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Mentalism & Spiritism Cards Magazines & Journals with Demo Video DIY, Makers & Builders DVD (download+stream) Books (printed) Video clips (download) Theory, Articles & Reviews for Beginners Coins, Chips & Buttons Illusions, Escape & Stage Biographies & History in German (Deutsch) Marketing, Selling & Business Matters Audio Balls, Eggs, Dice & Cups Memory & Mnemonics Paper & Paper Money Science & Math Tricks Ropes, Ribbons, Strings & Reels Comedy Magic Compilations Patter, Plots & Scripts Physical (Non-Digital) Tricks & Gimmicks in Italian (italiano) Kids & Children Hypnosis & NLP Rings Cigarettes, Candles, Matches & Fire Phone, Apps & eTricks Liquids, Chemicals & Bottles Published 1800-1899 DVD & Video (disc) Silks & Flags Hands, Fingers & Body Thimbles Catalogs Chapeaugraphy Published before 1800 Ventriloquism Instruction Sheets in French (français) Second Hand in Spanish (español) Animals Gospel Magic Gift Cards & Donations Pickpocket Fiction for Resellers Free in Japanese (日本の)


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Ulysses Frederick Grant & T. A. Whitney
Top Secret by Ulysses Frederick Grant & T. A. Whitney

Here's a no-fail method of predicting the headlines of five newspaper stories - a week in advance - without assistants, stooges, impressions, switches or gimmicked envelopes.

Want to feature a headline prediction in your act, but you don't own a prediction chest or other apparatus? Well, now you can, with this updated version of this near-impossible to find U. F. Grant creation.

Only in this updated version will you learn ways to improve the handling, add prestige to the mailing, and secure more publicity with the effect. And we've eliminated any old-fashioned ruses, leaving you with what...

★★★★★ $6
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Dr. Hans-Gerhard Stumpf
Magisches Spezialthema Nr. 33: Handbuch der Westentaschen-Tricks by Dr. Hans-Gerhard Stumpf

Dieses Werk wurde ursprünglich in sieben Teilen publiziert. Hier ist es in ein PDF zusammengefügt worden. Die Organisation ist einzigartig. Jedes Objekt mit dem gezaubert werden kann ist alphabetisch angeführt und diverse Tricks und Routinen werden für jedes Objekt beschrieben. Es ist damit eine Enzyklopedie der Zauberkunst. Natürlich sind nicht alle möglichen Objekte vertreten und nicht alle möglichen Tricks beschrieben. Dennoch ist es ein umfassendes Nachschlagswerk in dem jeder etliche verblüffende Kunststücke finden wird, und in dem man über viele Jahre stöbern kann.

Aus der...

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Don Boles
Midway Magic by Don Boles

The definitive "How-To" ebook for anyone considering a career as a magician, mentalist, or specialty act in the outdoor field of fairs, sideshows, circuses and carnivals.

Many, many accolades from the top names in show business, all state that Midway Magic is a gold mine of information for anyone interested in the exciting world of outdoor fairs, festivals, carnivals and side shows.

With more and more circus-style revues now touring, there is a real shortage of magical entertainers. Get in on the ground floor of this fascinating field -- this ebook tells you how. Practical advice on getting...

★★★★★ $10
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Floyd D. Brown
25 Methods For Switching Decks by Floyd D. Brown

Every magician, at one time or another, needs a sure-fire method of switching decks. With this clever publication, you get 25 of them.

Newly revised and updated, this must-have reference not only includes the mechanics of the switches themselves, but also offers a behind-the-scenes peek of how performers work their magic with cards. Included is the full handling of Herbert Brooks' sensational card-from-pocket mystery, just as he performed it for years on the vaudeville stage. Some of the methods involve no apparatus, others rely on props owned by most magicians.

Paul Fleming wrote:

Lovers of card...

★★★★ $8
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Brian T. Lees
Abraca-Poof May 2019 by Brian T. Lees
  • Marketing Materials
  • Inventory Clearance
  • Book Ahead
  • Magicians Are Not Robots
  • Added Value
  • Google Play Cards Scam
  • What's in it for me?
  • Thank You Albuquerque
  • Make Mine a Double

1st edition 2019, 10 pages.

★★★★ $0
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Devin Knight
Nu-Way Private Reading by Devin Knight

This is one of the cleverest methods ever devised for a one-on-one answering of a written question. The basic method was first created by W. G. Magnuson and later improved on by myself. The spectator writes a question on a slip of paper and folds it into fourths. The mentalist doesn't do the folding. The spectator is then given a match and asked to burn the slip that has been in full view at all times. There is no center tear, nor is the slip torn in any manner. The spectator folds up his question and burns it. The slip is not put into an envelope at any time, it merely rests on a deck of cards.

The performer...

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Louis Shelvy Histed
The Magic of Louis S. Histed by Louis Shelvy Histed

In this ebook is to be found the cream of the tricks, ideas and principles which have gone, over the years, into Histed's monster note-book. Here is the life-time's harvest of one man's brilliant thought and patient experimentation. And as every harvest carries the seeds of the next, we are confident that the principles which the author here discloses for the first time, and the new presentations he has devised for other effects, will bear further fruit in the work of amateur and professional magical entertainers all over the world.

The Magic of Louis S. Histed contains magic to suit every...

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Ken de Courcy
Dubbelkross and Simulkross by Ken de Courcy

A gradual transposition of three silver coins and three golden coins with an unexpected climax. Two routines.

Many methods have been devised for the classical effect wherein three coins pass invisibly through space to join three more. "Dubbelkross" and "Simulkross" are two further variations on the same theme; but, not only are the methods altered, the effects are, too. In fact, "Dubbelkross" represents the first attempt (as far as I know) at giving this transposition a definite climax. "Simulkross" does not pretend to give a startling climax, but is interesting because coins pass simultaneously...

★★★★★ $10
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George L. Boston & Robert Parrish
Inside Magic by George L. Boston & Robert Parrish

In this ebook, George Boston, old time magician, takes his readers behind the scenes of the magic shows. Associate and confidant of the great men of magic, he recalls the greatest "tricks" in his memory and in many cases tells "how it was done." The great names of magic - Thurston, Blackstone, Houdini, Kellar, Carter and Nicola - appear in these pages. The book is liberally illustrated with many photographs, and is written in the highly readable style that has made Robert Parrish's For Magicians Only and New Ways to Mystify such popular favorites.

  • About the Authors
  • Introduction
  • 1 How I Became a Magician
  • 2 The Illusion Show
  • 3 Thurston's Mysteries of India ...
★★★★★ $12
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Aldo Colombini
Anello e Corda 2 by Aldo Colombini

Dapprima uscita in Inglese e poi tradotta in Italiano dallo stesso Aldo Colombini, questa routine in 5 fasi con una semplice corda e un normalissimo anello diverrà presto una delle tue preferite. Nessuna preparazione: sei sempre pronto ad eseguirla e grazie alle oltre trenta chiare illustrazioni sarà un piacere impararla. Abbiamo diviso il testo dalle illustrazioni in due files diversi per rendere agevole la consultazione e l’apprendimento. Sarà quindi molto comodo tenere i due files aperti contemporaneamente sul pc o stamparli.

Eccoti la presentazione dell’opera da parte dell stesso...

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Christian Scherer
Im Fokus Nr. 5: Münzen durch Tuch 3.0 by Christian Scherer

Eine neue Version von Michael Ammars Coins Thru silk

Drei Münzen durchdringen nacheinander sichtbar ein durchsichtiges Tuch. Die Zuschauer sehen die Münzen vor der Durchdringung im Tuch hin und her gleiten.

Erstausgabe 2018, 12 Seiten, 22 Abbildungen; Revision 2023, 11 Seiten, 17 Abbildungen.

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Christian Scherer
Im Fokus Nr. 6: Fischerlatein by Christian Scherer

Eine verblüffende, auf der Jastrow-Illusion beruhende Routine mit einem überraschenden Abschluss

Der Vorführende erzählt von einem Traum, in dem er an einem Wettfischen teilnahm und dabei den grössten Fisch fing.

Dies illustriert er mit einer Tafel, auf der der Fisch abgebildet ist. Unmittelbar vor der Preisverleihung tauchte plötzlich ein anderer Fischer auf, der einen genau gleich grossen Fisch gefangen hatte. Beide Fische waren 25 cm lang, was der Vorführende mittels eines Massstabes beweist.

Da der Vorführende unbedingt gewinnen wollte, streute er Salz über den Fisch seines Konkurrenten....

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Michael Daniels
Poker Deals by Michael Daniels

Poker Deals includes two self-working card effects, ideally suited to performing for spectators who are familiar with the rules of poker. Both effects utilize the StayCard Principle and were first published in OCD and Other Effects: The StayCard Principle.

Ten Card Poker Deal Variation

A procedural variation on Arthur Buckley's celebrated Ten Card Poker Deal. The magician and a spectator are each dealt five cards (either person can deal). The spectator decides whether to keep his cards, or whether the cards should be mixed by dealing again. No matter how many times the dealing is repeated before the cards are examined, the magician's hand wins....

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Al Baker
Al Baker's Book by Al Baker

From the introduction:

Showing a trick is comparatively easy to putting it clearly in print, and I want to thank Anneman for his judicious use of the blue pencil, finding spots where I could write less and tell more, and in general, being a marvelous deleter and paraphraser.

To John Northern Hilliard, whom I consider the greatest writer on Magic as an Art, I want to extend my sincere thanks for the encouragement that caused me to start and finally finish my maiden effort, to wit: Al Baker's Book.

  • to My Friends, Magic Lovers
  • Al Baker's Pack That Cuts Itself
  • The One Man "Lights Up" Seance
  • A Card And A Number ...
★★★★★ $7
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Al Baker
Al Baker's Second Book by Al Baker

From the introduction:

In presenting my "second" book to the magical fraternity I have kept in mind the old saw, "Brevity is the soul, not only of wit, but applies to many magical tricks".

I have tried to make the text brief and, by giving plenty of illustrations, cut down on too much solid type. I give no patter as I feel that every entertainer should be himself and develop a style of his own.

Fred Keating rose to stardom. "The Bird Cage", "Sympathetic Silks" and "Card in the Cigarette" were marvellous in his hands; others copied, but Keating's name still lives. "Be a magician, not...

★★★★★ $7
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Brick Tilley
Instant Camera by Brick Tilley

A delightful give-away consisting of a hand made paper camera that appears to develop a pencil sketch of the photographed subject or a selected card. Easy to construct from stiff paper or cardboard.

1st edition 2019, PDF 4 pages, video 1 min 20 sec.

★★★★★ $10
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Burling Hull
52 Sealed Message Reading Methods by Burling Hull

Over $1,200.00 of professional mentalists secrets are divulged in this illustrated volume, originally released as a limited edition that is now out of print.

To make it even more compelling, three new methods are included in this newly revised and updated edition (the original edition actually only contained 49 methods). Now you get a full 52!

Explained are methods used by stage mentalists, club entertainers, psychic "office" workers and phony mediums to obtain the data and, if not captured by the performer himself, how to secretly send this information to the mentalist.


★★★★ $12
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William W. Larsen & T. Page Wright
The L. W. Pocket and Parlor Mysteries by William W. Larsen & T. Page Wright

Long out of print, we're pleased to bring you this collection of baffling close-up and small group effects for magicians and psychic entertainers, from the minds of Larsen and Wright.

The material in this ebook was chosen for its entertainment value, its suitability for small audiences, and to ensure that the methods are new and novel. Not a rehash of old content, this is magic that your audiences will enjoy as much as you will enjoy performing it.

You get:

The Magic Mail - The magician forgets to stamp a letter. A spectator chooses a denomination from among 16 choices and holds the...

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Hardin Jasper Burlingame
Around the world with a magician and a juggler by Hardin Jasper Burlingame

Wonderful biographical information about magician Baron Hartwig Seeman, and juggler William D'Alvini. Also includes a chapter on the German magician Bellachini and a fascinating chapter on the psychology of conjuring.

  • CHAPTER I. Introductory Remarks
  • CHAPTER II. Life Of Professor Seeman
  • CHAPTER III. Thrilling Experiences With Ole Bull
  • CHAPTER IV. A Visit To The Pyramids
  • CHAPTER V. The Czar Befriends The Magician
  • CHAPTER VI. To England, Africa And India
  • CHAPTER VII. Experiences With A Great Fakir
  • CHAPTER VIII. A Problem Solved
  • CHAPTER IX. Martin Luther's Wedding Ring
  • CHAPTER X. William...
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Jon Racherbaumer
Tosheroonique by Jon Racherbaumer

From the Foreword:

"Tosheroon" is an odd but memorable name. It sounds amusing and somewhat incantatory - especially for a card trick. Bob Driebeck, who dubbed it, knew that the word was Cockney slang for a half-crown, which is also the type of coin he used to perform this offbeat card trick.

The basic effect is a transformation done with an impediment in place - the impediment or obstruction in this case is a coin, which is placed onto the face of the card that eventually changes.

Effect: A card is selected and lost in the deck. Then a borrowed coin is marked and placed onto the face...

★★★★★ $12
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Graham Hey
Let's Hear It For The Boy! by Graham Hey

A romantic-comedy novel about a failed magician.

"Poignant comedy genius at its best" - The Guardian

"The perfect summer tonic! Hilarious!" - Uri Geller

"Reading the hilarious story from the bus, where James unsuccessfully fights his biological urgency, I only narrowly escaped pissing myself from laughter." - Chris Wasshuber

When twenty-something James Valentine seeks refuge from the rain, the only shelter he can find is under the canopy of a fortune teller's dilapidated shed in Whitby. Madam Lulu invites him in and reveals that he's going to meet three women who will influence his life in ways...
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Devin Knight
No-Touch Rapid Chair Induction by Devin Knight

An amazing induction from the Devin Knight hypnosis show designed for experienced hypnotists only. The performer invites certain people from the audience to come forward and sit in a row of chairs. To the utter amazement of the audience, the moment these people sit in the chairs they all immediately go into a hypnotic trance. A real show stopper with full directions on how to do this. This is as strong as you can get and will create much talk.

There is no pre-show work by the performer. Not recommended for beginners. This is for the stage hypnotist only and not for hypnotherapy. No stooges...

★★★★★ $5
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Alexander de Cova
Burners 2: Geile Tricks, die funzen by Alexander de Cova

Aus dem Vorwort:

Wie man es bei meinen Publikationen gewöhnt ist, zeichnet sich mein Material durch eine gewisse "Einfachheit" aus. Ich habe schon immer großen Wert darauf gelegt, dass die Sachen in der Praxis leicht umzusetzen sind und vor allem funktionieren. Allzu komplizierte Apparate und Vorgehensweisen mag ich nicht besonders. Das Risiko der Fehlfunktion und oftmals auch bei der Vorführung damit verbundene Streß widerstrebt mir zutiefst. Je einfacher, desto besser ...

Es müssen auch nicht immer "brandneue" Ideen sein, die mich von einem guten Zaubertrick überzeugen. Wenn man...

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Alexander de Cova
Burners 3: Geile Tricks, die funzen by Alexander de Cova


  • Ein paar Worte zuvor
    • Fly with the Eagles
    • Snappy Silk Production
    • Blitz-Kartenverwandlung
    • Tuch aus Flasche
    • Das Murmeltier
    • Hung-up!
    • Vitamin B
    • Schlüssel zum Erfolg
    • Purse Swindle
    • Das Hütchenspiel
    • Die Schalen
    • Die weiche Erbse
    • Die harte Erbse
    • Die Unterlage
    • Palmagepositionen
    • Der Pinch
    • Deep Pinch
    • Front Pinch
    • Der Transfer
    • Das Leerzeigen der Schalen
    • Backpinch
    • Der Escobar-Griff
    • Escobar Exquisit
    • Das Stehlen unter dem Glas
    • Das direkte Stehlen
    • Das "Zwei-Erbsen-Konzept"
    • Zur Routine
    • Scheinbares Stehlen
    • Die Finte mit dem Glas ...
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