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Mentalism & Spiritism Cards Magazines & Journals with Demo Video DIY, Makers & Builders DVD (download+stream) Books (printed) Video clips (download) Theory, Articles & Reviews for Beginners Coins, Chips & Buttons Illusions, Escape & Stage Biographies & History in German (Deutsch) Marketing, Selling & Business Matters Audio Balls, Eggs, Dice & Cups Memory & Mnemonics Paper & Paper Money Science & Math Tricks Ropes, Ribbons, Strings & Reels Comedy Magic Compilations Patter, Plots & Scripts Physical (Non-Digital) Tricks & Gimmicks in Italian (italiano) Kids & Children Hypnosis & NLP Rings Cigarettes, Candles, Matches & Fire Phone, Apps & eTricks Liquids, Chemicals & Bottles Published 1800-1899 DVD & Video (disc) Silks & Flags Hands, Fingers & Body Thimbles Catalogs Chapeaugraphy Published before 1800 Ventriloquism Instruction Sheets in French (français) Second Hand in Spanish (español) Animals Gospel Magic Gift Cards & Donations Pickpocket Fiction for Resellers Free in Japanese (日本の)


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Lionel A. Weatherly & John Nevil Maskelyne
The Supernatural? by Lionel A. Weatherly & John Nevil Maskelyne

In this work, Lionel Weatherly inspects and investigates stories of mirages, prophetic dreams and the experiences of historical figures like Joan of Arc. Illusionist John Nevil Maskelyne, who exposed the fraud of a number of spiritualists including the Davenport Brothers, and who created several famous illusions which are still being performed today, examines the truth behind a number of famous Eastern magical illusions. Maskelyne also scrutinizes mediumistic fraud, questioning the credibility of figures like D. D. Home and Madame Blavatsky, in an entertaining and carefully argued investigation...

★★★★★ $12
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Ken Muller
4x4 Rings: F.U.N. Ring Series by Ken Muller

A short routine using four metal rings based on unique methods and sleights from the Primal Rings ebook.

Learn Four Choice, Double Out, Twice Removed, Slack Switch all with reverse ring framing and Web Ring subtlety, but without the development logic. This module uses a standard 4-ring set of metal 4-6" rings with several recommended modifications.

A dangled chain of four metal rings is gathered into a fan display from which a single, spectator chosen ring is extracted. Then the other three rings are removed one-by-one, leading to a series of link-unlink demonstrations in the hands of a spectator. Finally,...

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Mystic Alexandre
And There Is Silence by Mystic Alexandre

This is an impromptu, could be considered self-working, and super easy psychic playing card routine with a clever method you will enjoy.

Your presentation could start with: Life is full of decisions ... And in a chaotic world ... the reason we often struggle to make decisions easily and confidently is because we've cut ourselves off from the loving guidance of the universe. Even if we meditate or pray, we can still feel disconnected. Usually our logical mind gets in the way of our intuition. It's better to have a clear connection to the Universe in order to feel ease around our decision-making....

★★★★ $12
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Unknown Mentalist
The Blank Code by Unknown Mentalist

EFFECT: A participant thinks of any 2-digit number. It is a completely free choice and there is no force at all. The participant then focuses on a blank business card held by the performer's assistant and merely imagines the 2-digit number in his mind on the blank card. The performer is able to 'read' and reveal the thought exactly.

METHOD: A two-person coding system is employed which is totally invisible to the audience but can be learned in minutes by the performer and his assistant.

FEATURES: The Blank Code is a two-person coding system that can be used for telepathy demonstrations...

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Hal Saxon
The Big 3 Beginner Thumb Tip Tricks by Hal Saxon

This guide will take you step by step through the process of learning three beautiful tricks with a thumb tip: the silk vanish, the bill change and the cut & restored string.

These 3 tricks or effects are designed for beginner magicians, but you will learn moves and handling that will serve you very well in dozens of other effects. This is a phenomenal starting point for thumb tip magic. Some nice twists like letting the magic happen in the spectator's hand.

The Silk Vanish:

A small silk is shown on both sides by a magician with short sleeves and no watch. (Cannot hide the hanky...

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R. P.
Ein Spiel Karten: Lehrbuch der höheren Kartenkunst by R. P.

Ein für die Zeit zu der es publiziert wurde fortgeschrittenes Buch über Kartenzauberei mit und ohne Fingerfertigkeit. Es ist nicht bekannt wer der Autor dieses Werkes ist. Magic Christian vermutet es war vielleicht Carl von Pospischil. Es wurde in Prag bei der k. k. Hofbuchdruckerei v. Gottlieb Haase Söhne, einem berühmten Drucker und Verleger, gedruckt.

  • Vorwort
  • Einleitung
    • § 1. Volte
    • § 2. Das Forciren
    • § 3. Mischungen
    • § 4. Legungen
    • § 5. Von präparirten Spielen und Karten
  • Erste Abteilung
    • 1. Die verrätherischen Karten
    • 2. Die verschwundene Figur
    • 3. Eine Scene aus...
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Unknown Mentalist
4go10Mr.E by Unknown Mentalist

As you can see the title is a fancy way of writing Forgotten Mystery. This is highly effective as a quick opener or as a casual one-off effect. You just need to carry a single double blank card (or just your business card with a blank back) and you are always ready to perform this routine.

You can also perform this as an impossible prediction effect if you want. This routine can also be performed as a totally propless effect if desired.

The effect itself is totally self-working and you can start stunning your participants right after reading this manuscript. An innocent-looking list...

★★★★★ $12
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Hal Saxon
The Pepper In and Salt Out Magic Trick by Hal Saxon

This guide will take you step by step through the process of learning the Pepper In and Salt Out Transformation and Vanish. This trick or effect is designed for beginner to advanced magicians. You will learn moves and handling that will serve you very well in dozens of other effects. There are several twists and turns that are very uncommon and not found in the normal salt/pepper shaker routines seen in the magic universe today.

Four things make this effect very special.

  1. Spectator Involvement. The spectator pours pepper from a pepper shaker into the closed fist of the magician.
  2. The...
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Jonathan H. Green
Gambling Exposed by Jonathan H. Green

Full exposition of all the various arts, mysteries, and miseries of gambling.

It is a complete exposure, of the different and various ways of deception and cheating in all the numerous games played, such as Faro, Two, Three, and Four-Handed Poker, Shuffling Cards, Roulette and Rolling Faro, Vingt-Un, Brag, Euchre, Game of Boston, All Fours, Cribbage, Whist, Dice, Stealing out Cards, Palming, Playing by Signs, Marking Cards, Backgammon, Solitaire, Playing Three against One, Spring Tables, Spring Boxes, Pulleys, Ingenuity of Gamblers, Card Manufactories, Lotteries, then modes of drawing and...

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Roy Baker
Baker's Capers by Roy Baker

From the Foreword:

What started out as a few lecture notes seem to have reached the size of a small book. I hope that the reader will find something to stir his or her imagination. Do try out some of the effects. All are practical and have been tried out. Most have been in constant use. The coin routine and the dice routine for instance. I must have performed both of these many thousands of times.

  • Foreword
  • About Roy Baker
  • "Stuck-Kup"
  • "Catch The Cup"
  • Cigarette Through Handkerchief Baker Style
  • Roy Baker's Method Of "Knife Thro' Coat"
  • Two Stunts With A Pen
  • It's Getting Larger
  • The...
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Paul R. Hadley
How to Develop Mental Magic by Paul R. Hadley

This coursebook teaches how to build a two-person mentalism act, allowing names, dates, personal effects, and more to be quickly and effectively transmitted and described without the use of electronics or gimmicks.

Audiences will gasp in amazement as they witness your sensational and uncanny demonstration of apparent psychic ability between you and your "medium" or "telepath." Spectator questions, personal articles, birthdates, pocket change, jewelry, and more are revealed by the on-stage psychic.

If you've seen the motion picture "Nightmare Alley," you've had a glimpse at how mesmerizing...

★★★★ $12
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Graham Hey
Where's my Dove? by Graham Hey

A hilarious effect and routine for anyone who does any kind of stand-up - from friends to comedy clubs to cruise ships. A fantastic, self-working method makes this effect the perfect trick for all occasions. And you don't need anyone on stage to help you.

Tell your audience they could win several amazing prizes - including a diamond worth $1million! Five colored ropes are hanging out of a gift bag. Inside the bag, Derek the Dove is tied to one of the ropes. The audience has four guesses, but each time, their selected rope is removed and there's no sign of Derek. The final rope is removed...

★★★★★ $12
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Unknown Mentalist
Deckless Angels and Devils ACAAN by Unknown Mentalist

Please note that this is deckless. And that does not mean propless. Two double blank business cards are used in this effect, with something written/printed on them of course, as you will get to know in this manuscript. This ACAAN is notoriously unknown as DAD ACAAN. And this is completely different than the earlier Deckless ACAAN.

3 different participants freely and randomly choose a card value, a number, and a suit. All are fair choices...or so it seems. And you read all 3 minds with a uniquely stunning impact. You can even perform this to a single participant or even in a virtual show or a video call....

★★★★ $12
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Ken Muller
Rings of Troth: F.U.N. Rings Series by Ken Muller

A novel blending of Linking Rings and Ring on Rope Magic during a demonstration of ancient marriage rites. This is not just a series of intriguing illusions, but an immersion to ancient betrothal rituals where magic and myth were alive and natural.

Three Routines:

  • Troth Ritual
  • Troth Ceremony Suggestions
  • Pledge Bond Suggestions

Moves, sleights and stratagems adapted from the Primal Rings eBook. This is designed for an engagement party with lost of audience involvement with special attention for the special couple. Effects occur in their hands and because of their betrothal commitments. It is story...

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Hanns Friedrich
Die Kunst mit Karten zu zaubern by Hanns Friedrich

Eine höchst vergnügliche Kartenzauberfibel für jedermann. Mit langsam steigender Dosierung werden Kunststücke von verblüffender Einfachheit und äußerster Raffinesse servierfertig angerichtet und mit Witz, Anekdote und Historie garniert.

Mit einem gewöhnlichen Spiel von 32 Blatt, ohne Präparation und ohne Fingerfertigkeit, lassen sich sogar die Wunder der Telepathie, der Hellsicht und der Telekinese vorführen. Der elegante Plauderstil des Verfassers, aus seinen früheren Veröffentlichungen wohl bekannt, macht die Lektüre dieses Buches zu einem intellektuellen Vergnügen.

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James A. Payne
Balloon Animals and how to make them by James A. Payne

From the preface:

This book has been written with the idea of presenting some different types of balloon items and to give some ideas to the walk-around clown. All of them have been audience-tested.

In the past I have read where one must be able to turn out a set number of balloon animals per hour or they will be in trouble. Nothing could be further from the truth. For years I have clowned at Shopping Centers and Picnics and, although I don't turn out more than sixty balloon animals per hour at my fastest pace, I still please the crowds at the places I appear and worked at one shopping...

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Edwin Hooper
Hallo Mr. Punch by Edwin Hooper

From the Foreword by Ian Adair:

Being once a professional Punch and Judy man, before he became a dealer in magic, Edwin has presented literally thousands of shows, on the sea-shores, at fetes, in Marquees, in the open, at Children's parties and such like, learning his art the hard way, by trial and error.

Now you, dear reader, can learn the EASY way by studying this book, backed by the author's vast experience on this subject.

Having seen his Punch show and having watched the laughing faces of the children during it I must say no better person could write such a worthwhile publication.

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Neville Wiltshire
A Helping of Punch by Neville Wiltshire

From the foreword:

What I am writing is not for the beginner but for the man with a Punch show already, Many of these will, like myself, be semi-pros who do Magic as well. With Magic one can change ones show fairly easily and indeed this is necessary working in a small area with the same bookings coming in year after year.

It is not so easy to change a Punch show. Not a great deal has been written in the way of Novelty items. There are puppet plays which could be adapted especially those written in German for the puppet Kasper. The snag is that most of these are written for more than one...

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Ken Muller
Web Ring Subtlety: F.U.N. Ring Series by Ken Muller

An innovative approach for Linking Rings to enhance popular sleights and moves, and increase astonishment and attention while masking actual ring relationships. No gimmicks or unnatural moves. Moves, sleights and stratagems adapted from the Primal Rings eBook, and utilized in many Linking Rings and Ring on Rope routines found in the F.U.N. Ring Series.

Dozens of techniques and sleight series that can be used by all Linking Rings routines and sets. The focus is the patterns formed by the shiny metal rings that allow for a combination of psychological ploys to embellish, enhance or add flair to your favorite...

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Unknown Mentalist
Telepathic Memory by Unknown Mentalist

Telepathic Memory is a dual combination effect where you can demonstrate both your telepathic abilities as well as your super power memory.

From a random list of over 50 cities and their population figures, a participant chooses a city and its population figure. Using your telepathic ability, you divine the population figure in the participant's mind and then using your super power memory, you also declare the name of the city related to that population figure.

Three different routines are explained. And these effects can be performed in close-up, street, parlor, stage scenarios, and...

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Collin MacKenzie
Jack Pots by Collin MacKenzie

For anybody interested in Erdnase, this poker story compilation should be of interest because many poker stories are from Chicago. It was published in 1887 which means it likely overlaps somewhat with the active time of Erdnase. We are not saying you will find a story featuring Erdnase. But such poker stories, even if they are often exaggerated or purely fictional, do provide one with some sense of the times of Erdnase.

In particular, it is educational to compare the stories with the ones from Eugene Edwards' Jack Pots. There isn't any significant overlap, however one aspect is noticeably different. Eugene...

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Paul A. Lelekis
It's a Biddle Thing by Paul A. Lelekis

Learn some of the most deceptive magic ever created, by a modest man, Elmer Biddle ... 5 impromptu effects plus a bonus trick!

Included with this e-book are 3 videos and 10 pictures. This e-book is a deep dive into the famous "Biddle Move", which is composed of The Biddle Steal and the much less known, The Biddle Switch - and all 5 tricks are impromptu. The videos teach the proper way to perform both Biddle Moves with in-depth instruction - plus the 4 as 5 Count.

Bonus effect: A 6th trick taught here is topological and can be used as a fun ESP effect or a straight-up prediction. A written...

★★★★★ $12
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Renzo Grosso
Blame Mariano, Please! by Renzo Grosso

It is not easy to define, in a few words, Mariano Tomatis, but I want to try: he is a "Curiosity Generator". Because his books, his conferences, and, above all, his "pills" on Youtube (Mesmer in pills) are for me an inexhaustible source of information, culture (magical or otherwise), ideas, and, above all, a continuous stimulus to know, to seek, to try, to create, to "go upstairs".

Two pills, in particular, struck me and interested me (n ° 92: Coin, pen and cell phone, and n ° 228: Seeing with the third eye): once seen, I tried to analyze possible developments, discovering Masters, authors,...

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Werner Miller
Sub Rosa 19 by Werner Miller

This collection of math-based tricks includes two effects suitable for virtual shows. One is a Triumph effect the other a spelling trick that works both in English and French. Again, Miller includes some nicely designed print templates which you can print out directly from the PDF to perform the tricks with appropriately themed cards.

  • Star Day
  • Doppio
  • Left or Right?
  • Talmi 1
  • Talmi 2
  • Separo 1
  • Separo 2
  • Gigl-Gogl 1
  • Gigl-Gogl 2
  • Verifying an Oddity
  • Sweet and Luxurious
  • Hands-off Triumph
  • Buoyancy
  • Boarding
  • Chef’s Special
  • Chiamato
  • With Comp7ements I
  • With Comp7ements II
  • 25 cm
  • Magic...
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