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Mentalism & Spiritism Cards Magazines & Journals with Demo Video DIY, Makers & Builders DVD (download+stream) Books (printed) Video clips (download) Theory, Articles & Reviews for Beginners Coins, Chips & Buttons Illusions, Escape & Stage Biographies & History in German (Deutsch) Marketing, Selling & Business Matters Audio Balls, Eggs, Dice & Cups Memory & Mnemonics Paper & Paper Money Science & Math Tricks Ropes, Ribbons, Strings & Reels Comedy Magic Compilations Patter, Plots & Scripts Physical (Non-Digital) Tricks & Gimmicks in Italian (italiano) Kids & Children Hypnosis & NLP Rings Cigarettes, Candles, Matches & Fire Phone, Apps & eTricks Liquids, Chemicals & Bottles Published 1800-1899 DVD & Video (disc) Silks & Flags Hands, Fingers & Body Thimbles Catalogs Chapeaugraphy Published before 1800 Ventriloquism Instruction Sheets in French (français) Second Hand in Spanish (español) Animals Gospel Magic Gift Cards & Donations Pickpocket Fiction for Resellers Free in Japanese (日本の)


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Displaying 9329 to 9352 (of 10120 products)
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John Mendoza
John Mendoza Lecture: 1982 in United Kingdom by John Mendoza

On August 2nd, 1982, Martin Breese organized a John Mendoza lecture, which was taped for later release as a video. But Martin being the busy publisher he was had so many other projects to work on that he never got around releasing this recording. We rescued the recording from two old Umatic tapes Martin gave to me. Since this was recorded in the early 80s do not expect a high definition video. But it is nevertheless a good recording of Mendoza's lecture. The video has some flaws here and there with stripes, ghost images, and an occasional blackout. The audio track has no noticeable blackouts or problems....

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MP4 (video)

Nelson C. Hahne & Joe Berg
Here's Magic (used) by Nelson C. Hahne & Joe Berg

Hardcover No. 105 of 300 autographed copies. Autograph on frontispiece page by Nelson C. Hahne. For details on content see the digital edition.

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J. G. Thompson Jr.
Top Secrets of Magic 1 (used) by J. G. Thompson Jr.

Softcover in decent condition. For details about content see the digital edition.

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Louis Shelvy Histed
The Magic of Louis S. Histed (used) by Louis Shelvy Histed

Hardcover with dust jacket. Supreme edition from about 1970. For details on the content see the digital edition.

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Bob Cassidy
Il Libro Nero del Mentalismo by Bob Cassidy

A Joseph Dunninger è stato spesso attribuito il merito di aver detto: "Ogni volta che si aggiunge un oggetto di scena al vostro spettacolo, il vostro cachet diminuisce". Il suo ragionamento dovrebbe essere ovvio - ogni orpello aggiuntivo indebolisce l'illusione di ciò che appare come "vera lettura della mente". E, come Bob ha fatto notare molte volte nei suoi precedenti lavori, anche ogni ulteriore forma di mentalismo che viene dimostrato (telepatia, precognizione, psicocinesi, chiaroveggenza, ecc). Recentemente un "mentalista" ha sfidato Bob su tale punto: "Quanto è divertente dimostrare...

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Bob Cassidy
Ipnosi da Scena - la vera arte by Bob Cassidy

La serie italiana di Bob Cassidy, a cura di Matteo Filippini, continua con un libro molto importante della produzione del Master Mind Reader: “Ipnosi da Scena - La Vera Arte” .

L’ipnosi dimostrativa e da scena, oggi tanto di moda, analizzata da un autentico colosso del mentalimo internazionale, Mr Bob Cassidy!

“Ipnosi da Scena - La Vera Arte” svela i fondamenti per una dimostrazione ipnotica di successo e lo fa in modo diverso rispetto ad altri lavori del genere. Ad esempio, molti altri scritti sull’ipnosi da scena iniziano spiegando cosa sia l’ipnosi, fornendo poi delle...

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Greer Maréchal, Jr.
Magic for the Millions (used) by Greer Maréchal, Jr.

Hardcover. No dustjacked. Exlibrary copy with some rubbing and foxing of the cover. For details on content see the digital edition.

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Fraser Parker
Jinn by Fraser Parker

Jinn is Fraser’s ingenious solution to the classic card calling plot but with a subtle difference - the spectator performs the mind reading and successfully guesses each and every card.

A deck of cards is shuffled by a spectator and a group of random cards are taken from the top of the deck, sight unseen. These are mixed further by the spectator and then held faces towards themselves.

They look over the cards and a second spectator is able to successfully name each and every card as the first spectator merely thinks of each card.

This can be performed utilizing an assistant or taught...

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Dr. Hans-Christian Solka
Gaukelwerk with Cards by Dr. Hans-Christian Solka

A new, potentially faster, method to clock a deck of cards.

'Clocking' a deck of cards means applying some kind of counting method to identify one card that has been removed from the deck. The idea is very old and dates back to at least 1708 (Jaques Ozanam's Recreations Mathematical and Physical). Typically one makes two passes through the deck. The first to identify the value of the card, and the second to identify the suit. The key in making this method deceptive is to be very fast in your counting, which is dependent on the details of the counting procedure. Dr. Solka offers a new method,...

★★★★ $25
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Werner Miller
Ad Rem 7 by Werner Miller

[Die Effekte überlappen sich zum Großteil mit der Englischen Sub Rosa Serie.


  • Warming Up
  • "Eingerollt"
  • Lauter Drillinge!
  • Gesucht, gefunden
  • V wie 5
  • Die letzte Karte
  • Auto-Psi
  • 2x5 "australisch"
  • Platztausch
  • 822A6
  • Spellinary I
  • Spellinary II
  • Die Okapi-Krähe
  • Das Krähen-Okapi
  • Ten-tac(k)le
  • Bis das Essen kommt
  • Decantata
  • Sims-ALLAN-bim
  • Fangt die Mäuse!
  • Von selbst
  • Quintilla
  • Quinterino
  • Q-Combo
  • Quadrille Royale
  • Familienbande
  • Vier gleiche Werte
  • Gleiche Karten
  • invoco
  • Auf den größten Haufen
  • Zwei Joker
  • Spin-Off
  • Der Weg ist das Ziel
  • Magischer "Diamant"
  • Night and Day
  • Mado
  • Janela
  • Ventana
  • Ohne Fenster
  • RoMa...
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Reinhold Woda
Wiener Magie by Reinhold Woda

Ein unabhängiges Zauberkunstperiodikum von Österreich. Herausgeber war Hans Spitzer und Redakteur war Reinhold Woda, ein exzellenter Kartenzauberer und Schüler von Ottokar Fischer. Nur ein Jahrgang erschien, 11 Nummern mit einer Doppelnummer, vom Mai 1948 - April 1949. Die Zeitschrift mußte schließen weil die Ausfuhr von Büchern und Zeitschriften von Österreich noch nicht erlaubt war. Viele Tricks mit einigen philosophischen und theoretischen Diskussionen.

  • Nummer 1
    • Zum Geleit
    • Die Magischen Essenzen / Ottokar Fischer
    • Magische Ostereier / Ottokar Fischer
    • Blauer Dunst / Hans Trunk ...
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Geoffrey Scalbert
Scalbert's Selected Secrets (used) by Geoffrey Scalbert

Hardcover with dust-jacket in like-new condition. For details on the contents see the digital edition.

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Lewis Ganson
Give a Magician Enough Rope ... and he'll do a trick (used) by Lewis Ganson

Hardcover book with dust-jacket. Dust-jacket has some damage but is protected by a clear cover that has been folded over it. Harry Stanley edition. For details on the contents see the digital edition.

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Hugh Miller
A Pocketful of Miracles (used) by Hugh Miller

Hardcover book with dust-jacket. The dust-jacket has some damage along its edges. Harry Stanley edition. For details on the contents see the digital edition.

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Lewis Ganson
Magic of the Mind (used) by Lewis Ganson

Hardcover book in fair condition, no dust-jacket. Harry Stanley edition. Top edges of front and back cover have a larger nick. Has name and address of prior owner handwritten on front fly-leaf. For details on the contents see the digital edition.

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Natural Mentalism: a treatise on natural navigation by Zanetti

Imagine being able to tell someone the direction of their house when you are both stood in the middle of nowhere that you have both never been to before.

Imagine being able to get from one location to another via walking or driving without the use of maps, GPS, or compasses because you just "know where to go".

Imagine being driven to a city you have never been to before. You get out of the car and are blindfolded and taken to a new location within the city. Upon removing the blindfold you can then instantly begin walking in the direction of the car and eventually return back to it without...

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Dietmar Buggisch & Peter Wilker
Die Aufdeckung der Hexerei by Dietmar Buggisch & Peter Wilker

Eine Übersetzung der Zauberkunstkapitel der Discoverie of Witchcraft von Reginald Scot (1584), mit Kommentar über historische Hintergründe und Zusammenhänge.

  • Einleitung
    • Der Autor Reginald Scot (1538-1599)
    • Das Buch "The Discoverie Of Witchcraft"
    • Scot Und Die Zauberkunst
    • Die Übersetzung
    • Literatur
  • Kapitel XXIII
    • Über Den Ball Und Die Geschicklichkeit Damit, Ebenso Wie Bemerkenswerte Stücke Mit Einem Oder Mehreren Bällen
    • Wie Man Einen Kleinen Ball In Der Hand Aufschwellen Lässt Bis Er Sehr Gross Ist
    • Einen Oder Mehrere Bälle Ins Nichts Befördern
    • Wie Man Jemandem Einen Schlag Auf Die Knöchel...
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Wolfgang Riebe
Commercial Card Magic by Wolfgang Riebe

A teach-in video for card magicians who are searching for reputation-building commercial tricks that are fast, visual, and mind-blowing for a lay audience, yet will also blow away fellow magicians. Full performance video followed by a detailed explanation of every trick. 8 tricks in total of which 5 can be performed with a borrowed deck.

ALL BACKS: Ideally performed with a borrowed bicycle 'seconds' deck, but any deck can be used. All cards change to double backs, except for the chosen card.

OUT OF THIS WORLD - OUTDONE! The ultimate impromptu version of this classic using a borrowed deck,...

$34.95 $25
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MP4 (video)

Ken Muller
ESPlosion Telempathy by Ken Muller

Take your ESP card effects to a new dimension. This is a complete, multi-phase telempathy routine, that progresses from a simple match card effect to a magazine test, then a book test, then a more profound reveal of complex and detailed information - above and beyond expectations and traditional telepathy routines.

There is a bonus ESP card effect that will leave the audience speechless.

The 'explosion' is the belief in mind-to-mind communication.

This uses 'Once Removed' techniques and requires an ESP deck and book test familiarity.

1st edition 2021, PDF 52 pages.

$30 $25
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Eckhard Böttcher
Magische Wunder by Eckhard Böttcher

Eckhard Böttchers letzten ausgewählten Routinen.

In diesem EBuch finden Sie 20 Routinen mit ca. 120 Farbfotos bzw. farbigen Abbildungen und 12 s/w-Zeichnungen. Nicht alle Routinen sind von Böttcher selber, aber wie Jochen Zmeck zu sagen pflegte, er hat daran "gedreht".

  • Vorwort
  • 3-Becher-Vorhersage
  • 9 minus 8 mit Karten
  • Ägyptisches Orakel
  • Auge des Götzen
  • Büchse der Pandora
  • Das Modell
  • Der Zigarettenfang
  • Der Diamant
  • Ein Mentalexperiment
  • Hexenalphabet
  • Jeder kann gewinnen!
  • Die magischen Tafeln
  • Mozart oder Haydn
  • Regenbogen-Wunder
  • Die sprechende Uhr
  • Tarot-Mirakel
  • Tue, was ich tue! ...
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Eric Hawkesworth
Conjuring (used) by Eric Hawkesworth

Hardcover with dust jacket in excellent condition. For details on the contents see the digital edition.

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Will Blyth
Effective Conjuring (used) by Will Blyth

Hardcover without dustjacket in decent condition. Some stains and foxing on the cover. For details on the contents see the digital edition.

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Bunte Streichholz Etiketten (gebraucht) by unknown

Große Hochglanzbroschüre mit vielen Streichholz Etiketten Reproduktionen. Herausgeber Druckfarbenfabriken Gebr. Schmidt GmbH.

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Eric Mason
Legacy (used) by Eric Mason

Booklet stapled in very good condition. For details on the content see the digital edition.

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Displaying 9329 to 9352 (of 10120 products)
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