framing, Imbed, Tritech, Book...

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Ken Muller
A Novel Thought by Ken Muller

Not for those who already have Telepathy Once Removed.

This is the "Concept, Theory and Method" companion for the stand-alone ebooks Thrifty, ABAT and Steroid Telempathy, designed for those competent in one or more of these applications who wants a "Graduate Course" in presentation methods.

(All author proceeds support the woodHenge Wildlife Sanctuary.)

1st edition 2021, PDF 91 pages.

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Ken Muller
Engage Telempathy by Ken Muller

This is a 'stand-alone' application featuring the basic application suitable for a home or business impromptu demonstration. It requires performing competence and experience with either Thrift or ABAT Telempathy and those ebooks for reference. This approach allows for the highest degree of audience engagement and impactful experience.

A Novel Thought ebook is also recommended.

(All author proceeds support the woodHenge Wildlife Sanctuary.)

1st edition 2021, PDF 64 pages.

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Ken Muller
Thrifty Telempathy by Ken Muller

This is a 'stand-alone' application for situations in which no printed novel is common or available. This unique approach gets around the "your book" taint of a standard book test and features the "Mental Test Posture" and Beta Framing. Maximum flexibility for a variety of venues and audiences. The recommended "best place to start" in the Series.

(All author proceeds support the woodHenge Wildlife Sanctuary.)

1st edition 2021, PDF 22 pages.

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Ken Muller
ABAT Telempathy by Ken Muller

Any book - any time

This is a 'stand-alone' application for a completely impromptu demonstration using any novel found at the site or provided by a spectator. This has less potential astonishment impact than Thrifty or Basic but gains in the completely "free choice" area. It features the "Teach Posture" and Beta Framing. This approach is an ideal back-up for the other applications and essential for the completely prepared mystic performer.

(All author proceeds support the woodHenge Wildlife Sanctuary.)

1st edition 2021, PDF 18 pages.

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Ken Muller
Steroid Telempathy by Ken Muller

This is a 'stand-alone' application using a standard book test in a two-phase presentation that can greatly enhance its impact and astonishment. The book test must be of a novel "can be passed out" variety book. This can easily segue into Thrifty or Basic Telempathy. ABAT experience is recommended but not essential.

(All author proceeds support the woodHenge Wildlife Sanctuary.)

1st edition 2021, PDF 19 pages.

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Ken Muller
Sanitized Telempathy by Ken Muller

This is a 'stand-alone' application as a variation of Thrifty Telempathy for use in a "no-touch" or social distancing environment, to include senior centers and venues with physical disabilities. It features several mechanical forces in place of Beta Framing including the "Manna Concept" that will be new to many performers.

(All author proceeds support the woodHenge Wildlife Sanctuary.)

1st edition 2021, PDF 18 pages.

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Ken Muller
BaseMental by Ken Muller

A collection of nine mental type effects and methods learned fifty years ago from people - not books. No confederates or gimmicks are used in any of these mental demonstrations. Simple - Profound - Effective. I have never seen these in print in any form. All were learned from older mentors during my teen years and never forgotten.

THREE for ALL: Three spectators freely select cards from a borrowed deck and place them in their pockets. You reveal all three by the "Whisper of a Lady."

ENVELOPED: Several spectators seal written items in envelopes. A second spectator holds these against his...

★★★★★ $6
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Ken Muller
Furst Time by Ken Muller

Glimpses into the mind of one of mentalism's pioneers.

"Arnold Furst taught me a thing or two back in '59 that you ought to know - about presence and timing, charity and goodwill, and keeping an audience on its toes. Oh yes, Magic, too."

Six effects and related stories about Arnold and his mentoring of young folks. Some methods are very old with a new approach. Others will be new to the reader. Something of value for every mentalist and entertainer.

JUST A MAGAZINE: An impromptu Mental Effect with a 'found' magazine, anywhere, anytime. Ideal for small groups, sales training or teaching...

★★★★★ $8
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