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Mentalism & Spiritism Cards Magazines & Journals with Demo Video DIY, Makers & Builders DVD (download+stream) Books (printed) Video clips (download) Theory, Articles & Reviews for Beginners Coins, Chips & Buttons Illusions, Escape & Stage Biographies & History in German (Deutsch) Marketing, Selling & Business Matters Audio Balls, Eggs, Dice & Cups Memory & Mnemonics Paper & Paper Money Science & Math Tricks Ropes, Ribbons, Strings & Reels Comedy Magic Compilations Patter, Plots & Scripts Physical (Non-Digital) Tricks & Gimmicks in Italian (italiano) Kids & Children Hypnosis & NLP Rings Cigarettes, Candles, Matches & Fire Phone, Apps & eTricks Liquids, Chemicals & Bottles Published 1800-1899 DVD & Video (disc) Silks & Flags Hands, Fingers & Body Thimbles Catalogs Chapeaugraphy Published before 1800 Ventriloquism Instruction Sheets in French (français) Second Hand in Spanish (español) Animals Gospel Magic Gift Cards & Donations Pickpocket Fiction for Resellers Free in Japanese (日本の)


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Arthur Buckley
Card Control by Arthur Buckley

This is not a book for beginners. But it is a book that will lift up the devoted student by two or three levels of proviciency in card handling. Buckley, born in Australia, was one of the masters and innovators of card magic. He studied the card gamblers as well as the top magic performers. This book with over 300 photos, of which most have been enhanced by drawing lines over them to increase contrast, and 40 outstanding routines, is a gold mine and challenge for any card worker.

Paul Fleming wrote:

Arthur Buckley's "post-graduate course on practical methods" of card magic, which has been eagerly awaited...

★★★★ $5
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Arthur Buckley
Effects with Cards 1 by Arthur Buckley

Arthur Buckley, one of the great sleight-of-hand artists with cards and coins, has written a series of twelve problems. This booklet is number one. It is illustrated by Harlan Tarbell and edited by Gus Moford. Dariel Fitzkee later reprinted these twelve problems in The Card Expert Entertains but used different inferior illustrations. If you have ever heard something about the 'Buckley card problems' this is one of them.

1st edition, August 1921, Magic Products Company, Chicago; 10 pages.

Number One - A Triple Climax

  1. Effect, Brief Presentation and Patter.
  2. Sleights Necessary to Performing the Triple Climax.
  3. The...
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Arthur Buckley
Principles and Deceptions by Arthur Buckley

Another great book from Arthur Buckley. He discusses some theoretical aspects of magic and then goes into detailed instructions of moves and routines with coins, cards, and billiard balls. I can highly recommend this book.

1st edition, 1948, Arthur Buckley; original 222 pages; PDF 185 pages.

    1. Photograph of the Author
    2. Dedication
    3. Introduction by Theo Bamberg (Okito)
    4. Foreword by the Author
    5. The Principles of Magic
    6. Manipulation
    7. Substitution
    8. Duplication
    9. Camouflage
    10. Imitation
    11. False Partition
    12. Concealed Mechanism
    13. Falsification
    14. Arrangement
    15. Preparation
    16. Misdirection
    17. Concealment ...
★★★★ $7
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Arthur Buckley
Card Problems by Arthur Buckley

Arthur Buckley started to release his card problems in 1924 when two booklets with five problems each were released. Buckley also released individual problems in their own manuscript, together with explanations of moves. Later Dariel Fitzkee reprinted 12 problems in The Card Expert Entertains. And finally in 1930 Dariel Fitzkee published this series of 30 card problems including all the problems published earlier.

These are all wonderful sleight-of-hand effects with cards.

Mr. Buckley's own sleights are explained in three previous publications, The Triple Climax, The Burglar, and With A Pack Of Cards And Four Pockets.


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Arthur Ainslie
Water Wizardry by Arthur Ainslie

Magical experiments with liquids.

    • The Impossible
    • "An Old One"
    • A Quaint Mixture
    • The Shower Bath
    • A Steady Hand
    • In the Soup
    • On the Edge
  • CHAPTER II LITTLE TRICKS - (continued)
    • Topsy Turvy
    • A Sporting Offer
    • A Feat of Dexterity
    • More Than Full
    • The Obedient Corks
    • A Peculiar Egg
    • The Suspended Mug
    • The Sticky Glass
    • Feat Of Dexterity
    • The Floating Pin
    • Washing a Card
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Arnold Furst
Hypnosis for Salesmen by Arnold Furst

... a must for every salesman who wishes to succeed in a "hard-sell" field.

  • How to make the customer buy compulsively
  • How to develop a sincere selling personality
  • Correlating the selling arts with hypnosis
  • How you may find your true capabilities
  • Learn by simple step-by-step methods
  • How to establish a feeling of rapport
  • The importance of making every sale
  • The power of positive suggestion
  • Leaving the buyer with no choice
  • How to use "motivation buying"
  • Overcoming bad habits
Why Was This Book Written?

Two reasons:

  1. To help you become a better salesman.
  2. To instruct you regarding...
★★★★ $10
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Arnold Furst
Magic for Monsters by Arnold Furst

A classic of routines and advice for working with what some call "the little monsters" (children); now updated for the modern performer. Here's a book for all magicians; whether you specialize in giving kid shows or just want a few new routines that are time tested by this seasoned entertainer. The seventeen tricks are described in complete detail and with every word of patter, including several original comedy routines that offer the maximum in entertainment value and audience response with a minimum of preparation or investment.

The book stresses the psychology and presentation necessary...

★★★★★ $10
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Arno Gölzer & Frank Holweck
Magisches Spezialthema Nr. 15: Chips - Chips - Chips by Arno Gölzer & Frank Holweck

Ein umfassendes Werk über Chips: Griffe, Gimmicks, Routinen, und Tips.



  • 1. Der Jeton
  • 2. Überleger
  • 3. Becher und Dosen
  • 4. Haltemittel
  • 5. Chipstapel
  • 6. Schwebemittel


  • 1. Die Wendegriffe
  • 2. Scheinbares Vorzeigen, mehrerer Chips, von beiden Seiten
  • 3. Griffe mit Shell und Chip
  • 4. Wanderungen
  • 5. Verfärben
  • 6. Chipverschwinden
  • 7. Chiperscheinen
  • 8. Chipvergrößerung
  • 9. Chipverkleinerung


  • 1. Der Schnuller
  • 2. Chiplift
  • 3. Der Traum eines Chip-Magiers
  • 4. Der Eröffnungstrick
  • 5. Lift - Chip
  • 6. Finale ...
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Telepathic Coin Triangle by Armandi

A subtle principle that allows you to guess the colors of the spots hidden under three borrowed coins. Print yourself the provided picture and you are immediately ready to perform.

From Holland comes this superb close up mental magic miracle invented by one of the cleverest magical inventors, Armandi. You show a square sheet of paper on which is printed a triangle with a surrounding ring. At the points of the triangle are different colored spots. Give the sheet to a spectator and turn your back. Instruct him to put the paper on the table with the picture face up. With the square lying on...

★★★★★ $4
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Arie Vilner
Underhanded Delivery by Arie Vilner

Arie Vilner is a true master of the pasteboards. His creations have baffled the best minds in magic. Here you can learn his unique techniques and routines.

From the Foreword written by Ken Krenzel:

Presentation and method are inseparable, intertwined ingredients in creating entreating, magical magic. Magic is a most unique performing art which, optimally, evokes astonishment, wonder, and an experience of impenetrable mystery.

Presentation style may range from serious to comedic. Berglas and Tamariz succeed in equally mystifying and entertaining their audiences.

Arie Vilner is an...

★★★★★ $19.50
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Archie Frederick Collins
The Book of Magic by Archie Frederick Collins

Being a simple description of some good tricks and how to do them, with patter.

This ebook is very thorough and teaches routines from a full cross-section of conjuring including routines with and without apparatus, with and without skill, mentalism, big stage illusions, a good amount of performing advice, and other tips and resources necessary for the magician. It even provides a glossary in the back to define special words and phrases. It shows that Mr. Collins is an experienced author of textbooks.

    • The Enchanted Cones ...
★★★★★ $8
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Antonio Romero
Limitless: more than 50 effects using the Romero Box by Antonio Romero

The Romero Box is a cleverly gimmicked card box, turning it essentially into a switching device. This ebook describes the way the gimmick works and then describes more than 50 effects with it. Based on the information given you could either make your own or purchase it from Antonio Romero directly.

"The ROMERO BOX reflects on the intelligence, precision and the efficient and effective magic that always comes from its creator, the amazing Antonio Romero" - Roberto Giobbi

"The possibilities of the Romero Box have no limits. Only the mind of Antonio Romero could devise this wonderful tool, and only...

★★★ $0
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Antonio Romero
The Transparent Cups by Antonio Romero

A stunning routine of unparalleled talent! The cups and balls with clear glasses - transparent cups. Antonio breaks new ground in close up magic with this effect. What an idea and what entertainment.

"Antonio breaks new ground in close-up magic. What a fabulous idea." - Arturo de Ascanio

"In my lifetime, I've seen some of the greatest "CUPS N BALL" routines performed by Dai Vernon, Mike Ammar, John Thompson, Charlie Miller, Johnny Paul and the many others with brilliant routines and moves & sleights. Antonio's routine is smashing and completely blew me away! You don't need an expensive set of cups for the cups and balls routine!...

★★★★★ $20
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MP4 (video)

Antonio Romero
Sans Limite by Antonio Romero

Plus de 50 effets avec la Romero Box.

★★★★ $0
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Antonio Romero
Sin Limite by Antonio Romero

Más de 50 efectos con la Romero Box.

★★★★★ $0
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Antonio Romero
Los Cubiletes Transparentes by Antonio Romero

Una rutina impresionante y un talento sin igual. Con este efecto, Antonio abre nuevas puertas en la magia de cerca. ¡Vaya idea! ¡Qué gran presentación!

"A lo largo de mi vida, he visto algunas de las mejores rutinas de cubiletes como las de Dai Vernon, Michael Ammar, John Thompson, Johnny Paul, y muchos otros con rutinas y pases brillantes. La increible rutina de Antonio me dejó atónito. Para hacer la rutina no necesitas unos cubiletes caros ni mucho menos. Antonio lo ha simplificado todo ¡y de qué manera!" - Joe Stevens

"Una rutina asombrosa, de una originalidad única: una...

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MP4 (video)

Antonio Romero
Periódico Roto y Recompuesto by Antonio Romero

La rutina incorpora un sistema que oculta de manera automática los trozos de periódico roto, eliminado de esta manera los malos ángulos y convirtiendo este efecto clásico en algo realmente práctico y sencillo de realizar.

Creada por Antonio Romero en 1.983 fue publicada en su libro La Magia de Antonio Romero en el año 1.992. Completamente claro y limpio, sin angulos. Un milagro instantaneo.

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MP4 (video)

Antonio Romero
The Torn and Restored Newspaper by Antonio Romero

This routine incorporates a system that conceals the torn pieces automatically, eliminating all angle problems. This means it can be performed surrounded, and that makes it truly practical and easy to perform.

The download video contains over 60 minutes of detailed instructions with all the secrets of this wonderful routine that has made its way into the repertoires of many professionals.

It was created by Antonio Romero in 1983 and first published in his book La Magia de Antonio Romero in 1992.

This video has an English voice over by Rafael Benatar.

★★★★★ $25
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MP4 (video)

Antonio Meridda
I Segreti Della Lettura a Freddo 1 by Antonio Meridda

Tecniche, segreti e predizioni

Senza dubbio negli ultimi anni , serie televisive di successo, mentalisti e ipnotisti, Derren Brown per citare il più famoso, hanno risvegliato l’interesse per un particolare tipo di illusionismo detto mentalismo, rivisto in chiave moderna.

In realtà la tecnica di cui tratta questo libro, la lettura a freddo o cold reading è qualcosa che esiste da molto tempo e può essere usata nel contesto del mentalismo moderno e anche da sola.

Questo libro nasce dalle numerose richieste che abbiamo avuto da appassionati, professionisti e semplici curiosi che vogliono...

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Antonio Meridda
I Segreti Della Lettura a Freddo 2 by Antonio Meridda

Predizioni, tarocchi, chiromanzia, oroscopo

In questo secondo volume l’autore Antonio Meridda, coach, esperto lettore a freddo ed ipnotista, esplora le tecniche avanzate di cold reading, pertanto è consigliato studiare prima il Vol.1 in quanto diversamente molti concetti potrebbero risultare incomprensibili.

Antonio Meridda non si ferma al solo uso delle tecniche nell’ambito dell’intrattenimento ma ti da anche consigli e spunti per sfruttare le tecniche di cold reading nella vita di tutti i giorni.

In questo libro trovi:

  • Introduzione
  • Come usare le tecniche di predizione ...
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Antonio Meridda
Ipnosi Rapida by Antonio Meridda

Come ottenere uno stato ipnotico in brevissimo tempo.

Difficile descrivere la ricchezza di contenuti di questo ebook. Antonio Meridda condivide con te la sua grande esperienza di coach e ipnotista e ti guida alla scoperta e soprattutto alla pratica dell’arte dell’ipnosi.

In questa opera puoi trovare davvero tanti spunti per imparare o perfezionare la tua tecnica ipnotica e Antonio ti invita sempre ad sentirti libero di sperimentare ,personalizzare e trovare la tua strada, quella che funziona di più per te e per il soggetto che devi ipnotizzare.

Troverai descritti vari tipi di ipnosi...

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Anthony Owen & Jay Fortune
Anthony Owen Talks to Jay Fortune by Anthony Owen & Jay Fortune

If you want to break into the TV market you have to listen to this. Anthony Owen is currently the most successful TV magic producer in the UK and has worked on the Derren Brown shows, Monkey Magic, Dirty Tricks, The Real Hustle, and many more. And even if you are not trying to become a TV magic star you will hear a lot of great advice for anybody who wants to make a living with magic.

"I thought CDs were out as a way of learning about magic, but this one by Anthony Owen proves I was wrong. You just have to hear him speak to get the full inspirational effect of his amazing story. This is...

$27.50 $19.90
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Anthony Norman
Basic Card Technique by Anthony Norman

A lovely digital reproduction of a book from England describing a range of card moves. It is profusely illustrated and very clearly describes all basic card moves and many specialties. Twenty chapters deal with subjects such as: The Pass, Location, Palming and Forcing, False Cuts, False Shuffles, False Counts, The Double Lift, Top and Bottom Change, Glide and Slip, Glimpse and Peek, Reversing Cards, Flourishes, Fanning, Front and Back Palm, etc. Learn the right way to do these sleights.

Other chapters deal with Presentation, Card Climaxes, Patter, Color Changes, Mental and Gambling Effects....

★★★★★ $4
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Anthony Nelmar Albino & Devin Knight
The Ready Reader by Anthony Nelmar Albino & Devin Knight

This ebook is part of Forbidden Knowledge.

This little-known system is unique and one of the best systems every developed for cold reading a person. This system was first released by Nelmar in the late 30s. The cool thing about this system is that no two readings are alike, yet, they are spot on and very accurate. Yes, that means if people compare notes afterward, they both will have non-similar readings that apply to them almost 100%.

This is not possible if you are using one of the Nelson stock readings, as with that method the reader memorizes a stock reading that applies to almost anyone and repeats...

★★★★★ $10
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