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Joseph B.
Yosoku by Joseph B.

You can do this with a borrowed shuffled deck and four jokers you prepared beforehand. The spectator shuffles the deck. The performer cuts it into six packets. The spectator chooses four of these packets by placing the four face-up jokers on any of the four packets. These packets are cut by the spectator. The four cards lying next to the jokers are pulled out of the packs. Their value is added and that many cards are counted down in the remainder of the deck. The card selected this way is predicted on the backs of the four jokers.

1st edition 2022, video 17:15.

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Unknown Mentalist
Yogik Deck by Unknown Mentalist

What would happen if "8 Kings chased Mr. Stebbins and shocked his wits?"

This is an idea that got delayed by 25 years. And I am sorry for the delay. Although familiarity with 8 Kings and Si Stebbins stacks would help, you can also apply this Yogik Deck idea/principle to any other stacks of your choice and create your own new customized stack.

Included is a spooky-comic routine which is probably possible only with the Yogik Deck.

HAUNTED HOTEL (It had only 13 rooms)

Travelers who lost their way. Past sunset. A lonely haunted hotel. 3 rooms out of the total 13 rooms are supposedly...

★★★★★ $12
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Aldo Colombini
Yikes! by Aldo Colombini

A stunning version of the 'wild card' theme.

An effect by Peter Duffie. Performed and explained by Aldo Colombini. A tremendous novelty and a big hit for your close-up act. A spectator cuts the deck and deals off four random cards. You now show a packet of seven cards - six of the cards have blank faces, the seventh is blank on both sides. The latter card is the special "image copier." The six blank-facers are laid out in pairs on the table. One by one, the image copier causes a selection to appear on each of the blank pairs. But that's only three of the selections - what about the fourth? In a dramatic...

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NEMCA: New England Magic Collectors Association
Yankee Gathering XIV (used) by NEMCA: New England Magic Collectors Association

Booklet stapled, 44 pages - several in color, in very good condition. Published 2012.

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Unknown Mentalist
XPERT (X Personality Test) by Unknown Mentalist

XPERT, which stands for X Personality Test, is a self-working and fun personality test that can be performed with a lot of flexibility and delivers a solid impact. It is engaging for the participant and easy for the performer to do.

WHAT YOU GET : A set of 11 cards that are specially designed to look classy and minimalistic. Beautifully produced on glossy stock, they are about the size of standard business cards. You can easily carry these in your pocket or wallet.

The participant is given several cards which have different personality traits printed on both sides of all the cards. The...

★★★★ $18
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gimmick & PDF

Peter Pellikaan
Xerox Spread by Peter Pellikaan

You will learn the Xerox Spread that allows you to spread five cards as four, hiding one - the second from top.

length 1min 45s

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Peter Pellikaan
Xerox Count by Peter PellikaanThe Xerox Count allows you to for example fairly show four cards from both sides but in fact you are hiding three cards and only showing one card multiple times. (The demo video below first shows the Xero Count followed by the Booki Count.)

1st edition 2021, video 2:30.

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Ralf (Fairmagic) Rudolph
Xenon Levitation by Ralf (Fairmagic) Rudolph

With this tool, you are able to gently float small objects such as matches, feathers, playing cards, sponge balls or rubber bands, etc. a few centimeters above the table.

Easy to build. Not for live performances! Use the gimmick for Zoom, Instagram, or similar. Also very suitable for demo videos to let business cards gently lift off the table. Don't use it as a magic trick. Rather as a science experiment.

1st edition 2023, video 23 min.

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Eric Simmatis
X-Suspense by Eric Simmatis

Eye candy at its best.

Magicians always do card tricks. Why not do something more than just a card trick that will blow everyone's mind? For example, take any two playing cards from the deck, and fold them into 2 little supports. Take the ordinary card box and place it on top of them. This may not seem impressive yet...until you remove one of the structures leaving an impossible image in your spectators mind!

Or perhaps take a pencil and place it onto an ordinary pop can, and on the end of the pencil place the card box leaving a totally impossible image that just can't be explained. All...

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Sam Dalal
X-Ray Eyes by Sam Dalal

Methods and presentations for blindfolds, or 'sightless vision'.

Amongst the most sensational of magical effects, is the ability of the magician to do things blindfolded, which would normally require the use of his full vision. Like escapes, a blindfold drive is an excellent publicity stunt, in which you can involve the police department, the local medical and municipal authorities, the town council, the local newspapers and TV, and half the town people. It is one effect that can be performed under any conditions, drawing room, stage, club, arena, or across a town or state. And it is probably...

★★★★★ $6
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(Benny) Ben Harris & Steve Shufton
X-Ray by (Benny) Ben Harris & Steve Shufton

A plot by Ben Harris with a solution by Steve Shufton and an out by Felix Schellenberg.

"Ben Harris and Steve Shufton's X-Ray is, I think, one of the three best card effects to come out this decade. It's so unbelievably smart, and I use it all the time." - Joshua Jay

"A wonderfully clear cut plot. This is very powerful and appears utterly impossible." - Marc Paul

From the introduction:

When I was young, my uncle Peter fooled me badly with a simple X-Ray Vision stunt. It played serious havoc with my developing mind. Pete had been using his X-Ray Vision to "see through" the table top in order to identify how many fingers I was...

★★★★ $20
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Scott Xavier
X-Peek by Scott Xavier

Turn your business card into a Swiss army tool that will allow you to read minds and reveal exactly what your spectators are thinking!

This peek comes with a magic square example and a lot of practical advice on how to make it appear that you can read minds.

No funny folds. No goofy handling. You can even let the spectator hold the business card. This video is a course in peeking under the nose of the spectator.

1st edition 2012, run-time 27 minutes

★★★★ $16
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Wallace Lee
X-Jargon by Wallace Lee

This manuscript explains the art of "Double Talk" and how to use this to your advantage in magic shows.

PDF 8 pages.

★★★★ $4
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Unknown Mentalist
X Deck by Unknown Mentalist

X Deck is a cyclical stack. Given any card in the stack, you can almost instantly know the next card. It is based on a couple of simple algorithms. The stack looks quite random both value-wise as well as suit-wise. An equally easy variation X Deck 2 is also included. Easy to learn and simple to use, you should be able to get this down in a few minutes.

1st edition 2022, PDF 9 pages.

★★★★★ $12
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Werner Miller
WYSIWYG by Werner Miller

Vierundzwanzig halbautomatische Zaubertricks mit Karten vom Österreichischen 'Martin Gardner'. Wenn es darum geht die Mathematik und die Zauberkunst zu verbinden dann ist Werner Miller einer der bekanntesten und erfolgreichsten Spezialisten.

Erstausgabe 2006; 41 Seiten

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John Wyman
Wyman's Hand-Book of Magic by John Wyman

This work covers a lot of ground, from various parlor tricks, chemical tricks, card tricks, to a section on two person codes, and a section on artifices of cardsharks.

  • description Of The Magician's Table
  • How To Make A Person Jump
  • The Invisible Chicken, Or Enchanted Egg Bag, As Performed By The Celebrated Wyman
  • Scrap, Or Blowing Book, As Performed By Potter
  • Gun Cotton - How Prepared
  • Sympathetic Inks
  • Apparatus For Writing In The Dark
  • Dancing Turkeys
  • The Self-Balanced Pail
  • Sympathetic Lamp
  • The Gas Candle
  • Ice Made In A Red Hot Vessel
  • Magical Colours
  • The Magic Nosegay Blowing At The...
★★★★ $8
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Marc Dibowski
Wunder zu Verkaufen by Marc Dibowski

Nach über zwei Jahren Entwicklung und sieben Jahre nach seinem Bestseller Weihnachtszauber hat Marc Dibowski ein neues Buch herausgebracht. Und das hat es in sich. Sie sind Künstler, egal aus welcher Sparte und ganz gleich für welche Zielgruppe? Sie möchten gegen Gage auftreten und sich zudem nicht unter Wert arbeiten? Dann müssen Sie lernen, sich zu verkaufen! Sie verlieren Auftritte nicht gegen bessere Künstler, sondern gegen bessere Verkäufer! Praxiserprobte Tricks, zahlreiche Kniffe, raffinierte Strategien, psychologische Prozesse und mächtige Redewendungen helfen Ihnen dabei. Selbst, wenn Sie...

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H. F. C. Suhr
Wunder aus der 4ten Dimension (gebraucht) by H. F. C. Suhr

Taschenbuch das von einem früheren Besitzer neu gebunden wurde. Jedoch ist diese Bindung auch beschädigt. Ansonst ist das Buch gut erhalten für sein Alter. Zum Inhalt siehe die digitale Ausgabe.

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H. F. C. Suhr
Wunder aus der 4ten Dimension by H. F. C. Suhr

Der original Untertitle lautet:

Enthüllung der verschiedenartigsten spiritistischen und verwandten Phänomene, sowie genaue Anleitung zur Darstellung derselben in privaten Kreisen durch Dilettanten.

Es ist ein sehr gut geschriebenes Buch mit Illustrationen was für Bücher bei Suhr nicht oft vorkommt. Es behandelt vor allem wie man sich von Seilen und Handschellen befreit (Houdini's Metamorphosis Illusion wird im Detail beschrieben), wie man diverse Hellsehexperimente durchführt, wie man Schriften auf Schiefertafeln erscheinen lassen kann, wie man Objekte schweben lassen kann, und sogar Erklärungen...

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David Jonathan
Wrong Turn by David Jonathan

Wrong Turn is a fun and baffling approach to ACAAN that adds a kicker ending your spectators will never see coming. While most effects in this plot are telegraphed, this surprising twist strengthens the climax of the effect, further engaging your audience, while delivering even greater impact.

A deck of cards is displayed as the performer mentions he made a prediction in the deck. The spectator cuts to a card, remembers it, then returns it anywhere in the deck. The participant then thoroughly shuffles the cards so their selection is genuinely lost in the deck. Any number from 1 to 52 is...

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John Gelasi
Write You Are: A totally unexpected card revelation by John Gelasi

A card is selected from the deck, say the 8 of Clubs. Four Jokers with red backs are introduced. The performer claims that the jokers will reveal what card the spectator selected. One of the jokers is placed with the deck. The other three now have bold words printed on their backs: the three cards together read “Eight of Clubs”! The remaining face down joker is seen to have transformed into the selection! The magician then claims that the jokers did more than just reveal the selection, but they also revealed the mates of the selection: the three cards that have words on their backs are now...

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John Gelasi
Write You Are 2 by John Gelasi

A new, updated handling of one of John's all-time favorite packet effects, Write You Are. Four amazing climaxes with very little effort and using very few cards. Best yet, all of the cards can be examined at the end of the trick! Check out the video demo!

Ebook features:

  • Brand new handling
  • The original effect
  • Variation by Cameron Francis
  • Video demos for all effects

1st edition 2013, 8 pages.

★★★★ $4.25
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Steve Shufton
Wrinkles on the Table (for resale) by Steve Shufton

These effects on this double-DVD are for serious finger-flingers. Intimate detailed instruction is unsurpassed. Every effect on this DVD features some original moves and thinking, addressing classic effects:

Cups and Balls - what would happen if they took on a life of their own? Steve's cup routine includes some new presentational ideas and strategies as well as some new wrinkles he is sure you will use. If you are a cup freak, this is for you!

Cards and Coins - a magician fooler. This routine accomplishes the same effect - with a backfire, using all new moves. Steve wanted to design the...

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Steve Shufton
Wrinkles on the Table by Steve Shufton

These effects on this double-download-DVD are for serious finger-flingers. Intimately detailed instruction is unsurpassed. Every effect on this DVD features some original moves and thinking, addressing classic effects:

Cups and Balls - what would happen if they took on a life of their own? Steve's cup routine includes some new presentational ideas and strategies as well as some new wrinkles he is sure you will use. If you are a cup freak, this is for you!

Cards and Coins - a magician fooler. This routine accomplishes the same effect - with a backfire, using all new moves. Steve wanted...

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