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Ken Scholes
Stuntrix by Ken Scholes

Stunts, gags and puzzles, some new and some very old, with which to amuse your friends when called upon to "show us a trick". Many of the tricks are old and well known, but they are included in the hope that they will be fresh to some of you.

Photographs by Lewis Ganson.

  • Mathamatchic
  • The Big Blow
  • Have-A-Light
  • Rocket Match
  • Eternal Triangle
  • Economy Matches
  • Match-Up
  • Heads Or Tails?
  • Condiments Of The Seasoning
  • Suspendid
  • Passing Coin
  • Shooting-Match
  • Change-About
  • Suit Changing
  • Light Humour
  • Gone!
  • Coin Spin
  • Go-Go Coin
  • Long Stretch
  • Salted
  • Heads And Tails
  • Holey
  • Push
  • Silly Scissors
★★★★★ $5
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Kent Gunn
The Fun Shop Cups and Balls by Kent Gunn

The Cups and Balls done a little differently than most. This is an unusual, direct and very magical cups and balls routine. A white ball, a blue ball, and a red ball magically gather under one cup in different ways.

1st edition 2008, 36 pages, photo illustrated.

★★★★ $30
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Kent Gunn
There and Back Again by Kent Gunn

A story trick is one of the best effects one can do for lay people. See for example, Bill Malone's success with "Sam the Bellhop". Kent Gunn has altered the recipe of the story trick by adding a couple of card tricks in the middle of the story, which adds a new twist to the genre. Kent feels that it is is the best-received piece he has ever come up with. He also provides advice on how to come up with your own story, which ultimately is the best way to go.

("There and Back Again" was formerly known as "I Left My Heart in San Francisco".)

  • There and Back Again
  • Derek Delgaudio's Truffle Shuffle ...
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Kenton Knepper
EZ Torn & Restored Card by Kenton Knepper

Using only one card, this is probably the easiest and most deceptive Torn & Restored Card ever created. The ingenious creator of this is Ben Harris and he calls it Hoodwink. One could call this self-working, because all you do is fold, tear and open an ungimmicked card. It can't get any simpler and the effect is amazing.

Kenton adds his clever suggestive words that let the spectator dig his own hole of astonishment.

Recorded live at the Convention at the Capital 1998.

runtime: 6min 48s

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Kevin Davie
Ventriloquism by Kevin Davie

An interesting ebook on all aspects of ventriloquism, written by a true artist in this field - Kevin Davie of South Africa.

He devotes the first section of his ebook to the technique of ventriloquism, including breathing and the voice. Then he discusses the figure, the methods to bring it to life, so that it becomes your partner in the act. This section also covers dialogue and novelty ventriloquist devices.

Performing for children and for adults, and the art of singing while doing the act are carefully explained, plus the near-distant voice and distant voice, and the muffled voice. These...

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Kevin Ho
Stupid Horrible Immature Tricks by Kevin HoNot for the easily offended. This set of lecture notes from 2014 contains 10 irreverent performance pieces that Kevin Ho has used to troll both laypeople and magicians alike. From wacky card tricks to stupid coin tricks, problematic mentalism to magic about magic, you'll definitely find something inside that will make you laugh out loud and feel like a bad person at the same time. Perhaps you'll even be corrupted enough to go out and actually do them. No refunds.

Here's what people are saying:

"Kevin has a way of putting a twist on just about any idea that will have you bursting out laughing....

★★★★★ $9.95
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Kevin Parker
Passing Thru by Kevin Parker

Borrow a coin and show a normal empty glass bottle, then visually pass the coin through the base of the bottle. They don't just see the coin 'appear' in the bottle; they see it 'melt' right through. Then you shake the bottle to conclude the coin is indeed inside the bottle, then give it out as a souvenir. You can even do this with a borrowed bottle. This is Kevin Parker's Passing Thru.

  • Normal Bottle
  • Normal Coin
  • No Slits/Cuts in Bottle
  • Everything Examinable
This is an incredibly visual effect and has to be seen to be believed. Check out the demo video below. And the fact that you end...
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MP4 (video)

Kevin Parker
Veneficus by Kevin Parker

Secret techniques devised by Kevin Parker for remote viewing, reading a person's mind, and inducing false memory.

  • Spectator's mental card to spectator's pocket.
  • Remote viewing with a photo
  • False memory
All three effects heavily rely on exactly what you say and how you handle your spectators. These effects can fail if you do not have a strong spectator control and judgment, but in the right hands these can be miracles.

1st edition 2009; 11 pages.

★★★★ $9.95
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Kevin Parker
From Nothing by Kevin Parker

An apple visually materializes and can be handed out to keep. See video below for a demo. Spectator is offered a gift or fruit but hands the bag back because it's empty. Magician takes bag and points inside saying "Just look closer right there" and the spectator watches through the see-through bag as an apple materializes in the magician's hand. It is then handed to them to keep. This has been performed many times at the request of magicians, they fall in love with it and so do the spectators. They see you produce natural objects from nothing, miraculously.

★★★ $17
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Kevin Parker
Nexus 2 by Kevin Parker

Borrow a ring and a set of keys and visually link the ring onto the keyring with a tap. Impromptu and clean, nothing to find. The ring is seen to go right through the keyring with only a tap, highly visual and undeniable, then you let go of the ring and let it hang from the keyring clearly and unmistakably. After they confirm that that is their ring hanging from the keyring, you melt the ring back off the keyring where you tapped it, and hand everything back, completely clean.

1st edition 2016, length 7 minutes.

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Kevin Parker
Lift: levitate a wallet by Kevin Parker

A new way to lift a wallet. It's not what you think.

You won't believe the video. This is an ultra-visual, realistic levitation of your spectator's wallet, without thread. You levitate their wallet after asking if he's seen the various ways of 'lifting' wallets (pickpocket style). You offer to demonstrate a new method on his wallet, needing to see his wallet first to see if it's the "right type," just an excuse for you to lay the wallet on the table (or whatever surface) and make it lift.

Practicality: Super Easy. From beginning to end, not one gimmick is seen nor anything exposed that...

★★★★ $8.95
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MP4 (video)

Kevin Parker
Cyclone by Kevin Parker

They pick a card (no force), they return it to the deck, they shuffle - as much as they want. You pull out a written prediction (genuinely pre-written; no swami) and it tells them how many cards from the top of the deck their card will be after shuffling. They - or the performer - deals down to that number of cards and there it is, their card at the predicted location.

Note: The prediction may be off by one, two, three or possibly more places depending on how well you master this skill. You will also need a stripper deck even though you will not be using it to strip out any cards.

  • deck...
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Kevin Parker
Genie by Kevin Parker

Possess someone's bottle with a genie. When you uncover the mouth of the bottle, the bottle starts moving because you stirred up the genie inside. Must-see video.

  • No use of thread, loops, ITRs, or wires
  • Ideal for closeup, street or anywhere there's a surface
  • No special environmental or surface requirements
  • No magnets
  • Extremely easy
  • Can use borrowed bottle
Gimmick is super easy to make and you will only spend $2 or less at the local convenience store to make the gimmick or you may already have the required item.

Suitable for stroll-around and street magic, if there is a surface...

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MP4 (video)

Kevin Parker
Kounted by Kevin Parker

An impromptu card divination.

Divine the amount of cards randomly cut off the deck by you or spectator without using stacks or gimmicks; you may be off by one or two cards; no setup, totally impromptu. Spectator even shuffles the deck beforehand. Borrowed deck.

Kevin Parker's system allows for this type of feat and many others.

  • you're not cutting to predetermined spots; you can cut anywhere or let spectator cut.
  • no insertion of a crimped, cut, shaven, or altered card into the deck to mark a location; no setup whatsoever.
  • no gimmicks or stacks or deck setup; borrow a deck, let them...
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MP4 (video)

Kevin Parker
Fair Mix by Kevin Parker

Kevin Parker has created a prediction effect that is too impossible to be true: you predict where their card will land in a shuffled deck (*this many* cards down in the deck), mixed in someone's hat to eliminate false shuffling in the hands.

This uses no gimmicks and no trick decks. Use your hat or their's, no specific type. Very practical.

  • Spectator can assist the shuffle in hat.
  • Use anyone's hat, even your's, no specific type.
  • Easy, a complete beginner could do it.

1st edition 2018, length 10 min

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Kevin Parker
Shadowsight by Kevin Parker

Look into a deck without looking.

While your back is turned, spectator deals cards off a deck that they shuffled while you wait for them to reach a card that you 'sense' might be near their card. Then they are to deal a few cards from that spot onto the table side by side and they are to hover their hand over each one - your back still turned - while you tell them to slam their hand on a certain one. It is their card.

A few points to consider:

  • They have a free selection of card; no force or psy-forces.
  • You never touch their card, not before, during, or after they pick it. You never...
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MP4 (video)

Kevin Parker
Parallel by Kevin Parker

Blur the line between coincidence and prediction. A creation Kevin Parker kept secret until now.

The spectator stops you on any card as you deal cards into their hand face-down, and the card they stop on matches the card in their other hand, e.g. 2 black aces or etc. The apparent impossibility of this is reinforced by the fact the deck is normal with 52 different cards which they shuffled beforehand; no deck switches. The deck they examine/shuffle is the same deck dealt into their hand, which they can examine before and after, leaving them with no explanation.

  • requires no special decks...
★★★★★ $8.50
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MP4 (video)

Kevin Parker
Oddzoff by Kevin Parker

Who can predict where in the deck someone will shuffle their card, to the specifics, e.g. a certain number of cards down into the deck? Even creepier would be if it relates to something you uttered beforehand as if it made it happen.

Imagine this. You mention a scenario where they are 2 or 3 off guessing the amount of candies in a jar. Then the spectator thinks of any card, shuffles the deck they're holding, then finds that card 2 or 3 off from your written prediction just like the candy scenario. The only other outcomes would be if it's just 1 off or dead-on, but you're covered there too...

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Kevin Schaller
Duplex by Kevin Schaller

Duplex is a card rising effect from the mind of Kevin Schaller. It builds and improves on an old theme which allows you to show the box from all sides as well as allows you to show the box completely empty before you insert the deck.

A freely chosen and signed card is lost into the deck and the deck is put back into the box. Without any funny moves the signed card starts to rise all the way out of the box.

The best part of the trick is that there are no threads, wires, weights, rubber bands or magnets - just the box and the deck. No forcing. No cellophane needed. Box can be shown empty...

★★★★ $4.95
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Kevin Schaller
Encore: three easy effects by Kevin Schaller

Encore by Kevin Schaller teaches you three easy to do effects with playing cards, a paperclip and a mobile phone.

MOBILE COIN - a very deceptive transposition of a signed coin and the battery of your mobile phone. It’s a very easy trick that uses no gimmicks and is almost impromptu.

SEARCH & DESTROY - A paperclip that is clipped to the card box vanishes and reappears on the selected card.

EDGY - The back and front of your prediction changes so it matches with the chosen card.

All the tricks are easy to do and don't need magnets, threads or big gimmicks. Learn three easy yet effective...

★★★★★ $9.95
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MP4 (video)

Kevin Schaller & Philipp Sahner
Break by Kevin Schaller & Philipp Sahner

Break is a gimmick that allows you to fold a kink into a card and move it to another position. It is a real kink, you can let the spectator feel and examine before and after.

  • Real kink
  • Nothing to palm
  • Nothing taken away
  • Show the card both sides
The gimmick is easy to make, very versatile and gives you a lot of space to find your own routines and ideas. Over 15 minutes of detailed video instruction of how to make and use the gimmick.

★★★★★ $3.95
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Kevin Wade
IX by Kevin Wade

The name of this ebook partially comes from the fact you will learn nine amazing routines involving mentalism. You will also discover a method that possesses unique possibilities. It is the power of this system that creates the magic behind each routine and thus the true reason for the title IX.

I. Corporate Thoughts - Out of a list of 100 major companies a spectator makes a selection. A free thought is developed based upon the company chosen. In an astonishing display of ESP you are able to draw a design that is directly related to their very thoughts!

II. 52 Thoughts - A super strong...

★★★★★ $10
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Kirk Kirkham
TV Dove Classics by Kirk Kirkham

More than 25 tricks, tips, and ideas for performing with live as well as life-like rubber doves. Tricks for TV, nightclubs, schools and theaters. If you are a dove worker, you can't afford not to own this wonderful, exciting ebook.

  • "About The Doves"
  • The Classic Glove To Dove
  • Technicolor Doves
  • Passe-Passe Doves
  • Hypnotizing A Dove
  • Challenge Vanish
  • Air Mail Dove
  • The Dove In The Balloon
  • Cone And Dove
  • The Supreme Gimmick
  • Bags Of Doves
  • Cane To Dove
  • Mexican Doves
  • Jap Doves
  • Blackstone's Vanish
  • Dove From Newspaper
  • Devil's Dove
  • The Doves From The Hat
  • Silken Dove
  • Crystal Dove Bag ...
★★★★ $3.60
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Koo Hu
B4 Haunted by Koo Hu

Give logic and reason to your haunted deck to make it reach deeper levels of the subconscious.

I have always disliked how most magicians perform the haunted deck as an added phase to an Ambitious Card routine or worse just a single-phased find a card trick. Some use the presentation of ghosts, but I also don't like it as well. It is too dark for some of the audiences around the world and also doesn't suit every occasion/event.

Here are the 2 phases that I use to lead into the Haunted Deck.

1st edition 2024, PDF 4 pages.

★★★ $0
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