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Mentalism & Spiritism in Magic & Conjuring: page 22


Bizarre Reading Systems, Oracles & Cold Reading Propless Book Tests Billets Q&A ESP Two Person Codes Zodiac, Star Signs or Birthday Pendulums Muscle Reading & Contact Mind Reading Slates


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Robert A. Nelson
Hellstromism (Nelson) by Robert A. Nelson

The first and only true explanation of the miraculous feats of the late Axel Hellstrom, mindreader supreme ... the man who baffled many of the world's most scientific and magical minds. A topic of conversation wherever presented.

Magicians, students of the occult, psychic entertainers, scientists and profound thinkers alike have long sought ... THE TRUE SECRET OF GENUINE MIND READING

No gimmicks. No stooges. No electronics. No mirrors. Nothing prearranged.

Any time, any place, with any group of honest, sincere spectators, the psychic entertainer allows the spectators to merely think...

★★★★★ $10
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Robert A. Nelson
Club and Party Mentalism by Robert A. Nelson

This ebook provides the inside scoop on the fertile field of performing psychic entertainment in night clubs, casino showrooms, and private parties. It's written in language that even the beginning mentalist can understand, yet holds so much valuable, inside information that it will also help the working professional.

Learn how YOU can enter this wide-open field of entertainment - one which has very little competition and where the fees are high.

Complete coverage of CLUB and PARTY MENTALISM, with suggested effects and complete programs. Reveals the programs of famous mentalists and what...

★★★★ $8
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Robert A. Nelson
Comedy Mentalism Volume 1 by Robert A. Nelson

Laughs galore! Comedy bits, blackouts, funny lines, complete presentations and humorous bits of business for mentalists, magicians and psychic entertainers.

When first published, this was the first and only comprehensive book on the subject. Comedy bits, effects and full routines by Bob Nelson, Karrell Fox, George Johnstone, Alan Millan, The Amazing Maurice, North Bigbee, Sid Lorraine, George McAthy, Robert Tripp and Ben Franklin IV.

Top-notch material for every occasion, including a complete two-person comedy act by Bob Nelson and a complete comedy Talking Skull routine by George McAthy.


★★★ $8
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Robert A. Nelson
Pages from a Medium's Notebook by Robert A. Nelson

Would you like to open the secret notebook of a successful medium and psychic reader? To study and absorb the personal notes and information gleaned as a result of years of experience? Would you like first-hand observations and instructions on how to give successful "psychological readings?" To know what to anticipate when a client enters your office? To know what type of reading to give for the satisfaction of the subject? To discover how and why the client is so easily fooled? To learn the closely guarded bits of "business" that build private readings and reputations?

The information contained...

★★★★★ $8
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Robert A. Nelson
More Miracles in Mentalism by Robert A. Nelson

Here are more new, original and sensational mental effects, brought to you by many foremost mentalists. A wide variety of time proven, audience tested effects are included. Several of the effects were formerly catalogued and sold by their originators for several dollars each. Now get them all in this fine ebook, the second in the series of "Miracles in Mentalism."

Take a look at what's included:

  1. Subliminal Perception (Syd Bergson)
  2. One is Face Up (Dr. Stanley Jaks)
  3. Facsimile (Gene "Phantini" Grant)
  4. ESP Coincidence (Bob Nelson)
  5. Musical Thoughts (R. W. Grosholz)
  6. Alphabetical Perception (Dr. S. P. Thornton) ...
★★★★★ $8
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Robert A. Nelson
Making Mindreading Pay by Robert A. Nelson

Learn the inner secrets of how to make a living as a mentalist or psychic entertainer. The commercial side of this highly lucrative business is revealed in its entirety: contracts, bookings, advertising and exploitation in theaters, clubs, hotels, casinos, fairs, and in private practice.

The entire range of opportunities for psychic entertainers is discussed at length, and with one thought in mind: to make money! Whether you are new in the business or a seasoned pro, this ebook will mean extra dollars to you.

If you're on the sidelines now, watching others make real money in this profession,...

★★★★★ $8
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Robert A. Nelson
Confessions of a Medium by Robert A. Nelson

There has never been such a complete and thoroughly accurate exposé of the inner workings and guarded secrets of the professional medium, psychic and healer.

Describes how fake psychics get their certificates, making them immune from police interference. How anyone can obtain such a certificate. Explains how mediums and psychics work in "closed" towns so city authorities can't touch them. Includes sample ads as used by the phony seers, fake diplomas, how and where the psychics get their business, and how mediums can even work spare time and still make big money. Shows how the psychic obtains...

★★★★★ $8
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Robert A. Nelson
Still More Miracles in Mentalism by Robert A. Nelson

23 leading authorities on mentalism collaborated to make this the largest and best of the fabulous series of "Miracles in Mentalism" books.

In this revised and expanded edition, you now get 49 new and original mental and psychic effects, routines, and suggestions covering the full range of impromptu, club, radio, TV and stage presentations. This wealth of new and original material has been audience-tested and proven as worthy of inclusion in your program. This one volume alone contains sufficient sensational mental and psychic effects for several programs. Many of the presentations contain...

★★★★★ $8
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Robert A. Nelson
How to Read Sealed Messages by Robert A. Nelson

The most comprehensive and authoritative book on sealed billet reading, as employed by mentalists, magicians, and office mediums.

Divided into three sections, this ebook deals with methods used by office mediums (section 1), stage mentalists and psychic entertainers (section 2), and a bonus section on how to maximize revenue from shows with a secret tip for selling 'back of house' books and merchandise (section 3).

SIXTEEN methods are described and explained in detail as used for private office work. Many of these are adaptable to mentalist and magic uses, and can be presented without...

★★★★★ $8
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Robert A. Nelson
The Art of Cold Reading by Robert A. Nelson

The secret book of the mental profession that teaches the mentalist or psychic to "read" a person "cold" with no gimmicks, no advance knowledge, and no preparation.

The Art of Cold Reading is the learned ability to cleverly read another "from the cradle to the grave" - and without important error. It is amazingly easy - if you understand the technique and methods. Possess it and you are always prepared to give readings - any time, anywhere, for fun or for profit.

The inner secrets of "cold reading" have been closely held and guarded for many years. Knowledge of this kind has been passed...

★★★★ $12
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Robert A. Nelson
Impromptu Mentalism by Robert A. Nelson

Here is a stunning ten-minute routine for the magician to use as an encore at the end of his or her regular act. The performer demonstrates with devastating correctness that he can read the collective minds of several spectators.

In a very informal and impromptu style, the magician offers to read the minds of the spectators. He asks the audience to think of a question, name, relationship, number, color, etc. They are asked only to THINK these thoughts. Without further ado, the performer proceeds to call spectators by name, telling them of the exact thoughts in their minds at the moment, answering...

★★★★ $6
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Robert A. Nelson
Effective Answers to Questions by Robert A. Nelson

A masterpiece in the field of psychic entertainment! A brilliant sequel to Geo. DeLawrence's Answers to Questions.

In this advanced course for mentalists and psychic entertainers, Nelson delves further into the psychology of Q&A work, combining essential showmanship with the psychology of the answers. Teaches the reader how to answer questions, the basic principles of combining effectiveness with answers, how to convince your audience, and to attain a higher percentage of correct answers.


  1. The Introductory Lecture - Its true purpose, what it must convey to the audience, the psychology of a good lecture,...
★★★★ $8
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Robert A. Nelson
Sensational Effects by Robert A. Nelson

The most sensational release of the mentalist's closest guarded secrets. A choice collection of ultra-sensational effects that will not only puzzle the layman, but will baffle the mindreading profession as well.

Nelson has released a number of these closely guarded effects under one cover. Countless numbers of professional crystal gazers have been completely mystified by the effect known as "Answering questions that have not been written down," and on witnessing this effect, asked Nelson for the solution. Just one of many effects described in this work.

The contents of Sensational Effects...

★★★★ $8
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Robert A. Nelson
Mystery of the Gyrating Tables by Robert A. Nelson

In this eBook, Bob Nelson reveals his Mystery of the Gyrating Tables presentation, complete with opening lecture.

This effect certainly belongs in the realm of the psychic. Present it as an example of spirit phenomena, inject a little showmanship, and, as Nelson says, you'll "skyrocket to fame."

Using ordinary, unprepared tables and no apparatus whatsoever, the tables will tip, teeter, wobble and gyrate around the room or stage in the craziest fashion. And this despite the medium not even seated at the table with the participants! No stooges or confederates are employed at any time. ...

★★★★ $6
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Robert A. Nelson
With the Eyes of Dr. Reese by Robert A. Nelson

Here is a miraculous, "test conditions" billet reading method that is both fiendishly clever and imminently practical. Leave it to the fertile brain of Bob Nelson to develop a billet test as good as this!

The sitter writes any question on a slip of paper and folds it tightly. She drops this into a glass tumbler. Sitter then takes her own handkerchief and places same over mouth of glass. A rubber band is used to snap around the edge of glass, holding the handkerchief in place.

The glass, containing the spectator's billet, is left standing on a table throughout the test. The performer picks...

★★★★ $6
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Robert A. Nelson
The Secrets of Doctor "A" by Robert A. Nelson

"Dr. A" was a real-life figure, having devoted 33 years of his life as a very successful office reader and clairvoyant. He gave Robert Nelson full permission to publish his unique secrets, however he requested that he remain anonymous.

He devised, created and used what Nelson regarded as one of the finest - if not the finest - methods of giving private readings and (apparently) reading the minds of others.

The system described is so subtle and versatile that Dr. "A" and Nelson both were able to give thought-staggering readings and demonstrations under the most adverse of conditions, whether...

★★★★★ $10
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Robert A. Nelson
The Mentalist's Manual by Robert A. Nelson

Do you want to be a professional mentalist? This authoritative textbook shows how to enter this interesting and highly profitable profession. This ebook literally takes the reader by the hand, and step by step, outlines the correct procedure - from start to finish. Just as if you hired Nelson to consult with you on how to break into the psychic entertainment business.

Covered in detail are: How to begin - the necessary requisites - suitable names and titles - the lecture - routines - publicity and a hundred and one time-proven facts that are so necessary for success. Not only does Nelson...

★★★★ $6
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Robert A. Nelson
The Ghost Book of Dark Secrets by Robert A. Nelson

If you've wanted to present a Midnight Theatre Ghost Show - a Spirit Seance - Haunt a House - or scare the Yell out of your friends at a Ghost Party, The Ghost Book of Dark Secrets tell you how!

Revealed - completely - the strange and weird manifestations that transpire in darkness during the midnight spook shows and in private seance rooms. Ghosts by night stimulate the imagination - a sense of unease reigns as darkness falls - a thousand chills and thrills await. Go behind the scenes and learn how to duplicate these spine-chilling demonstrations for profit - or fun!

  • The Theatre Midnight...
★★★★ $12
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Robert A. Nelson
The Horoscope Pitch by Robert A. Nelson

Here's a complete selling plan for the Horoscope Pitch, where the income can run to thousands of dollars per week!

Learn how to enter this very profitable business. Detailed information on the full presentation - what is needed - what to sell, including descriptions of the best and most profitable horoscopes - where to work - how to book, terms and profit possibilities.

The investment is small and the profit potentials are tremendous. Work parks, resorts, fairs, stores, exhibitions, theatres - indoors or out of doors - in fact, wherever people gather. This is a great venture for the man...

★★★★★ $15
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Robert A. Nelson
Sensational Answers by Robert A. Nelson

Add punch, excitement and interest to your stage presentation with Sensational Answers. The truly outstanding mentalist must add a few outstanding and long-remembered situations in every program to give it balance, create dramatic tension and palpable relief.

The run-of-the-mill questions and answers rightfully constitute the bulk of every psychic entertainer's program, but it is the out-of-the-ordinary, the daring and sensational situations that are the ones your audience remembers and talks about. For a dynamic, sensational program, you must use dynamic and sensational material.


★★★★ $8
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Robert A. Nelson
The Men-Tal-O Mystery Act by Robert A. Nelson

Here is one of the cleverest and most convincing acts of its kind ever offered. It completely baffles the audience, as the presentation apparently allows no opportunity for trickery.

Fair note cards and envelopes are distributed to members of the audience, with the request that they write their questions on the cards, sign their name, then seal their query in an envelope. This done, the performer collects the sealed questions, inquires of each spectator their name, and writes their names or initials upon the envelopes for the purpose of identification.

The sealed questions are then collected...

★★★ $8
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Robert A. Nelson
The Mindreader's Packet by Robert A. Nelson

Here is a collection of twenty (yes, 20) choice mental and psychic presentations, most of which may be performed impromptu with little or no preparation. The Mindreader's Packet will enable you to demonstrate your apparent amazing mental and psychic abilities that will long linger in the minds of your audience.

Here are descriptions of just a few of the twenty effects contained in this ebook:

MENTAL CARDOLOGY - The mentalist correctly divines the name of a selected playing card, which is placed in his hand behind his back. May be immediately repeated. Ordinary unprepared cards are used...

★★★★★ $15
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Robert A. Nelson
Projected Answers by Robert A. Nelson

The first and only book on the technique of "projected answers to questions!"

Learn the professional mentalist's secret of projecting or carrying the replies to questions. Don't just provide a simple answer or restate the question. Use Nelson's projection technique to turn an ordinary Q&A act into a masterpiece. Not only does the spectator receive an answer to her question, but she is given a bonus in the form of additional information pertaining to her question, plus other predicted events.

The spectator is doubly intrigued at this mysterious source of information. Other spectators become...

★★★★ $8
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Robert A. Nelson
Technique of the Private Reader by Robert A. Nelson

Nelson reveals the special techniques that enable psychics and mentalists to give spectacular private readings.

Successful operators are able to astound and bewilder clients with apparent facts and reason, though unbeknownst to them. Where does this strange and uncanny power come from?

It's easy to "give readings," to apparently read the innermost thoughts of your subject and to chart their life from "cradle to grave," if you possess the technique - the knowledge of how to judge your client. What to tell him or her and how to accurately read their reactions. Such is the true secret. ...

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