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Mark Leveridge
Four-Midable Coin Creations by Mark Leveridge

Four coin routines that do not require any gimmicks.

Cash Withdrawal - a spectator marks one of five coins with his initials and the chosen coin is dropped into an envelope and left in view. The other four coins are held in a spectator's closed fist. Instantly the envelope is torn up and the vanished signed coin is found in amongst the other four coins in the onlooker's closed hand.

Seeker Coin - a freely selected (and signed if you wish) card is shuffled back into the deck which is boxed. A coin, which is marked with a spectator's initials, vanishes and when the pack is removed from the...

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Lulu Hurst
Lulu Hurst Writes Her Autobiography by Lulu Hurst

For the first time explains and demonstrates the great secret of her marvelous power.

In this autobiography, Lulu Hurst tells her rise to fame and fortune by performing acts of incredible strength on stage. She does this with personal recollections as well as quoting from various newspaper reports. At the time she performed many attributed her strength to some as of yet unknown or unexplainable force. But she had no unusual strength or the aid of any special force. She cleverly used mechanical principles as well as showmanship to make it appear she had super-human strength. In the second...

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Henry Dircks
The Ghost by Henry Dircks

As produced in the spectre drama, popularly illustrating the marvellous optical illusions obtained by the apparatus called the Dircksian Phantasmagoria being a full account of its history, construction, and various adaptations.

Henry Dircks was the first who came up with the stage illusions that later became known as Pepper's Ghost. He had an arrangement with Pepper, they took out a patent in both their names, and Dircks did not want any monetary remuneration for it. John Henry Pepper improved the configuration to make it more practical and successfully staged it earning quite a lot of money with it. However,...

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Ray Grismer
Limey by Ray Grismer

A totally different and highly original concept for the Bill in Lemon. With this clean and baffling method three signed bills vanish and reappear within a gift-wrapped lime, in a flash. The lime is slowly and fairly cut open to reveal the bills resting within.

The unique and practical "no fuss" loading method will completely fool anyone familiar with other methods for the effect.

In addition, the lime may be carried for hours prior to the performance - it cannot leak or damage your clothing or props. And, of course, you can prepare as many as you like well in advance - the preparation...

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Steve Pellegrino
Your Last Card by Steve Pellegrino

A lost Michael Skinner mystery, updated by Steve Pellegrino. Included is Michael Skinner's original handling and Steve Pellegrino's additions. Your Last Card is a triple revelation with two different predictions. You can reset it during performance and no sleight-of-hand is required.

You ask a spectator to cut off a small packet of cards, less than half of the deck. You turn away as they do this, so you don't know how much they cut, even an approximate amount. They pocket their cards. You also cut off a small packet of cards for yourself.

Before the presentation with the cards begins, you write a...

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Unnamed Magician
Move a Card: the 'Holy Grail' method for a classic plot by Unnamed Magician

"Pretty sure Moe would have been fooled by this." - Ryan Schlutz

"A clever method for a memory demonstration." - Christian Grace

Note: The effect described below makes up less than half of the entire e-book. The rest of the e-book contains several other methods for the "Move a Card" plot.


The magician asks the spectator for their own deck of cards as he wishes to use a borrowed deck for the routine. He invites them to thoroughly shuffle the cards in any way of their choosing. The spectator does that. (The magician also promises never to touch the cards at any point in...

★★★★★ $40
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Ken de Courcy
Automentalism by Ken de Courcy

A complete man and wife telepathy act.

A nicely worked out two-person act that eliminates long memorization preparation and training. The basic idea can be adapted and extended to fit your needs.

(Originally this booklet was sold with an 'apparatus'. The 'apparatus' was a set of cue cards or cue stickers which could be pasted onto cards. These are not included in this digital reproduction. However, the ebook does include images of all the cue cards and you can therefore make them yourself.)

A truly sensational mental telepathy act with ordinary playing cards and other objects handed...

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Brick Tilley
Tenkai Buttons by Brick Tilley

You show two buttons, one in each hand, but magically one moves into your other hand despite your hands being separated.

The two short videos will explain to you a little preparation you will have to do to the buttons and the move to accomplish the deception.

This is essentially the same as Tenkai Pennies except here you will learn how to prepare the buttons to make it much easier to do.

1st edition 2024, video 1:18.

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MP4 (video)

John Henry Pepper
The True History of Pepper's Ghost by John Henry Pepper

John Henry Pepper took a projection invention of Henry Dircks, called The Ghost, with his permission, and made it practical so that it could more easily be performed. He earned a lot of money staging it. Even though Dircks did not want any payments from Pepper, there was a falling out between the two because the invention became known as Pepper's Ghost. Dircks wanted to have his name associated with it. This prompted Dircks to write The Ghost. Pepper's answer to that publication and dispute came almost 30 years later in this work The True History of the Ghost.

He also includes the history and working of Metempsychosis...

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Wolfgang Riebe
Sacred Sorcery: A Divine Prediciton by Wolfgang Riebe

Unlock the fascinating history of the magic wand with a captivating twist that appeals to both believers and skeptics alike. Ever faced skepticism from ardent believers questioning your tricks' origins? From the creative mind of Wolfgang Riebe, embrace a mind-bending prediction trick that seamlessly weaves together ancient history and modern entertainment.

Step into the realm of magic wands, from the miracles of Jesus to the staff of Moses, and even the Pope's sceptre. Our magician delves into the rich tapestry of wand lore, inviting the audience to scrutinise and verify every detail. With...

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Wiljalba Frikell
Magic no Mystery by Wiljalba Frikell

Conjuring tricks with cards balls, and dice; magic writing, performing animals, etc.

This is a surprisingly interesting book edited by W. H. Cremer. It includes an early precursor of the Chop Cup. (See The Magic Dutch Balls.) It has interesting information on gambling, cheating, and scams. The chapter on 'Magic Writing' is a wonderful history of cryptography and steganography. The chapter on animal training is one of the most detailed I have encountered. It also includes a wealth of magic tricks, science experiments, and effects based on apparatus.

  • Part I. Modern Magic By Sleight Of Hand...
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Mago Marko
Forgotten by Mago Marko

This new eBook is a treasure trove of great and practical magic. Old magic books, magazines, and catalogs are full of wonderful tricks that are mostly unknown today. These tricks astonished audiences in the past and they can astonish them today. All the material contained in Forgotten is practical and will work today as well as it did in the past. In this new eBook by Marko (former admin of The Learned Pig Project), you'll find the following.

MAGICAL GERMINATION. Dip your empty hand into a round transparent fishbowl and it magically fills with flowers. Hand is seen empty at all times. You're...

★★★★ $12
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Steve Pellegrino
Your Card by Steve Pellegrino

An amazing twist to the Red Hot Mama/Chicago Opener routine.

A card is selected and placed back into the middle of the deck. The magician states the selected card will reveal itself to him. As he spreads through the deck, a card with a different colored back and a paperclip with a note attached to it is seen. The note reads "Your Card!"

The card is turned over, revealing the selected card. The paper-clipped card is set aside, facing down. A second spectator selects another card and an attempt is made to repeat the effect.

As the magician spreads through the cards, a second with an...

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Ray Grismer
Loopy by Ray Grismer

Finger ring and rope

A borrowed ring is magically removed from one of several loops of rope and replaced on a different loop.

1st edition 1978, 6 pages.

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Burling Hull
How to Answer Questions for Crystal Gazing and Mind Reading Acts by Burling Hull

Explaining the Burling Hull method of reducing the subject to a system - by classifying questions in four divisions and rendering answers according to a set of prescribed principles for each classification.

This work provides a clear description of a highly practical method of how to answer questions, and how to avoid or answer difficult questions. It also includes information on how to construct the introductory talk. This was part of Annemann's Five Foot Shelf and is therefore required reading for mentalists. It does not explain how to get knowledge of the questions themselves but there are several ways to do that,...

★★★★★ $10
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Ken de Courcy
Danson's Diary Trick by Ken de Courcy

Danson's Diary Trick was first published in the New Pentagram Vol 2. It was an effect many magicians liked and subsequently several variations were published. Ken de Courcy compiles here several variations from Roy Johnson, from MUM magazine, including his own ideas, tips, and suggestions.

1st edition 1983, 20 pages; PDF 23 pages.

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Bob Malinchock
Just Five! by Bob Malinchock

Just Five! is a booklet containing only five card tricks. Its intent was to not overwhelm the reader with too many of the thousands of card tricks and all their variations. Presented is a variety of straightforward effects with little demand on one's skill in sleight of hand. Misdirection and presentation are the focus.

Included are:

  1. World's Fastest 2 Card Discovery - A trick without a middle.
  2. Snuggling-up to the Marker - Rather than the Joker.
  3. Real Mindreading Actor - Real telepathy, almost.
  4. True ACAAN - Close to the real thing.
  5. Memory Skills - Tests the magician's memory.


★★★ $0
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The Champion Pig of England by unknown

This is a lovely old-school children's story about a pig named Grunter Growler, his life on a farm, his animal as well as human friends, and his success winning 1st prize as the most beautiful pig in the country.

The interesting part for conjurers is that Grunter meets Toby the Learned Pig which includes a description of a typical performance of Toby. Those who study and research learned pigs might find it interesting. All learned pigs in England were named Toby. It is therefore not clear which Toby was the model for this description.

  • Preface
  • Chapter I. Introductory
  • Chapter II. Our...
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Fu Manchu & Mago Marko
Satan's Daughter by Fu Manchu & Mago Marko

For the first time in the English language one of the most highly successful magical plays of all time. From the pen of Fu Manchu (David Bamberg) comes Satan's Daughter, a lost treasure of the history of magic, until now unknown in the English-speaking world of magic.

Fu Manchu (David Bamberg) was the son of the great Okito and the sixth generation of magicians, originally from the Netherlands. He toured for decades with one of the finest full-evening magic shows, mostly in Latin America but also in Spain. Fu Manchu wrote and performed several magic plays of which Satan's Daughter is among the...

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Unnamed Magician
ACAAN: a fresh approach to an age-old plot by Unnamed Magician


The magician introduces a special deck of 52 cards, where each card is seen to have a number 1 through 52 printed on it. The spectators (two of them) are asked to verify that all the numbers are indeed different, that there aren't any duplicate numbers. The magician hands one spectator this special deck (in a face-down position) and says, "I want you to select a number 1 through 52. But instead of just thinking of a number 1 through 52, I want you to randomly select one. Like that, even you don't know what number you'd end up with, thereby eliminating any psychological influence....

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Mark Leveridge
3 Card Con by Mark Leveridge

Three pre-folded cards are tipped from a card box and displayed as being a QH and two blank cards. The three cards are folded to conceal their faces and arranged in a row on the table ready for the classic Find The Lady. Having mixed the positions of the three cards, the one that should be the QH is opened to reveal it is in fact one of the blanks. That’s surprise no. 1. Surprise no. 2 comes when the other two cards are unfolded to reveal they are both blanks as well! The QH has completely disappeared. Surprise no. 3 is revealed when the QH is found folded inside the card box that has been...

★★★★★ $10
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MP4 (video)

Ray Grismer
Thirty by Ray Grismer

Cards across

The Thirty Card Trick is a magical classic that can be done on stage as well as close up. It is entertaining to all types of audiences. The classic method (Magicians' Tricks by Hatton and Plate) used sleight of hand and math chicanery. Zens used envelopes. Crandall used roughing fluid. You should find this method one of the best because instead of making the passing of three cards an arbitrary choice it offers a logical reason for using three. Also, there is very strong misdirection. Each step is clearly explained along with the reasoning.

The moves are well covered by misdirection and by having unbalanced...

★★★★★ $4.50
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Frances Marshall & Jay Marshall
Ireland's Year Book 1959 by Frances Marshall & Jay Marshall
  • The Magician Of The Yearbook - Ron Urban
  • The Princess And The Royal Rope (A Patter Story)
  • Trickities II (The First Trickities Is In The 1958 Yearbook)
  • Phantom Tube And Candle Routine For Children
  • Routine For A Rubber Dove
  • Seek A Peek Plexiglas Clip Board
  • "Coo Coo" Savon
  • Idea For A Lota
  • A "Refreshing" Lecture
  • Make Safety A Habit
  • A Day At The Races
  • Counterfeiter's Dream
  • Yeow!
  • Old Glory Be!
  • Hypo Phoney Routine
  • The Fantastic Bill Transposition
  • Presto Coin Stand
  • New Multipurpose Card Exchange Folder
  • Magic Roulette
  • Chinese Symbol Gag
  • The Miser's Dream
  • Variation On The Soft Soap Trick
  • Rope...
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Lu Brent
Fifteen Star Card Effects by Lu Brent

Fifteen excellent pasteboard effects, all easy to perform, as they require little or no skill.

The contents include "Unbelievable Coincidence" which in itself is worth more than the price of the entire book; "U-Find-Our-Cards," a chapter wherein spectators unknowingly discover their own selected cards in a puzzling fashion; and "Auto-Graphic Minds," which will never fail to bewilder the closest observer. Plus additional tricks of a professional caliber.

Here is a collection of the very smartest magic, devised and used in his own act by Lu Brent, the top-notch Philadelphia professional...

★★★★★ $8
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