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Cards in Magic & Conjuring: page 42


Self-Working or Sleightless DIY Playing Cards Moves ACAAN Stacks Marked Rising & Levitating Gaffed Manipulation & XCM Svengali Torn and Restored Linking


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Sultan Orazaly
Pop Vanish by Sultan Orazaly

A super visual vanish. A clean and most visual disappearance. A new method that will show a card with a hole on both sides.

Note: TV rights not included with purchase. Please contact Sultan Orazaly for TV rights.

1st edition 2023, video 22:52.

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Allan Ackerman
Pop-Over Double Lift by Allan Ackerman

This is a flashy double lift where the double card makes a somersault.

runtime: 52s

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Walter Gibson
Popular Card Tricks by Walter Gibson

Walter Gibson intended this book for the novice. All the tricks are quite easy to perform. And in the beginning under the heading "The Presentation of Card Tricks" Gibson gives very valuable advice on how to create a program and how to present it.

Nevertheless, the book is so good that even the intermediate and advanced card magician will be able to learn a lot from its pages.

This book was originally written by Walter B. Gibson for Houdini. Houdini's death in 1926 prevented him from putting it out, and Walter issued it under his own name. Ted Annemann considered it one of the best books in its field . ....

★★★★★ $8
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Mario Tarasini
Portable Flap System by Mario Tarasini

It's not a trick, it's a system ... Imagine that you have an option to change the color of a freely chosen and signed card. Mario Tarasini introduces his new portable flap system. You can place a special portable flap system on any card to immediately change its color and hand it over to the spectator.

1st edition 2020, video length 10 min 51 s.

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Nick Conticello
Potpourri 2: More Impromptu, Sleightless, Mathematical Tricks by Nick Conticello

After seeing several effects from this ebook, author and collector Doug Edwards said:

"The stuff you do with a shuffled deck and one or two key cards borders on the miraculous!"
1. TEN-IS MATCH: The performer removes ten matching pairs from the deck. These are mixed by both the performer and spectator and divided about in half by the spectator. Yet somehow all the pairs line up. Based on ideas of Howard Adams and Gene Finnell.

2. TALONS OF THE HAWK: Two volunteers each think of a card from a group of ten. The packets are lost in the deck by the volunteers themselves. The performer...

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Nick Conticello
Potpourri 3 by Nick Conticello

A Further Collection of Impromptu, Sleightless, Mathematical Tricks

Nick Conticello is proud to present the third and final installment of the Potpourri series. Herewith is another collection of impromptu, sleightless, mathematical effects with cards. Each book has a theme, and this one is no exception. The entire ebook is devoted to what Nick calls the Australian Shuffle. (You may refer to it as the Down/Under Deal.)

The present work is concerned with three placement concepts. George Sands devised one in the mid-Twentieth Century. Nick published the second in Tarbell 7, and he is releasing...

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Nick Conticello
Potpourri Bundle by Nick Conticello

A collection of sleightless often mathematically based tricks and routines bundling three of Nick Conticello's ebooks.

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Nick Conticello
Potpourri: A Collection of Impromptu Sleightless Mathematical Tricks by Nick Conticello

Author and collector Doug Edwards said:

"I know a good trick when I see one, and KNOW-ALL NEALE is a good trick! It's impromptu and direct. And I like A COUNT, A BILL as well. The divination of the three digits comes as a complete surprise. Two real winners."

Tarbell Course contributor Nick Conticello returns with a new selection of close-up magic designed to be performed for small groups of friends or acquaintances.

1. Know-All Neale: 3 coin divination with fourth coin kicker

2. A Count, A Bill: Based on "It's the Principle " (Bob Longe, Sept. 2001 Linking Ring) with bill used...

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Paul Curry
Power of Concentration / Thought by Paul Curry

Spectator merely thinks of a card. Two packs of cards are dealt face-up simultaneously, and spectator discovers that the card he thought of is in the exact same position in both decks.

Based on an effect by Tom Bowyer who first conceived the intriguing idea of having two decks of cards dealt in unison for the purpose of arriving at a duplicate set of cards.

1st edition 1947; PDF 5 pages

★★★★★ $2
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Gerald Edmundson
Power of the Svengali by Gerald Edmundson

The Svengali deck has been a pitchman item for years. Gerald admires the skill of the Svengali pitchman. They handle the deck and do amazing tricks to sell the deck to bystanders. But Gerald's writing is not a treatise on "pitching" the Svengali. His purpose in using the Svengali is different from the pitchman's.

In Power of the Svengali, Gerald explores how to handle the Svengali as an ordinary deck, not as a special gaffed deck to sell. The power of the Svengali comes from its ability to produce tricks not possible except by advanced sleight of hand. Even skillful sleight of hand can...

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John Scarne
Power of Thought by John Scarne

Over the years, many have (incorrectly) assumed that the "Power of Thought" effect that Scarne enjoyed performing uses the same method as the version described in the Scarne On Card Tricks book. This is not the case, as you'll be pleased to discover if you buy this ebook. This is the version Scarne himself used and (unlike the version in the mass market book), this method doesn't rely on swapping cards in your pocket. Indeed, you need not wear a jacket at all; you can perform this effect in your swim trunks if you're so inclined.

This method was originally offered by Scarne to magicians in a 1950 pre-publication...

★★★★ $5
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Peter Duffie
Power Trip by Peter Duffie

A Multi-phase routine where Aces magically reverse, then change to Kings then back to Aces, then the Aces assemble and...

Bringing out your deck, you offer to show the audience a wonderful Ace trick, and so you remove the four Aces and hold them face down. One by one the Aces magically turn face up. Then you say, "If you think that's a good trick - I know an even better one with the four Kings." At that, the Aces in your hand change into the four Kings.

A spectator now cuts the deck into four piles, and you deal a King onto each pile. Just as you deal the last King, you have second thoughts...

★★★★★ $10.50
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Paul A. Lelekis
Powerful Poker Routines by Paul A. Lelekis

There are six videos provided to demonstrate and explain the some little-known sleights, for of which are important false shuffles. Finally learn the "real work" for those false shuffles that are rarely taught - look professional.

This e-book is a wealth of information for the performing magician, providing spectators with some highly entertaining routines that will delight your spectators. Paul presents some killer routines that he has played for his spectators for decades...all the "kinks" worked out with excellent provided. The added "Comedy Shuffles" will provide a comic relief for your...

★★★★ $12
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Paul A. Lelekis
Powerhouse Routines by Paul A. Lelekis

There are 5 Powerhouse routines included in this ebook!

The introduction is worth the price of the entire e-book. Paul teaches many salient points for improving your performances. He teaches how to use patter and actions to provide your spectators with that "warm fuzzy" feeling. Move your magic to another level.

Paul also teaches you how to turn bad situations into great ones. His advice will teach you how to take advantage of situations and comments made by your spectators to turn your performances from good ones...into GREAT ones and how to recognize these situations in other tricks. ...

★★★★ $10
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Aldo Colombini
Pre-Deck-Ability by Aldo Colombini

An unbelievable prize winning routine with a regular deck of cards!

A stunning self-working routine. Three different predictions are taken from a pad of paper and given out, one to each of three spectators. A deck of cards is shuffled and cut into two halves. A spectator cuts a portion from one half, turns it face up, and shuffles it together with the other face down half creating a topsy-turvy condition (a packet of face up and face down cards.) The spectator cuts any amount of cards from this face up and face down portion, turns it over, and shuffles it with the remainder of the deck which...

★★★★★ $10
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David Jonathan
Precise Premonition by David Jonathan

A twist on the premonition plot with a multiple kicker finale.

Precise Premonition draws inspiration from Eddie Joseph's staple Premonition effect, but packs in many new magical moments that crescendo with an incredible firework finale. Best of all, it's super practical, very easy to perform, and consistently delivers incredible reactions.

The Effect:

A spectator is given a red deck to hold that contains your prediction. A blue deck is now shuffled and used to create both a playing card and a number. Let's say they settle on the number 10 and the Queen of Hearts. The spectator looks through the deck to retrieve...

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Gerard Zitta
Predestination by Gerard Zitta

This effect is a variation of an effect called ACAT (Any Card At Any Time), extracted from CLUE ebook. It can be presented with playing cards, or special cards (like the Vernet PSImbol deck, or movies (like Directors's cut or Screen test), French postcards, etc.), or just with blank index cards or your own business cards (with drawings, symbols, words, numbers, etc. on the back). It is not a card trick, but rather a mystery or paradox.

It is hands-off, automatic, self-working, can be done over the phone or sight unseen, stand up, close up or stage (with jumbo cards). It is easy, practical, and...

★★★★ $10
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Raphaël Czaja
Prediction Impossible by Raphaël Czaja

EFFECT #1: The magician opens up a card wallet displaying some playing cards torn in four pieces, each of them held by a rubber band. He explains, "Those are a few of the wrong predictions I've made in the past. Since then, I've learnt to keep being positive. For example, this one was wrong at the time it was made, but what if it was just right today?" You move this one aside and pocket the rest.

A spectator selects any two-digit number up to 50. The deck is dealt accordingly to make up a card, selecting a value and a suit. Despite the huge range of possible outcomes, the prediction that...

★★★★★ $8 $5
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Eddie Joseph
Premonition by Eddie Joseph

This is probably Eddie Joseph's most proud creation.

THE EFFECT: Anyone in the audience is asked to call out the name of any card. Person naming the card is asked to advance, pick up the pack which lies on the table within its case, and deal cards face up, one at a time until he comes to his card. Assistant deals every card in the pack but fails to find the one he named. He is now told to count the cards in pack and he finds only 51. ONE CARD IS MISSING AND THE MISSING CARD IS THE ONE JUST NAMED ALOUD. The Magician reaches into his pocket and without the slightest DELAY brings out the very...

★★★★ $4
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George Armstrong
Premonition: an amazing mental card routine by George Armstrong

[Eddie Joseph and George Armstrong both published this effect in 1949 under the same name: Premonition. The effects are identical and the methods are also pretty much identical except some minor details. Since George Armstrong describes his inspiration and when and where he developed it, while Eddie Joseph does not, I believe George Armstrong to be the inventor of this method. George Armstrong's inspiration was an effect from Greater Magic by Bill McCaffrey. But already Hofzinser has a similar routine Domination of Thought from his Card Conjuring.

A spectator names a card. He is asked to take a pack of cards from the table, remove them...

★★★★★ $4
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Jean Hugard & Fred Braue
Prepared Cards and Accessories: Miracle Methods No. 3 by Jean Hugard & Fred Braue

A collection of feats of conjuring with cards, employing artificed cards and simple accessories. Embracing over 30 brilliant feats of card conjuring made possible by the use of prepared cards and simple accessories together with a complete exposition of Jean Hugard's superbly routined presentation of the famed card classic, The Aerial Cards.

Paul Fleming wrote:

This latest addition to the Hugard and Braue Miracle Methods series is a 32-page booklet, bound in soft boards and similar in format to these authors' No.1 ("Stripper Deck") and No.2 ("Shuffles"). It contains 32 tricks, nine of which depend upon...

★★★★ $4
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Allan Ackerman
Pressure Fans by Allan Ackerman

The pressure fan is harder to learn than the Thumb Fan, but it also works with less than stellar cards. And the reverse pressure fan allows all kinds of cool effects, either to show a regular deck as having all blank faces or a deck with backs on the front and back sides of all cards.

runtime: 3min 23s

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Daryl Easton
Presto Attracto Card by Daryl Easton

Two spectator's selections are lost in the deck and then found in an incredibly clean fashion. Difficulty is intermediate.

Recorded live at the Convention at the Capital 2001.

runtime: 9min 38s

★★★★★ $6
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Dave Forrest
Pretext: make impossible predictions by Dave Forrest

PRETEXT is a multi-layered deception that will allow you to easily make the most incredible predictions. In the effect included in this 18 minute instant video download you produce a folded billet from inside your wallet that accurately predicts a persons name and a card that they freely named. You'll soon realise the depth of the PRETEXT system as it allows you to accurately predict practically anything during the course of a simple card trick in a way that appears so fair you won't believe it. This is the type of prediction that simply cannot be backtracked - your audiences will be left stunned...

★★★★★ $7
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MP4 + Flash Video

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