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Bob Cassidy
La Vera Arte Del Cold Reading by Bob Cassidy

Bob Cassidy, autentico genio del Mentalismo del XX secolo, offre la sua visione a proposito del Cold Reading, uno degli strumenti più potenti a disposizione degli intrattenitori del mistero. E lo fa a suo modo!

Non solo propone la sua «review» critica circa molti dei testi riconosciuti come autorità, spesso demolendo (in modo assolutamente costruttivo!) alcune autorevoli voci del settore, ma fornisce al lettore decine e decine di suggerimenti, finezze e segreti derivanti dalla sua decennale esperienza nel campo.

Chiunque proponga Mentalismo avanzato (Q&A, one on one, lettura di biglietti,...

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Bob Cassidy
Strange Impressions by Bob Cassidy
  • The Enigma of #23
  • Epilogue to 23
  • Interlude - The Reverend Dr. Bob's "Bank Nite"
  • Signed Twice
  • The Art of Pre-show: Creating the Best Impression
  • BONUS: THE Ultimate Mind Trip

1st edition 2002, 20 pages.

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Bob Cassidy
Pseudomentalmente Vostro by Bob Cassidy

Continua la serie italiana di Bob Cassidy con Pseudomentalmente Vostro, il primo libro pubblicato da Cassidy nel lontano 1977 come supplemento n.2 della rivista Invocation (fondata dall'intrattenitore del mistero Tony Raven e dedicata principalmente a mentalismo e bizarre magick).

La quarta di copertina della prima edizione recitava:

"Una raccolta di inganni psichici originali creati per i mentalisti semi-professionisti o professionisti. Cercando di soddisfare il bisogno di potersi esibire virtualmente in qualsiasi condizione, l'autore ha sviluppato dei principi che rappresentano l'approccio...

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Brian T. Lees
Three Classic Magic Tricks for Clowns by Brian T. Lees

Clowns perform magic. The only difference is the size of the magic and the illusions themselves. I work both as a clown and a magician. I was asked to share some of the materials I use to teach new clowns. This ebook introduces three classic magic tricks, offers routines to get you started, and is illustrated to show the various manipulations. All items pack small, do not take up much space in your pocket and can be found at very reasonable prices.

  • What makes magic work
  • Introducing the classics
  • Thumb tip
  • Thumb tip routines
  • Hot rod
  • Hot rod routines
  • Sponge balls
  • Sponge ball routines ...
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B. W. McCarron
The Nelson Enterprises Master Catalog Index by B. W. McCarron

Robert Nelson and his brother Larry ("Alla Rageh") started the Nelson Enterprises in 1921. This Master Index cross-references by title, catalog issue and page number every effect, book and manuscript issued by Nelson from 1927 through the last catalog in 1972. This Master Index represents a summary of:

  • 45 years of Nelson Enterprises catalog offerings.
  • 21 Nelson catalogs.
  • 5846 total items appearing in those catalogs.
  • 2476 total pages are summarized in this Master Index.
  • 1276 separate effects, books, appear in this Master Index.
  • 125 pages are in this Master Index.
  • 36 months in preparation. ...
★★★★★ $25
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Brian T. Lees
Marketing Outside the Box by Brian T. Lees

Marketing does not have to be expensive. Newspaper, radio, and television are good sources, but they can cost a lot of money. There are other activities magicians can do to advertise their services. Many are free, and others have minimum expense. Some magicians only use these sources. This type of marketing works well for them.

To tap into these sources the magician must start to think outside the box. One must reach beyond those expensive venues and get their name out to potential customers through different media and activity. The magician must get creative, carving out exposure to their...

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Roy Eidem
And His Last Name Was ... Houdini by Roy Eidem

All audiences know of Houdini and his incredible escapes. Here's an effect where you demonstrate his incredible feats in a most magical way!

Effect: Houdini escapes three times from being tied up. The last escape is under the fairest and most impossible conditions -- in the spectator's hand. You start and end clean. All is examinable before and after. A rope, tied around your fingers and hand, melts through twice; and then Houdini escapes a third and final time slowly, off the spectators hand under challenging conditions.

1st edition 2013, 27 pages + 9 min video

★★★★★ $25
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Roy Eidem
Santa's Magical Lump of Coal by Roy Eidem

A magic wand disappears and re-appears. Then suddenly a lump of coal magically appears. The lump of coal disappears and re-appears three times and on the third complete disappearance it jumps into the pocket. Then the lump of coal multiplies into two lumps of coal, then it multiplies into three lumps of coal. To simplify spectator observation, two lumps of coal are removed and the last lump of coal is squeezed tightly in the hand causing the coal to change "under pressure" into a diamond which is given to the lady as a gift.

1st edition 2014, 29 pages

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Werner Miller
Ad Rem 6 by Werner Miller

Mathematische Sonderheiten ausgenützt um zu verblüffen, vergessene Trickprinzipien, und ander Gustostückerln.

[Die Effekte überlappen sich zum Großteil mit der Englischen Sub Rosa Serie.


  • Ein brach liegendes Trickprinzip
  • Dunkle Persönlichkeitsseiten
  • Aug' um Aug'
  • (K)noblesse oblige
  • Vis-a-vis
  • Bei Bedarf "löchrig"
  • Binärer Zahlenkompass
  • Binärer Kartenkompass
  • Binärer Kartenwürfel
  • Abseits von Binär und Ternär
  • Es geht noch mehr!
  • Owlright
  • Vier Fragen
  • Sieben Fragen
  • "Bubenstück"
  • Alternat-IV-en
  • occhi-doki
  • Vari-8-ionen
  • Schwier16, aber machbar
  • Weniger kann mehr sein
  • Wie viele Ringe?
  • Die Probe aufs Exempel
  • ESPiatnik ...
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Dave Arch
Magic Tricks For The Visually Impaired Part 1 by Dave Arch

Ever wished you could gain some media coverage for your magic shows while making a substantial contribution to others' lives? Consider teaching magic tricks to the blind. No doubt there's an organization in your area that already serves as a hub for services to the visually impaired. The very concept of blind people and magic catches most people (and the media) off-guard. Yet it's very workable as Dave Arch's experience shows. When you consider the tricks you already know, there are three categories of tricks that work for the visually impaired. There are tricks that the blind can perform for...

★★★★★ $25
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Dave Arch
Magic Tricks For The Visually Impaired Part 2 by Dave Arch

In Part One of this series, you received a proven routine that a blind person could perform for a sighted person. Here you'll find a routine that a blind person can perform for either a sighted person or another blind person. In addition, with the use of five bells, the premise of this routine is based on the visually impaired person's heightened sense of hearing due to their absence of sight.

1st edition 2019, PDF 1 page + audio 15 min

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Sam Sharpe
Neo-Magic by Sam Sharpe

The art of the conjurer.

Neo-Magic is the foundation for all of Sharpe's writing. Sharpe offers great insight into what makes magic magical. Starting with an analysis of art and its relationship to magic, Sharpe explores what he feels is needed for magic to become a fine art. He provides his insight into topics as originality, patter, styles of presentation, program construction, stage fright and others.

From the preface to the second edition:

What I have been doing over a considerable number of years is to find out, if possible, whether the answer to the question "Is conjuring a Fine...

★★★★★ $25
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Dave Arch
Magic Tricks For The Visually Impaired Part 3 by Dave Arch

In Part One, we explored a five-minute routine that a blind person can perform for a sighted person using a deck of cards. In Part Two, we visited a routine that a blind person could perform for another blind person. In Part Three, you'll receive Dave's Svengali Deck routine that a blind person can successfully perform for a small group of sighted friends or family. Complete with a PDF document and five audio files that ultimately serve as practice prompts for the visually impaired person you might be teaching.

1st edition 2019, PDF 1 page + audio 30 min

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Dave Arch
Pre-Printed Equivoque by Dave Arch

Would you use the proven and classic technique of equivoque (aka. magician's choice) more often if you could simply read your pre-printed script as an integral part of your performance, show the script to your participants, and ultimately give them a copy so they could even try it again later?

With an official looking and intriguingly customizable 1940's Compatibility Quiz from the popular Life Magazine, all of the above works just as stated. By carrying the script on your smartphone, you'll be ready to perform this classic piece of mentalism with any six objects anytime and anywhere.


★★★★★ $25
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MP4 (video)

Sam Sharpe
Magic Artistry by Sam Sharpe

Sam Sharpe reprinted three of his books under one title called Magic Artistry.

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Scott Xavier
Fortunae: The Printed Lottery Ticket Prediction by Scott Xavier

Imagine a triple threat of mentalism that builds to an ultimate end. Fortunae is the perfect lottery prediction. You can buy everything you need to make this work for under $85 on Amazon.

6 audience members are asked to stand and create a random number. The number is shown to have been predicted all along as a scroll revealing this number is lowered from the ceiling. Hit number 1. Next a volunteer calls the number and its the venues phone number! Hit number 2. Now for the insane part. The numbers used by the audience to randomly create the 10 digit prediction are found in a sealed gift box...

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Stephen Short
Johnny Hart: International Star of Magic by Stephen Short

This is a wonderful opportunity to experience the life and times of one of the UK's major performance artistes, whose illustrious career started in the 1960's and spanned over 40 years. Not only does this ebook provide a carefully researched and fascinating look at Johnny himself, it also shines a light on the general showbiz scene of the same period, as Johnny rubbed shoulders with many of the greats from the entertainment and TV world.

The ebook runs to over 200 pages and is profusely illustrated with playbills and photographs that really help to conjure up a clear vision of showbiz in...

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Masayuki Kozawa
Incomplete Works (Japanese) by Masayuki Kozawa

こざわまさゆきの第一奇術作品集 "Incomplete Works" の電子書籍版です。カードやコインを使ったクロースアップマジックを収録しています。

  • A Left-Handed Coin - 左利き用のコイン
  • Octrix - 8枚のコインアセンブリ
  • Hello World - ガイドカードの交換がない Out of This World
  • Tiltless Ambition - アンビシャスカード手順
  • Erdnase Not Required - やさしいポーカーデモンストレーション
  • The Loaded Dice Cup - ダイスカップとダイスのカップアンドボール手順
  • The Quinted of the Rings -...
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Guy Bavli
Bending Minds Bending Metal Volume 1 by Guy Bavli
  • Spoons from Card Case - Produce spoons from your card case - how do they fit?
  • Bending a Spoon in a Spectator's Hand - Bend metal with your mind.
  • Bag Bend - A complete act involving members of the audience; spoons bend and break.
  • Melting a Spoon in a Spectator's Hand - A spoon melts and breaks while in a spectator's hand.
  • Miracle with a Fork - One of the tines on a fork bends, unbends and then breaks.
  • Energy Hand - By simply waving your hand over a spoon, it bends.
  • Perfect Key Bending - A borrowed and signed key is bent using only the power of your mind.
  • Haunted Spoon - The ultimate haunted...
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MP4 (video)

Guy Bavli
Bending Minds Bending Metal Volume 2 by Guy Bavli
  • Incredibly Clean - An easy mental masterpiece with cards.
  • Question Mark Mystery - A matching pair of cards is located by a spectator using only the power of the mind.
  • Fan Vision - A thought-of card, the performer names it.
  • The Perfect Prediction - The ultimate book test, near-impossible conditions.
  • Impromptu Card Stab - A card is selected and lost; cards are tossed into the air and the selection is impaled on a knife.
  • The Lottery Prediction - Six spectators correctly pick the winning lottery numbers.
1st edition 2004, length 82 min.
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MP4 (video)

Guy Bavli
Bending Minds Bending Metal Volume 3 by Guy Bavli
  • Bending a Large Nail - Mind power demonstration.
  • Bending a Small Nail - Very devious method.
  • Shrinking Spoon - Visibly cause a spoon to shrink.
  • Spoon through Table - With the handle visible, a spoon penetrates the table top.
  • Stopping a Watch/Time of the Future - A borrowed watch is caused to stop working; then, under a spectator's hand, the time mysteriously moves forward several hours.
  • Headline Prediction - Perform a mental miracle using the day's newspaper.
  • The Perfect Clipboard - Guy's ultimate routine for the popular marketed clipboards. Just like real mindreading.
1st edition...
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MP4 (video)

Bob Cassidy
Tecniche con L'unghia Scrivente by Bob Cassidy

Lo "Swami Gimmick" conosciuto anche come "Nail Writer", "Thumb Writer", "Ghost Writer" e "Medium's Secret Device" è stato spesso considerato come uno dei dispositivi più utili di tutto il mentalismo. E lo è di sicuro, ammesso che nessuno sappia che il mentalista ne stia facendo uso.

Sebbene l’esistenza dello Swami sia ampiamente nota, pochissimi performers lo usano davvero regolarmente e ancora di meno hanno imparato ad usarlo a regola d’arte.

Usato a dovere, anche coloro che hanno sentito parlare di unghia scrivente (o “quel pezzetto di mina sotto l’unghia del pollice”)...

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Bob Cassidy
Il Pendolo del Destino by Bob Cassidy

Tutto ciò che avete bisogno di sapere sul pendolino:

  • Il principio del movimento ideomotorio
  • rabdomanzia col pendolino
  • Utilizzo del pendolino nel mentalismo
  • Il pendolino orizzontale
  • Mikame Blue
  • Flipchips
  • Un topo nel deserto
Traduzione italiana a cura di Matteo Filippini

1a edizione 2004, edizione italiana 2019. 22 pagine

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Bob Cassidy
Destrezza nel Mentalismo by Bob Cassidy

Dall'introduzione del libro:

"Perciò che mi riguarda la destrezza di mano (o qualsiasi altro altro artificio del genere) ha un solo scopo: stabilire con convinzione una falsa premessa che ritengo essere il fondamento di tutte le illusioni e gli inganni convincenti. Più tale premessa viene stabilita in modo convincente, più incredibile apparirà di conseguenza l'effetto.

Le sottigliezze e gli approcci psicologici del mentalismo possono, quando arricchite dalla destrezza di mano, fornire immediatezza e chiarezza all'effetto che, così spesso, manca nelle routine mentali. Il fatto che...

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