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Ken de Courcy
Dubbelkross and Simulkross by Ken de Courcy

A gradual transposition of three silver coins and three golden coins with an unexpected climax. Two routines.

Many methods have been devised for the classical effect wherein three coins pass invisibly through space to join three more. "Dubbelkross" and "Simulkross" are two further variations on the same theme; but, not only are the methods altered, the effects are, too. In fact, "Dubbelkross" represents the first attempt (as far as I know) at giving this transposition a definite climax. "Simulkross" does not pretend to give a startling climax, but is interesting because coins pass simultaneously...

★★★★★ $10
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Ken de Courcy
Five Card Stunner by Ken de Courcy

A very easy to do routine in which a black card repeatedly flies from hand to pocket leaving spectators amazed again and again, despite the performer trying to simplify things. All can be examined.

Imagine deliberately counting five cards....four of which are red with only one black. Each and every card is called and shown - without a single false move four cards are tossed to the table and the black card is seen to have vanished. It is reproduced from the pocket. Now Imagine that you can do it again and again each time eliminating one red card to make it easier for the public to follow the...

★★★ $5
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Ken de Courcy
Even Stephen by Ken de Courcy

An "even bet" gambling routine in ten stages with no preparation and no sleight of hand.

A gambling routine which is completely different to anything that has gone before, because it doesn't deal with the usual card games such as Poker, Blackjack, Bridge and so on. Even Stephen is a routine, you don't play for money, instead play for matches ... and yet you win. Even with poor luck, you "scoop the pool". It's all so easy to do, the main skill being in presentation. 'The last Bet' is the only one needing a little handling and even that shouldn't place a great strain on your ability. Altogether...

★★★★★ $6
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Ken de Courcy
Calling all Cards by Ken de Courcy

A deck of cards is shuffled and put in trouser pockets, any card called for produced, then any non-playing card (birthday card, membership card, postcard, ...) called for, with gags and card castle finale.

This manuscript has not been available for a long time. This comedy and mysterious act, which has not been seen for a number of years, contains all the ingredients for hit entertainment today.


The performer comes on to a stage which bears only a table. He introduces a pack of cards and hands them out for shuffling, then has them cut into two halves and, after rapidly glancing...

★★★★★ $6
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Ken de Courcy
Hammanesque: Hot Ice 2 by Ken de Courcy

In one of the New York Magic Symposium volumes there is a trick by Brother John Hamman entitled "The Lie-Detector Card Case". In it, he describes a truly brilliant-in-its-simplicity method for discovering a merely-thought-of card. Here is an alternative ending to it which, for me, makes it easier for larger audiences to see.


A spectator shuffles a pack of cards, then merely thinks of a card as the performer counts some over before his eyes. The cards are shuffled, then the performer shows the cards at the top and bottom of the pack; the selected card is not among them. Next, he introduces two paper...

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Ken de Courcy
After Dinner Technique by Ken de Courcy

From the preface:

This book first appeared in 1953 in serial form in Goodliffe's ABRACADABRA. At the time it was the first treatise to be published on the subject and many people were kind enough to say it helped them overcome the difficulties always found in after-dinner shows.

All the information it contained was learned by experience as it was a field in which I specialised. And, although it was written nearly thirty years ago, almost nothing has changed; which is surprising when you consider the sweeping changes in other spheres of entertainment.

  • Preface And Acknowledgement
  • Foreword Be Natural ...
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Ken de Courcy
Fortunato in Amore by Ken de Courcy

Un'altra grande routine da Ken De Courcy , piena di mistero, umorismo e partecipazione del pubblico . Questo gioco di carte è adatto per essere eseguito in close-up, sul palco, in un locale o ovunque preferiate. Il colpo di scena finale, completamente inaspettato (seppur logico), sorprenderá enormemente il pubblico e non mancherá di regalarvi un lungo applauso.

EFFETTO: Una signora del pubblico viene invitata come assistente e le viene chiesto di scegliere una delle quattro buste presentate apertamente su un tavolo. Le rimanenti tre vengono lasciate in piena vista. Viene consegnato all’assistente...

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Ken de Courcy
The Australian Gambling Game of 31 by Ken de Courcy

The Ace to Six of each suit are placed on the table, and the two players turn cards face down alternately and a running total of the pips is maintained. The winner is the one who takes the total to no more than 31. Even after the spectator is told the secret to winning, the magician still wins. Ends with an extra kicker.

PDF 10 pages

★★★★★ $10
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Ken de Courcy
Creditable Conjuring by Ken de Courcy

Magic with credit cards.

Credit cards are easier to handle than playing cards because they're smaller and they're also a lot more valuable. In short, a borrowed credit card is an ideal thing with which to conjure. This ebook will give you a few ideas to include in your program.

  • Foreword
  • Gimmicks
  • Crossed Credits
  • Credit Card In Wallet
  • Credit By Chance
  • Card To Cash
  • Credit Shower
  • Through Credit
  • Unlocked Credit
1st edition 1982, 12 pages; 1st digital edition 2020, PDF 15 pages.
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Ken de Courcy
Stand-Up Sponges by Ken de Courcy

A practical and commercial routine without difficult sleights.

From the Introduction:

For a long time Billy McComb and I have been searching for the "perfect" routine with Sponge Balls. It's taken a long time because we laid down some rather stringent conditions:

  1. The set-up (and re-setting) must be both quick and easy.
  2. It must be workable standing up without the use of a table.
  3. There must be no danger of the balls dropping off the volunteer's hand and bouncing all over the place.
  4. It must be loaded in such a way that it doesn't bulge out a thin mohair suit.
  5. If possible, it must contain at least...
★★★★ $7
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Ken de Courcy
Magic Balloons by Ken de Courcy

From the introduction:

It was that well-known West Country entertainer, Roy Van Dyke, who made me realise balloons can be used for more purposes than screwing into strange shapes sometimes resembling animals. He has a terrific opening trick that has colour, movement and noise that never fails to grab and hold the attention of today's show-saturated audiences.

  • Introduction
  • Bursting a Balloon
  • Explosive 20th. Century
  • Cut and Restored Rope
  • The Hydrostatic Glass
  • The Sharpshooter
  • Milk in Light Bulb
  • Upside Down Bottle
  • Balloon Bouncing
  • The Break-a-way Bouncer
  • Balloon Destroyer
  • The...
★★★★★ $10
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Ken de Courcy
Even Stephen (used) by Ken de Courcy

Booklet, stapled, in good condition. Published by Supreme Magic. Describing an "even bet" gambling routine.

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Ken de Courcy
Stand-Up Sponges (used) by Ken de Courcy

Stapled booklet in like-new condition. For details on the contents see the digital edition.

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Ken de Courcy
Creditable Conjuring (used) by Ken de Courcy

Stapled booklet in good condition; slight crease on cover and first three pages. For details on the contents see the digital edition.

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Ken de Courcy
After Dinner Technique (used) by Ken de Courcy

Stapled booklet in like-new condition. For details on the contents see the digital edition.

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Ken de Courcy
Ken de Courcy Discusses The World's Fastest Card Trick (used) by Ken de Courcy

Booklet stapled in like-new condition; 20 pages; Supreme Magic Publication.

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Ken de Courcy
Nod ... è Possibile by Ken de Courcy

Ottieni il massimo da un trucco classico. Tutto ciò di cui hai bisogno è un unico pezzo di corda (che può essere preso in prestito) e sei sempre pronto a intrattenere il tuo pubblico. È così piccolo ma ha un effetto così grande. Puoi eseguirlo da vicino o per un grande pubblico. Puoi eseguirlo anche in VIDEOCONFERENZA!

Ottieni il massimo dal “Nodo Impossibile di Hunter” con questa routine del grande Edwin Hooper descritta dall’altrettanto grande Ken De courcy.

"The Impossible Knot", originariamente chiamato "G.W.Hunter's Puzzle Knot", era ben noto ai maghi cinquant'anni fa,...

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Ken de Courcy
33 Trucchi con la Forzatura I.D.E.U. by Ken de Courcy

E’ con grande piacere che presentiamo per la prima volta al pubblico dei prestigiatori Italiani questo bellissimo quanto ricco lavoro di Ken De Courcy. La Forzatura “I.D.E.U. ( In lingua originale PATEO) è una delle più versatili e apparentemente innocenti che siano state ideate. I.D.E.U. è un acronimo per “Indicane Due Eliminane Una”. Infatti un qualsiasi numero di carte (o oggetti) viene disposto sul tavolo in qualsiasi ordine e alternativamente lo spettatore e l’esecutore ne coprono due con le mani e una carta viene eliminata liberamente ogni volta. Eppure, questo processo...

★★★★★ $10
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Ken de Courcy
Pentertain by Ken de Courcy

Fifteen minutes impromptu entertainment with pen and paper.

From the introduction:

Here is a short, entertaining act that can be worked impromptu anywhere you have a pen, paper and audience. For larger shows it can be done with chalk and blackboard. I have even done it on an Overhead Projector during a break in a Training Course.

  • Introduction
  • Only Heaven (and Einstein) Knows!
  • Everything is Relative
  • A Not-so-Proper Charlie
  • The Chinese Check
  • The Forgotten Phone Number
  • A Question of Degree
  • A Last Word

1st edition...

★★★ $10
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Ken de Courcy
Son of Pentertain by Ken de Courcy

The sequel to Pentertain. As before, these oddities can be shown wherever you have pencil and paper. For larger audiences a chalkboard, whiteboard or flip-chart is better; you can even do them in sand on a sea-shore.

  • Introduction
  • A Timely Legend
  • No Time For Work
  • The Cure For Insomnia
  • Sheik A Leg
  • Sheik Another Leg
  • Cross Check

1st edition 1975, 17 pages; PDF 22 pages.

★★★★ $10
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Ken de Courcy
Mistress of Pentertain by Ken de Courcy

Fiddling with figures.

More along the lines of Pentertain and Son of Pentertain. The fact that there is so much material here is due to the efforts of Geoffrey Lamb, Ralph Erlewine, Dr. Bernard Juby, R. C. Buff, Peter Rees and, in particular, Leslie May who sent in pages of figure oddities.

  • Acknowledgements
  • Foreword
  • The Power of the Pentagram
  • The Seven Dwarfs
  • The Charlie Chronicles
  • A Sanguinary Rise
  • In the Good Old Days
  • Tricky Crosswords
  • Discount Coffee
  • The Alternative Prediction
  • Practice Makes Perfect
  • Three-Way Prediction
  • F.T. Publicity
  • Medical Magic
  • Forbidden Fruit
  • Grandfather's Gimmick
  • 1089 and...
★★★★★ $10
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Ken de Courcy
Son of Pentertain (used) by Ken de Courcy

Softcover booklet in excellent condition. For details on the content see the digital edition.

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Ken de Courcy
Magic in Cabaret Land by Ken de Courcy

From the introduction:

The word itself, "Cabaret", carries overtones that conjure exotic pictures of nude dancers, the "Moulin Rouge" and German Beer Cellars; a sort of high-class iniquitous entertainment enjoyed by the lucky few. But that is all changed. It's been brought down to the level of the man-in-the-street. Now he can have a ringside seat for dining, dancing, drinking, a show ... and gambling.

Yet he won't take advantage of all this 'loose-living' unless there is also a "SHOW", as the proprietors of these establishments well know. There is a plethora of singers and 'groups', and...

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Ken de Courcy
Sleightly Easier by Ken de Courcy

A book of alternative, easier, card sleights and tricks to go with them.

Excerpt from the introduction:

Many of the basic card sleights are not easy to do well. Take the Two-Handed Pass in which the top and bottom halves of the pack are transposed. The objective is to do it invisibly, which is just about impossible. To cover the action some very strong misdirection is required ... or an alternative method. This little book is about such alternative methods ... easier ways to bring about the same results. But because sleights, in themselves, are useless, I've endeavoured to include a few...

★★★★★ $10
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