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Mentalism & Spiritism Cards Magazines & Journals with Demo Video DIY, Makers & Builders DVD (download+stream) Books (printed) Video clips (download) Theory, Articles & Reviews for Beginners Coins, Chips & Buttons Illusions, Escape & Stage Biographies & History in German (Deutsch) Marketing, Selling & Business Matters Audio Balls, Eggs, Dice & Cups Memory & Mnemonics Paper & Paper Money Science & Math Tricks Ropes, Ribbons, Strings & Reels Comedy Magic Compilations Patter, Plots & Scripts Physical (Non-Digital) Tricks & Gimmicks in Italian (italiano) Kids & Children Hypnosis & NLP Rings Cigarettes, Candles, Matches & Fire Phone, Apps & eTricks Liquids, Chemicals & Bottles Published 1800-1899 DVD & Video (disc) Silks & Flags Hands, Fingers & Body Thimbles Catalogs Chapeaugraphy Published before 1800 Ventriloquism Instruction Sheets in French (français) Second Hand in Spanish (español) Animals Gospel Magic Gift Cards & Donations Pickpocket Fiction for Resellers Free in Japanese (日本の)


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Unknown Mentalist
Deckless Oncemore by Unknown Mentalist

A classic principle. Some new innovative applications. The result is some cool card mentalism effects. 4 main effects and 2 bonus effects are explained. The main effects are all deckless card mentalism effects, where a physical deck of cards is not used. The bonus effects are for those who want to use a physical deck of cards, anyways.

The underlying theme is that of either predicting or divining a card mentally chosen by a participant. The methods are self-working, easy to learn, and a pleasure to perform. You can in fact forget about the method and focus fully on your presentation. There...

★★★ $12
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Unknown Mentalist
Her Majesty Deck by Unknown Mentalist

Her Majesty Deck is named thus because in this stack the Queen is called Her Majesty for an innovative reason. This is a memorized deck that is easier to learn, remember and use than Mnemonica or Aronson stacks. Most probably, you will be able to learn this stack on the same day that you read this manuscript.

The first few cards of Her Majesty Deck are as follows: AC 3D 2D 9H 7H JS 5H KS 4H QD 6S

You can perform almost all the stack-independent memdeck material out there with this deck too.


As a bonus, the Dictum Deck is also included. This is a cyclical stack that...

★★★★ $12
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Audley V. Walsh
Rackets are my Racket by Audley V. Walsh

We are proud to reintroduce this rare manuscript of Audley Walsh's gambling exposé, which also includes a number of the author's card effects that make a perfect ending to the lecture.

Contains the "meat" of his now-famous lecture, including a brief biography; how he developed and organized the lecture; gives an excellent summary on the origin and history of playing cards; plus six excellent, illustrated card effects and sleights to present:

  • The Mystic 32 Card Trick
  • Any Name Called For
  • Rubber-Fingered Charlie
  • Use My Deck!
  • Blackjack Peek
  • Three Card Monte with Paper Clip
  • The Magnetic...
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Ken Muller
Eminent Coin Production by Ken Muller

An "almost perfect" production of four individual coins from thin air. This is ideal as a prelude for an effect like Coins Across, Coins Thru Table or even 3Fly.

  1. both hands are displayed as completely empty
  2. a coin is snatched from the air by the openly shown right fingers
  3. a second coin is seen to visibly materialize and is plucked for thin air by the left fingers
  4. the righthand coin is added to the one on the left palm with both hands shown otherwise empty (Note: There is no movement to the body and then hands never touch - no gaffs either.)
  5. a third coin is seen to materialize in the air...
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Unknown Mentalist
Psycho Path by Unknown Mentalist

The mind reader begins by saying "Let's play an interesting game. Imagine you are a 'psychopath' on the run and I am a 'psychic detective'. We will use 4 continents and 4 directions...." And ends the effect by absolutely stunning the participant with an impossible-looking divination.

At its core, this is a quick, high-impact propless piece that you can deploy in almost any situation like on a voice call, in a virtual show, face to face close up, parlour, street etc. The performer divines the exact personality trait of a psychopath. The entire routine can be performed in about a minute. ...

★★★★ $12
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Boyet Vargas
All Four Two by Boyet Vargas

"Brilliant" - Marc Salem

"I love the style of thinking in using your brain to the extra leg work to create something fun and engaging for your spectators!" - Ben Cardal

The spectator plays a "Charades" like game with the mentalist. And in every round of the game, the mentalist always gets it right. Lastly, the mentalist performs a mind-reading effect that identifies objects that the spectator is thinking of.

  • No force
  • Can be performed via video call
  • Can be propless
  • Can include a drawing duplication effect
  • Does not use truth-teller/liar plot
  • Can use different objects
Contents: ...
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Paul A. Lelekis
The Drawing Room by Paul A. Lelekis

6 beautiful effects that are stronger than The Hulk!

When I was a kid, I purchased magic books from the 1800s by Prof. Hoffman, Herrmann, Jean Robert-Houdin, and a host of other magicians who I've never heard of before ... these books were old, with very yellowed, brittle pages, with artwork that was quite intricate and very Victorian.

But what stood out most to me, were how many times these books would mention performing in, or retiring to "the drawing room" ... this term really intrigued me.

These stellar effects within, will "spark" those magical times in your lives that have lasted us for so many years.

Effects: ...

★★★★ $12
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Ken Muller
Single Stone: Found & F.U.N. Series by Ken Muller

How to use a single object like a walnut to perform astounding and entertaining illusions of transportations, penetrations, color-changes, productions and vanishes.

A blending of sway methods, innovative sleights, insightful stratagems, and the elements of performance using 'found' objects in a true impromptu setting.

FOUND - an object from the location: candy, pebble, nut, coffee creamer, etc. Nothing from your person, carried, prepared or gaffed. Just a 'stone' in reference.

IMPROMPTU - in response to a sudden request or chance opportunity.

SINGLE - 15 effects and several...

★★★★★ $12
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Unknown Mentalist
Mpeep by Unknown Mentalist

Mpeep is short for Mind Peep. It is also an acronym for all the routine names in this manuscript. Based on an innovative combination of classic methods, this novel principle enables you to quickly and deceptively plant a word and then divine it from a participant's mind. 5 routines and a bonus routine are explained. In fact, based on the method, you can create several routines yourself to suit your performance situation or customize for a particular audience or participant. You can perform this completely propless, in a virtual show, or use a couple of your business cards and perform in close-up,...

★★★ $12
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Unknown Mentalist
Teletrack by Unknown Mentalist

Teletrack is a quick propless effect where the performer impossibly tracks the thought of a participant telepathically. Beginning from the 'fate' of the participant and ending with the 'destiny' of the participant, the performer is able to identify the final silent thought.

Nothing is said or written down by the participant. You can perform this completely propless over a voice phone call, in a virtual show, or face to face in close-up, parlor, street venues, or even over a text chat. The method is easy and self-working but creates wonder for the participant. There are no sleights, not...

★★★ $12
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Renzo Grosso
Arcane Tarot Stories by Renzo Grosso

"Tarot is a deck of cards but the Tarot represents a person. We are the Tarot and we use the Tarot because we live." (Andrea Mecchia)

I don't know if it happens to you too ... when I particularly love a project, I start to collect elements, I work on it a bit, but it always seems that something is missing ... you leave and resume the project, but that something is always missing ... then, one day, it arrives like that in one fell swoop, and makes everything good.

This is the story of this project, which I finally want to share, with the hope that it will also satisfy your desire to present...

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Giovanni Iuliani
Archives of Human Prodigies 1 by Giovanni Iuliani

There once was a dream world that travelled at night on a train full of possibilities. This was the Golden Age of the circus (1880-1930s). Aboard this magical train, you would find circus performers, a menagerie of exotic animals and those known as "freaks".

Also called human prodigies, the "freaks" were born with special physicalities. Among these were giants, midgets, siamese-twins, etc. All were gathered inside a giant tent known as the sideshow (or annex attraction).

Get ready to see many astonishing if not shocking pictures. The Archives of Human Prodigies is published in three...

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Giovanni Iuliani
Archives of Human Prodigies 2 by Giovanni Iuliani

Freaks, strange people, monsters, and even prodigies are some of the words used to describe the human beings that you will find in this ebook. While we realize that today many of these words might be considered "politically incorrect" we have taken the liberty of using these terms insofar as to better communicate the mindset of the sideshow people of that era. No disrespect is intended.

At the time, sideshows went by many different names, among these: dime museums of one kind or another and tent attractions, fronted by huge banners, depicting very unusual people and or animals. Curiosities...

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Giovanni Iuliani
Archives of Human Prodigies 3 by Giovanni Iuliani

More unusual people including super fat, slim, tall, small, and many other freaks of nature. Learn about giants such as Chang Yu Sang, Edward Beaupré, Allen E. Tilden, Conrad Furrows, Bimbo, Sgt. Emmet M. Stephens, Capt. George Dowling or John Aasen. Or perhaps you are more interested in midgets such as Lynn Major White, Lia Graf, Tom Thumb, Major Rhinehart, Doletta Boykins, and Major Mite. Many more identified and unidentified prodigies are documented.

1st edition 2013, 62 pages.

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Unknown Mentalist
Propless Signtist by Unknown Mentalist

There are innumerable zodiac sign divination methods out there. So then, why one more? Because, the more tools you have in your toolbox, the more prepared and ready you will be for any type of work situation. Propless SignTist, as the name suggests is a completely propless and 100% surefire method. The process is simple, short, justified, and flows smoothly. You can nail the zodiac sign of a stranger, comfortably and effectively, in less than a minute. You can perform Propless SignTist anytime, anywhere to anyone without anything on you by just carrying this simple method in your head.


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Jean Pierre Persinet
30 Magic Tricks / Truques de Magia by Jean Pierre Persinet

This is a bilingual magic ebook. All 30 easy close-up tricks are explained in English and French. Impress your friends with your magic. [Les tours de magie ont toujours beaucoup de succès, je vous propose 30 tours de close-up avec lesquels vous allez pouvoir épater vos amis (es).]

  1. [Note that the first trick is missing. Notez que le premier tour est manquant.]
  2. The Sturdy Balloon / Le ballon invincible
  3. Instant Stamps / Les timbres
  4. Faster Than Polaroid / Plus vite qu’un “Polaroid”
  5. Jigsaw Puzzle / Le casse-tête
  6. Making Money / Faire de l’argent
  7. Free as a Bird / Libre comme l’oiseau
  8. Cupid’s Arrow / La flèche de Cupidon
  9. The Fortune Cookie / 9.Les gâteaux ‘Bonne aventure’
  10. Travelling Seven / Le sept voyageur
  11. Mr. Flexible / Monsieur Souple
  12. The Mysterious Gender Ring / L’anneau mystérieux...
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Wolfgang Riebe
Smoke, Mirrors, Braavileis and Sauerkraut by Wolfgang Riebe

A 'magical' autobiography and an inspirational book.

  • 1+ million people have seen him live in 165+ countries
  • 15+ million views on YouTube with over 1000+ videos
  • 180+ TV shows and multiple prime time TV series
  • thousands of global online students
  • 40+ Books and best-selling author
  • TedX Speaker
  • Known as the German with a South African accent

Can you believe it! A non-US, UK, or Europe magician that achieved fame and fortune, traveled the world, became a TV star in his own country, and achieved all his dreams! A magical inspirational real-life story like never before. Magician, Professional...

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Ken Muller
Pair of Stones: Found & F.U.N. Series by Ken Muller

This is the second eBook in the series and a companion to Single Stone, with completely different effects and additional sleights/moves plus special stratagems to take advantage of the unique qualities of "exactly two."

Learn how to use two objects like walnuts or candy to perform astounding and entertaining illusions of transportations, penetrations, color-changes, productions, and vanishes.

A blending of sway methods, innovative sleights, insightful stratagems, and the elements of performance using 'found' objects in a true impromptu setting. (Many techniques can be used in other venues/settings.) ...

★★★★★ $12
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Unknown Mentalist
Force Multiplier by Unknown Mentalist

Force Multiplier is a concept where multiple forces are applied to a routine or effect so that the overall impact gets exponentially bigger. So the result is far bigger than just the sum of individual parts. In a way, 2+2 does not remain 4 but becomes, say 20.

And this concept of Force Multiplier is used to create 3 effects that are propless, instant and impactful, at the same time. And you do not need anything at all to perform these effects. Just carry the simple and easy method in your head and you are set to perform these anytime, anywhere to anyone to stun and amaze. You can perform...

★★★★ $12
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Ralf (Fairmagic) Rudolph
Impossible Foldings Reloaded by Ralf (Fairmagic) Rudolph

In this latest download you learn all the important techniques from all volumes plus variations.


  • Braided Cards
  • Braided Pyramid
  • Inside-out Banknote
  • V-Fold Variation
  • Braided
  • Banknotes to Pyramid
  • and much more

1st edition 2021, video 1 h 11 min.

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MP4 (video)

Biagio Fasano & Renzo Grosso & Davide Rubat Remond
Bending Minds 1 by Biagio Fasano & Renzo Grosso & Davide Rubat Remond

What is "Bending Minds"?

In this ebook, which will be structured in three volumes, you will see us use cards and simple pieces of paper, to develop mentalism effects that can be conducted live in person, or proposed at a distance, with a video connection or just audio (Zoom, Skype, Meet, etc., or even just on the phone), without the performer being able to see the cards, which are always handled by the viewer.

All descriptions come with a presentation, which is also original, very detailed, and inspired by movies, games, books, or just a simple emotion. A precious dress to be worn whenever...

★★★ $12
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Patrik Kuffs
Thought Swiper by Patrik Kuffs

"Thought Swiper is fantastic! I wish I'd thought of this! There is no faster way to get to the thought-of card. Absolutely wonderful!" - Bob Farmer

"I think it's so damn clever and honestly I've been having so much fun with it. It's an amazing little device and once magicians find out about it will carry it with them at all times." - Paul Romhany

"Patrik abhors memory work and mental arithmetic on stage. In "Thought Swiper" a fiendishly clever print gimmick strips a powerful principle older than Professor Hoffmann's Modern Magic (1876) of all its fussy calculations and memorization. The prop visually integrates all the...

★★★★★ $12
more than one
type to choose


gimmick & PDF


Unknown Mentalist
Kryptic Force by Unknown Mentalist

The Kryptic Force is an easy yet powerful force but very little known in the field of magic or mentalism. As with any force, here too the applications of the force are limited only by your imagination. A few interesting routines and effects are shared here. But you can surely come up with many of your own routines using this beautiful force.

The actual process to force is very fast and direct. Maybe, depending on your presentation, it may take all of fifteen seconds to perform the force. Or you can stretch it for as long as you want. This is not a psychological force. The Kryptic Force...

★★★★ $12
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Unknown Mentalist
Dicey Devils by Unknown Mentalist

This manuscript explains two interesting and useful forces with dice. Normal ungimmicked dice. One of the forces can even be done without actual dice - with just imaginary dice. So obviously, this force will find many uses in propless effects. The other force needs a couple of actual dice - ordinary and ungimmicked. Both the forces can be performed in face-to-face situations, in virtual shows, or even over voice phone calls.

You are sure to find several uses and applications for these forces. However, to get you started the following 3 routines are explained.

  1. Propless Presidents
  2. Forced...
★★★ $12
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