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Mentalism & Spiritism in Magic & Conjuring: page 28


Bizarre Reading Systems, Oracles & Cold Reading Propless Book Tests Billets Q&A ESP Two Person Codes Zodiac, Star Signs or Birthday Pendulums Muscle Reading & Contact Mind Reading Slates


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Paul Voodini
The Magician's Guide to Palm Reading by Paul Voodini

Paul Voodini presents The Magicians' Guide to Palm Reading - a concise guide to reading palms and how to incorporate these skills into your close-up magic and mentalism routines.

When working at wedding receptions, corporate events, and dinner parties, why is it that Paul Voodini always has crowds of spectators around him? Why is it that long after the "regular" magicians have packed away their sponge balls and gone home, the events organisers are stuffing money into Paul's hands and begging him to stay for another hour or two? The answer is simple - palm reading!

By becoming a magician...

★★★★★ $12
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Paul Voodini
The Psychic Cash Machine by Paul Voodini

The Psychic Cash Machine: Make Money from Psychic Readings is the ultimate guide to how to actually earn a living as a psychic reader. Whether your oracle of choice is the tarot or the palm or something more flamboyant, you'll find a wealth of information in this ebook to help you actually get your skills working for you! Areas covered include psychic parties, psychic fairs, one-to-one readings and working as a table-hopping reader. This ebook is full of real life experience from someone who continues to work successfully in this field. The author Paul Voodini is UK's most prolific "psychic...

★★★★★ $30
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Paul Voodini
The Chimney Sweep's Victorian Oracle by Paul Voodini

In Victorian London, the chimney sweep was a man who lived half way between night & day, between light & dark. A man who breathed smoke and handled hot coals. A man who, it was believed, talked to demons and angels as he made his way upwards through the chimney from the hearth to the stars. A man who cheated Death on a daily basis. To shake hands with a sweep was to bring yourself good luck, and if a woman should kiss a sweep then folklore dictated that she would be pregnant within the year, and the child would have the ’gift’ of clairvoyance. And for those souls brave enough to cross his...

★★★★ $12
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Paul Voodini
Pure Q and A by Paul Voodini

Imagine a full two hour Q & A show for the stage or parlour that involves no sleights, no gaffs, and no gimmicks. A two hour show that will be perceived by your audience as the real thing as opposed to a "magic trick"! This is Pure Q & A - questions are answered, futures are divined, telepathy is demonstrated, and the audience are enthralled.

This is a manuscript that has been born out of true life performance - all ideas and scripts included are lifted directly from Paul's stage and parlour show. This is real world mentalism at its very best. Although the Pure Q & A show is designed for...

★★★★ $22
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Paul Voodini
Midnight Side of the Mind by Paul Voodini

"Enrique Enriquez brought us Acts of Imagination, Banachek brought us Psychological Subtleties, Tomo brought us Naked Mentalism, and now Paul Voodini brings us Midnight Side of the Mind." - Dr. Todd Landman, AIMC with silver star, co-founder of Psycrets, the British Society of Mystery Entertainers.

Midnight Side of the Mind is Paul Voodini's most ambitious and far-reaching book thus far. Encompassing past life regressions, remote viewing, psychometry, and the enigmatic routine called "Kiss of the Clairvoyant", Midnight Side of the Mind has variously been described as "revolutionary"...

★★★★★ $150
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Paul Voodini
3 Coins 4 Your Thoughts by Paul Voodini

3 Coins 4 Your Thoughts is a full, self-contained, multi-phase reading system perfect for any situation - impromptu or in-depth. Utilising just 3 coins (your own or borrowed), you will be able to give wonderful, uplifting readings to both friends and complete strangers. Because this system uses items that everybody carries in their pockets, wallets, or purses (3 coins) its great strength is perhaps in social settings where you may be asked to demonstrate something "weird"! However because this is a fully formed reading system, it is equally ideal for a more in-depth formal reading. This is a...

★★★★ $7
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Paul Voodini
The Art: Midnight Side of the Mind 2 by Paul Voodini

Paul Voodini presents The Art: Midnight Side of the Mind 2. This is the follow up work to 2011's groundbreaking Midnight Side of the Mind, and as such should not be purchased unless you have a copy of Midnight Side of the Mind.

The Art: Midnight Side of the Mind 2 covers many new routines and ideas while also offering expansions and ideas from the original Midnight Side of the Mind. New routines include Sitting in Circle where a group of people are given the gift of clairvoyance, The Ghost of Highgate Cemetery where a volunteer is taken on a journey to a graveyard, and The Ganzfeld Experiments which is an entertaining adaptation of the Ganzfeld...

★★★★★ $95
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Paul Voodini
Psychic Phenomena: Interactive Tarot Readings from the Stage by Paul Voodini

Paul Voodini presents a highly entertaining and interactive way of providing tarot card readings from the stage. This wonderful routine is ideal for both parlour and more intimate presentations as well as working fantastically with larger audiences of 100 and more. This routine combines the classic theatrics of old school mentalism with more modern requirements of being upbeat, interactive, and engaging. Whether you're performing in front of a dozen friends or in front of a full theater, this PDF will demonstrate to you exactly how to provide 30 minutes or more entertainment with nothing more...

★★★★ $8
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Paul Voodini
Cold Reading Lecture 2012 by Paul Voodini

In March of 2012, Paul Voodini was employed to give a 2 hour lecture on cold reading to the drama department of one of England's finest universities. The head of the drama department was perhaps hoping for an explanation of cold reading followed by the usual debunking of psychics as frauds who employ nothing but 'cold reading'. This, however, is not the lecture the university received!

While explaining in great detail what cold reading actually is (because, as you'll be aware, there is a lot of misinformation out there), Paul also went on to tackle the subject of genuine intuition. Perhaps...

★★★★★ $7.50
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Paul Voodini
Cathy Shadows: Doing It For Real by Paul Voodini

For the first time ever, Paul Voodini is proud to present the work of another performer. Cathy Shadows is the pseudonym of a professional esoteric entertainer, working primarily in the psychic party and psychic fair market.

This 19 page PDF outlines her favourite routines that she employs on a regular basis to amaze her clients. These routines range from ESP and telepathy through to mind-to-mind communication and tools for readings. The great thing about these routines is that there is no 'trickery' involved! These routines are devised to be presented as genuine demonstrations of the paranormal!...

★★★★ $6
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Paul Voodini
Ninja Mind-Reading Secrets of the Cold War Psychic Spies by Paul Voodini

Ninja Mind-Reading Secrets of the Cold War Psychic Spies is a 56 page PDF comprising of routines, ideas and thoughts. The reader is taken on a journey from the Victorian London of Scotland Yard to the CIA & Soviet psychic spy initiatives to the Psychic Shadowlands of the Shinobi Ninja. The reader is also introduced to a variety of real life psychic spies and the adventures they undertook!

The ebook is broken down into three parts: Scotland Yard, the CIA, and the Ninja. The book features the following routines: The Hangman's Noose*, The Baker Street Tarot, Past Life Pendulum, Unknown Caller*,...

★★★★★ $25
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Paul Voodini
A Lightning Rod to the Spirits by Paul Voodini

A Lightning Rod to the Spirits contains four exciting new routines, routines that are proud to have their feet planted very firmly in the world of Bizarre Magick! Utilising the most common and simple props (a thumb tip for example and a magic colouring book - not to mention a frying pan!), these routines will take your audience on a genuinely freaky journey. There are no half measures here - these routines are designed to actually spook an audience!

The routines feature at their core common, everyday items such as a watch, a sachet of salt, a child's colouring book and yes, a frying pan....

★★★★ $15
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Paul Voodini
The Ghost of Sherlock Holmes by Paul Voodini

A compendium of Sherlock Holmes inspired bizarre and story-telling magic utilizing playing cards, pendulums and other common objects. This collection of four routines will take you and your audience to a world of London fog, Victorian mystery, and self-working wonders.

Written in Paul's usual engaging and entertaining manner, the routines featured use nothing but self-working techniques which allows you to concentrate on performance and setting the right atmosphere.

Routines featured are:

Dr. Bell's Party Piece: Arthur Conan Doyle's inspiration for Sherlock Holmes, Dr. Joseph Bell was...

★★★★ $8
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Paul Voodini
Seance for the Undead: a Duet of Unusual Magicks by Paul Voodini

Seance for the Undead: a Duet of Unusual Magicks features two new routines from the slightly disturbed mind of Paul Voodini. Both routines combine elements of the psychological and the esoteric with more traditional (but very simple) conjuring techniques. This is bizarre magic that is designed to entertain, enthrall and, yes, scare a parlour audience!

The first routine is entitled Raising the Dead. This is a seance-based routine that combines both the psychological elements that Paul Voodini is famous for along with some small pieces of illusion.

The vampire has long been a source of fascination...

★★★★★ $18
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Paul Voodini
How to be a Successful Medium: and other bedtime stories for mentalists by Paul Voodini

How to be a Successful Medium: and Other Bedtime Stories for Mentalists represents Paul Voodini's final PDF contribution to the world of mentalism! Centring around the stage performances of mediums, Paul analyses all aspects of their shows and demonstrates how there is much that any mentalist or mind-reader can learn from a good medium (as opposed to a bad medium, of which there are many!).

By combining techniques employed by stage mediums, any mentalist or mind-reader (or even magician) can add new depths or resonance and meaning to his performance. Using the techniques outlined in this...

★★★★★ $15
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Paul Voodini
The Magician's Guide to the Tarot by Paul Voodini

From the man who brought you the Magician's Guide to Palm Reading, comes the Magician's Guide to the Tarot!

The Tarot has long fascinated both magicians and the general public. With its entrancing artwork and air of mystery, these cards are the perfect tool for magicians and mentalists. However many magicians and mentalists can find it difficult to incorporate the Tarot into their close-up sets. Learning what each card means and then delivering a 'reading' can seem a daunting task. With 78 cards in a full deck, many can be worried that it is impossible to remember what each card means. And when it comes to using the Tarot...

★★★★★ $16
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Paul Voodini
Coffee Break Mental Magic #1: 3 Invisible Keys of Wonder by Paul Voodini

3 Invisible Keys of Wonder is the first edition of Coffee Break Mental Magic, a weekly Paul Voodini PDF publication featuring stunning routines that utilize commonplace tools of mentalism, and sold for less than the price of a cup of coffee. The emphasis on the routines is powerful storylines and simple mechanics, meaning that all can enjoy them and use them, from beginners to seasoned professionals.

Normally the weekly Coffee Break Mental Magic release will feature a single routine, but to celebrate its launch, this first edition '3 Invisible Keys to Wonder' features three original routines,...

★★★★ $2.50
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Paul Voodini
Coffee Break Mental Magic #2: Multi-Dimensional Out of this World by Paul Voodini

Paul Voodini presents Multi-Dimensional Out Of This World, the second in the weekly Coffee Break Mental Magic series. This is the Christmas & New Year 2013 edition, and as such it features something a little bit special. It is Paul Voodini's take on the classic Out Of This World card routine. However, as you can probably imagine, in the hands of Voodini Out Of This World is shaken up and is turned into a 3 phase routine featuring a volunteer being appointed as the group's psychic, a message being delivered from the spirits, and a display of personal intuition that contains within it a subconscious...

★★★★ $2.50
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Paul Voodini
Coffee Break Mental Magic #3: Holmes and Moriarty by Paul Voodini

The third edition of Coffee Break Mental Magic is a Sherlock Holmes special to celebrate the launch on January 1st of the third series of BBC TV's wonderful Sherlock programme! This PDF features a self-working card routine (the only equipment you need is a normal deck of cards) that explores the eternal dance between the Great Detective and the King of Crime, Sherlock Holmes and Professor Moriarty! What is the unbreakable bond that links these two men? Why is it that they battle to destroy each other and yet neither can exist without the other? Holmes & Moriarty - the Yin & Yang of crime and...

★★★★ $2.50
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Paul Voodini
Coffee Break Mental Magic #4: Fortune Tellers and Witches by Paul Voodini

This is the fourth release in the Coffee Break Mental Magic series and features two very special routines plus for the first time, a short story on a magical theme!

Paul Voodini presents the Story Teller's Oracle. This is a dice based reading system that is totally original and works in a way that has perhaps not been explored before. The system is pleasingly easy to master meaning memory work is kept to a minimum (no need for hidden cribs or sheets of numbers!), all of which allows the performer to concentrate on presentation, atmosphere, and engaging the sitter.

Paul is also delighted...

★★★★ $2.85
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Paul Voodini
The Spirit-Medium's Secret Friend by Paul Voodini

After being forgotten for a century and a half, the mythical lost text of Victorian Spiritualism 'The Spirit-Medium's Secret Friend' has finally been revealed to Paul Voodini, shown to him in dreams and meditations by his spirit guide Nero Wolfe.

Really??? No, of course not. But what then is this PDF titled The Spirit-Medium's Secret Friend? A labour of love? An intricate back-story for those with eyes to see? A plot for any number of routines? Or simply a fascinating insight into the shadowy world of the Victorian spirit-medium? You decide. Come empty handed and take from this text that...

★★★★ $6.50
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Paul Voodini
Coffee Break Mental Magic #5: The Ghost of M.R. James by Paul Voodini

This is the fifth edition of the Coffee Break Mental Magic series and features a spooky routine based around the ghost stories of author M.R. James! When a collector of occult and esoteric books visits a small bookshop in the English village of Castleton, he could not have predicted that a demon would later be sent to kill him! However as a student of the occult, the book-loving collector is not as easy to kill as might be expected!

This is an enthralling story-telling routine that utilises a thumb tip bill switch or classic billet switch (or even a change bag). It is beyond the scope of...

★★★★ $2.50
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Paul Voodini
Bibliotheque by Paul Voodini

Bibliotheque - of books; a library or depository of wisdom...

Bibliotheque - direct, classic mind-reading wrapped in a silky dust jacket of cold reading and personality profiling...

Bibliotheque - a three stage routine for stage or parlour where the hits just keep getting bigger and bigger!

Pick a book, any book!

The performer is joined by a volunteer in front of the audience. She fairly chooses a book from those on display, and from there she and the audience are taken on a journey of discovery. The performer supplies a stunning character profile, a quick reading, and then plucks...

★★★★ $12.50
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Paul Voodini
Mark of the Devil: Six Slick Routines with a Marked Deck by Paul Voodini

This manuscript features six routines from Paul Voodini, all utilizing a marked deck. As well as fully explaining the routines, Paul also discusses many subtleties that allow the performer to use a marked deck with confidence and the 'tricks of the trade' that mean the spectators never suspect for a moment that there is anything 'funny' about the cards.

The routines included are:

The Keeper of Secrets. The performer is able to correctly divine a chosen card despite the spectator desperately trying to keep its identity a secret.

Thought Transfer. Performer and spectator work together...

★★★★ $6.50
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