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Mentalism & Spiritism Cards Magazines & Journals with Demo Video DIY, Makers & Builders DVD (download+stream) Books (printed) Video clips (download) Theory, Articles & Reviews for Beginners Coins, Chips & Buttons Illusions, Escape & Stage Biographies & History in German (Deutsch) Marketing, Selling & Business Matters Audio Balls, Eggs, Dice & Cups Memory & Mnemonics Paper & Paper Money Science & Math Tricks Ropes, Ribbons, Strings & Reels Comedy Magic Compilations Patter, Plots & Scripts Physical (Non-Digital) Tricks & Gimmicks in Italian (italiano) Kids & Children Hypnosis & NLP Rings Cigarettes, Candles, Matches & Fire Phone, Apps & eTricks Liquids, Chemicals & Bottles Published 1800-1899 DVD & Video (disc) Silks & Flags Hands, Fingers & Body Thimbles Catalogs Chapeaugraphy Published before 1800 Ventriloquism Instruction Sheets in French (français) Second Hand in Spanish (español) Animals Gospel Magic Gift Cards & Donations Pickpocket Fiction for Resellers Free in Japanese (日本の)


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Gianluca Repetto
Primo Manuale di Sport Stacking by Gianluca Repetto

Guida Pratica all’apprendimento dello Sport Stacking.

Immagino che la prima cosa che ti sia passata per la mente non appena hai letto il titolo di questo Manuale sia una domanda:

Cosa è lo Sport Stacking?

Lo Sport Stacking, come dice la prima parola che compone il nome di questa “attività”, è uno sport, vero e proprio, con tanto di regole ben definite e di tornei un po’ in tutte le parti del mondo e con tanto di campionato mondiale.

Stacking, in inglese, significa: IMPILAMENTO.

Quindi, se due più due fa quattro, lo sport dell’impilamento.

Detta così non è molto...

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Marco Antuzi
Storie Ipnotiche by Marco Antuzi

Suggestiona ed Emoziona con i Racconti Ipnotici.

Ti piacerebbe riuscire a convincere chiunque raccontandogli una storia? Anche tu sei stato bambino e ti ricorderai quando rimanevi ipnotizzato dalle favole che ti raccontavano. Forse non sai però che le storie hanno un potere incredibile anche sugli adulti. Grazie alle storie il grande ipnotista Milton Erickson riusciva a cambiare alle persone la loro vita.

In questo e-book imparerai come costruire una storia ipnotica e anche il perché le storie hanno un potere persuasivo così forte. Imparerai anche una potente storia persuasiva da utilizzare...

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Marco Antuzi
Trucchi Psicologici by Marco Antuzi

Tecniche di comunicazione e programmazione neurolinguistica applicate al mentalismo moderno.

Marco Antuzi autore di questo libro intitolato “Trucchi Psicologici” è un life-coach ed esperto in tecniche di comunicazione ed ipnosi conversazionale ma non è amante delle definizioni, si può definire Marco Antuzi come un artista ,artista della comunicazione e appassionato della mente umana e delle sue potenzialità.

Con questo ambizioso progetto Marco Antuzi ti dona un’opera unica in questo genere!!! “Tecniche di comunicazione e programmazione neurolinguistica applicate al mentalismo...

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Dante Cigarini
Ventriloquo si Diventa by Dante Cigarini

Manuale pratico per il ventriloquo moderno.

Ricordi da bambino quella figura di artista che riusciva a far parlare i pupazzi senza muovere le labbra e tutti ti dicevano che era un Ventriloquo, una persona con una capacità innata di riuscire a parlare con il ventre? Nulla di più falso! Il Ventriloquo è un artista che riesce a fare ciò che fa usando delle tecniche che richiedono esercizio ma che possono essere imparate.

In questo ebook Dante Cigarini, maestro in quest’arte condivide con te la sua grande esperienza nell’arte di dare non solo una voce, bensì un’anima ai pupazzi. Imparerai...

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Alex Master
Become a Successful Magician by Alex Master
  • Should you become an amateur or professional magician?
  • Do you need an agent?
  • The business side of magic shows: Microphones and other sound equipment
  • The business side of magic shows: Promotional materials
  • Phone calls
  • Brochures/Flyers/Cards
  • The business side of magic shows: The media and advertising
  • Tri-media
  • Print
  • TV
  • Radio
  • New media
  • Websites
  • The business side of magic shows: Liability insurance
  • The business side of magic shows: Finding your gigs
  • The business side of magic shows: What about costumes & makeup?
  • Should you have an assistant?
  • Learning the tricks:...
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Unknown Mentalist
Remote Propless Prediction 2 by Unknown Mentalist

You need not have Remote Propless Prediction to learn and use the routines in this manuscript. But by learning both, you will have a far wider range of routines in this category.

The performer asks a participant to play an imaginary game over a voice phone call. The participant may be thousands of miles away at the other end of the call. The participant makes several free choices but all in her mind alone, she does not say anything out loud. But the final result is already predicted by the performer in a very innovative manner.

The climax can be very visual if you choose that option in performance. The participant...

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Richard Kaufman
Genii Volume 80 (2017) by Richard Kaufman

January 2017 - December 2017
1352 pages

[Note: The online content of the issues, such as audio and video files, are currently not part of this product. I am checking to see if I can add these files at a later date, but there is no guarantee I can give at this point.]

  1. Genii - Volume 80, Number 1 - January 2017 - 112 pages
  2. Cover - Flip
  3. Contents
  4. Genii Speaks - Richard Kaufman
    1. online video file available - Perpetual House - Yasuo Amano
    2. online video file available - Tenyo 2017 Demonstrations - 15 Items
    3. online video file available - On the Slant - Jon Racherbaumer
    4. online audio file available - Speaking of Max [Maven]
    5. online video file available - More Genii Speaks - Richard Kaufman
  5. The Eye - Todd Karr
  6. Now Performing
  7. On the Slant - Jon Racherbaumer
    • As Luck Will Have It
  8. Classic Correspondence...
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Richard Kaufman
Genii Volume 81 (2018) by Richard Kaufman

January 2018 - December 2018
1298 pages including 2 extra pages

[Note: The online content of the issues, such as audio and video files, are currently not part of this product. I am checking to see if I can add these files at a later date, but there is no guarantee I can give at this point.]

  1. Genii - Volume 81, Number 1 - January 2018 - 112 pages + 1 extra
  2. Cover - Handsome Jack [John Lovick]
  3. Contents
  4. Genii Speaks - Richard Kaufman
    1. online video file available - Eugene's Notebook 2 - Eugene Burger
    2. online audio file available - On the Slant - Jon Racherbaumer
    3. online audio file available - Brief Encounters - host John Lovick - Jared Kopf
    4. online video file available - More Genii Speaks - Richard Kaufman
  5. Now Performing
  6. The Eye - Todd Karr
  7. On the Slant - Jon Racherbaumer
    • A Bunk Bonanza
  8. Classic...
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Jack Bridwell
B-Witcheries by Jack Bridwell

Excerpt from the introduction:

People are interested in the unusual and here I have twisted many old ideas and slanted them to produce "B-Witcheries". Supreme have already entered this field by publishing the books of Tony 'Doc' Shiels and Charles W. Cameron. Both have an occult background which makes them authorities on this type of entertainment.

Mentalism is big business here in the U.S.A. involving names like Kreskin, Bascom Jones, Anthony Raven, David Hoy, Bob Lynn and the fabulous Karrell Fox. In England there is Fogel, Stanton Carlisle and the late, great Al Koran, David Berglas also specialises in Mentalism.

  • Foreword
  • Introduction
  • Will O' the Witch
  • Psychic Deck
  • The Spirit of...
★★★★ $10
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George L. Boston
Color I-Do-As-U by George L. Boston

An amazing two-pack coincidence routine.

The performer exhibits two decks of cards, one red, the other blue. He picks up one deck and shows it to be quite ordinary, both back and front. He asks a spectator to assist by placing the deck face-down behind his back and cutting it any number of times, completing the cut each time then to remove two or three cards from the deck and place them in his (spectator's) pocket without looking at them.

He then requests spectator to square the pack and bring it from behind his back held in such a manner so that performer cannot get a glimpse of any card....

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Richard Kaufman
Genii Volume 82 (2019) by Richard Kaufman

January 2019 - December 2019
1240 pages

[Note: The online content of the issues, such as audio and video files, are currently not part of this product. I am checking to see if I can add these files at a later date, but there is no guarantee I can give at this point.]

  1. Genii - Volume 82, Number 1 - January 2019 - 112 pages
  2. Cover - Nick Diffatte
  3. Contents
  4. Genii Speaks - Richard Kaufman
    1. online video file available - More Genii Speaks - Richard Kaufman
    2. online audio file available - On the Slant - Jon Racherbaumer
    3. online audio file available - Brief Encounters - host John Lovick - Carisa Hendrix
  5. The Eye - Todd Karr
  6. Now Performing
  7. In Memoriam - Ricky Jay (1946-2018)
    • Self-Made Man - Michael Weber
  8. On the Slant - Jon Racherbaumer
    • Is Fame a Game?
  9. Classic Correspondence -...
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Richard Kaufman
Genii Volume 83 (2020) by Richard Kaufman

January 2020 - December 2020
1120 pages

[Note: The online content of the issues, such as audio and video files, are currently not part of this product. I am checking to see if I can add these files at a later date, but there is no guarantee I can give at this point.]

  1. Genii - Volume 83, Number 1 - January 2020 - 96 pages
  2. Cover - Yuji Wada
  3. Contents
  4. Genii Speaks - Richard Kaufman
    • online video file available - More Genii Speaks - Richard Kaufman
  5. In Memoriam - Simon Aronson (1943-2019) by Jon Racherbaumer
  6. Now Performing
  7. The Eye - Chloe Olewitz
  8. Yuji Wada: Office Worker - Dustin Stinett
  9. Cardistry Rocks - Jeff Prace
  10. Lightning: The Odds - Creating The Magic Castle Cabaret - Shawn McMaster
  11. Keeper of The Kettle - Steve Cohen
  12. Classic Correspondence - Mike Caveney
    • P.T. Selbit to Howard Thurston ...
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George Blake
Devil Divination by George Blake

A pack is thoroughly shuffled (it may even be a borrowed one) and a spectator merely thinks of a card as they are shown to him one by one. Immediately the card is thought of, the pack is cut again and again. The spectator is given the pack, in two halves, to confirm or otherwise, that his card is there. Whether he says it is or isn't in either half, the performer knows the card immediately and may disclose it as he thinks fit.

No questions asked. If you can cut the cards you can do this. Inside two minutes you know the card the spectator is thinking of and you can build up the effect into...

★★★★★ $5
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George Ernest Arrowsmith
Exceptional Concepts by George Ernest Arrowsmith

Excerpt from the preface:

Exceptional - EX - equals for me Exonian and this book could well have been called Exonian Magic for the Author has been closely associated with the "Exonian Magical Society" for many years, first as Member, then as Fellow, then as President, and now as Hon. Life-Member, and as the deceptions that follow have been conceived and brought forth under its inspiration and by its help. Several of its items have been contributed by fellow-members of the Society, and in this connection, the Author wishes to thank Messrs. J. Hughes, H. Knight, Geo. Moore, and W. T. Lloyd...

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George Hills
Hill-ucinations by George Hills

Excerpt from the foreword by Duncan Fletcher:

Now he has compiled a book which should appeal to all magicians as there is something for everyone; the close-up worker (coins, cigarettes, sewing needles, wool, lexicon cards), the children's entertainer, the mentalist and the 'card trick' enthusiast, and scattered throughout are suggestions concerning adaptations of well-known effects. Some of these tricks can be made up with little preparation - others like all good tricks require some preparations, but none are difficult to the performer who is accustomed to preparing his own props. No one...

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Eddie Joseph
Hindu Gaming Shells by Eddie Joseph

This was originally distributed with a couple of gaming shells from India. This ebook does not include any such shells, just the instructions.

Gaming shells are used as a kind of die substitute. Due to their shape, they can land one of two ways. Typically several such shells are cast and then all the ones landing in the same orientation are counted. Several tricks using these shells are explained.

  • The Sure One in Four
  • The Silent Call
  • Mystic Twenty
  • The Coin and the Shell
  • Hypnotising a Matchbox
  • Burning Water
  • The Strange Live Spirit
  • Disproving a Theory
  • Psycho Crime Detection
  • Transmutation ...
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Richard Kaufman
Genii Volume 84 (2021) by Richard Kaufman

January 2021 - December 2021
1112 pages

[Note: The online content of the issues, such as audio and video files, are currently not part of this product. I am checking to see if I can add these files at a later date, but there is no guarantee I can give at this point.]

  1. Genii - Volume 84, Number 1 - January 2021 - 96 pages
  2. Cover - Mike Elizalde
  3. Contents
  4. Genii Speaks - Richard Kaufman
    • online video file available - More Genii Speaks - Richard Kaufman
  5. In Memoriam - Matthew Field (1944-2020) by Richard Kaufman
  6. In Memoriam - Walter "Zaney" Blaney (1928-2020) by Scott Wells
  7. In Memoriam - Joe Kardwell (1935-2020) by George Schindler
  8. The Eye - Chloe Olewitz
  9. Mike Elizalde: The Magic, The Monsters - Jim Steinmeyer
    1. online video file available - Mike Elizalde - Spectral Motion Demo Reel
    2. online...
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Unknown Mentalist
UFO Coin by Unknown Mentalist

This is a physical product that will be shipped to you. The ebook can be instantly downloaded from your digital shelf.

Here UFO stands for Unique Forcing Options. Each side of the UFO Coin has a different force. The coin itself is a solid brass coin that is approx 1.5-inch in diameter. Both forces are completely self-working. With reasonable care, the UFO Coin should last you a lifetime.

This is self-working coin mentalism without any coin sleights, magnets, threads, shells etc and the coin can be freely handled by the participants before, during and after the routines. This is in the...

★★★★ $36
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gimmick & PDF

Scott Baird
The Hermit Magazine Vol. 2 No. 5 (May 2023) by Scott Baird


  • Surprise Overture / Chiam Yu Sheng: Phil Goldstein's Overture is given a four-of-a-kind kicker ending.
  • Tap Triple Wild Coin / Scott Baird: David Roth's Stand-up Wild Coin is combined with some bits of business with a pen, and at the end, the coins all change into a third denomination.
  • Impromptu Speller / Kyle Leon: Kyle's handling of an impromptu spelling location. Kyle has added some nice touches to a simple spelling location, making the method harder to backtrack.
  • Spelling to the Aces / Corey Harris: As the title says.
  • Handy Speller / Andy Choy: A wonderful mnemonic method for determining...
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Sam Dalal
Sam's Scrapbook 4 by Sam Dalal

When I compiled volume 3 of these "Scrapbooks" I had mentioned it would be the last, unless I found some of my material in Abra and other periodicals I had no access to, along with a few of my earlier contributions and creations. Just two days after the publication of Volume 3, I received an email from Andy Martin, complete with all the Abra articles, and in subsequent emails a couple of my Magick contributions, and all the date and issue references.

I had forgotten since my Swami/Mantra days just how helpful a fellow "magic addict" can be in helping a complete stranger since I had no correspondence...

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Edward Marlo & Wesley James
MINT 1966 Annotated by Edward Marlo & Wesley James

The Annotated M.I.N.T. series continues. Thanks to Ed Marlo and Wesley James, M.I.N.T III, IV, V, VI, and Annotated M.I.N.T. 1963 - 1965 are already available. The release of this volume takes yet another step toward the availability of the entire run of Marlo In New Tops material with Wesley's extensive annotations, supplemental and Bonus material. The content of this volume is exceptional in its importance. The volume includes only seven articles but three of them are of special note and one was ground breaking when it was released and remains pivotal today, more than 50 years later. This...

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Clettis Musson
Musson's Magic by Clettis Musson

A dozen, practical effects for stage, club and platform from this well-respected author. Finally, back in print once again. This fine collection of tried and tested effects that will have your audiences applauding. Why spend a fortune on your magic effects when you can easily make them yourself at home or on the road for pennies on the dollar?

Partial contents:

  • Supreme Color Change
  • Diabolical Card Location
  • Color Tag
  • The Work of the Spirits
  • The Appearing Pip
  • Genuine Mental Telepathy
  • Balls of Mystery
  • Glass and Needle Trick
  • The Travelling Watch
  • Transposition Extraordinary
  • Mystic...
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Davide Rubat Remond
Quodlibet 2 (Italian) by Davide Rubat Remond

QUODLIBET significa letteralmente “quello che ti piace, o quello che preferisci” ed è il tema che lega le due pubblicazioni che portano questo nome, la prima dedicata a una evoluzione delle tabelle numeriche e uno sviluppo del principio applicato a un mazzo di 52 carte, e quest'ultimo QUODLIBET 2, che propone la versione con i Tarocchi.

Un mazzo di Tarocchi a dorso in alto è posto sul tavolo in piena vista; a uno spettatore si chiederà di scegliere solo mentalmente uno qualunque dei 78 Arcani, della serie maggiore o minore come più preferisce, e di concentrarsi su di esso. Si consegnerà...

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Davide Rubat Remond
Quodlibet 2 by Davide Rubat Remond

Quodlibet literally means "what you like, or what you prefer" and is the theme that links the two publications that bear this name, the first dedicated to an evolution of the numerical tables and a development of the principle applied to a 52-card deck, and the latter Quodlibet 2, which proposes the Tarot version.

An upturned Tarot deck is placed on the table in full view; a spectator will be asked to choose only mentally any one of the 78 Arcana, of the major or minor series as he or she prefers, and to concentrate on it. The spectator will be handed a series of seven folders depicting...

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