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Alex Master
Magic Trick Compilation by Alex Master

Easy and simple magic tricks for the beginner.

  • Why Do You Want to Learn Magic Tricks?
  • What are the Easiest Tricks to Learn?
  • The Key to Magic – Sleight of Hand
  • What is an Illusion?
  • Easy Money Tricks Using Bills
  • Easy Money Tricks Using Coins
  • Easy Magic Tricks Using Scarves and Handkerchiefs
  • Fun and Simple Card Tricks
  • Fascinating Rope Tricks
  • Cups and Balls Routines
  • Simple Elastic Tricks
  • Fun Dice Tricks
  • Tips for Becoming a True Entertainer
  • How Much Practice Will it Take?
  • How Many Tricks Should You Perform?

1st edition 2021, PDF 34 pages.

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Alex Master
The Secrets of Hypnosis by Alex Master

Do you suffer from a chronic pain disorder? Do you have Fibromyalgia, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, or another condition that leaves you in constant pain? Are you one of the millions of people that have tried everything to lose weight but haven't been able to lose weight and keep it off? Is one of your New Year's Resolutions to finally quit smoking? There is one treatment that can help with all of these conditions and more. Hypnosis. The medical community used to laugh off hypnosis as a parlor trick that magicians did to amuse children at birthday parties or entertain people in night clubs by...

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Alex Master
Come diventare un Mago di Successo by Alex Master

Per divertimento o profitto!

Un mago dilettante è chiunque abbia un minimo di talento, abilità e conoscenza quando si tratta di eseguire trucchi magici. Lui o lei potrebbe essere chiunque conosca un trucco magico o almeno tre trucchi magici.Ma in fondo, una definizione più tecnica di un mago dilettante è chiunque non pratichi in alcun modo la magia come mestiere, anche se conosce quattro, cinque, sei o più di una serie di trucchi magici. Questo a prescindere da quanto possa essere bravo nell’effettuare giochi di prestigio o illusioni.

Tuttavia, ci sono quei maghi dilettanti che...

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Alex Master
I Segreti dell'Ipnosi by Alex Master

Impara a sfruttare la potenza dell’Ipnosi.

Soffri di un disturbo del dolore cronico? Hai la fibromialgia, la sindrome da stanchezza cronica o un’altra condizione che ti lascia costantemente in pena?

Sei uno dei milioni di persone che hanno provato tutto per perdere peso, ma non sono stati in grado di perderlo? Una delle tue aspirazioni del tuo nuovo anno è finalmente quella di smettere di fumare? C’è un trattamento che può aiutare con tutte queste condizioni e altro ancora. Ipnosi.

La comunità medica era solita ridere dell’ipnosi come un trucco da salotto che i maghi facevano...

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Alex Master
Become a Successful Magician by Alex Master
  • Should you become an amateur or professional magician?
  • Do you need an agent?
  • The business side of magic shows: Microphones and other sound equipment
  • The business side of magic shows: Promotional materials
  • Phone calls
  • Brochures/Flyers/Cards
  • The business side of magic shows: The media and advertising
  • Tri-media
  • Print
  • TV
  • Radio
  • New media
  • Websites
  • The business side of magic shows: Liability insurance
  • The business side of magic shows: Finding your gigs
  • The business side of magic shows: What about costumes & makeup?
  • Should you have an assistant?
  • Learning the tricks:...
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Alex De Vega
Patterettes by Alex De Vega

From the Foreword:

"Patterettes" is not really a book of Patter. Personally I do not believe in ready-made Patter; which is like ready-made clothing - must be altered to suit the individual. "Patterettes" is rather a collection of snappy little gags that may be added to your patter at your discretion. I do not claim originality for what is to follow: some are original but many are not. They are taken from my "gag books" in which I have collected many notes of little sayings, jokes, etc. which I have made suitable for patter in connection with conjuring and the allied arts.

  • Foreword ...
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Alex De Vega
Selected Secrets by Alex De Vega

From the Foreword:

In selecting these Secrets, I have endeavoured to interest the Fraternity at large. Whether you are a manipulator, impromptu or spectacular worker I trust you will find herein some secret that will add to your reputation as a magician.

The secrets are chosen from over 300 which I classified when writing The Whirlwind of Wizardry and while many are not complete tricks or effects in themselves they are just what adds that little extra touch of smartness to an act, or that little effect to fill up a break.

  • Foreword
  • That Broken Match
  • Self Igniting Dove Pan
  • Knotted Changing Silks
  • Splinters:...
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Alex De Vega
More Selected Secrets by Alex De Vega

From the Foreword:

In presenting a further selection of secrets to the fraternity, I have again chosen these of general interest. It will be understood that these secrets are written for the advanced performer. Where the item is an improvement of a known effect. I have taken it for granted that the reader is familiar with the working of same; should he not be so, however, full descriptions will be found in the standard text-books on Magic.

  • Foreword
  • Patriotic Torn Paper
  • Dyeing Billiard Balls
  • The "Repeater" Smoke Trick
  • The Tobacco Trick (Simplified)
  • The "Lyford - Armour" Universal...
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Alessandro Delvecchio
Incredibile Pseudo Ipnosi by Alessandro Delvecchio

Con questo ebook in cui imparerai incredibili trucchi di Pseudo Ipnosi, quando eseguirai questi esperimenti, sembrerà che utilizzi l'Ipnosi reale ma in realtà è tutto realizzato tramite trucchi e fenomeni fisiologici che accadono naturalmente, ed è questo il punto di forza di questi sistemi, funzionano sempre.

La cosa incredibile è che non ha bisogno di compari e preparazioni di alcun genere, sarai completamente autonomo e potrai realizzare gli effetti ovunque e quando vorrai creando un grandissimo stupore.

Imparerai anche il modo corretto di presentare questi effetti al fine di renderli...

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Alessandro Delvecchio
Persuasione in Pratica by Alessandro Delvecchio

Principi, metodi e strategie di Persuasione messi in pratica

L'idea di poter persuadere, convincere qualcuno della nostra idea oppure a fare qualcosa che noi desideriamo è chiaramente qualcosa di allettante e che potenzialmente può portarci grossi benefici sotto più aspetti della vita quotidiana.

Occorre quindi stabilire il presupposto che tutto ciò che si fa in questo senso deve essere fatto con responsabilità e buon senso e con l'idea di base del "Non nuocere agli altri".

Premesso questo, è opportuno differenziare il connotato negativo che solitamente viene attribuito all'atto...

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Alec Pendle
The Cosmic Connection / The Cosmic Deck by Alec Pendle


You show two packs of cards. One red and one blue backed. You ask a spectator to touch one of the packs. The pack is offered to the spectator and she is asked to put the pack of cards in a pocket. Taking the pack of cards with the blue backs you fan them face and back to show that the cards are normal. You shuffle the cards, cut and complete the cut. The cards are spread face down on the table and you ask a spectator to run his fingers backwards and forwards across the cards...using his hand rather like a pendulum. At any moment he chooses you ask him to touch the back of one of the...

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Aldo Colombini & Peter Duffie & Robin Robertson
Killer Koncepts by Aldo Colombini & Peter Duffie & Robin Robertson

A Koncise Kollaborative Kompendium of Kommercial Killer Kount Kreations for Kontemporary Klose-up Kard Konjurors. Over 30 routines using Steve Beam’s Killer Count by Peter Duffie, Aldo Colombini and Robin Robertson. Four Ace tricks, cards across, mentalism, discoveries, spelling effects, comedy routines, a fantastic diary trick and much more.

1st edition 2009; 26 pages.

★★★★★ $10
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Aldo Colombini & Peter Duffie & Robin Robertson
Killer Koncepts (French) by Aldo Colombini & Peter Duffie & Robin Robertson

Une encyKlopédie Kollaborative Koncise Koncernant Des Kréations Kommerciales sur le Killer Kount pour Kartomanes en Klose-up Kontemporains. Plus de 30 routines de Peter Duffie, Aldo Colombini et Robin Robertson, utilisant le comptage Killer Count de Steve Beam. Le tour des Quatre As, des voyages de cartes, du mentalisme, des révélations, des effets d'épellation, des routines axées comédie, un tour fantastique avec un agenda et bien plus encore.

[Traduction et adaptation en langue française par Patrice Bernard.]

★★★★★ $10
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Aldo Colombini
Impact by Aldo Colombini

Cards, coins, ropes, and rings.

From Lothar Malmberg's introduction:

Between the covers of this book, you will find effects which are both quick and fun to perform, as well as items which play longer and are more involved. I think that you will especially enjoy the effects using ropes because Aldo introduces some clever new twists, which, if put together with your own Cut and Restored or Professor's Nightmare routines, will make a winning combination!

  • Introduction
  • Turn Over Revelation: Two selected cards are revealed in a spectacular way!
  • Boom-Boomer!
  • Twice Cato: Two cards are...
★★★★★ $29.50
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Aldo Colombini
React by Aldo Colombini

cards, coins, ropes, balloons, thimbles

Aldo likes simple easy-to-do magic that is direct and to-the-point. This is a great collection of forty routines with cards, coins, ropes and rings, balloons, thimbles, something for everyone. Many of the routines are close-up oriented, but you will find unique gems for stage or parlor, too.

  • Introduction
  • On The "Professor's Nightmare"
  • Rope Just Chance
  • Vice-Versa
  • Up Your Sleeve!
  • The One In The Middle
  • Bubbles
  • That Professor Is A Nightmare!
  • Blowing In The Wind
  • Gong
  • Computer Prediction
  • Catching The Wind
  • Stabbed Revelation
  • Get Off My Spread ...
★★★★★ $29.50
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Aldo Colombini
UK Lecture Notes 2002 by Aldo Colombini

Excerpt from the introduction:

In this set of notes you will find several tricks and routines that have served me well during the last few years as a stand-up performer. In fact, almost all the tricks explained here can be done standing up as no table is required and are great for walk around or strolling magic. Done this way you simply use the hands of the spectators to help you.

I have written these tricks and routines with the assumption that you already know some basic magic such as a card control, an Elmsley Count and the like. My purpose here is not to teach you 'sleights' but rather...

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Aldo Colombini
Soldi Facili by Aldo Colombini

Sette facili routines con le monete

Di Aldo Colombini

Prima edizione italiana

Fresca fresca di traduzione ecco la prima edizione italiana di un delizioso volumetto di Aldo Colombini dedicato a sette routines di facilissima esecuzione e di grande effetto. Ora è il momento di inserirne qualcuna nel tuo repertorio. Ecco un breve descrizione del contenuto .


“Gli effetti magici con le monete sono solitamente piuttosto difficili da eseguire e spesso richiedono particolare destrezza di mano, oltre che l’uso di complesse manipolazioni. Tuttavia, in questo...

★★★★★ $7
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Aldo Colombini
Un Taglio Profondo by Aldo Colombini

Una collezione di effetti incredibili da improvvisare con solo un normale mazzo di carte

Prima edizione italiana

Eccoti un'altra meravigliosa opera del grande ALDO, questa volta con la collaborazione di grandi nomi della “magia” internazionale. Ti basta un normale mazzo di carte per eseguire le ben 25 meraviglie che sono contenute in questo lavoro. Penso che ti bastino i nomi degli amici di Aldo che hanno fornito le routines presenti in questo libro per renderti conto a cosa ti trovi di fronte :

John Bragoli, Stephen Clark, Aldo Colombini, Tom Daugherty, Ken de Courcy, Paul Gordon,...

★★★★★ $9.90
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Aldo Colombini
The Punchline by Aldo Colombini

A revelation of a freely selected card.

EFFECT: The performer places an envelope containing a prediction on the table. He shows a deck of cards, and he begins to deal cards onto the table. A spectator says 'stop' at any moment he likes. The stopped-at card is placed aside and kept by the spectator who chose it. Several cards before and after the selection are clearly shown to be all different, while the performer states that the spectator could have stopped him on any of them. The spectator reveals the chosen card, for example, the King of Spades, and the prediction is seen to be a Jumbo...

★★★★★ $4.50
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Aldo Colombini
Grasshopper Cards by Aldo Colombini

You place the Ace, Two, Three and Four of Clubs on the table in a square formation as is typically done with matrix-type effects. You cover two cards with two jumbo cards. One by one all the cards assemble under one jumbo card.

You try to repeat the 'assembly' without the jumbo cards but the regular cards do not move. You turn over three cards and they are seen to be all blank. The other card is the 10 of Clubs, the sum of all the cards!

[Note: Aldo originally included the three necessary blank cards and the two jumbo cards. This download does not include these cards. You will have to supply them yourself.]

1st edition 2010, video 7:47...

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MP4 (video)

Aldo Colombini
Grande Slam by Aldo Colombini

Un gran finale per la tua routine cartomagica o un singolo trucco che lascia tutti di stucco, scegli tu come vuoi usare questa routine. Una cosa è certa, difficilmente troverai qualcosa con un effetto maggiore. Il finale lascia tutti a bocca aperta!

Leggi cosa dice Aldo stesso nella prefazione di questo suo lavoro :

“La routine che ti viene proposta in questo libretto se presentata con la dovuta abilità può crearti la fama di grande manipolatore. Il gioco appartiene a quel genere di effetti che rafforzano nella mente del pubblico l’idea che il mago ha il completo controllo sulle...

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Aldo Colombini
The Band (used) by Aldo Colombini

Red plastic comb-bound notes in very good condition. For the content see the digital edition.

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Aldo Colombini
Fai Ridere Il Tuo Pubblico by Aldo Colombini

L’arte di combinare “magia” e umorismo


“Mi sono sbellicato dalle risate leggendo questo libro! Ho pregustato quella che sarebbe stata la reazione del pubblico applicando le tecniche descritte dal caro Aldo in queto volumetto ed eseguendo le routines descritte. Sono convinto che piacerà molto anche a te, caro lettore, e che considererai veramente prezioso il suo contenuto.

In questo scritto Aldo ci spiega quello che è il grande segreto per eseguire una routine che intrattenga veramente il tuo pubblico. Non si tratta di fare semplicemente magia comica...

★★★★★ $5.90
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Aldo Colombini
ESP Card Magic: all 20 volumes by Aldo Colombini

This is the greatest series of ESP card tricks ever published. It features tricks from Nick Trost, Werner Miller, Howard Adams, Max Maven, and many other of the great trick creators. They are all easy to perform, and sometimes routined, and streamlined by Aldo himself to make them even better.

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MP4 (video)

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