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Larry Brodahl
Scripted #30: Cornelius/Anderson Sliding Knot by Larry Brodahl

A practical, usable, and funny script that makes a simple false knot a wonderful interlude in your act. All venues.

  • Preface
  • Props needed
  • Methodology
    • How to store the ropes until ready to perform
    • Tying the knot
    • Miscellaneous stunts
    • How to move and display the knot
  • Script
  • Script Insights
  • Notes
  • Credits
  • An Additional Service
  • Final thoughts

1st edition 2020, PDF 22 pages, video 3:25.

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Cameron Francis
Moment's Notice Live by Cameron Francis

Five totally impromptu card effects.

Released back in 2009, the original Moment's Notice kicked off what became a wildly successful series of impromptu card magic ebooks. Over the years, Cameron has revisited the material from the first booklet and made significant improvements. Now, for the first time on video, comes a collection of all five of the original effects, featuring brand new handlings and, in a couple of cases, completely re-imagined plots that look almost nothing like the ones from the ebook.

This is first rate impromptu card magic that's easy to do, and guaranteed to blow minds.

Effects: ...

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MP4 (video)

Paul Bruton
Amusing Yourself with Paper and String (used) by Paul Bruton

Softcover with some soiling on the cover and inside. Paper has a pinkish hue. Some dog-ears and squeeze wrinkles. For details on the contents see the digital edition.

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Larry Brodahl
Scripted #31: Clippo by Larry Brodahl

A script and methodology for doing the classic Clippo trick that will make you and your audience appreciate the beauty and mystery of a small, easy to carry trick.

Clippo is a trick that is wonderful on paper, and useless in reality. For such a clever trick, there never seems to be an appropriate reaction. And frankly, the trick has no ending and occasionally fails.

In this manuscript, you'll learn:

  • why Clippo fails to get a good reaction
  • how to make Clippo
  • the script
  • even some of the script writing and design process followed
This trick is suitable for parlor or stage.


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Werner Miller
Sub Rosa 16 by Werner Miller

A mix of tricks based on math with cards, ESP cards, and various other designs. Included are print ready templates for several of the tricks explained. For lovers of magic squares you will find interesting ideas of how to use magic squares as predictions and forcing tools.

  • Isn’t it?
  • Quintilla
  • Quinterino
  • Q Combo
  • Quadrille Royale
  • Topper Hopper
  • Planetary Playground
  • Sixteen Letters
  • Fusion
  • 15D²
  • Diamond Prediction
  • Magic Torsi I
  • Magic Torsi II
  • Magic Torsi III
  • Triplets Galore
  • Chased Up
  • Swapping Places
  • Mado
  • Janela
  • Ventana

1st edition 2020, 34 pages.

★★★★ $12
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Nick Conticello
Il Posizionamento Fantasma by Nick Conticello

Qui imparerai diverse straordinarie routine di carte senza abilità di mano che si basano su un principio che, sebbene non nuovo, viene portato alla ribalta da Nick Conticello. Usando questa idea ha creato straordinarie routine di carte che non richiedono "sleight of hand". Tuttavia, qualche falso taglio occasionale o falsi miscugli possono migliorare notevolmente questi effetti. Nick insegna un efficace falso taglio, il Widdershins Cut. All'interno troverete:

  • La 23a carta
  • La 28a carta
  • The Shadow Divination
  • The Widdershins Cut
  • Le tre previsioni
★★★ $12
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Glenn G. Gravatt
The Second Encyclopedia of Card Tricks by Glenn G. Gravatt

From the Introduction:

We are proud of the result, and we believe, justly so. It is submitted for your approval. It contains several new items, and many tricks, the secrets of which have been very expensive to buy. We hope you like it. If you do, we may feel encouraged to prepare still a third Encyclopedia of Card Tricks, or an Encyclopedia along some other branch of magic.

If you want to know how this ebook relates to the Encyclopedia of Card Tricks get A Comparison of the Gravatt and Hugard Encyclopedias of Card Magic by William Rugh, who made a detailed comparison of the contents.

  • Introduction
  • Chapter One. Mental And Miscellaneous Miracles
    • Perplexo
    • Pythagoras
    • Uni Mentality ...
★★★ $12
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Paul A. Lelekis
Mirage by Paul A. Lelekis

(Two videos included which explain everything.)

MIRAGE - a brand new concept in card magic - and particularly in the realm of paradoxes - a magician-fooler!

Plus two other brilliant "workers" are included below. Here is what the spectators (and magicians) see...

Two paper-clipped, red-backed cards are laid on the table at the onset ... your magician buddies are watching closely. A card from a blue-backed deck is selected and signed by the spectator, then lost back into the deck. The two red-backed, paper-clipped cards are openly picked up and one card is taken into each hand. The hands...

★★★★★ $12
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Jon Racherbaumer
Fifth-Business Monkey Business by Jon Racherbaumer

Eight select bits of rascality from Harry the Hat.

From the Introduction:

When Harry Anderson lived in New Orleans, we regularly discussed tricks, scams, and what Harry liked to call "throwaways that are keepers." These are tricks that symbolically serve the same purpose as Mardi Gras beads and doubloons tossed from floats during carnival season.

The following 8 things in this booklet are stunts and tricks Harry performed in his inimitable, fast-and-loose way when he held court in barrooms, poolrooms, or at his night club called Oswald's. In the right time and place they are worth knowing...

★★★ $12
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Unknown Mentalist
Propless Bank Night by Unknown Mentalist

A path breaking approach to the classic effect. No props needed.

"I think your Propless Bank Night is brilliant !!" - Marc Salem

"The idea of the anagram is very good. This concept can also be used with classic bank night routines. Well done and stay safe." - Luca Volpe

Everything happens in the participant's mind who is on the other end of a voice call with the performer, maybe thousands of miles away. The performer even tells the participant upfront the contents of each envelope involved in the routine. And yet the participant is stunned with the result.

A unique combination of classic...

★★★★ $12
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Cameron Francis
Moment's Notice Live 2 by Cameron Francis
"Moment's Notice contained a superb collection of impromptu card effects. In this second volume, Cameron has done it again ... in fact, this second volume might even be better than the first, if that is at all possible!" - Peter Duffie

"This is the kind of material I like, not difficult to do and with the EFFECT in mind!" - Aldo Colombini

"Cameron's material from the Moment's Notice series makes me want to go for a swim in Antarctica. It's that freakin hot!" - Donny Orbit

"I didn't want Moment's Notice 1 to end. This one picks up perfectly where the last left of. Filled with brilliantly commercial impromptu effect ready...

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MP4 (video)

Unknown Mentalist
Propless Polaris by Unknown Mentalist

This is a propless and surefire star sign divination method suitable for performing over a voice phone call. It uses a novel and clever method called SignZEN to divine the star sign of a participant on the other end of a call, maybe thousands of miles away. This refreshing principle is not known to have been used in this manner before. Of course, this routine can be performed in face-to-face situations also with appropriate adjustments. You can even perform this over a text chat or on a video call.

It is clarified upfront that this method is totally different from Signature, Propless Sign Divination, Zodiac Gods, Star Signature, Elemental 1 & 2, and Birthday Calendar by the...

★★★★ $12
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Steven Palmer
Pseudo Chronicles 1 by Steven Palmer

Welcome to the first volume of Psuedo Chronicles. The goal of these notes and this series is to showcase effects that mimic real mind reading or extraordinary skill with playing cards. None of the effects contained herein require any sleight of hand beyond a beginner level. That being said, do not under estimate the power of these effects. They are a constant in my working repertoire and always receive great reactions. [Note: These effects have previously been published in Subtle which has been out of print for some time.


Subtle: A routine that displays how far ahead you can get using psychology in a routine.

This demonstration...

★★★★★ $12
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Unknown Mentalist
Remote Propless Prediction by Unknown Mentalist

The performer asks a participant to play an imaginary game over a voice phone call. The participant may be thousands of miles away at the other end of the call. The participant makes several free choices but all in her mind alone, she does not say anything out loud. But the final result is already predicted by the performer in a very innovative manner. The climax can be very visual if you choose that option in performance. The participant is stunned with the outcome. The participant even gets to keep a memorable 'souvenir' after the routine.

This can be performed over a video call or even...

★★★★ $12
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Albert Forrest
The Eighth Wonder by Albert Forrest

This hard-to-find title contains a wealth of dealer-quality club and stage magic, mentalism, and more for you to perform and enjoy. Here's a book from 1935 that, until now, has been out of print and jealously hoarded by collectors. It's filled with entertaining magic for close-up, club and stage. Clearly explained and well-illustrated, this goldmine of magic contains effects that will entertain as well today, as they did back when this book was originally released.

Divided into chapters, you'll find clever magic themed for Stage and Club, Comedy, Mentalism, and Card Effects. And only in this...

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Unknown Mentalist
Thought Trajectory by Unknown Mentalist
"This is virtual magic, mentalism and theory at its very best. You are a real deep thinker" - Marc Salem
This is a pure propless effect. You can perform this over a voice phone call, video call, face to face, close up, parlor etc. It can be performed anytime, anywhere to anyone. Nothing for you to carry except the almost self working method in your head.

As the name suggests, Thought Trajectory is an effect which is like a chain of thoughts in the mind of the participant. The mind reader is not aware of the starting point, nor the process, nor the end result, apparently. Everything happens...

★★★★★ $12
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Unknown Mentalist
Kalendeck by Unknown Mentalist

Kalendeck is a calendar deck. If at all it is possible to "Pre-Know" any stack, it is this. In other words, you probably already know this stack but you are simply not aware of it. If you know the basics of a calendar, then you already know most of this deck. Or you can easily pick this up in just a few minutes. It is that easy and that simple.

Kalendeck is a memorized deck which looks very random and well shuffled - both values and suits. Given any position, you know the card instantly and vice versa. It may take all of about ten minutes for you to learn this stack. Of course, practice...

★★★★ $12
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Unknown Mentalist
Propless Tarot by Unknown Mentalist
  1. Is this really absolutely propless? - Yes
  2. Can this be performed over a voice phone call? - Yes
  3. Can this be performed over a video call? - Yes
  4. Can this be performed face to face? - Yes
  5. I have zero knowledge about Tarot cards. Can I perform this? - Yes
  6. I have never even seen a Tarot Deck before. Can I still perform this? - Yes
  7. Do I or the participant need to handle a Tarot Deck? - No
  8. Does this involve anagrams or equivoque? - No
  9. Does this need a long convoluted process as with most propless effects? - No
  10. Can I use tarot cards if I want to? - Yes
  11. Is this a divination effect? - Yes ...
★★★ $12
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Ralf (Fairmagic) Rudolph
Framing the Queen by Ralf (Fairmagic) Rudolph

A playing card is shown from both sides. The spectator initials the face of this card. Performer tears out two small rectangles from the inside of the card. One of these rectangular tear-outs has its center removed to create a little frame, which is freely shown. Magician folds this little frame over the center beam of the larger card frame and suddenly the little frame clearly hangs from the center beam of the larger frame. How did it get on there? This card, with linked little frame, can be handed out or given away as souvenir.

The performance is easy and does not require any complicated...

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MP4 (video)

Unknown Mentalist
Pip of Kong by Unknown Mentalist
"This is a marvel!!" - Marc Salem
Suppose you are performing this to a married couple. The effect as it appears to that couple is this. The husband chooses the name of a music icon but does not disclose it and keeps that name only in his mind. The wife chooses some music album sales figures and comes up with a total sales figure. To their utter shock, when the husband declares the name of the music icon, the wife's total sales figure is nothing but that icon's birth date.

You explain to them that this is a one in a 16.5 million possibility and that they have turned a near impossibility...

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Unknown Mentalist
Cards Across on Voice Call by Unknown Mentalist

You and the participant are on both ends of a voice call. Using an imaginary deck of playing cards, the participant 'churns her thoughts' multiple times and finally sends across a few cards from her mind to your mind. You 'receive' those cards perfectly and reveal them to her in a stunning manner. This, in essence, is the effect.

You can perform this over a video call or virtual show apart from face to face performances. And this works in any language. Two versions of the routine are explained.

PSYCHIC VERSION which is totally propless (except for a piece of paper used by the participant...

★★★★ $12
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Unknown Mentalist
ReDD: Remote Drawing Duplication by Unknown Mentalist

ReDD is a remote drawing duplication effect which can be performed over a voice phone call, video call, virtual show and also, of course, in face to face performing situations. ReDD also qualifies as a propless effect as there are no props used and both the performer and the participant are only 'interacting' with each other, either over a call or face to face. A piece of paper which may be used to jot down a choice is just incidental and is not necessary.

The mind reader poses several fun questions to a participant and also describes several activities. The participant mentally and silently...

★★★★ $12
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Unknown Mentalist
Virtual Add a Number by Unknown Mentalist

Add A Number is a popular effect in the field of mentalism and magic. There are scores of methods for performing this routine. Here is another method which is especially suitable for a virtual show. This method is easy, simple and self working so you can focus more on your presentation. It is also engaging and allows you to involve and interact with multiple virtual audience members. The final impact is tremendous.

The performer asks the audience if they believe in ESP. There will be some who believe and some who do not. The routine is structured in such a manner that both the 'believers'...

★★★★ $12
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Unknown Mentalist
Know Stack by Unknown Mentalist
"Your Know Stack is a gem!!" - Dr. Hans Christian Solka
  1. Know Stack is a cyclical stack. Given any card, you can know the next card immediately.
  2. For some perhaps easier than 8 Kings stack or even Si Stebbins Stack.
  3. More random looking than Si Stebbins stack.
  4. No math (but some memorization) needed to know the next card.
  5. Option to have either random suits or rotating suits.
  6. Can be learnt in under 100 seconds.
  7. Very easy to learn. Very difficult to forget.
  8. Bonuses included.
  9. Most cyclical stack routines/effects can be performed with this.
Bonus Stacks included:
  1. Dates Deck
  2. Cue Stacks
1st edition 2020,...
★★★★★ $12
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