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Cards in Magic & Conjuring: page 81


Self-Working or Sleightless DIY Playing Cards Moves ACAAN Stacks Marked Rising & Levitating Gaffed Manipulation & XCM Svengali Torn and Restored Linking


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Edward Marlo
Early Marlo by Edward Marlo

Contains all the early Marlo material for your convenience. Formerly put out in a dozen or more pamphlets - now with improved art work in digital form for easy study.

  • Early Eddie
  • Learning To Fool The People
  • Pasteboard Presto
    • Two Pets
    • A. First Pet
    • B. Second Pet
    • Marlo's Rosini
    • The First Miracle
    • Another Rosini
    • Everywhere And Nowhere
    • Four Aces Again
    • The Ambitious Card
    • General Ace Trick
  • Amazing, Isn't It?
    • Foreword
    • Card Counted To
    • Marlo's Think A Card
    • Simplex Ten To One
    • No Palm Aces To Pocket
    • Do As I Do - U Can't Unless I Want U 2
    • Streamlined Discernment
    • Surprising Transposition ...
★★★★★ $14.95
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Dai Vernon & Faucett Ross
Early Vernon by Dai Vernon & Faucett Ross

The Professor brought up-to-date in this ebook of the original Twenty Dollar Manuscript, Three Dollar Manuscript, and ten new Vernon variations. Illustrated by Vernon, edited by Faucet Ross, with nostalgic photos of the great man's life.

  • Three Faces Of Vernon
  • How It Began
  • The Manuscript Story
  • The Prospectus
  • The Twenty Dollar Manuscript
    • Vernon Five Card Mental Force
    • Vernon Miracle Card Location
    • Club Version
    • Vernon Super Count Down
    • Vernon Super Card Prediction
    • Vernon Poker Demonstration
    • Vernon Automatic Second Deal
    • Slow Motion Card Vanish
    • The Vernon Card Puzzle
    • The Vernon Four...
★★★★★ $9.95
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Aldo Colombini
Easy Card Effects by Aldo Colombini

Ten more amazing routines with a regular deck of cards.

  • VALUE/SUIT PREDICTION (Nick Trost): A spectator shuffles the deck, yet you reveal a selected card.
  • FATE IN NUMBERS (Karl Fulves): A die and a deck of cards. A spectator picks two sides of the die and you deal two packets. The top cards reveal the numbers of the die.
  • VANTAGE POINT (Rachel Colombini): A FREELY selected card is revealed with a comedy spelling (or, in a second routine, with an elimination process). Clever method.
  • SUNRISE (Aldo Colombini): Two Kings are left on the table. The other two find two selections and they turn out to be the other...
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MP4 (video)

Rob Roy
Easy Card Magic by Rob Roy

If you haven't a voice like Sinatra or Crosby; if you can't tickle the risibility of people as do Hope or Umbrioggo; if you can't dance like Arthur Murray, don't fret! You can still be the life of the party if you know a few simple card tricks ... tricks that are sure to baffle your friends and keep them entertained and guessing no end.

The card tricks in this ebook are unusual and clever. All you need do is follow the instructions. You don't have to concern yourself with intricate sleight of hand maneuvers. You don't have to be born a magician. no special skill or previous practice is required....

★★★★ $3
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Paul Gordon
Easy Card Stuff by Paul Gordon

Paul Gordon is offering 24 really strong easy-to-do worker card tricks. All 24 are doable, entertaining and magical. This ebook contains the very best of Paul's easier material. But, don't mistake easy with dull. Far from it. This ebook contains some KILLERS!

  • Introduction
  • An Easy-to-Do Move You Need to Know
  • Shocked Aces
  • Carbon Footprints
  • Hip Hop Card Cop
  • Nice 'n' Easy Does It
  • A Predictable Stroll #2
  • What, Another Kick?
  • Strike More Than A Match
  • A Load of Old Blarney
  • Al Leechian
  • Impromptu Pokertell
  • When I Was Twenty-One
  • You Do As Each Other Do
  • Hocus Pocus
  • Easy Peasy
  • The Eight...
★★★★ $15
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Barry Ray
Easy Diary by Barry Ray

As the title suggests, a simple diary trick. A spectator names any date in the year and you hand them a diary. As they look up their date in your diary you produce the very card that is written alongside their chosen date! And at the basic level, you don't even have to know what the card is! It can be a different card every time.

The ebook contains several presentations, reveals, how to set this up on your iPod, mobile phone or paper diary and a chart showing the position of all the cards for 366 days.

1st edition 2010; 13 pages.

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Ken de Courcy
Easy Everywhere and Nowhere by Ken de Courcy

"Everywhere and Nowhere" is a classic plot which, due to the difficulties in performance, is rarely seen. The original version calls for exceptional aptitude in card-changes which are not the easiest sleights to do well. Here is a new method utilizing a well-known fake pack that surely you already have, used in an undetectable way. This routine brings "Everywhere and Nowhere" within the range of everybody. Give it that and you'll have a trick that will amaze and entertain both laymen and magicians.


A card is selected from a pack, then returned and the deck is cut a number of times...

★★★★ $5
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Devin Knight
Easy Lift: no get ready double lift by Devin Knight

"Devin Knight has done it again. If you have ever struggled to make your double lift look and feel more natural, then look no further. I've been around the block more than a few times when it comes to finding just the right double lift, and this one is a winner. Period." - D. Ulin

"Looking at Devin's performance clip of his double lift turnover I was wondering what on the earth is he doing? Devin smoothly turned over the top card only. Now I was anxious to see his explanation - and at once I tried to follow Devin's instructions and to my surprise I could easily perform Devin's turnover...

★★★★ $3
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MP4 (video)

Allan Ackerman
Easy Off Pips by Allan Ackerman

Deck is shuffled and spectator cuts to a card. Performer removes one pip at a time from the card until it is entirely blank and as a final climax the card vanishes completely.

runtime: 3min 11s

★★★★★ $4
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MP4 (video)

Ian Baxter
Easy Touch by Ian Baxter

Paul Curry is a name that captures the attention of magicians everywhere, thanks to his famous card trick Out Of This World. Invented by Curry back in 1942, it remains an absolute staple for the self-working card enthusiast.

Not to be overlooked, however, was Curry's initial blast onto the magic scene five years earlier. Launched in 1937, Touch was (and still is) by any measure, a superlative card mystery. Over the years, variations from the experts have appeared in print. Some of these have been downright disappointing because they have been far too complicated, or like Curry's original, the burden...

★★★★ $6
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Edward Marlo
Ed Marlo Confidential by Edward Marlo

A wonderful look at the life and times of Ed Marlo, with vintage, rare, underground footage. Called "one of the most important tapes of the Millennium" by Matt Field, this tape lets you get to know the real Ed Marlo.

1st edition 2000, length 1h

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MP4 (video)

Eddie Joseph
Eddie's Dumbfounders with Cards by Eddie Joseph

No skill - no sleights - no moves

  • Introduction
  • The "Tobba" Mystery
  • Who Knows the Card?
  • Incredulously True
  • Two Secret Thoughts
  • Memory Phenomenal
  • Over the Wire
  • The Mystic Queen
  • One-Eye Joe
  • The Expert Cuts
  • Can You See Your Card?

From the introduction:

Now comes the question — Why bring all this in here? Merely to stress a point. ANY TRICK WILL BE CONSIDERED AN APPARENT MIRACLE WHEN THE CAUSE EVADES US. Pages and pages have been written in an attempt to define Magic. I will give it to you in FIVE words, "THE ART OF CONCEALING THE CAUSE". The better you are able to conceal the...

★★★★ $4
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William (Bill) Simon
Effective Card Magic by William (Bill) Simon

This book was edited by Jean Hugard and illustrated by Stanley Jaks.

Martin Gardner had the following to say:

"Bill Simon has achieved an astonishing mastery of the medium. His mind is constantly probing for new and subtler moves, and bold effects which break fresh paths in the card jungle. In this book he has given generously the fruits of his thinking and experience. The result is a book almost certain to become one of the basic texts of modem card conjuring."

This ebook covers many entertaining plots, novel sleights, shuffles and fancy cuts as well as useful information on practice, structuring, presentation, audience...

★★★★ $6
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Aldo Colombini
Effective Card Routines by Aldo Colombini

Here you have ten strong routines by Aldo Colombini using special cards (easily found).


  • ADD-ACADABRA: Two predictions. After a couple of gags, the predictions are shown correct.
  • TURNING POINT: A card is reversed in the deck. Four double-blank cards are shown and one is selected. This card now bears the image of the chosen card which is now blank.
  • CHIP-CHIP HURRAY: You show seven cards and two poker chips. One card is selected and the same image appears on one of the chips. The other cards are all blank.
  • MICKEY FINN: One card is selected among six. This card has a poison sign...
★★★★★ $10
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MP4 (video)

Gerard Zitta
Effects with Business Cards by Gerard Zitta

Imagine you are anywhere but on stage, and you are unprepared. Somebody asks you to do a 'magic trick' (yeah, they know who you are!). You answer you would like to, but you have nothing with you, but a pen and a few business cards. You take out your business card holder or box, and you start amazing your audience.

Now, imagine you would take a deck of cards. It would be all different … Nobody would believe you are unprepared!

This ebook is a compendium of Gerard Zitta's effects, that can be done with business cards. They all 'look' impromptu, and most of them are indeed impromptu...

★★★★★ $40
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Arthur Buckley
Effects with Cards 1 by Arthur Buckley

Arthur Buckley, one of the great sleight-of-hand artists with cards and coins, has written a series of twelve problems. This booklet is number one. It is illustrated by Harlan Tarbell and edited by Gus Moford. Dariel Fitzkee later reprinted these twelve problems in The Card Expert Entertains but used different inferior illustrations. If you have ever heard something about the 'Buckley card problems' this is one of them.

1st edition, August 1921, Magic Products Company, Chicago; 10 pages.

Number One - A Triple Climax

  1. Effect, Brief Presentation and Patter.
  2. Sleights Necessary to Performing the Triple Climax.
  3. The...
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Arthur Buckley
Effects with Cards 2 by Arthur Buckley

This is the second of Arthur Buckley's problems: The Burglar

  • Effect, Brief Presentation and Patter
  • Sleights Necessary to Perform the Burglar (crimp, two-handed pass, Down's change, a secret removal, riffle shift)
  • Details for Learning Sleights
  • Rehearse Problem

1st edition 1921, 10 pages; 1st digital edition 2017, 9 pages.

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Mark Weston
Effects with the Card Index by Mark Weston

The card index is an item that should be in the accessory department of every working magician; once the method of working has been grasped and the necessary practice acquired, a new field of card magic miracle effects is open to the practical performer.

  • Setting The Indexes
  • The Method Of Stacking
  • Actual Working
  • Position Of Indexes In The Pockets
  • The Cards From The Pocket
  • The Twins
  • Transposed Aces
  • Lone Ranger
  • The Invisible Card
  • The Last Card
  • Pairs
  • The Card In The Pocket
  • Six Cards In The Hat
  • Card Stab
  • Card In Wallet
  • Various Other Uses For The Index

1st edition 1982, 16...

★★★★★ $8
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Peter Duffie
Effortless Card Magic by Peter Duffie

Effortless is probably just as apropriate or misleading as self-working. It doesn't mean that these tricks don't require any effort on your side. You have to read the descriptions, remember the sequence of actions and perform the act - entertain, which in my book is neither self-working nor effortless. But what these terms try to convey is that you will not need to master difficult moves or finger breaking sleights to perform these effects. And they are very good effects. Often an 'effortless' trick can be performed to greater effect because the performer can pay more attention to audience managment,...

★★★★★ $24.95
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Maciej Dziegielewski
Ekaf by Maciej Dziegielewski

"I'm not a big fan of twirls flourishes but the way Maciej does them it is really beautiful!" - Dominik Mastrianni

"Very nice combination of classic and original sleights. Nicely flowing flourish overall." - Alexander Melnik (Decemberboys)

"cool stuff dude :)" - Sebastian Skowron

"I like the card transpo-thing. :)" - Jonas Haglund

Ekaf is 'fake' reversed. The reason for this title is that these card flourishes and manipulations look stunning and difficult, but are for the most part relatively easy to do. It is therefore the ideal entry routine for somebody to get into flourishes,...

★★★★★ $10
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MP4 (video)

Ian Baxter
Elective One-Eyed Jacks by Ian Baxter

That popular card plot One-Eyed Jack Sandwich is given a new lease of life here, with the assisting spectator being asked where the magic is to take place – within the deck or out of it. Themed after a 1930’s classic The Charmed Watch, this smooth handling is sure to delight the most fastidious card man.

The One-Eyed Jack Sandwich theme was popularized by Harry Lorayne. However, it was none other than the Australian Charles Wicks who started the ball rolling, with his contribution The Charmed Watch appearing in The Magic Wand journal over eighty years ago. Ian's streamlined version keeps within the guidelines of...

★★★★ $4
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Jon Racherbaumer
Elevation Ovations by Jon Racherbaumer

Although Marlo is generally credited with the Elevator plot, analysis of the action steps taken in the Four Burglars, Jacob's Ladder, and Marlo's Penetration exhibit procedural similarities and could be presented as "elevating tricks" if accompanying patter expressed the "elevator" analogy. As far as the "elevator" trope is concerned, we can credit Bill Simon for naming rights.

  • Part One: The Burglazing Beginning
    • Introduction
    • Gibson Puts Perps On Parade
    • Rising Crime / Daryl Martinez
    • Rising Robbers / Jon Racherbaumer
    • Four Burglas / Jerry Mentzer
    • Mystery Of The Penthouse / Nick Trost
    • Burglar Trick / Nick...
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Ulysses Frederick Grant
Eliminators by Ulysses Frederick Grant

This is a great little booklet where U.F. Grant teaches three non-sleight replacement methods for

  • Pass
  • Force
  • Palm
  • Switch
Now all those non-finger-flingers can join in the fun.

1st edition 1943, 1st digital edition 2017, 4 pages.

★★★★★ $5
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James William Elliott
Elliott's Last Legacy by James William Elliott

Elliott was a very popular magician. Particularly some of his card effects were considered best of its kind. Nobody knew the secrets to some of Elliott's tricks. People waited impatiently for the release of this book. But it was met with some disappointment that not all of Elliott's tricks were described. We do not know which tricks these critics mean. The reason might well be that Elliott died before he could finish his book. Burgess and Houdini had to collect Elliott's notes and fill in some of the missing explanations. However, Elliott and Houdini believed that all the material in this book was...

★★★★★ $4
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