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Mentalism & Spiritism Cards Magazines & Journals with Demo Video DIY, Makers & Builders DVD (download+stream) Books (printed) Video clips (download) Theory, Articles & Reviews for Beginners Coins, Chips & Buttons Illusions, Escape & Stage Biographies & History in German (Deutsch) Marketing, Selling & Business Matters Audio Balls, Eggs, Dice & Cups Memory & Mnemonics Paper & Paper Money Science & Math Tricks Ropes, Ribbons, Strings & Reels Comedy Magic Compilations Patter, Plots & Scripts Physical (Non-Digital) Tricks & Gimmicks in Italian (italiano) Kids & Children Hypnosis & NLP Rings Cigarettes, Candles, Matches & Fire Phone, Apps & eTricks Liquids, Chemicals & Bottles Published 1800-1899 DVD & Video (disc) Silks & Flags Hands, Fingers & Body Thimbles Catalogs Chapeaugraphy Published before 1800 Ventriloquism Instruction Sheets in French (français) Second Hand in Spanish (español) Animals Gospel Magic Gift Cards & Donations Pickpocket Fiction for Resellers Free in Japanese (日本の)


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Lee Asher
Losing Control by Lee Asher

Losing Control is a move that allows you to easily bring a selection to the top.

"So simple, yet so brilliant!" - Dave K.

How long have you been practicing a move like the classic pass? It's been over twenty years, and Lee is still working on his! One day he will master it, but until then, the Losing Control is his preferred way to control a card to the top.

This clever maneuver gives you the ability to have a card selected, plainly and cleanly placed back into the middle of the deck and yet have the card secretly remain on the top of the pack.

The Losing Control technique does...

★★★★ $19.95
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(Benny) Ben Harris
Winning Products: A Guide by (Benny) Ben Harris

Download a free sampler PDF for this ebook.

"The content is so easy to read and filled with valuable information on how to produce a successful product. Even after many years of releasing, I still feel I've learned a lot reading this book." - Titanas (Greece)

"What a great book. I have never seen this information given anywhere else. I started selling magic in 1991 and I wish I had had access to this information back then - it would have made my life so much easier!" - Peter Duffie (Scotland)

"This is something I needed 16 years ago!" - Wayne Rogers Chicane Enterprises (New Zealand)

From the Foreword...

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Daniel Quiles
Secrets by Daniel Quiles

[Note that this is a translation from Spanish and is not in perfect English. However, this should not prevent you from studying these creative routines.]


  • The painter of the aces: Four white cards are printed slowly on both sides, transforming one by one and in a visual way, in four aces of the deck. The aces prove to be clearly printed both by the faces and by the backs. The cards are ordinary and can be examined immediately.
  • Counting mistakes: Spectator takes a card freely, and after looking at it, returns it to the interior of the deck. The magician assures that he has a special skill in the tips of his fingers, and that only cutting the deck several times, he's able to find the chosen card without difficulty, but after a...
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Shawn Evans
Build Your Own Psychic Calculator by Shawn Evans

Do-It-Yourself: "Trick-Out" Your Calculator

With a Psychic Calculator you can create endless mind-reading, prediction, and magic effects - a mentalist dream come true.

Don't pay up to $300 or more for a Mentalist or Psychic Calculator when you can make your own in less than 30 minutes, for under $10 (including the price of the calculator!), plus the use of just a few common household items. No knowledge of electronics needed - just the proper know-how.

This ebook will give you the "details in detail" with over 20 step-by-step photos and illustrations that will guarantee your success. ...

★★★★★ $19.95
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D. Angelo Ferri
Magia con le sigarette di Slydini by D. Angelo Ferri

Questo libro include tutti i miei insegnanti di magia con le sigarette. Imparerete a strappare una sigaretta in due e quindi ripristinarlo. Imparerete come prendere una sigaretta dal nulla. Lo studente imparerà: i modelli di temporizzazione Slydini, il concetto di eseguire un meccanico necessaria quando la mente dell'osservatore è mentalmente a riposo, e di sistema Slydini di movimento (il corpo prende la mano). Dato che la magia Slydini si basa su principi guida che non cambiano da gioco a gioco lo studente dovrà anche imparare le discipline che verranno applicate ad altri giochi Slydini....

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D. Angelo Ferri
Le palle di carta in scatolina by D. Angelo Ferri

Questo è il primo miracolo che io abbia mai visto la mia insegnante di eseguire. Sentivo che avevo visto vera magia. Ho iniziato i miei studi con le monete attraverso il tavolo, per poi passare a questo gioco. Uno dei suoi insegnamenti grandi è l'uso degli occhi. Questo è qualcosa Slydini istintivamente compreso e impiegato in tutta la sua magia. Questo gioco insegna l'uso degli occhi e soprattutto convinzione. In ogni lezione che abbiamo mai avuto mi ha sempre detto: "Dovete credere a quello che stai facendo, se lo credono, ma ci crederà". Ho incluso centinaia di fotografie. Ho incluso...

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José Prager
Duplo: drawing duplication by José Prager

This is an extremely clever gimmick which you can construct in a matter of minutes. You will probably have to make a quick trip to your office supply store, but it will be worth it. This is probably one of the most clever duplication principle.

Just look at the massive positive feedback this has already received:

"Very simple, direct and organic... This could be done in your birthday suit,with nothing more than a marker and one business card and you never peek the card. Got some ideas brewing on this one for double divinations, but for one assistant, nothing more than a good presentation...

★★★ $19.95
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MP4 (video)

José Prager
The Scanner by José Prager

Possibly The Scanner is one of the most innocent impression devices/pads you will ever come across.

  • It is perfect for real time and pre-show.
  • The reset takes about 5 seconds.
  • It uses an ordinary pen/pencil.
  • It is very low tech and costs next to nothing to make.
  • Prager uses it all the time to read minds close-up and even stage!
When purchasing The Scanner you will also get access to a secret forum where we will discuss everything about The Scanner.

What they are saying about The Scanner:

"The Scanner is an easy to make impression pad that looks very innocent while holding...

★★★★ $19.95
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Shawn Evans
Self-Contained Card Delivery System: Mene-Tekel Magic Maximized by Shawn Evans

"Man's mind stretched to a new dimension never goes back to its original position."

Few know the simple mechanics of the forgotten Mene-Tekel deck and even fewer know its real secrets. This ebook reveals the deck's true potential as a Self-Contained Card Delivery System, a Pseudo-Copying Machine and a YIN / YANG Premonition Setup that would make Hofzinser proud.

All known variations of the Mene-Tekel are systematically discussed in exacting detail, along with the corresponding card presentations, selections, and handlings per gaffed deck. Also included are DIY chapters on mene-tekel card...

★★★★ $19.95
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Andy Cannon
Psych Five by Andy Cannon

Engaging, interactive and a little bit cheeky

This is Andy's multiple phased, business card routine. Like every other piece in this collection it allows for ample byplay, and a fun competitiveness and out guessing theme between you and the participant. Perhaps the coolest part about this is the psychology that allows you to do it "gimmick" free with near 100% accuracy. Although the 100% accurate version is thrown in. This is pure psychological fun.

TERASBOS bit o' business
You'll need to be familiar with the Rick Maue Classic, this simple verbiage puts the odds in your favour...

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Alexander de Cova
Locked Books 01: The Invisible Topit by Alexander de Cova

An improvement on the classic TOPIT device.

For years many have been using the TOPIT gimmick. Michael Ammar made the sewn-in-type TOPIT popular. All those years Alexander de Cova was always thinking whether it might be possible to hide the bag (or better: the bag's opening and the edge) in the jacket. After becoming acquainted with the works of Tommy Wonder and his breakthrough concerning the tails TOPIT, things clicked together.

Tommy's system inspired de Cova to apply the principle to a regular TOPIT. The result is that this TOPIT can't be seen, because there is no visible edge.

In this ebook de Cova...

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Devin Knight & Al Mann
The Incredible Feats of Jason Michaels by Devin Knight & Al Mann

Jason Michaels was an extraordinary psychic during the 80s. (Jason was actually a pseudonym of Devin Knight.) He shot to national stardom almost overnight with his headline predictions that appeared to be the real thing; even to top mentalists such as Al Mann. He stunned reporters nationwide with his ability to levitate in newspaper offices. Yes, before self-levitations became popular Jason Michaels was doing it. That is because he was one of the early innovators of the effect. It did not stop there; he made himself invisible, caused clouds to vanish from the sky and outdid other mentalists...

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Deepak Mishra
Vaniss: five coin vanishes by Deepak Mishra

Five impromptu coin vanishes at your fingertips.

Vaniss is a collection of five coin vanishes all performed at the fingertips. Imagine being able to make a regular coin vanish at the very tips of your fingers. Learn five different methods to do exactly that. This is all sleight-of-hand without any gimmicks.

You will learn:

  1. Boom-Bam Vanish
  2. Flow Vanish
  3. Strange Vanish
  4. Tip-Tip Vanish
  5. Trace-less Vanish
Please note that some vanishes are not angle proof and can only be performed one-on-one or for a small group of people. Some use sleeving techniques. Difficulty varies but is generally...
★★★★★ $19.95
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MP4 (video)

Frances Marshall
The Bunny Book For Magicians by Frances Marshall

Everything you need to know about using rabbits in your act - lots of tips on care and maintenance, along with plenty of tricks and anecdotes. Plenty of pictures of bunnies and magicians. Interesting reading.

  • How The Rabbit Got Into Magic
  • Pets 'N Prestidigitation
  • The Top Hat - Square Circle - Ten Rabbit Production
  • Cherchez La Rabbit
  • Back Stage Rabbit Vanish
  • The Bunny Bit
  • How To Do The Most Popular Trick In The World
  • Irving's Bunny Cotton-Tail
  • Bunny In A Basket
  • Twin Chests, A Routine For Twin Rabbits
  • A Unique Live Stock Production
  • Carlton King's Rabbit Box
  • The Artist Draws A...
★★★★ $19.95
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(Benny) Ben Harris
Checkout Chi: pay with your mind by (Benny) Ben Harris

Checkout Chi is the first new effect from Ben Harris in ages. And, it's been worth the wait.

Checkout Chi will drop the jaws of your audiences when YOU PAY for the restaurant bill, bar tab, groceries, gasoline, movie tickets, or what have you--WITH YOUR MIND. No cash, no credit cards, just your mind!

And, it's genuine: The vendor gets paid. A receipt is issued. All is above board.

Seriously, this is the kind of impromptu magic that makes reputations. The moment arising from a real-world situation (having to pay the bill), and the solution (paying the bill with magic), proving your mastery...

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Peter Duffie
Best of Duffie 1 by Peter Duffie

45 tricks from more than 20 books, 2 insane essays

The Best of Peter Duffie 1 is a perfect cross section of card magic's evolution over the years. Duffie has worked with so many legendary figures that his inspiration is a frenzy of possibilities. Each trick in this ebook was selected as the very best of Peter Duffie's extensive online library.

Duffie employs the most direct method to get from point A to point B. You'll finish the trick without one wasted move; an important characteristic of any good magic trick. A streamlined effect provides ample opportunity to develop the presentation. ...

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Peter Duffie
Best of Duffie 6 by Peter Duffie

This latest volume in the "Best Of" series of Peter Duffie eBooks takes a new direction. Almost 40 card routines have been extracted from Peter's past books and are included in this volume. All the routines have a common denominator: They all involve the selection of a card (or cards) and their subsequent revelation in clever/devious ways!


  • Klektors
  • By Pass
  • Hour Magic
  • Card Two Pocket
  • Saved By The Belles
  • Special Envoy
  • 37 Years Later
  • The Keepers Of Secrets
  • Miracle Or Impossible Revisited
  • Phantomesque
  • Dreamland
  • Simply Stated
  • A Twisted Tale
  • In Place
  • Catalystic Collectors ...
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Paul M. Carnazzo
The Unfolding by Paul M. Carnazzo


Three photographs are displayed; each is of a different statue of Marcus Aurelius. (The photographs can be any 3, so presentational possibilities are endless) It is explained that Marcus Aurelius was a Roman Emperor, and is also considered one of the most important Stoic philosophers. One of his most famous quotes is displayed:

"Everything is unfolding as it must, and if you observe carefully, you will find this to be so."

The mentalist explains that this philosophy will be put to the test. A man and a woman are asked to help. The woman is asked to choose a photo...any one...a...

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Peter Duffie
Duffie's Card Compulsions by Peter Duffie

This is an electronic facsimile of the deluxe edition of Duffie's Card Compulsions that was published by Richard Kaufman. Illustrated by Joseph K. Schmidt with an introduction by Roy Walton. Besides the wonderful card magic you will also find artful drawings of sparsely clad ladies. And let's be honest folks, this is the real reason you should buy this ebook.


  • Preliminary
    • Introduction: Roy Walton
    • Foreword: Peter Duffie
  • Routines
    • The Three Packet Shuffle
    • Mis-Read Palmistry
    • City Slickers
    • Marriage On The Rocks
    • Sherlock Never Married
    • Baker Street Branch
    • Dearly Departed
    • Exodus
    • The Lucky Ten
    • Just For Starters ...
★★★★ $19.95
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Randy Wakeman
A Few of the Usual Miracles by Randy Wakeman

In this vintage and somewhat wacky video, Randy Wakeman demonstrates and explains in great detail his work with "Small Packet Ambitious," "The Visitor," the Rainbow Deck, Tom Gagnon's Impromptu Haunted Deck, Gagnon's "LBD Aces," and much, much more.

Miscellaneous mayhem by Simon Lovell is also included. And yes, although this isn't exactly "Team America" . . . puppets are involved.

length 1 hour

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MP4 (video)

Terry LaGerould
Terry LaGerould: Super Session 2015 by Terry LaGerould

Kept under wraps for over a decade, Terry LaGerould offers up a beautiful collection of his visually arresting, impromptu, magical miracles for 2015 . . . all backed by his uniquely strong presentational angles.

Includes: Blame It on the Milkman, Club Sandwich, A Puzzling Poker Hand, What Goes Down Must Come Up, Yanked, The Invisible Deal, Vigilante, Grand Slam, Outlaws, Flashjacks, and much more.

Yanked, Vigilante, Flashjacks, and Grand Slam are four routines you'll want to immediately add to your working repertoire. It is fun, memorable, amazing magic that you'll enjoy performing anytime,...

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MP4 (video)

David Jonathan
RudiMental by David Jonathan

This is a collection of five self-working, or semi-automatic, effects that share the key underlying theme that the spectator becomes the star, getting all the credit for the small miracles they just seemed to perform. RudiMental contains a variety of unique effects, most of which are hands off, and are very deceptive, yet simple in method. At their core, the foundation of each piece uses a practical, time-honored method that has been modernized, re-worked and applied in unique new ways.

Each effect is supplemented with a presentation script, multiple detailed photos and many additional tips,...

★★★★★ $19.95
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Mike Powers
Power Plays by Mike Powers

This ebook contains a large collection of visual magic including 20 impromptu card mysteries, 12 mathematical mysteries, 10 prepared card mysteries, 11 coin mysteries, and 6 miscellaneous mysteries. The focus is on card magic but you will also find mentalism, coins, rubber bands, drinking straws, paper money and other types of magic. Illustrated by Tony Dunn with a foreword by Allan Ackerman.

A couple of highlights are:

ITH Triumph: An in the hands triumph effect with three distinct phases.

Impromptu Terror: An impromptu moving hole effect with a card signed by the spectator on both sides. A hole...

★★★★ $19.95
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Jesús Etcheverry
De Entre Mis Notas ... Reflexiones Sobre La Carta Doble (El Manejo de Ascanio) by Jesús Etcheverry

Cuando escribí mi trilogía sobre La Magia de Ascanio, tras revisar cuidadosamente todo el material disperso que manejé, contrastándolo a menudo, tuve que dejar fuera cosas, no muchas, que aunque estaban en mi plan inicial, o no pude ampliarlas debidamente o ya no teníamos en los libros espacio material para publicarlas. Uno de estos temas fue el Manejo de la carta doble.

Sobre este ascaniano tema tenía dos documentos, las Notas de Conferencia que Arturo editó para el congreso que en el año 1980 se celebró en Santa Cruz de Tenerife, el mítico "MagiCanarias-80", y el guion que usó...

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