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Dee Christopher
Broken Wings by Dee Christopher

Dee Christopher's work on the John Riggs Add-A-Number pad from The Psychic Agenda*.

With the Broken Wings device, you can easily:

  • Predict impossible things
  • Make writing appear, disappear or transform
  • Create dual realities
  • Force cards
  • Automatic writing without special pens
  • Peek information
  • Drawing Duplications
  • Switch billets or cards
This device is a gimmicked pad. It's simple in it's workings, but since it's conception two years ago, Dee has used it everywhere, from nightclubs to stages with great success.

There are no complex mechanisms to go wrong, no technology to fail,...

★★★★★ $21
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Eddie Joseph
Premonition by Eddie Joseph

This is probably Eddie Joseph's most proud creation.

THE EFFECT: Anyone in the audience is asked to call out the name of any card. Person naming the card is asked to advance, pick up the pack which lies on the table within its case, and deal cards face up, one at a time until he comes to his card. Assistant deals every card in the pack but fails to find the one he named. He is now told to count the cards in pack and he finds only 51. ONE CARD IS MISSING AND THE MISSING CARD IS THE ONE JUST NAMED ALOUD. The Magician reaches into his pocket and without the slightest DELAY brings out the very...

★★★★ $4
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Dee Christopher
Exchange by Dee Christopher

"extremely visual and psychological magic at its best!" - Titanas (Creator of Titan's Finger)

"So visual. This ones in the gig bag for sure! I love the fact that the gum changes in the spectator's hands. It's unbelievably good methodology to achieve that!!" - Rob Nekros (Professional Magician)

Exchange is a workable piece of visual and psychological magic that takes place in a spectator's hands and your own, making it personal and applicable to perform to a large group.

The effect is simple; you take out a pack of fruit gum. You take out a stick and have a spectator smell it, “smells...

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Aldo Colombini
Aces Up Your Sleeve by Aldo Colombini

Here is the second download DVD with routines using the four Aces as primary 'characters.' Ten card routines with Aces.


  • TOPSY-TURVY ACE LOCATION (Nick Trost): In a face-up and face-down shuffled deck you find the Aces and then all the cards turn facing the same way.
  • HOF-WICH (Cameron Francis): Two Jokers find the Ace of the same suit of the selected card and then the Ace changes into the selection.
  • ACCENTUATED ACES (Paul Gordon): The Aces are eliminated one by one and the last changes into the selected card.
  • ATLANTIS (Aldo Colombini): A card is placed on the table and a selected card is inserted among the four...
★★★★★ $10
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MP4 (video)

Rachel Colombini
Card Carnival by Rachel Colombini

Easy-to-do card miracles.


  • THREE-WAY MIRACLE PREDICTION (Nick Trost): Three amazing predictions you won't believe! Great routine.
  • TEN MATE (Joe Rindfleisch): A spectator picks a card and you find its mate.
  • 2' WAVE (Aldo Colombini): The "B'Wave" effect with regular cards. A selected Queen turns face up, has a different colored back and the other three cards are blank! Everything can be examined.
  • BLANK-MAZEMENT (Rachel Colombini): A deck of blank-faced cards and two dice. The spectator finds the mates of your predictions.
  • TWO BY TWO (Karl Fulves): You show cards two by two and they do not match....
★★★★★ $10
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Aldo Colombini
Card Simplicity by Aldo Colombini

Here's another collection of easy card routines. Card routines performed with regular cards. Using just a deck of cards, you can perform very strong, baffling, visual magic.


  • PROPHECY IN COLOR (Nick Trost): A spectator shuffles the cards and deals eight pairs. You predict how many matching pairs and which color they are.
  • FAT CHANCE (Aldo Colombini): The Ace, Two, Three and Four of Spades move from top to bottom of a packet of four cards and then a Royal Flush appears.
  • FLY AWAY CARDS (Karl Fulves): Two freely selected cards disappear from the deck and reappear face up in the middle.
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MP4 (video)

Tommy Wonder
Lighter to Matches by Tommy Wonder

You take out a lighter to light up a cigarette or candle. But the lighter doesn't work. You try several times but it simply does not burn. In an instant you change the lighter to a box of matches, take out a match and light your cigarette or candle.

Using this effect Tommy Wonder also teaches the pros and cons of approaching potential spectators with the question: "Do you want to see some magic?" Of course, he offers a much better alternative.

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Michael Close
Dr. Strangetrick by Michael Close

This is Michael Close's version of the famous 'card warp' theme where a card turns inside out while being pushed through a bill.

This effect is also taught on Michael Close Signature Effects.

★★★★★ $5
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Michael Close
Ring and Shoelace by Michael Close

Borrow a finger ring and magically thread it onto a shoelace while both ends are held by two spectators. Just as magical as you have put the ring on the shoelace you take it off.

This effect is also taught on Michael Close Signature Effects.

★★★★ $5
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Aldo Colombini
Carousel by Aldo Colombini

A closing routine with dozens of effects and with a climax that floors audiences. Productions of court cards, four Aces, change of color of the backs of the cards, one selected card appears marked with a big X on its back and, at the end, all the other cards are the same! You won’t believe the amount of effects and it uses just regular cards!

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MP4 (video)

Aldo Colombini
Cartemania: The incredible card magic of Didier Dupré by Aldo Colombini

The incredible card magic of Didier Dupré. Routines created by Didier himself and performed by Aldo Colombini. Didier made a huge impact in Europe with his card magic and in the US. He shares here ten terrific routines.


  • MINI-TURBULENCE: Three freely selected cards placed between the four Aces disappear and re-appear between the four face-up Queens.
  • COME TOGETHER 2: Two packets: Four Queens and four Kings. One packet changes into four Ten of Spades, and the other changes into a Royal Flush.
  • CANNIBAL CARDS: The classic theme, where selected cards (missionaries) are placed...
★★★★★ $10
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MP4 (video)

Aldo Colombini
Easy Money Magic by Aldo Colombini

Ten routines with coins and banknotes (no fake props). Coin magic is usually very difficult to do, and requires sleight of hand and manipulation. In this download DVD, you will find ten very strong routines requiring basically no sleights at all.

The routines are:

  • HALF DIVINATION (Didier Dupré): You predict which coin is selected and if the coin is heads or tails up.
  • MONEY MAKES MONEY (Clayton Rosencrance): You display a dollar bill, fold it, snap your fingers and a coin materializes from the bill.
  • PIN-ATRATION (Anonymous): You wrap a piece of paper around a coin and stab a pin through...
★★★★ $10
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MP4 (video)

Tommy Wonder
The Ring, the Watch and the Wallet by Tommy Wonder

The magician explains that he was once robbed. The thief took his ring, his watch and the money from his wallet. All these items are put into an envelope. Immediately after the magician tears up the envelope. All the items have vanished and returned to their original place. The ring is on the ring finger, the watch is on the wrist and the money is back in the wallet.

In this video you get a detailed explanation of how this routine works. As is typical with Tommy Wonder, he always teaches lessons which apply to many other effects. For example, he spends some time talking about where to attach...

★★★★★ $5
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MP4 (video)

Michael Close
Dancers at the End of Time by Michael Close

A wonderful card routine with a musically themed presentation. You first produce the four Aces. The Aces capture the four Kings, and after an interlude where the Aces and Kings change place, all eight cards change to eight Jokers.

This effect is also taught on Michael Close Signature Effects.

★★★★ $5
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Michael Close
El Cheapo Magic Club by Michael Close

A spectator signed business card ends up folded in a matchbox that has been resting on the table for the entire time. The presentation of this effect evolves around a cheap magic club. Signing the business card makes the spectator a member who then goes on to perform his first magic trick.

This effect is also taught on Michael Close Signature Effects.

★★★★ $5
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Aldo Colombini
Four Play by Aldo Colombini

An incredible card routine with multiple climaxes. Four packets are cut by a spectator. The top card of each pile is taken and placed in front of each packet. You take three cards from a pile and these cards are the mates of the first selection. You repeat this with the other three packets. At the end the Aces appear on top of each packet. It uses a regular deck of cards.

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Aldo Colombini
Four Suits by Aldo Colombini

Special guest appearance by Cameron Francis. Contents and contributors:

  • JOHANN’S FOLLY (Ryan Matney): A great presentation for a standard Hofzinser theme.
  • APACHE (Aldo Colombini): A stunning transposition of four cards with some comedy in it.
  • MAYO-ACES (Didier Dupré): Two Jokers find the four Aces! You will love this routine.
  • TAKE OFF (Aldo Colombini): A card vanishes from an envelope and reappears face up in the middle of the deck.
  • THOSE LEAPING ACES (Paul Gordon): The four Aces change place and find two selected cards.
  • THE OLD ROMANTICS (Aldo Colombini): You produce the same Ace four times and at the end...
★★★★★ $10
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MP4 (video)

John Gelasi
Aced! by John Gelasi

John Gelasi presents a baffling new “B’wave” effect.

Aced! allows the spectator to truly name any suit they wish, with no ambiguity whatsoever. The ace they name is the ace you predicted every time; you always reveal it in an entertaining manner.

You get the full explanation for the setup and working of this one-packet “B’wave”, plus an exclusive set of video explanations that detail all the moves required to perform the effect.

You even get a bonus effect, “Acing the Twists”, a full deck “Twisting the Aces” and “Collectors” hybrid that can be performed with any...

★★★ $2
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Aldo Colombini
Please Hold by Aldo Colombini

After the huge success of the first DVD on tricks you can perform over the phone (Can You Hear Me Now) here comes the sequel with new exciting stunning routines to perform over the phone (or for live audiences). This time, not only with cards but with other objects as well.

Here’s the contents and the contributors:

★★★★★ $10
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MP4 (video)

Tommy Wonder
The Shrinking Fan of Cards by Tommy Wonder

This is the classic 'Diminishing Cards' effect, but completely revamped Tommy Wonder style. The gimmick is ingenious and allows for an extremely visual effect. The cards are held in a nice fan and are gradually getting smaller in full view. There is no squeezing and exchanging of cards. The fan simply shrinks in size including the card faces and indexes. The clever gimmick does it all. Video explains how to gimmick is constructed and it is used.

★★★★★ $5
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Michael Close
The Frog Prince by Michael Close

A cursed card the Jack of Diamonds is folded into an origami frog. Spectator chooses a card from the deck, say the Seven of Clubs. The frog finds the Seven of Clubs in the deck. The climax is the transposition of the two cards. The Seven of Clubs turns into the Jack of Diamonds, and when the origami frog is unfolded it is the Seven of Clubs.

This effect is also taught on Michael Close Signature Effects.

★★★★★ $5
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MP4 (video)

(Benny) Ben Harris
Aqua-Imp by (Benny) Ben Harris

A brand new thing to do with a water bottle. Looks freaky and leaves a lasting impression. You could start a religion with this!


Aqua-imp is one powerful piece of “incidental” magic. It appears almost impromptu. This illusion of spontaneity actually enhances the mystery—for it is at this magical (and supposedly offhanded moment) you give your spectators a thought-provoking, gentle, and fun glimpse at an un-imagined world of possibility.

Here’s what Aqua-imp looks like: You join friends or clients at a...

★★★★ $15
more than one
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Bill Dekel
MindCraft: Psionics by Bill Dekel

This is the third and last part in Bill Dekel's "MindCraft" series.

Mene, Mene, Dekel (MMD)
MMD allows you to gain access to a number, some words, or names that a spectator writes down, all thought of by a spectator. The effect is completely impromptu, and you need nothing to perform it other then yourself. Without peeking, you turn your head or look away as your spectator writes a number from 1 to 100 in the air. You then know what number they are thinking of. You can apply this to book tests, drawing duplications, PIN number revelations... The possibilities are limitless, and with some...

★★★★ $19.99
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Martin Adams
The Gate Vol. 1 by Martin Adams

This ebook contains nine mentalism routines most of it completely impromptu. All the routines are audience tested and come from Martin's repertoire.

Living and Dead Test:
This is Martin's take on the classic plot. This effect is completely impromptu and not use any gimmicks at all. The spectator who thinks the dead person name is random and unknown by the performer. You are able to reveal the dead person’s name and as and additional kicker you know which spectator thought of that person. Perform this classic mentalism piece without any gimmicks whatsoever.

The Any Word Book Test:...

★★★★★ $25
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