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Aldo Colombini
Aldo on Trost Volume 1 by Aldo Colombini

Nick Trost was a master in creating amazing tricks and routines based on subtleties rather than difficult sleight-of-hand. Here you have a the first of a three volume set based on the card magic of Nick Trost. This is Aldo's tribute to a very creative magician.

All the tricks are performed with a regular deck of cards.


  • ACE STOP: Here is a quick, easy method of locating the four Aces in a magical manner.
  • AMBITIOUS DEUCE SANDWICH: A selected card is buried in the deck only to jump to the top and land between the two red Deuces. This happens three times.
★★★★★ $10
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Aldo Colombini
Aldo on Trost Volume 2 by Aldo Colombini

This is the second volume in Aldo's Nick Trost tribute series. All the tricks are performed with a regular deck of cards.


  • A SIMPLE COINCIDENCE: A spectator selects a card. You spread the deck to reveal a face-up Ten in the center. The spectator’s card is the other red Ten.
  • THE NINES FIRST: A card is selected. A second card is chosen and both turn out to be Nines.. A packet of cards contains exactly nine cards and the last card is a Nine and this card finds the other Nine.
  • A PUZZLING ASSEMBLY: Using the court cards, the spectators separate the four Jacks, the Queens and the Kings. ...
★★★★★ $10
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Aldo Colombini
Aldo on Trost Volume 3 by Aldo Colombini

This is the third volume in Aldo's Nick Trost tribute series. All the tricks are performed with a regular deck of cards.


  • A TRIPLE TRANSPORTATION: Cards are following ‘indicators’ with a stunning triple change/transposition.
  • JAZZ 1-2-3-4 REVISITED: The A-2-3-4 of Spades and four other cards are shown. The A-2-3-4 are placed between the other cards and they vanish one after the other to assemble in one packet.
  • DOUBLE WHAMMY PREDICTION: You remove two predictions. A spectator selects two cards and these are shown to be mates.
  • THE MAGNETIC ACES: Two freely selected cards are used to...
★★★★★ $10
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Aldo Colombini
The Chosen Few by Aldo Colombini

Ten stunning packet tricks. All these routines are performed with regular cards.


  • A SWITCH IN TIME (Roy Walton): Four red cards and four black cards are switched but always the two packets remain in their original colors.
  • HOF-PACKET (Aldo Colombini): The Hofzinser theme using just the four Kings (or Aces) and a selected card.
  • TRANSMENTAL (Steve Pressley): A thought-of card disappears from a packet and reappears between two cards.
  • OIL, WATER & GUTS (Aldo Colombini): Four red cards are mixed with four black but the colors separate. The procedure is repeated, then they mix and...
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Aldo Colombini
Cone-Tact by Aldo Colombini

From the introduction:

Dai Vernon's “Ball, Cone and Handkerchief” is a classic of magic. I've always been fascinated with this routine and many (many!) years ago in Italy, I developed the routine that you are finding here in this manuscript.

The basic routine remains Vernon's but I have added several other moves and expanded the presentation by adding a few different effects. The main feature of the routine as I have developed it, is that it is entirely performed in the magician's hands, with no need for the table.

A special thanks goes to the late Mike Rogers because he allowed...

★★★★ $10
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Radek Makar
Therm-o-Chromic by Radek Makar

"I encourage you to check out Radek's work, you'll be very glad you did." - Marion Boykin

"That looks great R, it looks like a winner." - Mano Tejeda

"Just got this and I can't wait to dig into it!" - Ben Salinas

Thermochromism is the ability of a substance to change color due to a change in temperature. That’s exactly what you will cause to happen in one of the two routines described in this manuscript. But that is not all, you will teleport coins, have them penetrate your pocket and have them change shape. Two amazing routines from the hot new coin expert Radek Makar. And...

★★★★ $10
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Aldo Colombini
Aces Up Your Sleeve by Aldo Colombini

Here is the second download DVD with routines using the four Aces as primary 'characters.' Ten card routines with Aces.


  • TOPSY-TURVY ACE LOCATION (Nick Trost): In a face-up and face-down shuffled deck you find the Aces and then all the cards turn facing the same way.
  • HOF-WICH (Cameron Francis): Two Jokers find the Ace of the same suit of the selected card and then the Ace changes into the selection.
  • ACCENTUATED ACES (Paul Gordon): The Aces are eliminated one by one and the last changes into the selected card.
  • ATLANTIS (Aldo Colombini): A card is placed on the table and a selected card is inserted among the four...
★★★★★ $10
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Rachel Colombini
Card Carnival by Rachel Colombini

Easy-to-do card miracles.


  • THREE-WAY MIRACLE PREDICTION (Nick Trost): Three amazing predictions you won't believe! Great routine.
  • TEN MATE (Joe Rindfleisch): A spectator picks a card and you find its mate.
  • 2' WAVE (Aldo Colombini): The "B'Wave" effect with regular cards. A selected Queen turns face up, has a different colored back and the other three cards are blank! Everything can be examined.
  • BLANK-MAZEMENT (Rachel Colombini): A deck of blank-faced cards and two dice. The spectator finds the mates of your predictions.
  • TWO BY TWO (Karl Fulves): You show cards two by two and they do not match....
★★★★★ $10
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Aldo Colombini
Card Simplicity by Aldo Colombini

Here's another collection of easy card routines. Card routines performed with regular cards. Using just a deck of cards, you can perform very strong, baffling, visual magic.


  • PROPHECY IN COLOR (Nick Trost): A spectator shuffles the cards and deals eight pairs. You predict how many matching pairs and which color they are.
  • FAT CHANCE (Aldo Colombini): The Ace, Two, Three and Four of Spades move from top to bottom of a packet of four cards and then a Royal Flush appears.
  • FLY AWAY CARDS (Karl Fulves): Two freely selected cards disappear from the deck and reappear face up in the middle.
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Aldo Colombini
Carousel by Aldo Colombini

A closing routine with dozens of effects and with a climax that floors audiences. Productions of court cards, four Aces, change of color of the backs of the cards, one selected card appears marked with a big X on its back and, at the end, all the other cards are the same! You won’t believe the amount of effects and it uses just regular cards!

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Aldo Colombini
Cartemania: The incredible card magic of Didier Dupré by Aldo Colombini

The incredible card magic of Didier Dupré. Routines created by Didier himself and performed by Aldo Colombini. Didier made a huge impact in Europe with his card magic and in the US. He shares here ten terrific routines.


  • MINI-TURBULENCE: Three freely selected cards placed between the four Aces disappear and re-appear between the four face-up Queens.
  • COME TOGETHER 2: Two packets: Four Queens and four Kings. One packet changes into four Ten of Spades, and the other changes into a Royal Flush.
  • CANNIBAL CARDS: The classic theme, where selected cards (missionaries) are placed...
★★★★★ $10
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Aldo Colombini
Easy Money Magic by Aldo Colombini

Ten routines with coins and banknotes (no fake props). Coin magic is usually very difficult to do, and requires sleight of hand and manipulation. In this download DVD, you will find ten very strong routines requiring basically no sleights at all.

The routines are:

  • HALF DIVINATION (Didier Dupré): You predict which coin is selected and if the coin is heads or tails up.
  • MONEY MAKES MONEY (Clayton Rosencrance): You display a dollar bill, fold it, snap your fingers and a coin materializes from the bill.
  • PIN-ATRATION (Anonymous): You wrap a piece of paper around a coin and stab a pin through...
★★★★ $10
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Aldo Colombini
Four Play by Aldo Colombini

An incredible card routine with multiple climaxes. Four packets are cut by a spectator. The top card of each pile is taken and placed in front of each packet. You take three cards from a pile and these cards are the mates of the first selection. You repeat this with the other three packets. At the end the Aces appear on top of each packet. It uses a regular deck of cards.

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Aldo Colombini
Four Suits by Aldo Colombini

Special guest appearance by Cameron Francis. Contents and contributors:

  • JOHANN’S FOLLY (Ryan Matney): A great presentation for a standard Hofzinser theme.
  • APACHE (Aldo Colombini): A stunning transposition of four cards with some comedy in it.
  • MAYO-ACES (Didier Dupré): Two Jokers find the four Aces! You will love this routine.
  • TAKE OFF (Aldo Colombini): A card vanishes from an envelope and reappears face up in the middle of the deck.
  • THOSE LEAPING ACES (Paul Gordon): The four Aces change place and find two selected cards.
  • THE OLD ROMANTICS (Aldo Colombini): You produce the same Ace four times and at the end...
★★★★★ $10
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Aldo Colombini
Please Hold by Aldo Colombini

After the huge success of the first DVD on tricks you can perform over the phone (Can You Hear Me Now) here comes the sequel with new exciting stunning routines to perform over the phone (or for live audiences). This time, not only with cards but with other objects as well.

Here’s the contents and the contributors:

★★★★★ $10
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(Benny) Ben Harris
Madman's Card to Pocket by (Benny) Ben Harris


The Madman’s Card To Pocket was designed in order to produce a “smack in the face” moment for Ben's day-to-day performances and media interviews. It’s something direct, to the point and utterly impossible in appearance. The effect is all over in a matter of seconds, but this directness—which seems to eliminate the possibility that you could have cheated or manipulated the moment in any way—is what makes this so powerful.

EFFECT: A card is selected (free choice), signed and returned to the deck. The deck is IMMEDIATELY handed to a spectator—the...

★★★★ $10
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David Britland
Psychomancy by David Britland

Ten wonderful mental magic effects by David Britland. Here is David in his own words:

Although my first love is Card Magic I also have a great interest in the field of mentalism. I hope that I've been able to combine both interests in the ten items described in this book. They are all designed for close-up work and require little in the way of manual dexterity. You'll discover a variety of effects from the prediction of a spectator's choice as to whether he prefers Noughts or Crosses in Tic Tac Toe to the spectacle of multiple coincidences which take place in 'My Name Is Legion'. I hope that...

★★★★ $10
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Wolfgang Moser
Zauberei mit Karten by Wolfgang Moser

Auf diesem Video zeigt Ihnen Wolfgang Moser (österreichischer Staatsmeister in Kartenmagie) sensationelle Kartenkunststücke aus seinem Repertoire. Neben Klassikern finden sich darunter viele neue Effekte und interessante Techniken. Egal, ob verrückte Ass-Produktionen, halsbrecherische Abhebergriffe oder seine persönliche Version von "Öl & Wasser" - viele Griffe sind völlig neu und bei einigen Kunststücken kommen selbst verwöhnte Techniker auf ihre Rechnung. Visuelle Kartenmagie pur!

  • Öl und Wasser
  • Ass Produktion
  • Traumtänzer
  • Mojo Abheben
  • Glimpse mit Links
  • Tips zum Sidesteal ...
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Wolfgang Moser
Zauberei Close-Up by Wolfgang Moser

Auf diesem download video finden Sie visuelle und sehr wirksame Kunststücke für Close-up und Street-Magic. Alle Kunststücke sind brandneu und werden von Wolfgang Moser auf seine ganz persönliche Art präsentiert. Die Requisiten reichen von Gläsern und Münzen über Uhren bis hin zu Kaffeebohnen. Es ist garantiert für jeden etwas dabei. Lassen Sie sich von den originellen Routinen auf diesem Video überraschen!

  • Glasproduktion
  • Zeit ist Geld
  • Münzen ins Glas
  • Kaffepause
  • Schiff in der Flasche
  • Verbogene Münzen
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Wolfgang Moser
Zauberei mit Geld by Wolfgang Moser

Wolfgang Moser ist ein junger, vielseitiger Profizauberer aus Österreich. Auf diesem download Video zeigt er, was man mit der neuen Währung, dem Euro, so alles zaubern kann. Sie finden hier viele neue Effekte und völlig neue Griffe und Techniken zum Thema "Zaubern mit Geld".

Münzen verbiegen sich in der Hand vom Zuschauer, Geldscheine verwandeln sich beim blossen darüber streichen uvm. Alle Kunststücke, die Sie immer und überall vorführen können. Ausserdem lernen Sie neue, sehr verblüffende Methoden zu Klassikern wie Geldschein in Zigarette, oder Geldschein in Zitrone, und Wofgangs...

★★★★★ $10
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Rachel Colombini & Aldo Colombini
Colombini Farewell Lecture by Rachel Colombini & Aldo Colombini

Rachel and Aldo used to go on big lecture tours frequently. In 2011 they gave their final 'Farewell Tour'. With farewell they only mean farewell to big lecture tours, not farewell to magic. Rachel and Aldo will continue to be very active in magic, produce new DVDs and I am sure we will still see them now and then at conventions and other magic happenings. If you have not been able to see their farewell lecture then here is your chance to acquire a very special ebook.

Here in their own words:

After careful thought and deliberation, Rachel and I have decided that this will be our final lecture...

★★★★★ $10
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Don Driver
Don Driver Interview by Don Driver

A specially-recorded hour-long interview of Don Driver (interviewer is the late David Alexander) that gives history, insights, and advice on how to make money selling the most popular trick deck in the world. Don also tells many stories and anecdotes of how he got into magic, side shows and ultimately pitching Svengali decks.

duration 1h 5min

★★★★★ $10
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MP4 (video)


Aldo Colombini
ESP Card Magic Vol. 1: Nick Trost Part 1 by Aldo Colombini

This is the first in a series of download DVDs dedicated to tricks and routines using ESP cards. This volume 1 features routines by Nick Trost. None of the tricks require any gaffed or gimmicked cards.


  • TRIPLE ESP DIVINATION: This is a two-phase routine. First, after the deck is shuffled and divided into three packets, three spectators pick a card each. You reveal the three selections. Then, these three cards find three matching pairs.
  • THE ULTIMATE CIDENTAQUIN: The deck is shuffled and a spectator picks a card. The deck is then separated into two piles. The cards are mixed according to...
★★★★ $10
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Aldo Colombini
ESP Card Magic Vol. 2: Nick Trost Part 2 by Aldo Colombini

This is the second in a series of download DVDs dedicated to tricks and routines using ESP cards. This volume 2 features routines by Nick Trost.


  • THE POWER OF THREE: Three predictions are placed on the table. A spectator deals the deck into three packets and the top card of each packet matches the predictions.
  • ESP DO AS I DO: A deck is shuffled and cut into two. A spectator picks a card from his half and you a card from your half. They match. You repeat this two more times.
  • THE ODD SET: You place six ’sets’ of ESP cards on the table. Even though the spectator has a free selection...
★★★★★ $10
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