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Gerard Zitta
Trust by Gerard Zitta

Trust: A spectator guesses the card placed in full view on the table at the very beginning. (Uses dual reality among other bold principles, but the cool thing is that the participant can swear in front of everybody that it is the same card). There is absolutely no force for the spectator's card.

Variations on Trust: Including an interesting one with a business card where you write the card (before the spectator reveals her card).

Crossword: Another, and different, method for "Trust".

Smashed: The spectator forgets her drawing.

Subliminal: An interesting addition to a force. This...

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Irresistible Close-Up Magic by Duraty

The best routines of a french magician well known for his creativity and efficiency.

Duraty says: "The effects gathered in this book represent more than 40 years of close-up performances. Endowed with just an average skill, I always gave preference to the most practical and easiest methods for I consider that effects are the only part that counts. I perform magic to amaze and surprise lay audiences rather than showing off in front of other magicians.

In my opinion, skill must remain hidden, flourishes and magical juggling demonstrations are not compatible with the idea I formed of magic,...

★★★★ $20
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Aldo Colombini
Aldo's Finale by Aldo Colombini

When Aldo Colombini unexpectedly died he left behind many unpublished tricks. Rachel Colombini has compiled these together with a number of contributions from Aldo's friends. As such this is Aldo's last ebook. It is a testament to one of the most beloved and prolific authors in magic. Wherever he went he performed, sometimes for hours without break. These are the effects he was working on last ... Aldo's Finale!

★★★★★ $20
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Antonio Romero
The Transparent Cups by Antonio Romero

A stunning routine of unparalleled talent! The cups and balls with clear glasses - transparent cups. Antonio breaks new ground in close up magic with this effect. What an idea and what entertainment.

"Antonio breaks new ground in close-up magic. What a fabulous idea." - Arturo de Ascanio

"In my lifetime, I've seen some of the greatest "CUPS N BALL" routines performed by Dai Vernon, Mike Ammar, John Thompson, Charlie Miller, Johnny Paul and the many others with brilliant routines and moves & sleights. Antonio's routine is smashing and completely blew me away! You don't need an expensive set of cups for the cups and balls routine!...

★★★★★ $20
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MP4 (video)

Antonio Romero
Los Cubiletes Transparentes by Antonio Romero

Una rutina impresionante y un talento sin igual. Con este efecto, Antonio abre nuevas puertas en la magia de cerca. ¡Vaya idea! ¡Qué gran presentación!

"A lo largo de mi vida, he visto algunas de las mejores rutinas de cubiletes como las de Dai Vernon, Michael Ammar, John Thompson, Johnny Paul, y muchos otros con rutinas y pases brillantes. La increible rutina de Antonio me dejó atónito. Para hacer la rutina no necesitas unos cubiletes caros ni mucho menos. Antonio lo ha simplificado todo ¡y de qué manera!" - Joe Stevens

"Una rutina asombrosa, de una originalidad única: una...

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MP4 (video)

Simon Caine
LOCI: A 3 phase shuffled deck memory routine by Simon Caine

Phase 1: After a series of fair shuffles, a deck is spread and committed to memory by the performer. A spectator removes one card from the deck and places it in a different part of the spread. The performer correctly identifies both the selected card and the position it was moved from. This can be repeated several times.

Phase 2: The spectator chooses any suit, and without looking, the performer is able to call out the correct order of cards from the shuffled suit as the deck dealt out.

Phase 3: With the deck remaining in the spectators hands, they name any number and the performer is...

★★★★★ $20
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Hugh Miller
The Art of Eddie Joseph by Hugh Miller

"I consider Eddie Joseph one of the magical geniuses of this age." - John Braun (editor of the Linking Ring).

"Eddie Joseph's material isn't only's great." - Lloyd E. Jones writing in Genii

"His originations have won him world acclaim and a niche in Magic's Hall of Fame." - Eddie Clever

"Just how one man can be so good in so many fields, we don't know. We do feel, however, that the world of magic can consider itself lucky that there is such a person. At one time, we remember Joe Berg arguing with us that there wasn't such a person, that it was a phoney name dreamed up to mask some top professional." - Sid Lorraine

★★★★ $20
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Daniel Rowan
Magical Rope Artistry by Daniel Rowan

"What a creativity in your book!" - Flip

"...this treatise is a steal for $25!" - Robert E. Neale, MUM March 2006.

Magical Rope Artistry is a wonderful text on rope sculptures, rope routines, and rope and ring effects. If you do rope magic, you will want this ebook.

Rope Sculptures - Learn how to turn a piece of rope into a rope rabbit puppet, then animate, levitate and vanish the creature. Totally impromptu. Change a piece of rope into mouse or rat. You can perform powerful routines similar to Dan Garrett's Judy the Mouse or Quentin Reynolds handkerchief mouse impromptu and then...

★★★★ $20
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B. W. McCarron
Kara's Crystal Visions by B. W. McCarron

Projected Answers from the Q&A Master

The late Paul Kara galvanized audiences with his remarkable feats of crystal gazing and mindreading. Yet for all of Kara's remarkable stage presence, staging, and costumes, audiences and critics alike said it was his answers that kept them coming back, night after night.

Now you can learn from the master with this amazing collection of over 300 of Kara's answers to questions, just as audiences would have received them back in his day. Not only that, but the questions themselves can be used for practice purposes, to hone your own answering abilities...

★★★★★ $20
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Gregg Webb
Melange by Gregg Webb

A mix of Time Travelers, Time Capsules, and BOF Bonuses.

1st edition 2015, 120 pages.

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Rupesh Thakur
Facebook Prediction by Rupesh Thakur

[Note: Rohit Gupta contacted us in 2018 that he created and published the same method in 2014, predating this publication. We checked and he indeed published it at that time and should therefore be credited as the originator of this method. Rupesh Thakur maintains that he independently created the method, which for anybody who is familiar with Facebook would not be that hard.]

Casual predictions:

Predict anything you want. From a visit to a planet of choice of your friend, to presidential elections to rugby matches, to superbowl results, to even a sweet little prediction if your newborn baby is going to be a girl or a boy - surprise your spouse, or grandma. Imagine making a prediction to your mom what dish she will cook tonight. Long ago before she even enters kitchen. From all types of fun little sweet predictions to serious professional predictions.

Corporate predictions:

How about you predicting a business meeting outcome? How about prediction...

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Dustin Dean
The Magician That Became The Mentalist by Dustin Dean

The Magician That Became The Mentalist, is a collection of workable material and ideas that I have created over the past few years. I share with you some of my most used, original routines that I use in the real world. I also share some of my thoughts on mentalism and magic. This includes the importance of performance, dual reality, simplicity, and much more. In this ebook you'll find useful effects and advice, whether you are a magician, mentalist, or in between! I even share a new principle never before seen in mentalism or magic. A principle I named the "WatchStop" principle that can be adapted...

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Dale A. Hildebrandt
An Offering by Dale A. Hildebrandt

It's Not Just A Rock: A rock becomes something more...

This takes "One Hotter Coin" and "Energy Hand" and puts them on steroids. Perfect for one-on-one demonstrations; you'll get a rock to heat up, cool down, throb around, and finally make an everlasting change - in both the rock and the participant. And you don't switch rocks for the change. This is all part of "ONE HOTTEST COIN" and you'll absolutely love these presentations.

Sally Sells Seashells: A walk along the beach...

An enchantress, a walk along the beach, and some elemental magic all combine for a fun situational routine....

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Gerard Zitta
M: a Mixture of Magic and Mentalism by Gerard Zitta

All the effects will look improvised from the audience point of view, but they need a one-time preparation, and all are easy, except for the three last ones that will need more practice and some rehearsal.

ATM wallet: You will do this one every single time you have to pay something. You need an item every magician has got already in their drawer.

X=H3-E2: Rapidly force one object among a higher number of objects. (twice as fast as "PATEO", and easier to perform.)

Phone hypnosis: Block a borrowed phone (harmless), with the power of your mind. Easy.

Bright as a feather: Use a feather...

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Ulrich von Etzenbach
Mind Realities 1 by Ulrich von Etzenbach

Ulrich Von Etzenbach's Mind Realities Vol 1 will give you new routines, ideas, techniques and a interesting point of view for your own development as performer.

Classic plots in mentalism, structure and new options with simple methods and engaging performances. Learn how to make people fall with your influence (great finesses added), read minds without worries, impromptu and no gimmicks Bank Night and much more!


  1. Card Miracle - A four-phase miracle with a deck of cards. Perfect closer, very strong piece of card mentalism
  2. Kiss From a Rose - Take your spectator on a journey through...
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Timothy Hyde
The Expert MC Toolkit & Resource Manual by Timothy Hyde

Timothy Hyde, international mentalist and founder of the project has a big secret. Over half of his business is actually as an MC at corporate events worldwide. His clients have used him in - South Africa, New Zealand, the USA, and every corner of Australia and he is about to head off to an assignment in Cambodia.

Many magicians have crossed over into this exciting and lucrative market, using the skills they already have to create fun and impact at a huge range of events. The market is vast and expanding. Assignments can include - Corporate, Association, Government, Social...

★★★★★ $30 $20
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Devin Knight & Al Mann
The Glass Box Headline Prediction by Devin Knight & Al Mann

These are the original directions that came with a clear plastic box and papers. You do not need any special plastic box as any small clear box can be used. If you already own the more expensive Glass Box Revisited ebook then you already have most of this information as most of this was reprinted in that ebook.

Back in 1986 Devin Knight who performed as a professional psychic shocked the world with a headline prediction that involved the Newfoundland plane crash that killed over 200 people. The prediction had been held by a state senator. News of this went worldwide and the story was carried in over 2000 newspapers....

★★★★★ $20
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Gerard Zitta
Mosaics by Gerard Zitta

With this flexible system or combination of principles, you will be able to create your own effects like this one: Example of effect:

"Do you think you are influenceable? I bet you are..."

You show a business card with the five ESP symbols. The spectator freely points to one of them. This is the one you predicted.

  • The basic effect is not new, but it is that direct and quick: They announce their choice, and you conclude.
  • There is apparently no 'process', no force, no fumbling, etc. in between.
  • It uses common objects (pen, index card/paper, etc.).
  • Any patter or presentation can be...
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Tim Ellis
Australian Magic Monthly by Tim Ellis

This magazine ran from October 1989 until January 1998 - a total of 100 issues and 1440 pages. It includes news, advice, interviews, reviews, performer profiles and a lot more. You will not find that many tricks in it, but the guest columns by Australian and international performers are great. Editor in chief was Tim Ellis. It is a great way to learn more about the magic scene in Australia during that time.

1st digital edition 2015, 1443 pages.

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Stephen Ablett
Everything I know about being a Children's Entertainer by Stephen Ablett

This ebook is an updated version of the Children's Entertainers Guidebook. It answers hundreds of questions you have been afraid to ask of a children’s entertainer. Stephen, a professional magician for over 20 years, gives tips on advertising, child control, show structure and many other key areas. This ebook is the ultimate guide to structuring your show, trick selection and working in the business. Learn how to put a show together and engage an audience, new tricks and routines for your birthday, school, theme-park and library shows. Learn new advertising techniques, business management...

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Howard Ray Lawrence
27 Illusions by Howard Ray Lawrence

This PDF would not exist, if it were not for one of those rare coincidences. The content of this ebook was locked away on a set of 16 microfiche since the mid-70s under a title and categorization inaccessible to magic keyword searches. No more than 50 people have seen it or are aware of its existence. And since most of those 50 folks have nothing to do with magic it is a publication completely unknown in the magic community.

It is a remarkable set of plans for 27 illusions which 27 students of architecture at Penn State University under the guidance of Prof. Howard Ray Lawrence produced during...

★★★★ $20
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Scott Xavier
Frique Technique by Scott Xavier

Learn the skills of the side show performer...

Within this 40 plus minute video, you will learn the skills to make a living as a side show magician and freak show performer.

  • You'll learn the human block head routine, where you'll be able to hammer a nail into your head.
  • Learn to gaff glass to make glass walking infinitely safer.
  • Learn super human strength technique to tear an Apple into two pieces.
  • A complete expose on making side show fire torches in a pinch, a flame fuel that is a solid and non-petroleum based and infinitely safer, you'll also see how a real freak show artist performs...

MP4 (video)

Scott Xavier
Almost Hyp by Scott Xavier

This ebook is a collection of 10 years of performing hypnosis in some of the worst bars and backyard parties through out the midwest. These are hypnosis seeming effects that you can do anywhere to create the illusion that you CAN control minds for real! These are the ideal pseudo hypnotic effects that can put almost any audience deeper into REAL hypnosis as well by allowing audiences to go deeper with these convincing effects. In fact no hypnosis is necessary to perform any of these magic and mentalism effects.

This is a collection of effects that will allow you to add 20-30 minutes of pseudo-hypnosis...

★★★★ $20
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Kyle P. Merck
Of Cabbages and Kings by Kyle P. Merck

Twelve practical effects from an award winning performer's professional repertoire.

With 42 pages and twelve effects, this ebook has something for everyone. Whether you perform Close-up, Strolling, Trade Shows or Platform shows, you are bound to find something here that you can use. Everything included is well within the ability of the average performer. Effects using sleight of hand are simple and well known sleights many of which you probably already know. Includes photos, illustrations, and even templates to create these effects yourself.

Hobo Travelers - A no palming version of the...

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