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Mentalism & Spiritism Cards Magazines & Journals with Demo Video DIY, Makers & Builders DVD (download+stream) Books (printed) Video clips (download) Theory, Articles & Reviews for Beginners Coins, Chips & Buttons Illusions, Escape & Stage Biographies & History in German (Deutsch) Marketing, Selling & Business Matters Audio Balls, Eggs, Dice & Cups Memory & Mnemonics Paper & Paper Money Science & Math Tricks Ropes, Ribbons, Strings & Reels Comedy Magic Compilations Patter, Plots & Scripts Physical (Non-Digital) Tricks & Gimmicks in Italian (italiano) Kids & Children Hypnosis & NLP Rings Cigarettes, Candles, Matches & Fire Phone, Apps & eTricks Liquids, Chemicals & Bottles Published 1800-1899 DVD & Video (disc) Silks & Flags Hands, Fingers & Body Thimbles Catalogs Chapeaugraphy Published before 1800 Ventriloquism Instruction Sheets in French (français) Second Hand in Spanish (español) Animals Gospel Magic Gift Cards & Donations Pickpocket Fiction for Resellers Free in Japanese (日本の)


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Christopher Bolter
Extreme Magic Square by Christopher Bolter

The mentalist walks on stage holding 2 foam poster boards (or dry erase boards) with a grid of 16 squares on them. Two easels reside on stage. He places one board on top of each easel and walks towards the audience. Claiming to posses the power of impossible lighting fast calculations he boldly challenges the audience to think of a two digit number. In which he will not only display amazing mathematical and memory skill, but he'll also read their minds!

He hands out a piece of card stock to two volunteers from the audience and has them secretly write down their thought of 2 digit numbers....

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Wesley James
The Real Work by Wesley James

Many magic books come and go but when Wesley James releases a new book, serious students of magic pay attention. This is his first all new book since 2007 and it shows the same consideration for detail and exceptional technique he always delivers. In addition, it reveals new plots and insight into the thought he gives any new effect or routine he explores. Each investigation is important; any of them could change your magic forever.

It should come as no surprise to those who have read Wesley's previous works that he examines card magic at a depth rarely found in any field, but less so in...

★★★★★ $60
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Devin Knight
Magic Marketing Secrets for Magicians: all 8 volumes by Devin Knight

Devin Knight's Magic Marketing For Magicians series has been a big hit. There are 8 volumes in the series. Here is a chance to get them all at a 50% savings.

This series contains some of the best ways to use the Internet to get more gigs and most important, how to get your act on page one of Google searches. This information was written with the magician in mind, although it can be used to promote any business. You will also learn two proven ways to get big dollars for doing your magic show. Study the complete series and your shows and income will increase, if you follow the directions. ...

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Wesley James
A Call To Palms by Wesley James

When Wesley James publishes a new book, you know you've got to have it, especially when it focuses on the single most powerful weapon in the arsenal of card magic, Palming. Whether you've always wanted to Palm cards, only Palm occasionally or are experienced and looking for exciting new applications, this volume will fill you with joy. If you're a novice, it will make developing Palming skill easier than ever. If you already Palm frequently, you'll think you've found heaven.

Dr. James has packed these 245+ pages, a masterwork on Palming, a gold mine for those experienced in card technique....

★★★★★ $60
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Martin T. Hart
The Decksterity Code by Martin T. Hart

Perform two person telepathy card tricks. A tutorial - Martin T Hart's invisible spoken code for card tricks - requires two people to perform.

Secretly communicate the identity of any freely chosen playing card to your partner-in-magic as if you are using telepathic powers. Distance no object. This is a very strong effect.

Here is a spoken code that is so undetectable it fooled an audience of magicians at The Magic Circle in London.

Learn in a few magical minutes. The Decksterity Code allows you to perform all kinds of card tricks, even over the telephone, on a video call or while your...

★★★★★ $60
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MP4 (video)

Alexander de Cova
Burners 1: Geile Tricks, die funzen by Alexander de Cova

Es sind in jedem Band über 60 Routinen, Tricks, Ideen, Moves und Gimmicks beschrieben, und das aus fast allen Bereichen der Zauberei. Es gibt (viele bisher unveröffentlichte) Tricks mit Münzen (u.a. die Scottish Coins Routine und meine Variante des Fred Kaps Chinese Coin Trick), Tricks mit der Okito Dose, mit Poker Chips, Färbemessern, Umschlägen, Karten, Kronkorken, Schreibblöcken, Zeitungen, Seilen, usw. Zusätzlich auch einige theoretische Artikel, die interessante Themen behandeln. Wer meine bisherige Arbeit kennt, der weiss, dass ich in meinen Seminaren und Veröffentlichungen immer eine breite...

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Wesley James
Pasteboard Perpensions by Wesley James

Once in a great while an intelligent and thought-provoking work is released to the magic fraternity. On those rare occasions, the craft is moved closer to the attainment of ultimate perfection. It exhorts those who read it to more profound thought. This is such a book and we are honored to bring it to you.

Pasteboard Perpensions was the first major offering from Wesley James, a name that has long been respected among the underground. His book is not fluff, rehash or re-workings of existing handlings. Every one of the twenty-five plus items in this book adds something new, significantly improved,...

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Wesley James
Neo Shufflogica by Wesley James

Revisiting the False Shuffle for Artifice and Magic

There has not been a complete work on Shuffle technique since the early 1970's, yet Shuffle techniques have continued to advance. In fact, there has been a significant shift in the paradigm of those at the forefront of Shuffle techniques. Further, "In-the-Hands" techniques have become increasingly common, even in the magic fraternity, as they have been in the cheating community for many years. Now, for the first time, one of the most recognized experts on the subject has released the real work, including many of his own developments, for...

★★★★ $60
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Wesley James
It's Your Deal by Wesley James

The most comprehensive book on False Deals ever conceived is now available. Written by one of the greatest living False Deal experts and performers; Wesley James is also one of the most detail focused writers in magic's long history.

This is the third book in the Wesley James "Technique Mastery" series, which currently includes A Call to Palms, Neo-Shufflogica and, now, It's Your Deal. Planned future volumes include I'll Pass and Cooler than Ever.

If you think you know all about False Dealing, you're almost certainly mistaken; Bottoms, Seconds and Middles just scratch the surface. No one volume could be fully comprehensive...

★★★★★ $60
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Wesley James
I'll Pass by Wesley James

Wesley James has been seriously analyzing, studying, and improving the Pass for well over 50 years. In this volume his efforts are fully revealed for the first time.

When other magicians, even experts, have witnessed Wesley perform many of his treatments of the Pass, they've been incredulous. They simply can't believe the Pass, any Pass, can be as invisible as they are in Wesley's hands. Now, in this large volume, you can learn these invisible, indetectable Passes, as well as the most deceptive Shifts that can be performed at the card table, including the legendary "Ping Pong Shift."


★★★★ $60
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Alexander de Cova
Burners 2: Geile Tricks, die funzen by Alexander de Cova

Aus dem Vorwort:

Wie man es bei meinen Publikationen gewöhnt ist, zeichnet sich mein Material durch eine gewisse "Einfachheit" aus. Ich habe schon immer großen Wert darauf gelegt, dass die Sachen in der Praxis leicht umzusetzen sind und vor allem funktionieren. Allzu komplizierte Apparate und Vorgehensweisen mag ich nicht besonders. Das Risiko der Fehlfunktion und oftmals auch bei der Vorführung damit verbundene Streß widerstrebt mir zutiefst. Je einfacher, desto besser ...

Es müssen auch nicht immer "brandneue" Ideen sein, die mich von einem guten Zaubertrick überzeugen. Wenn man...

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Alexander de Cova
Burners 3: Geile Tricks, die funzen by Alexander de Cova


  • Ein paar Worte zuvor
    • Fly with the Eagles
    • Snappy Silk Production
    • Blitz-Kartenverwandlung
    • Tuch aus Flasche
    • Das Murmeltier
    • Hung-up!
    • Vitamin B
    • Schlüssel zum Erfolg
    • Purse Swindle
    • Das Hütchenspiel
    • Die Schalen
    • Die weiche Erbse
    • Die harte Erbse
    • Die Unterlage
    • Palmagepositionen
    • Der Pinch
    • Deep Pinch
    • Front Pinch
    • Der Transfer
    • Das Leerzeigen der Schalen
    • Backpinch
    • Der Escobar-Griff
    • Escobar Exquisit
    • Das Stehlen unter dem Glas
    • Das direkte Stehlen
    • Das "Zwei-Erbsen-Konzept"
    • Zur Routine
    • Scheinbares Stehlen
    • Die Finte mit dem Glas ...
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Alexander de Cova
Burners 4: Geile Tricks, die funzen by Alexander de Cova


  • Ein paar Worte zuvor
    • Bierkrug Produktion
    • Gedanken zur Daumenfessel
    • Die Elmsley Variante
    • Der Taschendieb
    • Karte in Brieftasche
    • Master Silks
    • Das Al Baker Prinzip
    • Der Joe Berg Stand
    • Die Sache mit dem Stuhl
    • Das Entknoten der Tücher
    • Manuelles Entknoten
    • Entknoten mit Gimmick
    • Die zweite Variante
    • Ein besseres Gimmick
    • Geldschein in Zitrone
    • Eierbeuteleien
    • Die Grundhaltung
    • Der Bagdrop
    • Das Drehen des Beutels
    • Unterarm Deckung
    • Die direkte Ladung
    • Die Produktion
    • Verschwinden und Bagdrop
    • Umdrehen des Beutels mit Bagdrop
    • Weitere Deckung
    • Der Drop
    • Platt drücken ...
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Alexander de Cova
Burners 5: Geile Tricks, die funzen by Alexander de Cova


  • Ein paar Worte zuvor
    • Hasi 15
    • Phoenix aus der Asche
    • Six-Card-Repeat
    • Der verschwindende Vogelkäfig
    • Milchglas Trick
    • Hebas Fes
    • Der Flaschentrick
    • Wanderung oder Vermehrung?
    • Die Flaschenwanderung
    • Die Flaschenvermehrung
    • Flaschensets
    • Die Röhren
    • Der Tisch
    • Das Layout
    • Umfallende Flaschen
    • Die Handhabung der Flaschensets
    • Das zweite Flaschenset
    • Das dritte Flaschenset
    • Marconick Silk Trio
    • Ring, Watch and Wallet
    • Purse Frame Handlings
    • Die Ramsay Subtlety
    • Mit der Edge Palm
    • Die direkte Produktion
    • Goshman Pinch
    • Das Hineingeben der Münze in die Geldbörse ...
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Alexander de Cova
Burners 6: Geile Tricks, die funzen by Alexander de Cova

Aus dem Vorwort:

Jede Kunstform, in der live vor Publikum vorgeführt wird, braucht von Zeit zu Zeit wieder neue Gesichter, frische Interpretationen und Innovationen bzw. Varianten, damit die Kunstform frisch bleibt. Ich bin der Meinung, dass Zauberkunst nicht aussterben wird, solange es gute Performer gibt. Die Menschen werden noch viele Jahre gute Zauberei sehen und sich verblüffen lassen wollen.


In diesem Band der BURNERS Reihe geht es weniger um die Tricks (obwohl von denen sehr viele vorhanden sind), sondern um die Ideen und Gedanken dahinter. Ich werde dir ein paar meiner...

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Guy Bavli
Bending Minds Bending Metal (all 3 volumes) by Guy Bavli

Guy Bavli has followed Uri Geller as Israel's magician and mentalist who specializes in metal bending. Guy is a full-time professional, constantly performing on television both in the United States and abroad. Guy is also a three-time winner of the Israeli Gold Cup Award for "Best Magician."

These DVDs have originally been released by A1-Magical Media and are now being made available as downloads.

★★★★★ $60
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MP4 (video)

Edward Marlo & Wesley James
MINT III Unauthorized by Edward Marlo & Wesley James

Beyond the Eight major pieces of material, not to mention sleights and subtleties, that have remained unavailable since the 20-year run of the New Tops ended, Wesley James has completed the task of fulfilling Ed Marlo's expressed wishes, keeping his material available "for the guys."

If the long-unavailable Marlo items were all Wesley compiled, this would be an important contribution to the literature of card magic. As tribute to Ed, Wesley wanted this volume to offer more. So, he added clarifications and corrections - both logical and grammatic - plus his own personal Notes. Some of those Notes...

★★★★★ $60
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H. F. C. Suhr
Wunder aus der 4ten Dimension (gebraucht) by H. F. C. Suhr

Taschenbuch das von einem früheren Besitzer neu gebunden wurde. Jedoch ist diese Bindung auch beschädigt. Ansonst ist das Buch gut erhalten für sein Alter. Zum Inhalt siehe die digitale Ausgabe.

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T. G. Murphy
Imagication (used) by T. G. Murphy

Hardcover with dust-jacket in like-new condition. For details on the contents see the digital edition.

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Wesley James
I'll Have a Double by Wesley James

Wesley James has done it again! While no single volume could include every multiple lift technique that has been shared in magic's vast literature, anyone that performs card magic needs the powerful tool multiple lifts can offer. Simply stated, this is the single most extensive work on multiple lifts ever created. No list could be fully comprehensive, but you'll find an abundance of techniques referenced in the exhaustive bibliography. You'll also discover as much multiple lift information as has ever been placed between two covers, and more.

Everyone who performs card magic needs to...

★★★★★ $60
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Edward Marlo & Wesley James
MINT IV Unauthorized by Edward Marlo & Wesley James

More than the thirteen major Marlo items Ed contributed to New Tops Magazine in 1981 - not to mention new sleights, finesses, and subtleties - all these items have been largely unavailable since their publication. Wesley James has added another year of material toward fulfilling Ed Marlo's expressed wishes, keeping his material available "for the guys."

As with Wesley's previous release of M.I.N.T. III, these long-unavailable Marlo items could have been all Wesley compiled. Still, this volume would have been an important contribution to the literature of card magic. As tribute to Ed, Wesley wanted this volume to offer more....

★★★★ $60
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Edward Marlo & Wesley James
MINT V Unauthorized by Edward Marlo & Wesley James

More than the twenty major Marlo items Ed contributed to New Tops Magazine in 1982-1983 - not to mention new sleights, finesses, and subtleties - these items have been largely unavailable since their publication, almost 40 years ago. Wesley James has added another two years of material toward fulfilling Ed Marlo's expressed wishes, keeping his material available "for the guys."

As with Wesley's two previous releases, M.I.N.T. III and M.I.N.T. IV, these long-unavailable Marlo items could have been all Wesley compiled. Such a volume would have been a huge contribution to the literature of card magic. As a tribute...

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Edward Marlo & Wesley James
MINT VI Unauthorized by Edward Marlo & Wesley James

More than the fourteen major Marlo items Ed contributed to New Tops Magazine between 1984-1985 - not to mention new sleights, finesses, and subtleties - these items have been largely unavailable since their publication, almost 40 years ago. Wesley James has added these final two years of material, completing the full run of Marlo's New Tops articles, fulfilling Ed's expressed wishes, keeping his material available "for the guys."

As with Wesley's previous releases, M.I.N.T. III - M.I.N.T. V, these long-unavailable Marlo articles could have been all Wesley compiled. Such a volume would have been an important...

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Edward Marlo & Wesley James
MINT 1973 - 1974 Annotated by Edward Marlo & Wesley James

The Annotated M.I.N.T. series continues. Thanks to Ed Marlo and Wesley James, M.I.N.T III, IV, V, VI, and Annotated M.I.N.T. 1963 - 1972 are already available. After releasing M.I.N.T III through VI, and Annotated M.I.N.T 1963, 64, 65, 66, 67, and 68, then 1969-1972, the articles in this volume again depart. It includes the years 1973-1974 - comprised of fewer articles but longer and more in-depth. As Wesley progressed toward completing the full run of Marlo In New Tops material, plus his extensive annotations, observations, and Bonus material, he wanted to be fair to Marlo fans, and to his...

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