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James A. Payne
Balloon Animals and how to make them by James A. Payne

From the preface:

This book has been written with the idea of presenting some different types of balloon items and to give some ideas to the walk-around clown. All of them have been audience-tested.

In the past I have read where one must be able to turn out a set number of balloon animals per hour or they will be in trouble. Nothing could be further from the truth. For years I have clowned at Shopping Centers and Picnics and, although I don't turn out more than sixty balloon animals per hour at my fastest pace, I still please the crowds at the places I appear and worked at one shopping...

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Jacques Futrelle
The Problem of Cell 13 by Jacques Futrelle

The premise of this locked-room story is wonderful. The protagonist is Augustus S. F. X. Van Dusen who is in a scientific debate with Dr. Charles Ransom and Alfred Fielding. Augustus, also known as "The Thinking Machine", claims that nothing is impossible when logic and clear thinking are applied. To prove his point, they conduct an experiment where Van Dusen is locked up in a prison for one week with the challenge to escape, which of course he does. But the real fun is in how he does it. It is a tour de force of logic and deductive thinking. Highly recommended to all locked room crime lovers. ...

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Jacopo Furci & Simone Bianco
Aerei di carta by Jacopo Furci & Simone Bianco

Guida pratica alla costruzione di aerei di carta.

Esistono passioni alle quali è difficile avvicinarsi in quanto talvolta poco conosciute e proprio per questo è difficile trovare chi le può insegnare e trovare materiale che ci aiuti ad imparare in modo semplice e divertente.

Questo ebook scritto da Jacorpo Furci e Simone Bianco, due veri appassionati dell’arte di costruire aerei di carta va incontro proprio all’esigenza degli appassionati di imparare autonomamente a realizzare tanti stupendi aerei di carta divertendosi e ottenendo un oggetto che può essere collezionato, usato per...

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Jacoby Harms
Illustrierte Zauber-Soiree by Jacoby Harms

Privat-Aufführungen im Salon. Nebst zugehörigen Erklärungen.

Auszug aus der Einleitung:

Die Reihe der im gegenwärtigen Büchlein dargestellten Zauberunterhaltungen gibt dem Laien eine ansprechende Auswahl zur Zusammenstellung eines wechselnden Programms für zwei oder drei Abende. Hierbei hat der Verfasser im Interesse mancher Liebhaber zugleich darauf Bedacht genommen, einige durch den modernen Spiritismus eingeführte Täuschungsstücke, nämlich eine Geistersoiree und eine Bindeproduktion, einzuflechten. Desgleichen hält der Verfasser die am Schluß des Werkes gegebene Anweisung...

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Jacob Taub
The Doc and His Deck by Jacob Taub

This ebook's purpose is to teach something about the art of close-up card magic; not just to describe some card effects. Each chapter consists of three parts:

  1. the text
  2. captioned drawings
  3. a summary of moves and sleights
The sleights are comparatively few but basic, nevertheless 340 illustrations are used to illuminate them. Legends have been added to the drawings which was an innovation in magic textbooks. Also the text is liberally and ubiquitously sprinkled with illustration references. While the emphasis is on digital dexterity, presentation, patter, and misdirection receive their share...
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Jack Yates & Ken de Courcy
Accusation by Jack Yates & Ken de Courcy

From the introduction:

"Accusation" is a court-room drama, not exactly legal, of course, but realistic enough to cause the accused to lie and the witnesses to commit perjury! If the trick does not have impact, it will be your own doing.

The Effect: From a list of criminals a spectator mentally selects a name and, from then on, 'becomes' this person. He also selects the crimes he will be accused of in the course of the examination. He also selects one, two or three witnesses who are put in the 'witness-box'. Despite the lack of clues, the performer reveals the criminal's name and his crimes. ...

★★★ $8
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Jack Yates & Ken de Courcy
Foreshadowed by Jack Yates & Ken de Courcy

Foreshadowed is an impromptu triple prediction that would play well for a few people or a full theater. As a bonus Yates describe another incredible prediction that can be done over the phone.

Jack Yates really needs no introduction; his name usually comes up wherever subtle magic is discussed. He tends to produce devious principles, then simplifies them down so anyone can use them. Foreshadowed is an interesting twist (literally!) on the well-known three objects prediction (a la Mental Epic). What makes this version different is that the predictions are written on blank pieces of cardboard...

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Jack Yates & Ken de Courcy
Accusation (used) by Jack Yates & Ken de Courcy

Stapled booklet in like-new condition. For details on the contents see the digital edition.

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Jack Yates
Clue and other Mysteries by Jack Yates

Jack Yates is renowned as a creative innovator as evidenced by his many contributions to magical literature. This work contains nine first-class routines with a mental flavour including Clue which is worth its weight in gold and the P&S System.


  • Monty: Three spectators choose one card each and then exchange them so that no one has his original selection. Despite this you are able to tell each spectator the identity of the card he now holds.
  • Spy Story: A spectator's selected card is revealed when the performer magically decodes a secret message.
  • Choice: A spectator chooses one...
★★★★★ $20
more than one
type to choose



Jack Yates
Clue and other Mysteries (for resale) by Jack Yates

Jack Yates is renowned as a creative innovator as evidenced by his many contributions to magical literature. This work contains nine first-class routines with a mental flavour including Clue which is worth its weight in gold and the P&S System.


  • Monty: Three spectators choose one card each and then exchange them so that no one has his original selection. Despite this you are able to tell each spectator the identity of the card he now holds.
  • Spy Story: A spectator's selected card is revealed when the performer magically decodes a secret message.
  • Choice: A spectator chooses one...
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Jack Yates
Card Caprice by Jack Yates

"Jack's Wallet" is an ingenious way of predicting a freely-chosen card using an unfaked wallet, the sort you probably possess already. It is a 'stand-up' trick without the need for a table, the type that is becoming more and more popular.

The second effect, "Jack's Line-Up", is a mental masterpiece that, properly performed, will stagger an audience whether it's done impromptu or as part of a regular cabaret act.

Here are the more detailed effects:

JACK's WALLET: Briefly, a spectator selects a card. It is not forced. The performer allows another spectator to remove a sealed envelope...

★★★ $5
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Jack Yates
Jack's Pack by Jack Yates

Jack Yates was a very clever and innovative magician who has somehow stayed below the radar and is completely unknown - undeservedly so - to many particularly in the US. Jack's Pack is a clever stacking method for finding any card in a deck by way of using numbers, names, words, etc.

Edited and with additional notes by Ken de Courcy.

1st edition 1978, 8 pages; 1st digital edition 2017, PDF 10 pages.

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Jack Yates
Minds in Duplicate by Jack Yates

Minds in Duplicate contains a number of routines designed to be presented as telepathic demonstrations between the performer and his partner. Each effect carries conviction, and not one of them calls for the long rehearsal and extensive memorisation of codes common to this class of work. Maximum effect is secured with minimum trouble. With the material in this book alone, thought-reading reputations can be made.

  • Foreword
  • Three Thoughts Alone
  • She Has The Number
  • Thoughts Direct
  • Designed To Order
  • The Five Cards Problem
  • Operator Calling
  • Astral Headline
  • Money And The Medium
  • Mental Tuition ...
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Jack Yates
Minds in Close-Up by Jack Yates

A collection of mental mysteries using small accessories.

  • Foreword
  • Clip Line
  • Match Miracle
  • Devil's Die
  • Perfected Publicity
  • Astral Digit
  • Merchant Mentalist
  • Who's Fooling Whom?
  • Object In Mind
  • Murder Most Foul
  • Credits

1st edition 1954, 31 pages; PDF 28 pages.

★★★ $10
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Jack Yates
Miracle Mix-Up by Jack Yates

It's uncanny; you don't touch the pack; you don't see the pack. Yet you are able to reveal in a novel fashion a freely selected card. Write the simple instructions in the form of a letter to the "customer". You can do it over the phone, over the radio, on television, via SMS, Zoom, or any other communication channel. Or, if you prefer, you can do it close-up with a spectator. They do it at their leisure over and over again and still it works. The card is revealed by your own name thus gaining publicity, or you can use your own phrase or a number to reveal the card!

EFFECT: (There are different...

★★★★ $8.50
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Jack Yates
Above Suspicion by Jack Yates

A self-working principle which determined a person's thoughts . . . Listen to this bewildering effect. A pack of cards is shuffled and a spectator merely thinks of a card. The pack is then dealt once, twice and finally a third time into two piles. Before completing the last dealing the spectator may, if he so wishes, shuffle both halves. Despite all this, when the spectator deals through the pack he finds there are only 51 cards; the thought-of card has vanished! The performer produces the card from his pocket before the spectator names his chosen card. An astounding climax which completely...

★★★★★ $6
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Jack Vosburgh
More Than A Trick by Jack Vosburgh

Jack Vosburgh was a close friend of Ted Annemann and deeply inspired by that master. Annemann referred to Vosburgh as "an unusual idea man." See for yourself in these thirteen novel playing card problems, especially the famous "Future Deck." Everything clearly explained so you can learn them quickly and easily.

From the introduction:

You have bought another magic 'book'! And a book of card tricks at that! I hope you won't be disappointed.

Because you have shown enough interest in card magic to invest in this book you evidently share with me the opinion that there is nothing actually wrong with...

★★★★★ $7.95
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Jack Vosburgh
Little Miracles by Jack Vosburgh

There are some mighty good card miracles here, from the fertile mind of Jack Vosburgh. Contains six original, impromptu card tricks with anybody's deck - with no extra appliances, preparation or setup - and almost no skill.

Here's a listing of the clever effects included in the book:

  • The Bashful Card is a combination divination, spelling and reversal effect - and it's plenty good.
  • The Five Card Mental Elimination - this is an easy-to-do puzzling mental effect.
  • The Fifth Column - This is a color separation that is both novel and clever.
  • A Lesson in Card Magic - A real fooler and the...
★★★★★ $6
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Jack Shepherd
Who Done It? by Jack Shepherd

A magical mystery in one act.

From the introduction:

It will be obvious after reading this manuscript that for the actual magical methods it would be simple to substitute other methods and other apparatus and still keep the basic idea. This is for the reader to decide, but we would suggest that if this is done, the apparatus used should be of a simple nature and not elaborate conjuring properties, as these would divert the attention of the audience from the story and routine to the magical mechanics, and it is the story that counts. The only way to get something really new is by a new...

★★★★ $4
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Jack Shepherd
A Lesson in Card Magic by Jack Shepherd

You apparently teach four card tricks to a member of the audience, but the explanation leave the spectators more and more bewildered ... with a strong climax.

Here's a routine that has withstood the acid test of time. Jack Shepherd's great comedy routine performance to the paying public has been very valuable to the originator. It can be as valuable to you too! You get a member of the audience to help and offer to teach him how to do four card tricks. False explanations of the various effects as performed lead up to a brilliant climax where the spectator reaches into his own pocket and removes...

★★★★ $8
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Jack Potter
Black Light: ultra-violet rays in the service of the magician by Jack Potter

Black light or ultra-violet light allows one to create fascinating illusions and visually stunning entertainment. While this publication is certainly dated when it comes to contact addresses and some of the technical information, it is a unique source and collection of information for the black light enthusiast and performer who wants to make use of its properties.

1st edition 1969, 17 pages; 1st digital edition 2016, 21 pages.

★★★★ $5
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Jack Miller
Linking Ring Routine by Jack Miller

Harlan Tarbell said to this publication: "The greatest work ever published on Linking Rings." Jack's long cherished secrets are yours in his ring through ring, ring through arms, special three-ring routine, a.s.o.

On top of the linking ring instructions Jack Miller also shares with you a separate chapter on ring and rope penetrations. These latter methods are so ingenious and puzzling as to seem uncanny, and are rarely seen performed.

1st edition 1945, 32 pages; 1st digital edition 2016, 30 pages.

★★★★ $3
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Jack Merlin
... and a Pack of Cards by Jack Merlin

This publication is in my opinion among the best books on cards ever written, but it is rarely mentioned or recommended. I am not sure why this is. Perhaps one reason is that Jack Merlin himself has not left a large footprint in the magic literature besides this one publication. He has a published trick in Expert Card Technique and if you read Card College 1 you will have learned the Jack Merlin's Riffle Shuffle. Farelli mentions in his Farell's Card Magic: "I agree with Mr. Jack Merlin that the custom of continually practicing in front of a glass is the cause of the unfortunate habit many magicians have of blinking at the precise moment of performing...

★★★★ $12
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Jack Merlin
... and a Pack of Cards (used) by Jack Merlin

Softcover book stapled in good condition. For details on the contents see the digital edition.

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