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Mentalism & Spiritism Cards Magazines & Journals with Demo Video DIY, Makers & Builders DVD (download+stream) Books (printed) Video clips (download) Theory, Articles & Reviews for Beginners Coins, Chips & Buttons Illusions, Escape & Stage Biographies & History in German (Deutsch) Marketing, Selling & Business Matters Audio Balls, Eggs, Dice & Cups Memory & Mnemonics Paper & Paper Money Science & Math Tricks Ropes, Ribbons, Strings & Reels Comedy Magic Compilations Patter, Plots & Scripts Physical (Non-Digital) Tricks & Gimmicks in Italian (italiano) Kids & Children Hypnosis & NLP Rings Cigarettes, Candles, Matches & Fire Phone, Apps & eTricks Liquids, Chemicals & Bottles Published 1800-1899 DVD & Video (disc) Silks & Flags Hands, Fingers & Body Thimbles Catalogs Chapeaugraphy Published before 1800 Ventriloquism Instruction Sheets in French (français) Second Hand in Spanish (español) Animals Gospel Magic Gift Cards & Donations Pickpocket Fiction for Resellers Free in Japanese (日本の)


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Graham Reed
Audience Tested Originalities (used) by Graham Reed

Softcover book stapled in excellent condition. For details on the content see the digital edition.

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Werner Miller
Ad Rem 8 by Werner Miller

[Die Effekte überlappen sich zum Großteil mit der Englischen Sub Rosa Serie.


  • Talmi
  • Denken Sie Ja!
  • Mit Anlauf
  • Ohne Anlauf
  • Farbauszug
  • Gigl-Gogl Elimination I
  • Gigl-Gogl Elimination II
  • Gigl-Gogl Elimination III
  • Ausprobieren
  • ... und anwenden!
  • Für Aldo
  • Ab durch die Mitte
  • Trionfino
  • Doppio
  • 5 + 1
  • quini
  • Drill
  • Sterntag
  • kif-kif 1
  • kif-kif 2
  • kif-kif 3
  • Scorta
  • Tessera
  • Milky Way I
  • Milky Way II
  • Bingo!
  • Trinity
  • Déjà-vu
  • Links oder rechts?
  • „Hands-off“ Triumph
  • Freitagszauber
  • Mit fremden Zungen
  • chiamato
  • Nada 1
  • Nada 2
  • Metamorphose 1
  • Metamorphose 2
  • Angelockt I
  • Angelockt II
  • Papageien-Parade
  • With Comp7ements
  • REACTion...
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Basil Horwitz
The Mental Magick of Basil Horwitz Volume 1 (French) by Basil Horwitz

En 1978, Martin Breeze enregistrait des Magicassettes avec Basil Horwitz, détaillant ses travaux et ses routines. Devant le succès de ses dernières, le tout fut retranscrit et publié sous forme de 5 livrets entre 1981 et 2004.

  • Un mot de Martin Breese
  • Présentation de Basil Horwitz
  • Challenge Book Test
  • Challenge Publicity E.S.P.
  • Challenge Premonition
  • Challenge Mental Hypnotic Suggestion
  • Challenge Design
  • Challenge Psychometry
  • Challenge Thought

Extrait de l'introduction d'Andy Nyman au volume 5:

Lorsque j’ai eu entre les mains le premier livre de Basil, je n’en revenais...

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Basil Horwitz
The Mental Magick of Basil Horwitz Volume 2 (French) by Basil Horwitz

En 1978, Martin Breeze enregistrait des Magicassettes avec Basil Horwitz, détaillant ses travaux et ses routines. Devant le succès de ses dernières, le tout fut retranscrit et publié sous forme de 5 livrets entre 1981 et 2004.

  • Introduction
  • Challenge Poker Routine
  • Spectator's Clairvoyance & Spirit Test
  • ESP Mindreading Plus Mindcontrol
  • One Hundred and Forty Thousand Six Hundred and Eight to One
  • Challenge Double Prediction
  • Challenge Bank Note Mindreading
  • Basil Horwitz - Challenge Thought Version II
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Matthew Benjamin
The Numerology Act by Matthew Benjamin

A complete stranger approaches you and requests for you to impress them. Armed with only a few scraps of paper and a pencil you proceed to perform a full Numerology Act for the stranger giving them several extremely accurate personality readings, revealing the name of a thought of person, when they met, and what they were wearing. You even predict the location they met!

For your grand finale, you prove that fate had brought them to you that day with a lightning-fast demonstration of mental acrobatics that relates only to them.

The act can be done completely impromptu or as a full show...

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Johann Nepomuk Hofzinser & Ottokar Fischer
Hofzinser Zauberkünste by Johann Nepomuk Hofzinser & Ottokar Fischer

Die Bücher über Johann Nepomuk Hofzinsers Kunststücke sind Ottokar Fischers Lebensvermächtnis. In akribischer Arbeit über viele Jahre hat Fischer die Orignalvorträge, Erklärungen, und Originalrequisiten zusammengetragen und alles im Detail, soweit es rekonstruierbar war aufgeschrieben. Ohne Ottokar Fischer wüssten wir sehr wenig über Hofzinser weil er zum Großteil in privaten Kreisen aufgetreten ist.

Dieses Ebuch beschreibt mehr als 80 von Hofzinser kreierte Effekte mit mehr als 100 Fotos und Illustrationen. Die meisten Effekte wurden für den Einsatz in Hofzinsers Salon unter...

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Harry Houdini
Mein Training und Meine Tricks by Harry Houdini

Aus dem Vorwort:

Mit der Veröffentlichung dieses Buches, das klar und kurz die verschiedenen Tricks und Kunstgriffe enthüllt, die von den vielen sogenannten Handfesselkönigen und Entfesselungskünstlern vorgeführt und angewendet werden, beabsichtige ich durchaus nicht, diejenigen Artisten zu schädigen, die auf vollkommen rechtmäßige Weise arbeiten. Diejenigen jedoch, die als Entfesselungskünstler lügnerische Herausforderungen erlassen, die nur schwache Nachahmer sind, erdichtete Behauptungen vorbringen und denen große Summen Geldes versprechen, die aus irgendeinem Lande der Welt...

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Randy Wakeman
Special Effects by Randy Wakeman

From the introduction:

Effort has been made in this work to include material that will appeal to close-up workers of all experience levels. Even those individuals who are just getting their feet wet in card magic should not have great difficulty learning routines such as "The Odds Against Me," "Forefiguration," "The Force is With You," "Six Card Trick," "Nick's Trick," and several others.

Effort has also been made to make this book as complete an entity as possible as you will notice by the rather generous appendix of Marlo ideas that I have included. Hopefully this will motivate serious...

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Bob Cassidy
The Art of Mentalism 2 by Bob Cassidy

A complete performance of mentalism exactly as performed by Bob Cassidy in nightclubs and lounges all over America. This ebook is intended for the advanced performer who is well versed in the basics of the art.

  • Part One
    • An Overview of the Act
    • The Logic of the Program
  • Part Two
    • Performance Details
    • The Psychological Forces
    • The Book Test
    • The Three Envelope Test
    • Card Memory
  • Part Three
    • The Challenge Tarot Card Reading
    • The Card Through the Window

1st edition 1995, revised 2003; PDF 45 pages.

★★★★★ $25
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Bob Cassidy
The Art of Mentalism 1 by Bob Cassidy

"Art," according to Webster's New World Dictionary, is the human ability to make things - the creativity of man as distinguished from the world of nature. It is set apart from "craft" in that the latter applies to a lesser skill involving little or no creative thought.

The performance of mentalism is necessarily a creative process. To be successful the performer must tailor each presentation - not only to a particular audience but to the individual volunteers he uses in his program. No two performances of a mentalist are exactly the same. He must always be ready to capitalize on unexpected...

★★★★★ $25
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David Devlin
The Bookworm Deck by David Devlin

If you liked Bookworm: The Ultimate Impromptu Book Test Act, then you will love The Bookworm Deck. An entire "Word Test Act" combined into a single deck that you will always carry with you.

Not only can you now perform the "Bookworm Act" without having to borrow three books, you can perform the act in absolutely any venue, including walk-around, table hopping, and even stage situations. The entire act is kept in your pocket. The Bookworm Deck also makes the act much easier to perform.

Here is the act:

The performer borrows three business cards and a pen (obviously, he can use his own if the items cannot be borrowed). The performer...

★★★★★ $25
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Richard Kaufman
Genii Volume 76 (2013) by Richard Kaufman

January 2013 – December 2013
1328 pages

[Note: The online content of the issues, such as audio and video files, are currently not part of this product. I am checking to see if I can add these files at a later date, but there is no guarantee I can give at this point.]

  1. Genii – Volume 76, Number 1 – January 2013 – 112 pages
  2. Cover – Steve Cohen
  3. Contents
  4. Genii Speaks - Richard Kaufman
    1. online video file available – Peter McLanachan - Whatever Number Mentioned
    2. online video file available – International Magic Dealer Room - Woody Aragon, Angelo Carbone, and Bruno Copin
    3. online video file available – More Genii Speaks - Richard Kaufman
  5. On the Slant – Jon Racherbaumer
    • online audio file available - On the Slant - Jon Racherbaumer
    • Poll Dancing?
  6. Now Performing
  7. Memoirs...
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Richard Kaufman
Genii Volume 77 (2014) by Richard Kaufman

January 2014 - December 2014
1252 pages including 20 extra pages

[Note: The online content of the issues, such as audio and video files, are currently not part of this product. I am checking to see if I can add these files at a later date, but there is no guarantee I can give at this point.]

  1. Genii - Volume 77, Number 1 - January 2014 - 104 pages
  2. Cover - The 13th Los Angeles Conference on Magic History
  3. Contents
  4. Genii Speaks - Richard Kaufman
    1. online video file available - Face to Face - Matthew Field interviews Peter Samelson
    2. online video file available - John Calvert
    3. online audio file available - Speaking of Max [Maven]
    4. online video file available - More Genii Speaks - Richard Kaufman
    5. Parker Swain (1928-2013)
  5. On the Slant - Jon Racherbaumer
    • online audio file available - On the Slant...
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Robert D. LaRue, Jr.
Real Chinese for Magicians by Robert D. LaRue, Jr.

Own a unique book in magic literature. Why use a brightly painted box that has some random nonsense fake Chinese character on it when you can easily customize the box with actual, correct, traditional Chinese characters that mean something relevant to your routine? If the routine uses water, or fire, here are the correct characters. Plus much more: Dictionary of 200+ words relevant to magic; colors; dynasties; seasons; numbers; colors, directions for transferring the characters to your props; essay on performing an ethical ethnic act; directions for properly writing characters; two Romanization/pronunciation...

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Robert D. LaRue, Jr.
Unlocked Books by Robert D. LaRue, Jr.

Discover and process natural force books.

In his "Autome" book test video, Max Maven demos a book test and a forcing method. What he does not do is explain how to find and process books other than the one he demos. That's what this manuscript does. My process, including all the required worksheets, teaches how to use almost any 300+ page popular novel, in any language, as natural force books.

The Effect: The mentalist introduces three popular paperback books and hands them out to the audience. As the books are examined, the mentalist has members of the audience record several random numbers....

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Augustus Rapp
The Life and Times of Augustus Rapp the Small Town Showman by Augustus Rapp

Excerpt from the introduction by Robert Parrish:

It appears that there have always been roving showmen: minstrels, montebanks, travelling players. Being such a trouper is a bit different from being an actor, or performing artist per se. You are not booked, your coming is not arranged for. You do not depend upon any of the machinery that makes the showman an organization man. You just take to the road and keep moving.

Such showmen differ from pure vagabonds in that they have a calling; to perform. This distinguishes them from the great American character the Confidence Man, although the Confidence...

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Bob Farmer
Bammo Brainwave Brainwaves by Bob Farmer

Not your magic dealer's Brainwave. Entirely new and revolutionary. Complete instructions to easily make it yourself.

  1. Predict the ending in writing before the card is revealed. One prediction in full view. No switches or indexes.
  2. Show a "regular deck" top and bottom before the face-up card is located.
  3. Predict three choices in writing. All three choices are absolutely free. No forcing.
  4. Destroy the spectator's free will as he selects a card from a deck he has shuffled and examined.
  5. Cause a selected card to vanish and appear elsewhere.

Includes four non-Brainwave miracles by the legendary...

★★★★ $25
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Richard Kaufman
Genii Volume 78 (2015) by Richard Kaufman

January 2015 - December 2015
1160 pages

[Note: The online content of the issues, such as audio and video files, are currently not part of this product. I am checking to see if I can add these files at a later date, but there is no guarantee I can give at this point.]

  1. Genii - Volume 78, Number 1 - January 2015 - 96 pages
  2. Cover - Walter Rolfo, FISM Italy 2015 President
  3. Contents
  4. Genii Speaks - Richard Kaufman
    1. online video file available - More Genii Speaks - Richard Kaufman
    2. online audio file available - Speaking of Max [Maven]
    3. online video file available - Face to Face - Matthew Field interviews John Carney
  5. In Memoriam - Bobby Bernard (1931-2014) - by Brian Sibley
    • online video file available - In Memoriam - Bobby Bernard
  6. On the Slant - Jon Racherbaumer
    • online audio file available...
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Paul Gordon
Killer Card Magic by Paul Gordon

25 of Paul's very best routines are fully taught. Watch and learn now.

"Visual and stunning routines ... a modern master!" - Jeff McBride

"Excellent creator and performer - so funny." - Boris Wild


  • Killer Mystery Card
  • Cheeky Acaan
  • Head To Head Poker
  • Shocked Aces
  • Easy Ace Estimation
  • Knock Em Dead
  • Swing Aces
  • Diminishing Not Likely
  • Twister
  • Hellman's Aces
  • Play It Poker
  • Worker Supreme
  • Double Gemini
  • Not Too Far
  • Cursed Gypsy
  • The Amazing Four-Card Trick
  • Elle Vate
  • Four-Ace Opener
  • Birds Of A Feather
  • Worker Ambitious Classic
  • and more ...

Plus, an addition of 11...

to wish list

MP4 (video)

Richard Kaufman
Genii Volume 79 (2016) by Richard Kaufman

January 2016 - December 2016
1296 pages

[Note: The online content of the issues, such as audio and video files, are currently not part of this product. I am checking to see if I can add these files at a later date, but there is no guarantee I can give at this point.]

  1. Genii - Volume 79, Number 1 - January 2016 - 96 pages
  2. Cover - The 14th Los Angeles Conference on Magic History
  3. Contents
  4. Genii Speaks - Richard Kaufman
    1. online video file available - More Genii Speaks - Richard Kaufman
    2. online video file available - Charmen Tissue with Coe Norton
    3. online video file available - More Genii Speaks - Richard Kaufman
    4. online audio file available - Speaking of Max [Maven]
  5. In Memoriam - Barrie Richardson (1934-2015) - by Jon Racherbaumer
  6. On the Slant - Jon Racherbaumer
    • online audio file available...
to wish list


Richard Kaufman
Genii Volume 80 (2017) by Richard Kaufman

January 2017 - December 2017
1352 pages

[Note: The online content of the issues, such as audio and video files, are currently not part of this product. I am checking to see if I can add these files at a later date, but there is no guarantee I can give at this point.]

  1. Genii - Volume 80, Number 1 - January 2017 - 112 pages
  2. Cover - Flip
  3. Contents
  4. Genii Speaks - Richard Kaufman
    1. online video file available - Perpetual House - Yasuo Amano
    2. online video file available - Tenyo 2017 Demonstrations - 15 Items
    3. online video file available - On the Slant - Jon Racherbaumer
    4. online audio file available - Speaking of Max [Maven]
    5. online video file available - More Genii Speaks - Richard Kaufman
  5. The Eye - Todd Karr
  6. Now Performing
  7. On the Slant - Jon Racherbaumer
    • As Luck Will Have It
  8. Classic Correspondence...
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Richard Kaufman
Genii Volume 81 (2018) by Richard Kaufman

January 2018 - December 2018
1298 pages including 2 extra pages

[Note: The online content of the issues, such as audio and video files, are currently not part of this product. I am checking to see if I can add these files at a later date, but there is no guarantee I can give at this point.]

  1. Genii - Volume 81, Number 1 - January 2018 - 112 pages + 1 extra
  2. Cover - Handsome Jack [John Lovick]
  3. Contents
  4. Genii Speaks - Richard Kaufman
    1. online video file available - Eugene's Notebook 2 - Eugene Burger
    2. online audio file available - On the Slant - Jon Racherbaumer
    3. online audio file available - Brief Encounters - host John Lovick - Jared Kopf
    4. online video file available - More Genii Speaks - Richard Kaufman
  5. Now Performing
  6. The Eye - Todd Karr
  7. On the Slant - Jon Racherbaumer
    • A Bunk Bonanza
  8. Classic...
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Richard Kaufman
Genii Volume 82 (2019) by Richard Kaufman

January 2019 - December 2019
1240 pages

[Note: The online content of the issues, such as audio and video files, are currently not part of this product. I am checking to see if I can add these files at a later date, but there is no guarantee I can give at this point.]

  1. Genii - Volume 82, Number 1 - January 2019 - 112 pages
  2. Cover - Nick Diffatte
  3. Contents
  4. Genii Speaks - Richard Kaufman
    1. online video file available - More Genii Speaks - Richard Kaufman
    2. online audio file available - On the Slant - Jon Racherbaumer
    3. online audio file available - Brief Encounters - host John Lovick - Carisa Hendrix
  5. The Eye - Todd Karr
  6. Now Performing
  7. In Memoriam - Ricky Jay (1946-2018)
    • Self-Made Man - Michael Weber
  8. On the Slant - Jon Racherbaumer
    • Is Fame a Game?
  9. Classic Correspondence -...
to wish list


Richard Kaufman
Genii Volume 83 (2020) by Richard Kaufman

January 2020 - December 2020
1120 pages

[Note: The online content of the issues, such as audio and video files, are currently not part of this product. I am checking to see if I can add these files at a later date, but there is no guarantee I can give at this point.]

  1. Genii - Volume 83, Number 1 - January 2020 - 96 pages
  2. Cover - Yuji Wada
  3. Contents
  4. Genii Speaks - Richard Kaufman
    • online video file available - More Genii Speaks - Richard Kaufman
  5. In Memoriam - Simon Aronson (1943-2019) by Jon Racherbaumer
  6. Now Performing
  7. The Eye - Chloe Olewitz
  8. Yuji Wada: Office Worker - Dustin Stinett
  9. Cardistry Rocks - Jeff Prace
  10. Lightning: The Odds - Creating The Magic Castle Cabaret - Shawn McMaster
  11. Keeper of The Kettle - Steve Cohen
  12. Classic Correspondence - Mike Caveney
    • P.T. Selbit to Howard Thurston ...
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Displaying 9355 to 9378 (of 10122 products)
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