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Mentalism & Spiritism Cards Magazines & Journals with Demo Video DIY, Makers & Builders DVD (download+stream) Books (printed) Video clips (download) Theory, Articles & Reviews for Beginners Coins, Chips & Buttons Illusions, Escape & Stage Biographies & History in German (Deutsch) Marketing, Selling & Business Matters Audio Balls, Eggs, Dice & Cups Memory & Mnemonics Paper & Paper Money Science & Math Tricks Ropes, Ribbons, Strings & Reels Comedy Magic Compilations Patter, Plots & Scripts Physical (Non-Digital) Tricks & Gimmicks in Italian (italiano) Kids & Children Hypnosis & NLP Rings Cigarettes, Candles, Matches & Fire Phone, Apps & eTricks Liquids, Chemicals & Bottles Published 1800-1899 DVD & Video (disc) Silks & Flags Hands, Fingers & Body Thimbles Catalogs Chapeaugraphy Published before 1800 Ventriloquism Instruction Sheets in French (français) Second Hand in Spanish (español) Animals Gospel Magic Gift Cards & Donations Pickpocket Fiction for Resellers Free in Japanese (日本の)


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David Gish
Modern Object Lessons 1 by David Gish

Legacy Magic released this book originally in 2012 and it was a huge success. This revised edition includes some minor edits and enhancements. Here you'll will find three simple yet poignant object lessons valuable for use with both children and teens. David is a performing magician who has spent years working in both churches and a broad array of secular venues. Let him pass on his insight to you on using magic to convey messages. Don't own expensive props? No problem!

David is a master at taking the simple and small and making it play BIG!

Don't forget to see the Appendix, which has...

★★★★★ $3.75
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E. Brian MacCarthy
Modern Sleights by E. Brian MacCarthy

This is the sequel to Slow Sleights and again includes a variety of moves for billiard balls, cards, thimbles, silks and cigarettes.

  • Preface
  • A Billiard Ball Flourish
  • Third-Finger Vanish
  • The Improved Ball Twist-Over
  • The Finger-Clip Ball Vanish
  • One-Handed Colour Change
  • The Improved Drop Vanish
  • The Perfect False Count
  • The Invisible Card Change
  • The Mysterious Twelve
  • A Neat Thimble Vanish
  • The “Sudden" Thimble Vanish
  • A Little-Finger Vanish
  • Thimble Through The Hand
  • The Elusive Handkerchief Thimble
  • A Thimble Vanish From Handkerchief
  • A Thimble Constantly Passes From Hand To Hand
  • A Twist-Over...
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Collins Pentz
Modern Vaudeville Patter by Collins Pentz

Excerpt from the preface:

Many magicians have told me they would like to obtain a good book on patter, that would fit some of the more modern tricks, and patter that could be used for various tricks.

Feeling that such a book would have a big sale and wishing to accommodate these seekers after original patter, which could be made use of while presenting some of the very latest tricks, I have taken upon myself the task of producing this handy vest pocket volume and trust it may be of much value in improving the acts of many magicians.

Although you may not care to use it word for word...

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Fritz Albert Hügli
Moderne Magie by Fritz Albert Hügli

Besonders bemerkenswert bei diesem Werk ist, dass Hügli nicht nur den Effekt und die Methode für jede Routine ausführlich beschreibt, sonder er giebt auch für jeden Trick einen kompletten Vortrag an. Die Einleitung zum Werk ist sehr gut und spricht oft vernachlässigte Themen wie psychologische Aspekte der Zauberkunst an.

  • Vorwort
  • I. Teil. Die magische Täuschung
    • I. Einleitung.
      • Die mystische Magie
      • Die weiße Magie
    • II. Die moderne magische Kunst
      • Definition
      • Einst und Jetzt
      • Ratschläge
    • III. Die Elemente der Täuschung
      • Die physikalischen Hilfsmittel
      • Die psychologischen...
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Carl Willmann
Moderne Salon Magie by Carl Willmann

Planmäßige Darlegung und vollständige Erklärung der bedeutendsten Vorführungen der Zauberkunst, ihrer Hilfsmittel und Kunstgriffe.

  • Einführung in die Entwicklung der Magie
  • Die Hauptregeln
  • Der Zauberstab
  • Der Zaubertisch
    • Der Mitteltisch
    • Der Seitentisch
    • Die Beisetztische
  • Die Servanten
    • Die Ansteckservanten
    • Die Stuhlservanten
    • Servanten für Gläser etc.
    • Transportable Servanten
    • Die Glasservante
    • Die Tütenservante
  • Die mechanischen Klappen, Fallen und Pedale
    • Die einfache Klappe
    • Die Klappe mit Übersetzung
    • Die große Doppelklappe für Mitteltische
    • Die mechanische Fallklappe ...
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Carl Willmann
Moderne Salon-Magie (gebraucht) by Carl Willmann

Buch ist in ausgezeichnetem Zustand. Es ist ein Nachdruck der original Ausgabe von 1891, verlegt bei Edition Olms, mit einem Vorwort von Wilhelm Widenmann. Details zum Inhalt finden Sie auf der Webseite für die digitale Ausgabe.

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Carl Willmann
Moderne Wunder by Carl Willmann

Natürliche Erklärung der älteren wie neueren Geheimnisse der Spiritisten und Antispiritisten, Geistercitierer, Hellseher, Gedankenleser, Heilmedien, Mnemotechniker, Rechenkünstler.

  • Aberglaube und Afterwunder
  • Die Sinnestäuschungen
  • Die Bindeproduktionen
  • Durchdringung der Stoffe
  • Materialisierte Gestalten
  • Die Dunkelsitzung
  • Die Hand- und Fußabdrücke
  • Die Geisterschrift
  • Die magnetische Heilkraft
  • Das Tischrücken
  • Das Hellsehen
  • Das Gedankenlesen
  • Die Geistererscheinungen
  • Sensationelle Wunder

Erstausgabe 1897, 319 Seiten.

★★★★★ $15
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Ralph W. Hull & Nelson C. Hahne
Modernism in Pasteboard by Ralph W. Hull & Nelson C. Hahne

The inventor of the "Mental Photography Deck" and one of magic's best illustrators teamed up to provide this outstanding collection of 11 stunning card and mental effects.

The experts agree, this is one book you can't afford to pass up. Ralph W. Hull's thorough explanations guide the reader through a series of clever card routines. This guidebook introduced artist Nelson Hahne's "Magical Map" concept of using his excellent pen-and-ink drawings to thoroughly explain the subtleties of the various moves and handlings.

Not just for card workers, Hull's "Animated Chalk Marks" effect will also...

★★★★★ $6
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Moe Seidenstein
Moe's Miracles by Moe Seidenstein

Moe Seidenstein was a legendary character who baffled the magic convention attendees in the 1930s with "Moe's Move a Card" and "Think a Card," stunning effects with no possible hint as to method. Then, Moe disappeared. Now you can learn 11 of Moe's tricks - well, actually 10 because for one no method is given. Moe relies heavily on estimation. A good primer for estimation is Kato on Estimation.

11 pages.

  1. The 'Moe' Look At A Card Trick
  2. Moe's Counting
  3. Moe's Location While The Back Is Turned
  4. Moe's Riffle Behind The Back Location
  5. Another More Mental Force
  6. Moe's Spread Trick
  7. Moe's Card Riffle Over The...
★★★★★ $6
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Liam Montier
Mojo by Liam Montier

12 card routines from totally self-working to average difficulty.

If you can do double lifts, Elmsley Counts, etc, then you are in luck. All of the tricks are explained with Liam's full handling, presentation, theory, extra ideas, and credits, including a lot of photos to make learning even easier.

01. Biddle Print - The Biddle Trick and the Finger Print Trick get together and have a sexy time, ending up with this crazy baby.

02. In-Decision - Sit back and relax as two spectators reveal their own thought of cards.

03. Hofferoon - Two classics combine to give the best mash-up since...

★★★★★ $12
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Bob Farmer
Mojo Boogie Boxes by Bob Farmer

A three-phase, coin box routine with no difficult sleights. Perfect for the magician who doesn't do coin magic but wants to add an astounding effect to the repertoire. Can be performed close-up and surrounded. Included is Bob's "Beat the Devil" bizarre patter story.

You will need one Boston Coin Box and two Okito Coin Boxes to perform this routine.

M.D. "A blast to play with ... I have been having so much fun ...."

R.R. "... (The routine is) a classic, down to professional quality patter."

D.S. "A real nice piece of work ... great ideas and routines ... I ... was quite impressed...

★★★★ $9.50
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Graham Hey
Molecule Madness by Graham Hey

Two cards (2 x Queen of Spades) are shown to a spectator, who is then handed an "invisible card" the 9 of Hearts. The spectator throws the invisible card towards the magician who is going to catch it between the two queens. The spectator does this and the 9 of hearts instantly appears between them! Then, whenever the magician wants, the 9 of hearts vanishes - only to turn up in another location. This is a great self-working effect that gets great reactions.

You'll need to make the gimmick with a couple of things most magicians will already possess. It'll take you just five minutes and...

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Cameron Francis
Moment's Notice 10 by Cameron Francis
"I love 'Precursor' - That's a really great plot!" - Liam Montier

"I really enjoyed this latest installment in the series! No filler. Strong, doable material!" - John Carey

The Moment's Notice series continues with six more stunning, spectacular, sensational effects. Hard-hitting and easy to do, this might be the best of the series yet.

Divided - An incredible two phase effect that ends in a full deck color separation (You are going to love the concept that makes this possible).

Streamlined Sandwich - Two face up Jacks are cut into the deck. A card is freely selected (for real). It then appears between...

★★★★★ $12
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Cameron Francis
Moment's Notice 2 by Cameron Francis

"Moment's Notice contained a superb collection of impromptu card effects. In this second volume, Cameron has done it again ... in fact, this second volume might even be better than the first, if that is at all possible!" - Peter Duffie

"This is the kind of material I like, not the difficult to do and with the EFFECT in mind!" - Aldo Colombini

"Cameron's material from the Moment's Notice series makes me want to go for a swim in Antarctica. It's that freakin hot!" - Donny Orbit

"I didn't want Moment's Notice 1 to end. This one picks up perfectly where the last left of. Filled with brilliantly commercial impromptu effect...

★★★★★ $12
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Cameron Francis
Moment's Notice 3 by Cameron Francis

Six more impromptu miracles from Cameron Francis that are guaranteed to amaze. All impromptu. Use any deck. No set ups.

  • Sympathy – The four Queens twist and collect in the cleanest manner possible. This routine was a huge hit on Cameron's recent lecture tour.
  • Wilder – A highly visual two phase Wild Card routine.
  • Indie – Three incorrect predictions turn into three mates.
  • Toasted – A clean and extremely direct double sandwich routine.
  • Heat – A small packet, four phased Oil and Water routine with a very novel presentation.
  • Uppers – An elevator effect with a stunning finale. ...
★★★★★ $12
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Cameron Francis
Moment's Notice 4 by Cameron Francis

"Cameron has done it again! His Moment's Notice series just goes from strength to strength. All six routines in this latest (fourth) installment are carefully structured and each one packs a punch." - Peter Duffie

"With all of the material in the Moment's Notice series I can launch a full on magic assault that is guaranteed to obliterate the senses. Thanks for keeping me prepared to maim at a moment's notice." - Donny Orbit

Six more totally amazing, totally impromptu, easy-to-do card effects from the mind of Cameron Francis!

  • Ace Thang - A completely impromptu variation of Richard Sanders' amazing...
★★★★★ $12
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Cameron Francis
Moment's Notice 5 by Cameron Francis

"Fans of Cameron Francis's work will not be at all disappointed, nor will anyone else for that matter!" - Chris Piercy

"As usual, a great collection of impromptu and pretty easy card routines that you WILL use." - Raphael Czaja

Six more totally impromptu, totally easy, off-beat card effects.

Zombieland -- Wild Card meets Zombies! Yummy!

Scammed Across -- A super easy but completely amazing card across effect.

Hof-Wich -- A practically self-working sandwich transpo based on the Hofsinzer Ace Problem.

Instinct -- Two cards are selected. One appears between the two black Kings. The...

★★★★★ $12
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Cameron Francis
Moment's Notice 6 by Cameron Francis

"Great tricks!" - Peter Duffie

"Really strong magic... Again!" - Raphael Czaja

"AWESOME stuff as usual. 'Half-Version' forced me to get up and grab a deck!" - Dave Forrest

The 6th installment of the smash hit ebook series is finally here! Six new, commercial, completely impromptu card miracles. New plots. Fun twists on old plots. Cool methods. This is card magic you will use.

  • DEJA VU ALL OVER AGAIN – A stunning double sandwich effect.
  • OVERCOUNTPaul Harris' Overkill meets Paul Cummin's Counting On It for one stunning effect.
  • FACES IN THE CROWD – An impromptu packet effect with a novel presentation.
★★★★★ $12
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Cameron Francis
Moment's Notice 7 by Cameron Francis

Seven more off-beat, totally impromptu card effects from the mind of Cameron Francis. Includes both written instructions and video instructions.


THE TRUTH IS IN THE MIDDLE: A "mystery card" effect where a card reversed in the middle of the deck before the trick started turns out to be the selection.

WELL TRAVELED: A "Travelers" variation that is pretty darn easy to do.

TRI THE SANDWICH: A Triumph routine and sandwich routine all rolled into one tasty treat.

OUT OF SIGHT, INSIDE THE BOX: A magical variation of Dai Vernon's "Out of Sight, Out of Mind".

FAUX SHOW: A five phased...

★★★★★ $12
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Cameron Francis
Moment's Notice 8 by Cameron Francis

"Another super-commercial, high-impact collection from the fertile mind of Cameron Francis. This is the perfect finale to the extremely well thought-out 'Moment's Notice' series. Highly recommended." - D. Ulin, Los Angeles, CA

"Six devilishly cunning effects that you could possibly live without. Then again, you could live without sex, but you wouldn't want to... would you?" - Stephen Tucker, UK

"Cam's Moment's Notice series is a great read for anyone who digs their card magic and "Moment's Notice 8" is no exception!" - Liam Montier, UK


  • No Sweat Assembly -- A killer self-working Ace Assembly. ...
★★★★★ $12
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Cameron Francis
Moment's Notice 9 by Cameron Francis

Feast your eyes on and fry your spectators' brains with six more insanely impossible impromptu card miracles.

TRIP EL REMIX - An amped-up version of a classic triple prediction trick with a major kicker ending. A serious fooler - and best of all, it's entirely self-working.

BIDDLE-ISH - A lean, mean, super-clean "Card Across" effect. You've never seen this spin on a time-tested classic of card magic.

BUT NOT LEAST - A wildly deceptive triple sandwich effect with an eye-popping, in-the-spectators-hands ending.

EAT FRESH - Inspired by the Buck Twins' legendary "Subway" - but you don't...

★★★★★ $12
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Cameron Francis
Moment's Notice Live by Cameron Francis

Five totally impromptu card effects.

Released back in 2009, the original Moment's Notice kicked off what became a wildly successful series of impromptu card magic ebooks. Over the years, Cameron has revisited the material from the first booklet and made significant improvements. Now, for the first time on video, comes a collection of all five of the original effects, featuring brand new handlings and, in a couple of cases, completely re-imagined plots that look almost nothing like the ones from the ebook.

This is first rate impromptu card magic that's easy to do, and guaranteed to blow minds.

Effects: ...

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MP4 (video)

Cameron Francis
Moment's Notice Live 2 by Cameron Francis
"Moment's Notice contained a superb collection of impromptu card effects. In this second volume, Cameron has done it again ... in fact, this second volume might even be better than the first, if that is at all possible!" - Peter Duffie

"This is the kind of material I like, not difficult to do and with the EFFECT in mind!" - Aldo Colombini

"Cameron's material from the Moment's Notice series makes me want to go for a swim in Antarctica. It's that freakin hot!" - Donny Orbit

"I didn't want Moment's Notice 1 to end. This one picks up perfectly where the last left of. Filled with brilliantly commercial impromptu effect ready...

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MP4 (video)

Cameron Francis
Moment's Notice Live 3 by Cameron Francis

This third installment of the popular Moment's Notice Live series finds Cameron remixing, remastering, fixing, twisting, turning, and otherwise improving all of the effects from the original Moment's Notice 3 ebook. Featuring six super commercial, totally impromptu card routines that you'll want to add to your repertoire right away.


Sympathy – The four Queens twist and collect in the cleanest manner possible.

Wilder – A highly visual two phase Wild Card routine.

Indie – Three incorrect predictions turn into three mates.

Toasted – A clean and extremely direct double sandwich routine. ...

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MP4 (video)

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