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Mark Leveridge
Hide and Seek by Mark Leveridge

Ambitious Card in reverse.

One of the classic card effects in magic is The Ambitious Card, and many close-up workers use one variation or another of it. I was looking for an in-the-hands card routine that I could introduce into my strolling work, and it suddenly occurred to me that maybe you could do the Ambitious Card in reverse.

Hide and Seek is the routine that I came up with and which I have been using in my commercial work ever since. Here's the plot.

A spectator selects a card, let's say it is the 3C. The minute you see the card you express concern because you explain that this...

★★★★★ $14
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Mark Leveridge
Colour Confusion by Mark Leveridge

A blue-backed deck is openly displayed and one card is selected from the face-down deck. Cutting the selection back into the pack and shuffling the deck, the performer offers to find the selection quickly and effectively.

Snapping his fingers over the deck, he turns the cards face down and spreads through the entire deck to reveal that every card back has changed from blue to red, except for just one card, and that turns out to be the selected card!

No sleight of hand is required, this is designed to instantly re-set in front of the spectators and everything takes place up in your hands,...

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Chris Wasshuber
Two Card Stand by Chris Wasshuber

This is a card stand for two cards (or one jumbo card) primarily for close-up use. The stand is semi-transparent and hides the number index sufficiently so that one cannot read it. One can see that something is there but not exactly what. The cards do not sit completely upright but tilted back by 10 degrees to improve visibility in a close-up setting.

The stand is 17 cm long, 17 mm high and it has a semi-circular cross section. The depth of the slit is 13 mm - meaning the bottom most 13 mm of a card will be hidden by the stand. The stand is short enough to be carried in an inside jacket pocket. ...

★★★★★ $14.50
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Manuale di Ipnosi e Cold Reading by Giochidimagia

Guida Pratica all'apprendimento della Lettura a Freddo e dell'Ipnosi

La possibilità di poter leggere nella mente di una persona sconosciuta e vedere eventi della sua vita passata e futura ha sempre affascinato enormemente.

C'è una tecnica che viene usata da varie categorie di persone, tra cui i mentalisti in ambito illusionistico ma da tanto tempo da cartomanti, divinatori, sensitivi, ecc, questa tecnica si chiama "Lettura a freddo" in inglese "Cold Reading".

In questo manuale vedremo approfonditamente come imparare questa tecnica e come applicarla al fine di essere in grado di fare...

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Scott Baird
The Twelve Card Problem by Scott Baird

After explaining his effect 3H in his ebook More Plots and Methods (2021, p.25), Michal Kociołek writes:

Here's a little dare. I invite you, the reader, to solve this little card "problem": Perform this trick, but just with twelve cards. Once you have a method, please reach out to me as I'm very curious about your approach (unless you're reading this in 2077, then I'm definitely dead so don't bother).

This ebook contains my solutions to his challenge. The routines range from impromptu to stacked, though the majority of the effects can be done with a borrowed deck of cards and no preparation. Those...

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George H. Little
Mahatma by George H. Little

As Alfredson and Daily write in their Conjuring Periodical Bibliography, Mahatma is the 'first English language magical serial of any substance'. It is a fantastic resource for historians, researchers and other treasure hunters. A few of the prominent names you will find in Mahatma are Conradi, De Kolta, Downs, Elliott, Evans, Hilliar, Hoffmann, Houdini, Kellar, Leipzig, Plate, Selbit, Trewey and many more.

Some interesting facts about this periodical are:

  • Mahatma was printed in the rear of the storied Martinka's magic shop in New York City, then the central hub of all things magical.
  • Among the delightful period advertisements in Mahatma are some...
★★★★ $14.90
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Dai Vernon
Malini and his Magic by Dai Vernon

This is a gorgeous and careful digitization of a classic originally published by Harry Stanley in 1962. All drawings have not simply been scanned and included as images but have been converted to vectorized graphics. This means they are crisp and clear even under the largest magnification as well as when printed out.

This PDF ebook has very detailed bookmarks making it easy to browse to your section of choice.

Max Malini was one of the most extraordinary personalities in the history of the performance of magic.

In this ebook, Dai Vernon shows how successfully Malini acted the role of magician and...

★★★★★ $14.90
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Lewis Ganson & Dai Vernon
Dai Vernon's Tribute to Nate Leipzig by Lewis Ganson & Dai Vernon

This is a fascinating combination of biographical detail and carefully described magical secrets researched and recorded by Dai Vernon and Lewis Ganson.

Vernon was an intimate friend of Leipzig. Vernon not only saw many performances given by Leipzig, but Leipzig also explained Vernon in detail how all of his tricks worked and how they are to be performed. Vernon recorded this in his notebooks from which this publication was prepared by Ganson and Vernon. It is therefore fair to say that this is as close as you will ever get to learn from Leipzig.

Leipzig was a gentelman of magic who could...

★★★★ $14.90
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Julien Losa
[S]witch by Julien Losa

[S]Witch is a great impromptu billet technique, created by Julien during years of performances on cruise ships and in theatre shows. The effect is simple: You ask someone to draw or write anything on a small paper/business card. In only two very fair moves, you can duplicate their thoughts.

Yes we're talking about a switch, but such a good one. It's done in front of your spectator's eyes, and even though you magicians know there is one in play, you can't see it. It is that strong. This method is a real worker, performed hundreds of times by Julien for real audiences. A powerful secret kept underground...

★★★★★ $14.90
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MP4 (video)

Julien Losa
Billets for the Modern Mindreader 2 by Julien Losa

[Note: You do not need to own volume 1 to be able to perform the routines explained here.

Welcome to volume 2 of my Billets for the Modern Mindreader course. You will learn three switches and three routines for close-up, parlor, and stage situations, as well as casual settings.

Billet Chi (Nestor Dee): Probably the holy grail of predictions with billets. Borrow three business cards and you can do the routine. Trust me, this is great.

Telepathy Plus (Theodore Annemann): A classic revisited. A three-phase mind-reading routine. (Also doable with three borrowed business cards.)

S.E.E. (Julien Losa): A practical and quick routine to get...

★★★★★ $14.90
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MP4 (video)

Biagio Fasano
Super Powered X-Ray Vision (Italian) by Biagio Fasano

Un Effetto Impromptu di Mentalismo che, facendo uso di poche Carte da Gioco e Monete, può essere eseguito a distanza e pure al telefono!

Il titolo di questo eBook suggerisce suggerisce l’idea che sta alla base di questo effetto impromptu di Mentalismo nel quale, lasciando che una spettatrice (anche da casa propria) utilizzi semplicemente quattro o cinque carte da gioco e due o tre delle sue monete, si permette all’illusionista di eseguire l’effetto impromptu e a distanza, persino al telefono, oppure in presenza ma ad occhi chiusi (da bendato, senza trucco alcuno, o comunque rimanendo...

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Biagio Fasano
Super Powered X-Ray Vision by Biagio Fasano

An impromptu effect of mentalism, which, making use of a few playing cards and coins, can be performed remotely and even over the phone.

The title suggests the idea behind this impromptu effect of mentalism in which, by letting a spectator (even from home) simply use four or five playing cards and two or three of his/her coins, the illusionist is allowed to perform an impromptu effect at a distance, even over the phone, or in the presence but with eyes closed (while blindfolded, without any trick, or otherwise remaining turned to one side for the entire duration of the experiment).


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Timothy Hyde
Magically Speaking by Timothy Hyde

Catapult your entry into the world of professional speaking! "Magically Speaking" has been compiled by long time professional speaker and magician Timothy Hyde.

An overview of the entire speaking industry with special focus on how magicians can make the transition into this lucrative field. Guest articles from speaker bureau owners, speaker coaches, marketing gurus and other magicians already working in this field. Some of the questions answered in this MasterClass:

What should a speaker have in their promotional press kit? Do you know the questions a speaker bureau will ask you if...

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Timothy Hyde
Hunter Knot Revisited by Timothy Hyde

The Hunter Puzzle Knot is a deceptive effect that a lot of magicians know, but is sometimes overlooked as a strong performance piece. Timothy built a routine around this simple but effective idea, that has proven to be a very commercial routine. For many years Timothy featured this very routine as his opening effect for Trade Show performances. It quickly stops one person and then another, the crowd then snowballing into a laughing involved crowd of 30-40 or more! Your clients will love the way this works as a traffic generator.

It’s also just as effective for large walk around or roving...

★★★★★ $14.95
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David Bui
A.W.A.P. Book Test by David Bui

This is a totally impromptu book test. It requires no gimmicks and can be done with virtually any book (hard cover or soft cover). There is also no setup. You do not need to have access to the book beforehand. And still you can reveal Any Word on Any Page.

Picture somebody choosing any book, from their own bookshelf. Then they open their book to any page they please and freely select any word. There are no forces and the choice of page and word is entirely free. That's what A.W.A.P. stands for. Any word any page.

You amaze them by revealing the word one letter at a time! This is a very...

★★★★★ $14.95
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Peter Duffie
Decknology by Peter Duffie

Delusion Assembly
You remove any three "magic" cards from the deck - say, an Ace, Two and Three - and place them aside. You now cut to the four Kings, placing them on the table in a diamond formation as you find them. Next, you pick up the three "magic" cards and drop them on top of one of the Kings. Instantly, the Kings assemble in this pile and the three "magic" cards are found where the other three Kings were. There is no palming and no hidden/extra cards involved.

"Deckless" Delusion Assemble
In this version of the above, the four Kings and three magic cards are removed from the deck...

★★★★ $14.95
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Peter Duffie
Obscurities by Peter Duffie

This new ebook is a collection of tricks that Peter published in various magazines and in books published by others. Now collected for the first time. These are not in any of his books or ebooks.

From the pages of: Linking Ring, Abracadabra, Griffin, Arcane, Magic magazine and other sources.

  • Blind Faith Mindful Mentalism, Vol.1. compiled & published by Paul Hallas.
    This is a double prediction effect with the second prediction coming as a surprise, despite the fact that you state you have two predictions at the outset! In effect; from a set of cards that spell the word 'prediction' a spectator freely...
★★★★★ $14.95
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Peter Duffie
Previous Convictions by Peter Duffie

This is a follow-up to Obscurities & other Hidden Mysteries, which was a collection of tricks that Peter had published in various magazines and in books published by others over the years.

Peter was unsure how a book of previously published material would be received, despite the fact that most, if not all of the material is hard to come by. The reception to Obscurities both surprised and delighted him, and has encouraged him to release this - a second book of obscure & hidden mysteries.

Here is a brief reference guide to where the effects in this ebook first appeared:

Attractive, Hot Thoughts, Bullet Proof, Medium Tedium...

★★★★ $14.95
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Chris Lafferty
Freezer Burn by Chris Lafferty

The beautiful thing about the effects presented within this ebook is that they are very low-tech. While the current trend in magic with ice may be to use some sort of gelling agent to give the illusion of ice, all of the effects in this ebook end with the production of real ice which can be examined.

  • Chill: The performer asks to borrow a sip of water. The spectator offers up her glass or bottle of water, and the performer pours a little into his cupped hand. Hmm. He then closes his fingers around the puddle and blows on his hand. Opening it, the spectator see’s that the ‘sip’ of water...
★★★★ $14.95
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D. Angelo Ferri
Don Alan Tribute by D. Angelo Ferri

Dennis Barlotta's Tribute to Don Alan includes a re-working of three routines; The Chop Cup, The Benson Bowl, and 'Bag Stabbed' a card stab.

Dennis writes:

I am a very big Don Alan fan. This manuscript represents my investigation into applying Slydini's principles to these great Don Alan presentations. My Chop Cup routine follows the Don Alan Routine in terms of sequence of events but I accomplish those events using Slydini's system of movement, his Revolve Vanish, and his Timing Patterns. The timing patterns are what accomplish the two final loads of the Chop Cup.

In the Benson Bowl,...

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D. Angelo Ferri
Bar Magic by D. Angelo Ferri

Dennis writes:

I worked as a "Magic Bartender" for several years, tricks have to be simple, entertaining, and ideally employ common objects. Occasionally I'd sit at a customers table which gave me the opportunity to perform 'The Glass Through the Table' and my 'Hat Load'. Slydini taught me the 'Glass Trick'. He uses sound to control the perception of the spectator, The Hat Load begins with a coin trick based upon Don Alan's Hat Load but my mechanics for loading the hat are based upon Slydini's System of movement. My Copper and Silver Transposition employs a slightly modified version of John...

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D. Angelo Ferri
Coin Magic (Barlotta) by D. Angelo Ferri

Barlotta's Coin Magic manuscript features his variation of Slydini's "Four Coins through the Table". He has eliminated the 'mid air Hang Ping Chen' movement and replaced it with a Slydini variation he sometimes employed. Dennis' objective was to give magicians interested in doing Slydini's "Four Coins" a method that is easier to do and is still completely constructed of Slydini technique. This manuscript also includes Slydini's "Vanishing Stack of coins", which he sometimes performed at the end of his coin routine, and Barlotta's "Six Coins under the Shaker Club", the idea for which he got while...

★★★★★ $14.95
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Peter Duffie
The Duffie Diary by Peter Duffie

This is a very commercial, practical, and effective diary effect. (Works with any diary.)

You begin by shuffling a deck and placing it on the table. You never touch the deck again. You now give the spectator your pocket diary which he may examine before placing it in his pocket. You never touch the diary again.

The spectator will now create a random date. He cuts the deck – this is a free cut – and turns over the card cut to. The value of this card will represent the month. This can truly be any value. He counts the cards that he cut – this will represent the day. This can truly...

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Jeff Stone
Stone Frixion Fire by Jeff Stone

This is currently the most complete and thorough work on the use of Frixion pens (heat sensitive ink) in magic.

At first glance, Stone Frixion Fire plumbs the depths of what can be accomplished with these ingenious pens to entertain your audience. But it goes farther: it cultivates directions in which these pens can take your performing. The effects presented are smooth and very reachable for nearly any performer. Good, solid material all the way around.

With the coming of Frixion to America, now is the time to ride the wave. Stone Frixion Fire is the most comprehensive study of this fascinating...

★★★★ $14.95
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