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Mentalism & Spiritism Cards Magazines & Journals with Demo Video DIY, Makers & Builders DVD (download+stream) Books (printed) Video clips (download) Theory, Articles & Reviews for Beginners Coins, Chips & Buttons Illusions, Escape & Stage Biographies & History in German (Deutsch) Marketing, Selling & Business Matters Audio Balls, Eggs, Dice & Cups Memory & Mnemonics Paper & Paper Money Science & Math Tricks Ropes, Ribbons, Strings & Reels Comedy Magic Compilations Patter, Plots & Scripts Physical (Non-Digital) Tricks & Gimmicks in Italian (italiano) Kids & Children Hypnosis & NLP Rings Cigarettes, Candles, Matches & Fire Phone, Apps & eTricks Liquids, Chemicals & Bottles Published 1800-1899 DVD & Video (disc) Silks & Flags Hands, Fingers & Body Thimbles Catalogs Chapeaugraphy Published before 1800 Ventriloquism Instruction Sheets in French (français) Second Hand in Spanish (español) Animals Gospel Magic Gift Cards & Donations Pickpocket Fiction for Resellers Free in Japanese (日本の)


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Fred Roner
Auch Sie Sind Kartenkünstler! by Fred Roner

Eine Sammlung von netten Kartenkunststücken des erfolgreichen Wiener Zauberkünstler's Fred Roner. Inkludiert ist ein äußerst interessanter biographischer Artikel über Roner von Richard Hatch.

  • Fred Roner: Kartenkünstler, Bühnentaschendieb, Maler (Richard Hatch)
  • Sie haben dieses Buch gekauft!
  • Die Presse und ich.
  • Kartenraten.
  • Kein Titel?
  • Mit Würfeln und Zündhölzern.
  • Die drei Gerechten.
  • Welche Karte fehlt? (2 Methoden)
  • Ich hab’s ja gewußt!
  • Verschwunden?

Erstausgabe 1929, 16 Seiten; PDF 20 Seiten.

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Fred Roner
You Too Are A Card Magician by Fred Roner

A collection of really nice card tricks that require no sleight-of-hand. Additionally, you will get an informative biographical sketch of Fred Roner written by Richard Hatch.

  • Fred Roner: Card Conjurer, Stage Pickpocket, Painter
  • You have bought this book!
  • The Press and I
  • Guessing of Cards
  • No Title?
  • With dice and matches
  • The three righteous
  • Which card is missing?
  • I knew it!
  • Vanished?

1st German edition 1929, 1st English translation 2022; PDF 20 pages.

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Fred Robinson
Snap, Crackle and Pop! A Brief Interlude with Fred Robinson by Fred Robinson

This movie was taken by Ake Hallberg from Sweden. Location is Hyde Park in London during the 1980s. The 8mm film was sent via Ulf Morling to Martin Breese who released it on DVD. You will see two performances of Fred's fantastic Ambitious Card routine together with numerous sleights and color changes. You will also see his incredible Vanish of Coin in tie.

This film is really short but a gem for all who have never seen Fred Robinson perform life. For more on Fred's magic see The Magic of Fred Robinson by Peter Duffie.

1st edition 2006, length 5:48

★★★★★ $15
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MP4 (video)


Fred Robinson
Snap, Crackle and Pop! A Brief Interlude with Fred Robinson (for resale) by Fred Robinson

This movie was taken by Ake Hallberg from Sweden. Location is Hyde Park in London during the 1980s. The 8mm film was sent via Ulf Morling to Martin Breese who released it on DVD. You will see two performances of Fred's fantastic Ambitious Card routine together with numerous sleights and color changes. You will also see his incredible Vanish of Coin in tie.

This film is really short but a gem for all who have never seen Fred Robinson perform life. For more on Fred's magic see The Magic of Fred Robinson by Peter Duffie.

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Fred Kolb
Exciting Experiments in ESP by Fred Kolb

A collaborative effort between the author and Ken Kline, an expert on extrasensory perception.

Excerpt from the preface:

A bachelor in his early fifties, Ken Kline was an armchair mentalist who loved the theory and occasional practice of his art. By profession, a theatrical photographer and was later involved in hotel management, all his spare hours were spent in research into the varied occult sciences. Over the years he kept a set of detailed notebooks and, at his bequest, they were left to me. I felt it was important that his ideas and enthusiasm be shared with others. Having this in...

★★★★★ $15
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Fred Kaps
Fred Kaps Lecture - It's So Simple by Fred Kaps

Back in 1965 Fred Kaps gave a landmark lecture at the Magic Circle and now this lecture is available as MP3 download including a PDF which is a transcription of the lecture with additional illustrations. Bearing in mind Fred Kaps' reputation, it is strange that so little has been written about the man and his methods. Just the first ten minutes of this recording holds a fundamentally important lesson every serious student of magic needs to know.

Other than several magazine contributions, little of Fred Kaps' work exists in the English language. There are two sets of lecture notes, one dealing...

★★★★★ $15
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Fred Kaps
Fred Kaps' Currency by Fred Kaps

Edward Victor's 11 Card Trick done with Dollar Bills.

The details and inner working of this routine have been kept secret since the days of Fred Kaps; before then it was only divulged to a handful of very close friends, and occasionally discussed by Fred Kaps with serious performers. Subsequently the original routine has been independently developed, changed and adapted by Trevor Lewis, Mike Caveney, Peter Pit, Ger Copper and other well-known performers to suit their own individual styles.

The transcript of the manuscript in Fred Kaps' handwriting has only been very slightly edited. It is substantially the routine Fred always presented,...

★★★★★ $15
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Fred Kaps
Fred Kaps' Purse by Fred Kaps

From a manuscript written by Fred Kaps.

The descriptions are almost entirely Fred Kaps' own, taken from the manuscripts in his handwriting. Changes of words or grammar have only been made where the meaning could have been in doubt had Fred's terminology been used. Fred Kaps' Purse uses techniques by Fred Kaps, fully explained and illustrated with original photographs.


This is one of my pet effects that I practically always carry with me because I can do the routine anytime, anywhere, without any set-up.

The effect is: you show an elegant little purse frame...

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Fred Kaps
Kaps on Kards by Fred Kaps

Sixteen moves and card bits by Fred Kaps on video and also explained briefly in text.

  1. A Flourish and a Pass
  2. Square-Up Pass
  3. Lap Dissolve
  4. Shuffle Turnover
  5. Snap-Out False Cut
  6. Spin Flourish False Cut
  7. Crimped Packet False Cut
  8. Swivel Palm
  9. Hugard Top Palm
  10. Goblet Reach Palm
  11. Bottom Glimpse
  12. Snap Change ("Single" Card)
  13. Snap Change (On Face of Deck)
  14. Fadeaway Card Change
  15. Aces Up!
  16. Cutting to Aces
[Note: The video is silent (no audio track).]

Similar product from Fred Kaps but on coins is: Kaps on Coins.

PDF 6 pages, video length 15 minutes

★★★★★ $10
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Fred Kaps
Le Banconote di Fred Kaps by Fred Kaps

Il gioco delle 11 carte di Edward Victor eseguito con delle banconote da un dollaro.

I dettagli ed il metodo segreto di questa routine sono stati tenuti segreti fin dai giorni di Fred Kaps; prima di allora era stata solamente divulgata ad un manipolo di amici e, occasionalmente, spiegata da Fred Kaps solo a performer seri come Trevor Lewis, il quale aveva elaborato una propria routine, guardando Fred Kaps, ancor prima di incontrarlo. In seguito la routine originale venne indipendentemente sviluppata, cambiata ed adattata da Trevor, Mike Caveney, Peter Pit, Ger Copper ed altri ben noti artisti,...

★★★★★ $15
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Fred Kaps
Kaps on Coins by Fred Kaps

Coin routines and moves explained in video and text.

  1. Edward Victor's Color-Changing Coins (Spellbound)
  2. Okito Box Routine
  3. Coin Across
  4. Silver And China Transposition
  5. Hoo Coin Routine
  6. Coin Through Hand
  7. Coin Vanish Under Card
  8. Ring Off String
  9. Coin Through Handkerchief
  10. Twin Coin Production From Card
  11. Coins Through Table
  12. Another Coin Vanish Under Card
[Note: The video is silent (no audio track).]

Similar product from Fred Kaps but on cards is: Kaps on Kards.

PDF 10 pages; video length 20 min

★★★★★ $10
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Fred Darevil
Tryptik by Fred Darevil

Fred Darevil is a French professional mentalist and magician. Tryptik is a selection of three effects he's been using professionally for several years with success. Originally sold as a printed booklet by Magic Smith, this ebook version has been updated with more photos, new ideas and subtleties.

Larry Becker said about Taxi Gambler: "I like it very much. Your method is very workable. You have created an excellent piece of mentalism for which you have to be congratulated".
ONE ONLY: Talking about feminine intuition, the mentalist gives an opaque envelope to a woman in the audience. There is a card...
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Fred Darevil
Crazy Cocktail by Fred Darevil

A very visual and entertaining effect, complete with presentation, beautiful graphics, and soundtrack.

You will predict :

  1. The ingredients freely chosen by spectators to make their unique "Crazy Cocktail"!
  2. The price of the cocktail!
  3. An additional, totally free choice made by the spectator at the last second before the revelations. The prediction will be found in an envelope the spectator had in her hands since the beginning of the routine. The envelope is normal, is not switched, and can be examined by the spectator!

The ebook includes:

  • Every detail for maximum impact with...
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Fred Darevil
Maurice Kill by Fred Darevil

Maurice Kill is a completely reimagined version of the classic effect Miraskill created by Stewart James (participant chooses red or black color and the mentalist has the other, cards are turned over two at a time making three piles. One will be the red pile if both cards are red. One will be the black pile if both are black. The last will be the discard pile if one is red and one is black. The result of the game is predicted in advance by the mentalist).

Maurice Kill is a faster and more stunning version. Variations are offered to you. You may not even know the number of cards used, which was impossible...

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Fred Darevil
Barathon by Fred Darevil

Invite your spectators on a bar crawl around the world. From the worst to the most prestigious. And along the way demonstrate your ability to anticipate their choices and stay one step ahead of chance.

Perform three fun and participatory mentalism effects.

Prediction: despite the free mixes made by a participant with the white cards on which you have written the names of bars, their location in the world, and their rating between 1 and 5, you are able to predict in which bar the Barathon will end.

Telepathy: you manage to capture the thoughts of a participant and identify the name...

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Fred Castle
Magic with Giant Cards by Fred Castle

Fred was a specialist in performing close-up, parlor and stage card tricks using jumbo cards and even giant cards. He teaches you how to do an Elmsley count, a Jordan count, a Hamman count and an Ascanio count using jumbo/giant cards. You will learn to do a number of wonderful effects, such as 'Oil and Queens', 'The Holiday Adventure', 'The James Bond Trick' and others.

Once you mastered these techniques, you can take many small packet tricks and perform them with jumbo or giant cards. I did myself the famous 'Twisting the Aces' with jumbo cards, and I developed a method to do the 'mirror...

★★★★ $5
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Fred C. Baumann
Milestone in Coin Magic by Fred C. Baumann

This ebook brings the art of sleeving into reality, and combined with his new approaches to old sleights and many sleights, which have never appeared in print, make this treatise on coin magic one every magician should have in his library.

Fred Baumann, who through Tannen's Stars of Magic series has released his "Metalogic," Magic Spoon Bending, which has already become a classic. This was followed soon after by his "Magician's Dream," an unbelievable coin vanish. This ebook imparts his many new ideas and routines of all practical magic on coin assemblies, vanishes and productions. Also in...

★★★ $10
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Fred Braue & Blanca López
Hugard's Magic Monthly Volume 19 (Sep 1961 - Aug 1962) by Fred Braue & Blanca López

Volume XIX (September 1961 - August 1962), Fred Braue & Blanca López, editors

144 pages

  1. Hugard's Magic Monthly - Volume XIX, Number 1 & 2 - September & October 1961 - 12 pages
  2. Two-Card Reverse - Harry Lorayne
  3. Backstage - Frank Joglar
    • Here and There
    • Christopher
    • News and Notes
    • Books to Come
    • Bits and Pieces
  4. That Gimmicked Issue - comment about the previous issue
  5. Old-Timers' Delight - F.B.
  6. The Flying Card - Jay Bedsworth
  7. Potpourri for Card Fanciers
    • Under Foot - Al Thompson
    • Blue-Eyed Cards - Art Lyle
    • Rub-A-Dub-Dub Jr. - Gerald Kosky
    • Reverse &...
★★★★★ $4
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Fred Betzner
Symbol Dice Reading by Fred Betzner

A unique reading that will set you apart from the crowd!

When I saw a set of "Rory's Story Cubes" for the first time, I thought there was great potential in the product as a reading tool. The product is sold as a set of nine cubes, containing 54 images, and intended as a tool for creative story telling. According to one retailer, there are 10,077,696 possible combinations, when the cubes are tossed out. I purchased a set of these online for under $9.00.

This PDF details the following:

INTRODUCTION to the product and reading concept. Once learned, this presentation can be limited to...

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Fraser Parker
Sui Generis by Fraser Parker

"This is on a whole different level than any of his previous work". - Ori Asher

Sui Generis is a breakthrough system for guessing any word entirely propless. It allows for what is essentially a mental billet peek, without the need for anything to be written down by your spectator. Fraser has searched for this work all of his life and is something he considers his best work to date and a crowning achievement in the mystery arts.

There is very little process, everything is justified presentationally, and the method is practically self-working and will become second nature to perform...

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Fraser Parker
Array: algorithmic stack by Fraser Parker

Array is Fraser's take on the algorithmic stack. He has been working on this problem 'on and off' for the past six or seven years and was only recently able to find the ideal solution he was looking for. His idea was to create a stack that was not only incredibly easy to learn but could also be applied effortlessly, in performance. He imagined a system that could be learned simply by reading through the rules once.

Fraser is pleased to say, all of the pieces of the jigsaw finally fell into place to allow him to create what he considers a close-to-perfect arrangement for this type of method....

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Fraser Parker
Zarathustra by Fraser Parker

In Zarathustra Fraser shares a few pieces from his notebooks. This is work Fraser has created over the past eight months. Following on from his decision to break down the larger book he was working on into smaller releases, he has decided to now share these ideas with you. This work compliments his other released work perfectly and will give you yet more options and different ways into creating feats of seeming real mind reading for your audiences.

To begin, you will learn how to force a single digit number entirely prop-less, in a conversational manner that looks completely fair and only...

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Fraser Parker
Messija by Fraser Parker

Messija is a booklet that contains various propless approaches to obtain information from a spectator using the fingers of their hand under the guise of esoteric palmistry. First of all, you will learn how to force a colour or item from any category of your choice. This can then be used as a 'jumping off' point to reveal other information or as a way to give a reading which is relevant to the spectator's life situation.

You don't need to give a reading to perform the effects taught in this booklet.

Fraser will then show you how to secretly obtain any thought of letter using the fingers...

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Fraser Parker
Noah's Ark by Fraser Parker

A propless animal guess.

"Do you like mentalism that is propless, fun, quick, and animal-related? Then get Noah's Ark by Fraser. It provides all the above. It is a great method and effect to have in your arsenal, as it can be performed in isolation, or embedded within a larger routine or set." - Ross Bartels

"Noah's Ark is a fun animal guess that makes you feel like a kid again when you perform it. The fun and playfulness of the method will blow the minds of your participants" - Perna

"When Fraser performed his animal guess on me it took me by surprise. It's so casual and the reveal...

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