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Mentalism & Spiritism Cards Magazines & Journals with Demo Video DIY, Makers & Builders DVD (download+stream) Books (printed) Video clips (download) Theory, Articles & Reviews for Beginners Coins, Chips & Buttons Illusions, Escape & Stage Biographies & History in German (Deutsch) Marketing, Selling & Business Matters Audio Balls, Eggs, Dice & Cups Memory & Mnemonics Paper & Paper Money Science & Math Tricks Ropes, Ribbons, Strings & Reels Comedy Magic Compilations Patter, Plots & Scripts Physical (Non-Digital) Tricks & Gimmicks in Italian (italiano) Kids & Children Hypnosis & NLP Rings Cigarettes, Candles, Matches & Fire Phone, Apps & eTricks Liquids, Chemicals & Bottles Published 1800-1899 DVD & Video (disc) Silks & Flags Hands, Fingers & Body Thimbles Catalogs Chapeaugraphy Published before 1800 Ventriloquism Instruction Sheets in French (français) Second Hand in Spanish (español) Animals Gospel Magic Gift Cards & Donations Pickpocket Fiction for Resellers Free in Japanese (日本の)


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Marc Paul
AAA Phone Mystery: Anywhere, Anytime on Anybody by Marc Paul

A piece of direct mind reading with an imaginary mobile phone.

A spectator is asked to think of a persons phone number. They are given a business card and asked to write the number on the card and then fold it into quarters with the writing inside. During this the performer turns his back so there is no chance of him seeing. Upon turning around the folded card is briefly touched to the performers forehead. The spectator is given a second business card and is asked to write the persons name this time. Again the performer turns his back and again when he turns around the folded card is briefly...

★★★★★ $18
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Marc Paul
The Human Equation by Marc Paul

When this idea popped into my head I could not wait to try it out. I had a show the very next day and put this routine in. It was a storming success. You will not find any new methods here, although the principles in use are very well hidden. What you will find is a concept and presentation that I think is VERY special.

Recently thoughts regarding my own act have turned to making the whole performance more of an experience for EVERYONE in the audience. Performers who use any Q&A routine know that one of the appeals of such a routine is that it is a "Macro" effect. In other words everyone...

★★★ $18
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Marc Paul
The Fleetwood Notes by Marc Paul

"Just got them. Great! Love all the effects inside. Beautiful thinking with the two number predictions and the drawing dupe is a gem and so easy to put together. Real winners!!" - Greg Arce

"Sage advice and mind-boggling performance material of value to all. Highly recommended!" - Ben Harris

This eBook contains professional mentalism routines from my current shows including:

Summing Up...

An easy number prediction with a kicker ending.

I have been using this number prediction for the last 3 years as an opener. It can also be performed off the cuff as a piece of impromptu mentalism that...

★★★★★ $22.50
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Marc Paul
True Lies by Marc Paul

A Lie Detector Test that is extremely flexible and 100% accurate.

The performer borrows 6 business cards from a spectator or, of course, he can use his own. He clearly writes the word "TRUTH" on three of them and the word "LIE" on the remaining three. A spectator is asked to mix them up so that no one knows which cards are which. Keeping the cards face down at all times the spectator now uses the pen to place an "X" on the face of the unknown bottom card. They do this without looking at the card. They then mix the cards again. The Spectator places the cards face down on the table and six...

★★★★ $18
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Marc Paul
Trade Show Secrets by Marc Paul

In this download video Marc tells you everything you need to know to be a successful performer in this very exciting marketplace. He reveals key information about...

  • The trade show environment
  • The mentality that you will need
  • What you are likely to earn
  • The four main roles you will have to offer
  • How to get the work
  • The different types of performing style
  • What to say and do in meetings
  • Scripting
  • Your fee and how to up-sell to increase that fee
  • Choice of material
  • Stopping traffic
  • How to build a pitch
  • Getting people to remember the company name
  • How to generate more leads for the...
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MP4 (video)

Marc Dibowski
Weihnachtszauber by Marc Dibowski

Marc Dibowski, Autor von Kinderzauberei (k)eine Kunst?! und Zaubern in der Schule, stellt Ihnen in diesem Skript einen Fundus an Ideen und Effekte für ein Zauberprogramm zur Weihnachtszeit vor. Verleihen Sie Ihrem Kinder-, Stand-up-, Mental- oder Close-up-Programm ein winter- und weihnachtliches Flair. Nebst Ideen zu verschiedensten Requisiten finden Sie Routinen(-fragmente) und Möglichkeiten, Ihr eigenes Programm kostenminimierend und ohne großen Planungs- und Materialaufwand an die Weihnachtszeit anzupassen. Komprimierte Informationen zu Figuren der Weihnachtszeit, Hinweise auf käufliche...

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Marc Dibowski
Magic with a Christmas Theme by Marc Dibowski

In this ebook, Marc Dibowski, author of some bestselling books in Germany, shares ideas and effects for a magic act in the holiday season.

Add a touch of winter and Christmas to your kids show, stand-up, mental or close-up act. In addition to ideas on props, you will also find routines and ways to tailor your act for Christmas without high expenses, without lots of props, without laborious efforts.

The ebook is completed with information on Christmas characters, links to marketed effects including sources and information on Christmas traditions in different countries. You will use some...

★★★★★ $20
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Marc Dibowski
QR (German) by Marc Dibowski

Ein Gedanke. Ein Name. Eine Vorhersage auf einem beliebigen Smartphone … und eine bleibende Erinnerung

Eine Vorhersagemethode des digitalen Zeitalters mit ungeahnten Möglichkeiten. Inklusive Grafikdateien, Cue-Card, speziell generierten QR-Codes, Bonusmaterialien und Onlineressource zum sofortigen präsentieren.

Eine Zuschauerin am Tisch wählt eine Spielkarte. Mit einem beliebigen Smartphone lassen Sie einen die ganze Zeit auf dem Tisch befindlichen Code auf einem Alltagsgegenstand einlesen. Sie berühren nichts mehr! Auf des Zuschauers Telefon erscheint das Bild der Zuschauerkarte,...

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Marc Dibowski
Wunder zu Verkaufen by Marc Dibowski

Nach über zwei Jahren Entwicklung und sieben Jahre nach seinem Bestseller Weihnachtszauber hat Marc Dibowski ein neues Buch herausgebracht. Und das hat es in sich. Sie sind Künstler, egal aus welcher Sparte und ganz gleich für welche Zielgruppe? Sie möchten gegen Gage auftreten und sich zudem nicht unter Wert arbeiten? Dann müssen Sie lernen, sich zu verkaufen! Sie verlieren Auftritte nicht gegen bessere Künstler, sondern gegen bessere Verkäufer! Praxiserprobte Tricks, zahlreiche Kniffe, raffinierte Strategien, psychologische Prozesse und mächtige Redewendungen helfen Ihnen dabei. Selbst, wenn Sie...

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Marc de Milo & Ken de Courcy
Bingo Divination by Marc de Milo & Ken de Courcy

Card tricks suitable for stage presentation are rare. Bingo Divination can be performed successfully on a stage or in a cocktail-lounge. It is the logical, up to date version of the classic Nap Hand, without the necessary memory work or sleight-of-hand. Rehearse it carefully, paying attention to presentation, and you'll have a reputation-maker.

EFFECT: The magician introduces a pack of cards. The cards are genuinely shuffled and then dealt into two piles, one containing Clubs and Hearts, the other Spades and Diamonds. The Clubs-Hearts pile is again dealt into three face-down piles, one to...

★★★★ $5
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Marc de Milo & Ken de Courcy
Le Carte Bingo by Marc de Milo & Ken de Courcy

Gli effetti con le carte adatti ad essere presentati su un palcoscenico sono piuttosto rari. La routine che state leggendo ha il grande vantaggio di poter essere presentata su un grande palco o in un locale per spettacoli, in un bar, etc. Può essere presentata ovviamente anche a distanza ravvicinata . Si tratta di una versione aggiornata del grande classico "Nap Hand", che si può eseguire senza grossi sforzi di memoria e senza alcuna abilità.


Il prestigiatore mostra un comune mazzo di carte, lo mescola apertamente e chiaramente ( il miscuglio è reale e può farlo anche uno...

★★★★★ $5
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Mailáth Agoston
Der Zauberkünstler auf der Höhe der Zeit by Mailáth Agoston

Ein Zyklus effektvollster Salonpiècen für Dilettanten und Künstler. Erklärung der neuesten Taschenspieler- und Kartenkunststücke, von jedermann ohne Kenntnis besonderer Kunstgriffe ausführbar. Mit 50 Illustration. Anhang: Die Geheimnisse der Falschspieler.

  • Einleitung
  • I. Magische Salonpiècen.
    • Das Verschwinden der Handschuhe.
    • Einer Person aus dem Auditorium den Zauberstab in den Mund zu schieben.
    • Die wunderbare Verwandlung.
    • Die Wunder-Tüte.
    • Die wunderbare Eiervermehrung.
    • Das verschwundene Geldstück.
    • Ein brennendes Talglicht zu verzehren.
    • Körper-Magnetismus.
    • Das schnelle...
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The Magic of Mahadevananda by Mahadevananda

Excerpt from the introduction:

My real forte is, I think, being able to take a couple of standard effects and shove them together and get a bit of a different effect. I also enjoy reading old magazines on Magic and reviving some of the good things that have been covered in dust for years. Who said, if you want to keep an original idea secret, publish it in a magazine? Truly, many real gems can be unearthed by plowing through old books and magazines.

  • Introduction
  • This is the drink I want
  • Simplex Shower of Sweets
  • Do It In Their Hand
  • My Chop Cup Routine
  • No Chance
  • Magic Drinks Maker ...
★★★★ $6
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Something Old, Something New by Magus

This ebook contains lots of comedy for any age group with new patter and routines with apparatus, which you may already own. Entertaining children is generally known, to be one of the most lucrative branches of magic - and this contains plenty of kid stuff. Also contained herein are Gospel Lessons, Mental Effects and Escape Ideas. Everything with a novel setting for some of our most popular standard effects - such as: The Milk Pitcher, Egg Bag, Dove Pan, Vanishing Canes, Liquid Appear, Bang Gun, Six Card Repeat and more. All audience tested.

  • Introduction
  • What Is An Orange Made Of???
  • Polluted...
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Mago Marko
Showstuff by Mago Marko

There are many books published for the card magician, the close-up magician, the mentalist, the illusionist, and even the kid show performer but there are very few books for the general practitioner of club and stage magic.

Showstuff caters to that neglected segment of the magic community. In this ebook, you'll find more than 50 tricks and routines, all of them professionally tested.

  • Original showy tricks for your club and stage shows.
  • Comedy routines that will get you laughs.
  • New uses for common magic props you own.
  • Strong closing items that will add professional luster to your show...
★★★★★ $15
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Mago Marko
Masterful Mysteries: Professional Magic Feats by Mago Marko

Within these pages, you will find seventeen performance-tested routines picked from my professional repertoire. Some of these I perform in almost every show, others are special items I have performed on television and special shows.

I have been a professional magician for 56 years, having performed in many Spanish-speaking countries like Panama, Costa Rica, Colombia, Argentina, Chile, Bolivia, Venezuela, Mexico, and Spain. In Spain, I remained for sixteen years and performed hundreds of shows, including national television. I have also been on cruise ships in the Mediterranean several times. ...

★★★★★ $12
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Mago Marko
The Great Eyeless Vision Act by Mago Marko

Are you ready to astonish and captivate your audience like never before? Look no further, as we present to you the most awe-inspiring and mind-boggling act you can perform: The Great Eyeless Vision Act! Imagine a performance that defies the very laws of perception, where your eyes are blindfolded, yet you effortlessly identify and describe any object offered by the audience.

The grand finale of this extraordinary act involves duplicating the signature of an unknown spectator - a feat that seems utterly impossible. Unlock the closely guarded techniques to pull off this mind-bending climax...

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Mago Marko
Forgotten by Mago Marko

This new eBook is a treasure trove of great and practical magic. Old magic books, magazines, and catalogs are full of wonderful tricks that are mostly unknown today. These tricks astonished audiences in the past and they can astonish them today. All the material contained in Forgotten is practical and will work today as well as it did in the past. In this new eBook by Marko (former admin of The Learned Pig Project), you'll find the following.

MAGICAL GERMINATION. Dip your empty hand into a round transparent fishbowl and it magically fills with flowers. Hand is seen empty at all times. You're...

★★★★ $12
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Mago Marko
More Masterful Mysteries by Mago Marko

A new book full of practical and highly effective magical routines. I have been a professional magician for 55 years and I have performed all of the routines I describe in this eBook so you can be sure they are 100% practical.

Some of the routines include videos of myself performing before real live audiences so you can see the strong effect these have upon the spectators.

Here's a list of what you'll find in this fantastic ebook:

THE TRAVELLING KNOTS: A streamlined version of the "Sympathetic Knots" effect using six colorful silks. This is very fast, showy, and has a very strong...

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Mago Marko
Rediscovered Wonders by Mago Marko

Timeless magic for today's audiences.

A captivating collection of little-known magic routines meticulously curated for modern performers. Dive into the world of enchantment as you uncover a treasure trove of almost forgotten tricks rejuvenated for today's audiences.

This ebook offers an array of easy-to-master yet impactful routines that will leave your audience spellbound. Whether you're a seasoned magician or just starting on your magical journey, these routines are designed to captivate and astonish, ensuring unforgettable performances every time. Rediscover the joy of magic and delight...

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Mago Marko
Impromptu Card Tricks by Mago Marko

In this fantastic ebook, you'll find the truly impromptu tricks found in The Encyclopedia of Card Tricks, together with dozens of notes not found in the original. These notes add new and interesting tricks and fresh ideas for presentation and even patter in some instances. But that's not all. We have added many illustrations that help clarify the description of certain tricks. Another thing we have done is adding, in some cases, the original advertisements that were used to sell these tricks when they were put on sale way back then.

Truly impromptu means that you take a normal shuffled deck and immediately, with no preparation...

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Magic Ian
110 Tricks with a Svengali Deck by Magic Ian

The Svengali Deck is an ingenious magic deck of cards. You can learn over 110 amazing tricks and routines. Some of the tricks you will be able to do:

  • Show a normal deck - then change all the cards to the previously selected card.
  • Seal a card in an envelope - then have spectator pick the card in the envelope.
  • Spectator stabs the deck - the selected card is where the person inserts the blade.
  • The selected card appears in your pocket or anywhere else.
  • The card that was selected appears anyplace where the spectator cuts into the deck.
  • and much more
This is a revision of the Al Stevenson...
★★★★ $2
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Magic Ian
110 Tricks with a Stripper Deck by Magic Ian

The stripper deck is one of the most ingenious magic decks of cards ever invented. You can learn up to 110 amazing magic tricks using this apparatus.

  • A group of people think they selected the same card.
  • Immediately find any card that has been hidden in the deck.
  • Separate magically all the aces or Kings from the deck.
  • Deal yourself a Royal Flush.
  • Read a group of cards that you did not see from the back of the cards.

1st edition 1998, 40 pages; 1st digital edition 2016, 39 pages.

★★★★ $2
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Magic Ian
Best Dam Tricks: 25 Rubber Penetration Tricks by Magic Ian

Lubor Fiedler's famous dental dam illusion principle is applied to a variety of tricks and routines, not just the penetration of a coin through a rubber sheet. The only sad part here is that the name Lubor Fiedler cannot be found anywhere in this publication. No credit was given.

Excerpt from the introduction by Walter Gibson:

When the rubber penetration came into popularity several years ago, it represented something really new in magic. Here was a trick that was actually accomplished before it began, leaving onlookers baffled by a visible penetration of a coin through a sheet of solid rubber, with no clue whatever...

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