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Mentalism & Spiritism Cards Magazines & Journals with Demo Video DIY, Makers & Builders DVD (download+stream) Books (printed) Video clips (download) Theory, Articles & Reviews for Beginners Coins, Chips & Buttons Illusions, Escape & Stage Biographies & History in German (Deutsch) Marketing, Selling & Business Matters Audio Balls, Eggs, Dice & Cups Memory & Mnemonics Paper & Paper Money Science & Math Tricks Ropes, Ribbons, Strings & Reels Comedy Magic Compilations Patter, Plots & Scripts Physical (Non-Digital) Tricks & Gimmicks in Italian (italiano) Kids & Children Hypnosis & NLP Rings Cigarettes, Candles, Matches & Fire Phone, Apps & eTricks Liquids, Chemicals & Bottles Published 1800-1899 DVD & Video (disc) Silks & Flags Hands, Fingers & Body Thimbles Catalogs Chapeaugraphy Published before 1800 Ventriloquism Instruction Sheets in French (français) Second Hand in Spanish (español) Animals Gospel Magic Gift Cards & Donations Pickpocket Fiction for Resellers Free in Japanese (日本の)


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Devin Knight
East Coast Tour 2017: Lecture Note Bundle by Devin Knight

All the PDFs and videos from the CD that Devin Knight sold at his final East Coast Lecture tour. This is the bargain of the century as it would cost you $91.00 to buy these separately. Each PDF fully explains how to make up each trick. To buy these tricks ready made from a magic dealer would cost over $300.00.

QUADRUPLE PREDICTION - An amazing mental effect where the magician correctly predicts cards and colors despite odds of over 16,000 to 1 against it. A real stunner you can close a show with.

PSYCHIC MONEY SENSE - Designed for an intimate close up show, this experiment apparently shows...

★★★★★ $20
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Dave Arch
Tested Trade Show Tactics by Dave Arch

Have you ever dreamt of performing your magic and making upwards of $3500 per day plus expenses? If so, then the trade show market might be something to consider. Watch as trade show veteran Dave Arch shares his top trade show tactics - including how he started and built his client base. And in addition to the video, this package provides you with a seven page MSWord (.docx download from your digital shelf) document that you can customize to use as a handout in training the sales team who'll be partnering with you in the company's booth - adding to your brand of expertise as a true sales professional...

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MP4 (video)

J. G. Thompson Jr.
The Miracle Makers by J. G. Thompson Jr.

From the back cover by Karl Fulves:

The Thompson name having been associated with quality magic for the past fifty years, the reader of this new book will need no recommendation as to the value of the material. It contains all of the Thompson trademarks; new ideas, subtle approaches, smoothly routined magic, impeccably researched articles, inscrutable titles, excellent patter and presentation suggestions. All of this is well known and indeed synonymous with the Thompson name. There is another facet to the material in this book which may not be readily apparent however, and it is this which I'd like...

★★★★★ $20
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Karrell Fox
My Latest Book by Karrell Fox

From the Foreword by Bill Wells:

In 1945 (at the age of 17), Karrell became one of the first magicians to ever appear at a trade show. This first effort led to what is perhaps the most successful trade show/magic association in the history of magic with Karrell being the first magician to appear at a national automobile show. There followed 22 years of appearances on these shows.

This early association also led to Karrell being the first magician to appear in shopping malls and the production of the highly successful "Magic World of Ford." The three million dollar production, with six...

★★★★ $20
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Bob Farmer
Bammo 666 by Bob Farmer

A couple of years ago, at the Genii and 31 Faces North conventions, I was showing some in-the-hands packet effects that used a new technique and getting amazed reactions quite out of proportion with what I expected. Though I reckoned I had little chance of fooling the cognoscenti with what I was doing (because the new technique was so simple), I noticed a lot of jaws dropping and exclamations of "Whoa!" as I demoed the effects, so I knew I'd hit on something really deceptive.

In one effect, the Ace, 2, 3 and 4 first turn face up, then, one by one, they all turn face down. Counted again, each...

★★★★★ $20
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Dave Arch
Zingo Bingo by Dave Arch

With thanks to Leo Behnke for the initial concept from his book Corporate Presentations and his permission to share it here, this has proven itself an energy producing closer for many of my corporate shows over the past twenty-five years.

The magician proposes a fun game of Bingo to close his program, and Bingo cards are distributed to everyone in the audience. As the magician hosts the game - drawing and calling the numbers, audience members begin to cross out squares on their Bingo sheets with each person crossing out different squares from those around them. Due to the fact that there are sixteen completely different...

★★★★★ $20
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Will Goldston
Magazine of Magic Volume 9 (Apr 1921 - May 1922) by Will Goldston

144 pages

  1. The Magazine of Magic - Volume 9 - bound volume cover and Index
  2. Index

  1. The Magazine of Magic - Volume 9, Number 1 - April, 1921 - 20 pages
  2. Contents
  3. Dr. "S."A.M. Wilson Objects!
  4. Cartoon - A. M. Wilson in Magic World
  5. Our Views
    • Magical Depots
  6. The Great Maurice [with photograph]
  7. News Notes and Notices
  8. The Magicians' Club
    • Magicians' Club Dinner to Compeer and Mrs. H. Rea Fitch
    • Our Welcome by the Magicians' Club
    • Who? - Mr. & Mrs. H. Rea Fitch
  9. Accepted for Review - Geoffrey Clayton
    • The Magic Art - Donald Holmes
  10. Herbert Brooks Retires from Magic
  11. American...
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W. G. Magnuson & Devin Knight
Secrets of Gallery Reading by W. G. Magnuson & Devin Knight
"Gallery Reading is unique, it's unlike any other book on cold readings. I love it! It is organic, real and different. It's not stock, but exploring and seeming comprehensive to the audience. You will use it right away. I did." - Marc Salem
Imagine that you have finished your mental act and then start telling complete strangers, with remarkable accuracy, their secret thoughts, as well as their private and personal affairs from stage. You can point out people who have lost objects or money and apparently help them find them in some cases. This is accomplished without any impression devices,...
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Brian T. Lees
Added Value by Brian T. Lees

Simple things that get you hired.

You may have a fantastic show, be extremely talented and a high-quality entertainer and still have trouble getting booked. When being considered with a cluster of other proposals there are things you can do to position yourself above the rest. This text covers added services you can include that increases the perceived value of your proposal.

  • The hiring investment
  • Importance of added value
  • Value adds to consider
  • Research: match the add to a need
  • Presenting the value add
  • Follow up calls
  • Wrapping it up
1st edition 2019, 22 pages.
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Devin Knight
A Lifetime in Magic 1 by Devin Knight

A selection of some of the best creations by Devin Knight. (Please note that all effects have been released earlier as standalone products and are available individually on See product links throughout the product description.)

Improved Tri-Epic Deluxe - this is a clever three or even four way newspaper prediction effect reminiscent of David Copperfield's Graffiti Wall, but more portable and totally suitable for a one man act.

Psychic Money Sense - designed for an intimate close up show, this experiment apparently shows that a spectator has an excellent psychic sense as he achieves an impossible outcome using three...

★★★★★ $20
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Devin Knight
A Lifetime in Magic 2 by Devin Knight

Volume 2 continues where A Lifetime in Magic Volume 1 left off with detailed explanations for over 20 Devin Knight masterpieces. (Note that this is a compilation of items that were released earlier. All of them are available individually on See links throughout the product description.)

It starts with three stunning effects that appear to be as near to real mindreading as you can get - Almost Real Mindreading Feats. Devin explains little known principles which will enable you to reveal repeatedly which hand a spectator is merely thinking of, to remove the card a spectator simply looked at in a fan, and to name a mentally chosen card...

★★★★★ $20
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Randy Wakeman
Formula One Close-Up by Randy Wakeman

From the Foreword by Ed Marlo:

The effects have been constructed with the audience's conditions in mind. By this I mean that practically every close-up, at-the-table worker in a restaurant has to work under the audience's conditions and not the performer's. Thus, angly moves, risky sleights, lapping, etc. have been eliminated from Randy's lay audience routines. Therefore, you can be assured of the practicality of his magic.

As for my section of effects, it is obvious that much of it will not be used if one works under the spectator's conditions. Which also means that I work under my conditions....

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Masayuki Kozawa
Ten Little Tricks (Japanese) by Masayuki Kozawa

こざわまさゆきの第二奇術作品集 "ten little tricks" 電子書籍版です。10の奇術と、おまけを三つ収録しています。


  • 1: Counterfeit
  • 2: Ambitious Royals
  • 3: Magician vs. Gambler vs. Mathematician
  • 4: Hide a Leaf
  • 5: Process of Elimination
  • 6: Six Card Brainwave
  • 7: Subliminal Effect
  • 8: Following
  • 9: Red Ocean & Blue Ocean
  • 10: A Tale of Ten Travelers
  • Appendix A: Ideal & Reality Deck
  • Appendix B: Two-person Zero-sum Game
  • Appendix C: The Gift of the Magician
野島伸幸氏、きょうじゅ氏がレビューを書いてくれましたので、現象説明についてはこちらからどうぞ。 ...
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Brian T. Lees
Marketing 5X by Brian T. Lees

It can take up to 5 exposures of your marketing for customers to notice. That is the recognized average. To reach those 5 one must blend activities and media. This ebook helps magicians' market themselves with minimum or no investment beyond their time.

It introduces a tracking system that allows you to monitor which activities, locations and media produce the best results. If you are willing to make flyers and other announcements the materials in this ebook will help you get hired.

Regardless how full the performance schedule gets successful magicians still use these ideas/sources....

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Christian Knudsen
Herzblut 1 by Christian Knudsen

Das Video zum Buch. In dieser download DVD-Trilogie zeigt und erklärt Christian Knudsen die schönsten Routinen und Ideen aus Herzblut, seinem inzwischen vergriffenen Bestseller aus dem Jahre 2001, ein Werk über das der Publizist Hannes Höller schrieb: "Das m.E. beste Nachkriegsbuch zur Zaubertechnik!"

Auf dem ersten Band der Reihe findest du, vor Live-Publikum präsentiert und anschließsen im Studio Schritt für Schritt erklärt, folgende Routinen aus Christians Repertoire:

Ein Ring fliegt

Christians Ringflight-Version - basierend auf Ideen von Bruce Cervon und Boretti: Klar und auf den Punkt...

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MP4 (video)

Christian Knudsen
Herzblut 2 by Christian Knudsen

Dies ist der zweite Teil der download DVD-Trilogie über die professionelle Close Up-Zauberei von Christian Knudsen.


Diese Münzroutine nach Al Schneider kann jeder meistern: Kein Verschwindegriff! Kein Palmieren! Dafür drei absolut visuelle Wanderungen - eine stärker als die andere. Die letzte Münze erscheint unter der Hand einer Zuschauerin. Nichts für Fingerflicker, sondern etwas für Profi.

Karte in Brieftasche: (mit Ehrgeiziger Karte)

Christians meistgespielte Kartenroutine: Eine signierte Zuschauerkarte wandert gleich zweimal in das Reißverschlußfach einer Brieftasche...

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MP4 (video)

Christian Knudsen
Herzblut 3 by Christian Knudsen

Das Fazit der Zeitschrift Magische Welt zur Buchvorlage von Christian Knudsen: "Ein qualitativ hervorragend produziertes Buch mit einer Fülle von brauchbarem Material." Christian führt auch auf dieser download DVD souverän durch die Vorführung und Erklärung einiger seiner Lieblingsroutinen:

Schwamm drüber

Christians Opener zu jeder Gelegenheit: Viel mehr als bloß Schwammbälle. Das Erscheinen der Bälle sieht wie echte Zauberei aus. Der Verschwindegriff ist extrem natürlich und täuschend. Richard Sanders, dessen Dehydrated Sponge diese Routine erst möglich machte, sagte nach...

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MP4 (video)

Orville Wayne Meyer
Telepatia in Azione by Orville Wayne Meyer

(contiene note e saggio a cura di Matteo Filippini)

"Telepatia In Azione" è un libro straordinario, divenuto un vero e proprio classico per 'pochi eletti' nel campo del mentalismo. Si tratta di un numero di telepatia, in cui si fa uso di una particolare 'ipnosi/non ipnosi': infatti, benché non venga assolutamente utilizzata o nominata l'ipnosi nel corso dell'esibizione, gli effetti sono in tutto e per tutto simili a quelli di uno spettacolo di ipnosi da scena. Il tutto però viene presentato come 'condizionamento' mentale.

Ecco alcuni degli straordinari effetti possibili:

  • Uno spettatore tocca la...
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Cas G. Ziekman & Iskari
Der Magier by Cas G. Ziekman & Iskari

Die Holländische Zeitschrift de Magier, das Hausorgan von Mephisto Huis, wurde für einen Jahrgang (1961) auch in Deutsch publiziert. Alle 12 Hefte sind in dieser digitialen Ausgabe inkludiert.

[Es gibt offiziell 13 Hefte weil zu Beginn ein Probeheft publiziert wurde. Jedoch ist dieses Probeheft vom Inhalt gleich mit Heft 1. Daher vom Inhalt gesehen gibt es nur 12 Hefte.]

Heft 1 (April 1961)

  • An meine deutsch sprechenden Freunde der Zauberkunst / Cas G. Ziekman
  • Lieber Leser / Iskari
  • Geleitwort zum Erscheinen einer deutschen Ausgabe des "de Magier" / Walter Behm
  • Vorhersage
  • Mephisto-Huis und Conrad Horster
  • Cig-Knit
  • Technik des Monats
  • Ein Tisch für Kartenspezialisten
  • Zauberei zum (Dr)aufsitzen
  • Coin Penetration / Eddy Taytelbaum
  • Etwas für Sie / Isakri ...
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Burling Hull
A Modern Handkerchief Act with Patter (used) by Burling Hull

Softcover bound with a string and folded. For details on content see the digital edition.

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Dariel Fitzkee
Rings In Your Fingers (used) by Dariel Fitzkee

Green hardcover pictorial embossed. Inside cover with exlibris of Charles L. Rulfs. For details on the content see the digital edition.

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Randy Wakeman
Formula One Close-Up (used) by Randy Wakeman

Softcover comb bound in very good condition. For details on the content see the digital edition.

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Tim Ellis
Australian Magic Monthly 2000 (used) by Tim Ellis

This lot includes five issues of the Australian Magic Monthly magazine. The issues included are July (FISM Lisboa issue), September (Phil Cass on the cover), October (Sam Powers on the cover), November (Reveen on the cover), December (Tim Ellis on the cover). Issues are in like new condition.

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Mark Lewis
Lives of a Showman by Mark Lewis
"Mark is one of the truly interesting characters in the world of showbusiness. He has a brilliant yet wicked sense of humour, and is often misunderstood by his peers. As someone who has known him for much of his life, I consider him to be a man of incredible talent as both a performer and grafter [demonstrator]. He is extremely resourceful, and is a walking encyclopedia when it comes to magic and other branches of entertainment. His life is truly one of mystery and intrigue, and he is a wonderful raconteur as will be seen in the pages of this masterpiece. I would consider Mark to be a true showman, and...
★★★★★ $20
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