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Dave Arch
Flea Circus by Dave Arch

Whether you choose to use this as another act in Dave Arch's One Man Circus Sideshow or as a stand-alone twenty-minute act or merely take some of its effects and insert them into a show you currently do; you'll be using a routined collection of flea circus acts with complete scripts refined over ten years of performance. No mechanical contrivances to go wrong. Minimalistic in props and yet believable in the effects it produces - causing an audience to enter that world of fun where reality blurs with fantasy. Comes complete with its own specially-commissioned poster for advertising your next appearance....

★★★★ $10
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Dave Arch
Mind Game by Dave Arch

Honed in 100's of performances, this routine brings together the excitement and suspense of a Game Show with questions, prizes and mystery. It packs a full ten minutes of fun with audience participation and customization possibilities once you know the principles and routining that make this an award winning routine for any family audience.

1st edition 1990, 1st digital edition 2012, 6 pages

★★★★★ $10
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Dave Arch
One Man Circus Sideshow by Dave Arch

Here is a manuscript obviously born out of Dave Arch's fascination with the Circus Sideshow genre. He has collected twenty sideshow attractions that he has presented from pure bluff to minimum skill, commissioned an artist to create a poster for each act and assembled it all into a 30 page manuscript. The attractions in this manuscript can be performed in a stand alone show by itself or inserted into your current show as an example of a bygone era when P.T. Barnum ruled the entertainment world.

1st edition 2012, 31 pages.

★★★★ $15
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Sid Lorraine
Sid Lorraine The Early Stuff by Sid Lorraine

This famous Canadian performer and author was guest of honor at the 1973 Collector's Weekend. To honor him, this booklet of his early, unpublished material was made into a 36 page booklet. Besides fifteen Lorraine tricks and a section of miscellaneous gags, the booklet contains photos and a reproduction of the Berlinski poster made special for the occasion.

Sid is known for his humorous approach to magic, and the great number of users of his stuff show, his strong influence on magic.

1st edition 1973, 36 pages; 1st digital edition 2012, 38 pages.

★★★★★ $7.95
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Michael Ammar
Encore 3 by Michael Ammar

Critics and customers unanimously agree that Encore 3 contains more practical, powerful, performance material than any other book of its kind.

Reputations have been made from the material in this ebook, and over a dozen of the items have been used on national television in the United States, Russia, Japan, Canada, Australia, England, France, and Norway.

When Michael put a card on the Kremlin ceiling, Russia became the 25th country Michael had performed in using the method taught in this ebook, and almost a dozen more countries have been added to the list since then.

For almost 10 years...

★★★★★ $8.95
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Charlie Miller
Charlie Miller Lecture Notes by Charlie Miller

These are the lecture notes for a lecture Charlie Miller gave at Magic Inc. in 1967. He offers great insight into the art of magic, presentation, routining and audience management. He also teaches several great tricks.

Also included is a six page essay by Roberto Giobbi titled "Charlie Miller's Wisdom". (This essay originally appeared in two installments within my column "The Genii Session" in Genii - The Conjuror's Magazine, May and July 2005. It appears here in a slightly revised form and in agreement with Richard Kaufman and his Genii Corporation.)


  • Foreword
  • General Remarks
  • Cashing a Check (Trick)
  • Miser's Dream or Money Catching ...
★★★★★ $9.95
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Ulysses Frederick Grant
Gen Grant's Manual of Magic by Ulysses Frederick Grant

Grant's storehouse of material! Like ten books in one. Contents include 25 Tricks and Ideas, 20 Tricks With a Short Card, Card in Envelope, Rising Floating Silk, Two Other Cigarette Routines, 25 Tricks and Ideas Part II, Five Super Card Mysteries, Thimble Routine, Lighted Cigarette Routine, 30th Century Magic. Illustrated.

1st edition 1964, pages 64; 1st digital editions 2012, 60 pages.

★★★★★ $9.95
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Dave Arch
Tricks for Trainers Volume 6 (Video 3): Tricks to Teach by Dave Arch

Teach your class members to do the 20 magic tricks on this video. All of them are different from any others taught on his other videos or in his Tricks 4 Trainers ebooks. Watch as your class participants perform the magic - showing others and reinforcing your content at the same time.

run time: 33:40

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MP4 (video)

Dave Arch
Tricks for Trainers Volume 5 (Video 2): Tricks to Do by Dave Arch

Here Dave Arch has selected 20 magic tricks completely different than found in his Tricks 4 Trainers series of ebooks or other videos designed to be performed by the trainer in a training classroom to help reinforce the learning points of the teaching.

run time: 40:23

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MP4 (video)

Dave Arch
Tricks for Trainers Volume 4 (Video 1): Tricks to Watch by Dave Arch

If you've enjoyed Dave Arch's Tricks 4 Trainers series of ebooks, here's even more. Trainer of corporate trainers, Dave Arch, performs 20 magic tricks - demonstrating how to use them as openers, closers, or illustrations in training and teaching. (The tricks themselves are not explained because this video, or portions of it, are meant to be shown as is to the group of people you train. This is for trainers who do not perform magic. Of course, if you are a magician you will know many if not all of these effects and you can then certainly perform them yourself if you like.)

[None of the effects taught in the other volumes are duplicated here.]

run time: 35:40...

★★★★★ $15
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MP4 (video)

Devin Knight
Paint Can Surprise by Devin Knight

Of all the effects Devin has released over the years, this is one of his all time favorites. The effect is totally unique and original. It never fails to create much after talk with any audience. This is one effect that you will really use. Unlike many effects you buy, this one will not end up in your drawer unused. Devin uses this in almost every public show he does. He considers this one of his strongest effects. Get ready to blow your audiences away. Enjoy.

Effect: Devin Knight has taken the borrowed ring effect to a NEW level. Performer asks to borrow a ring from a lady. You state you...

★★★★ $8
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Dave Arch
Magic Tricks To Amaze Yourself by Dave Arch

When 99¢ per minute phone calls were all the rage, and the charges would simply be added onto your phone bill, Dave Arch audio recorded a magic show that he made available through one of the 99¢ per minute phone services. The ebook contains the scripts for the 19 magic tricks that were his show. Additionally you will get a recording of the entire show as MP3. If you're doing the math . . . at 2 minutes per magic trick and 19 magic tricks, you'd be paying $37.62 to enjoy the entire show (and worth every penny). How you choose to use the show in this ebook and audio recording is completely...

★★★★★ $20
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Dave Arch
Tricks for Trainers Volume 3 by Dave Arch

57 tricks & techniques to grab and hold the attention of any audience, and get magical results!

"Drawn from my monthly column in the Creative Training Techniques Newsletter and from my Puzzlers For Presenters feature on the Creative Training Techniques Web Site, here are 57 ALL NEW openers, closers, energizers and review techniques designed to increase the involvement and consequently the content retention of your participants." - Dave Arch

Will your next presentation be a success? Will participants be actively involved and interested in your session? Most importantly, will they retain...

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Dave Arch
Tricks for Trainers Volume 2 by Dave Arch

Do you find it difficult to get and hold participants' attention in your training sessions? Do you get bored presenting the same material? This second volume in the Tricks for Trainers Series is full of even more "proven" magic tricks that make you look great as a trainer. Many of these tricks are immediately useable with little practice and no props.

There are six major sections to the ebook:

  • Ten tricks that REQUIRE NO PROPS
  • Eight different BRAINTWISTERS
Let this...
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Dave Arch
Tricks for Trainers Volume 1 by Dave Arch

57 tricks and teasers guaranteed to add magic to your presentations! Many require no props, or use commonly found objects. Others can be easily made. Your training applications are as unlimited as your imagination!

Do you find it difficult to get and hold participants' attention in your training sessions? Do you get bored presenting the same material? This ebook is full of proven "magic" tricks that make you look great as a trainer. Many of these tricks are immediately useable with little practice and no props.

There are five major sections to the ebook:

  • Eleven great BRAIN TWISTERS ...
★★★★★ $15
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Martin Breese
Al Koran: The Unique Years by Martin Breese

This ebook - compiled and edited by Martin Breese - gathers together all of Al Koran's magazine articles from The Magic Wand, The Gen, The Wizard and Pentagram. It also features virtually all of the commercial effects that Al released via the Unique magic Studio in London. Included as well are the effects that Al released himself whilst living in the USA.

The ebook includes a great introduction and article about Al Koran by the mentalist Peter Zenner. Al Koran: The Unique Years is illustrated throughout by Phil Shaw and has a cover designed by Paul Griffin.

This 200 page, ebook has countless illustrations. Still available are all of...

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Karrell Fox
Clever Like A Fox by Karrell Fox

Karrell Fox was an extremely successful magician. He was probably the first to appear at trade shows as magician and even had a touring show for Ford Motor company. His success can partly be attributed to the many characters he developed perfectly suited for different venues and occasions: 'Milky' the Clown, Prof. 'Mix-up', 'Wow' the Wizard, W. C. Fields, and 'Just Plain' Karrell.

Here you will find lots of great ideas spanning the gamut from card and mental magic to stage and platform effects. Throughout you will find many photos of Karrell Fox - a pleasant picture show of the life of a...

★★★★ $25
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Clettis Musson
Minute Magic by Clettis Musson

This is all close up, intimate magic, with very little preparation, props you can find in any home, no expense, no skillful sleight of hand needed. It is called 'Minute Magic' because it is ready in a minute, for use at a moment's notice. Tricks with pop corn, sugar, bread, olives, salt, pepper, string, money, paper, gold fish, etc. 36 effects in all. Illustrated.

1st edition 1953, 36 pages; digital edition 2012, 35 pages.

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Magic Pop Corn
  3. Sugar From Bread
  4. Tantalizing Tissue
  5. Flash Change
  6. Speedy Ring Vanish
  7. Can You Do It?
  8. A Startling Production
  9. Out...
★★★★★ $6.95
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Eugene E. Gloye
Fantastic Tricks with Plastic Cups by Eugene E. Gloye

Many magicians get their greatest pleasure out of making their own tricks - and there is no form of construction easier or less costly than working with plastic cups. For the man who likes to make his own - no workshop is needed for these easy to construct effects. Over thirty tricks you can make for pennies each. Good magic, low cost. Illustrated.

  • The fake bottom cup
  • Variations of the fake bottom cup
  • The cup with a secret compartment
  • The foo cup

1st edition 1976, 52 pages; digital edition 2012, 42 pages.

★★★★ $6.95
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Don Alan
Close-Up Time with Don Alan by Don Alan

When Don Alan first worked at Schuliens Bar in Chicago, everyone highly praised his work and his fresh, new approach. He went on to set the standard for close-up magic. This ebook provides a group of solid Don Alan close up tricks: Flash Production Sponge Ball, Riffle Time Force, Subtle One Way Deck, Keep Your I On Your Hat, Wax in Matchbox, Inflation Pencil, Card in Egg, Bread Sandwich, Bill in Orange, Stuck Up Card, and more.

1st edition 1951, 20 pages; digital edition 2012, 23 pages.

★★★★★ $7.95
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Scott Xavier
I Always Get Stuck With The Bill by Scott Xavier

A magician stands before the crowd. He borrows a dollar bill from a spectator. The bill is given to another spectator, who is working as the security guard for this trick. The pseudo-security guard records the serial number from the bill onto a large dry erase board so everyone can experience the magic to come. A third spectator is given a paper bag and a knife.

The magician then asks for the bill to be placed inside of a small dish. The bill is dowsed with lighter fluid and then ignited with a barbecue lighter. The bill bursts into flames and eventually settles into a burned mess of ashes. ...

★★★★ $9
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Wolfgang Riebe
The Complete Works by Wolfgang Riebe

Wolfgang Riebe has been one of the most successful professional magicians in the world during the last 30 years with appearances in over 165 countries. This is not just an ebook on prestidigitation, but original routines and ideas that work. A unique feature is that most tricks have video links where you can see Wolfgang perform the effects and routines he shares. So you are not buying an ebook on 'theory', but on practical magic that works. As a bonus he shares links to select online teach-in videos too.

This is a man who has achieved a number of firsts in the magic world, had over 200 TV...

★★★★★ $29.99
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TC Tahoe
TC Tahoe Re-Thinks Vol. 9: Out To Lunch by TC Tahoe

Re-Thinks is a new series of eBooks from TC Tahoe.

This ebook does not just include some of TC's favorite routines with the classic Out To Lunch principle, but also a new handling!

First published in 2008 in "Lunch is Served"; 1st digital edition 2012; 19 pages.

★★★★ $10
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Anitha and Sreenivas
Combined Inspirations by Anitha and Sreenivas

This ebook, profusely illustrated, is the combined work of the husband-wife team of the Sreenivases. It contains 13 original and highly performance worthy routines with cards, coins, elastic hair bands (a more visible variation of elastic rubber bands), and a silk routine.

As Sreenivas says in his forward ...

"This is my fourth publishing event. The first two were my Linking Ring One Man Parades in 1989 and 1993. The third was my book Card Circus in this Indian Show case Series.

Combined Inspirations is not a book of advanced sleights like my first book. This is a collection of tricks...

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