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Mentalism & Spiritism in Magic & Conjuring: page 54


Bizarre Reading Systems, Oracles & Cold Reading Propless Book Tests Billets Q&A ESP Two Person Codes Zodiac, Star Signs or Birthday Pendulums Muscle Reading & Contact Mind Reading Slates


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Renzo Grosso
The Magic Stone by Renzo Grosso

In many mentalistic effects, the spectator answers the performer's questions in a sincere way or not, without the performer knowing the choice made.

The concept of "lie or truth" makes the effect stronger and the idea that the illusionist guesses however reinforces the memory of an effect as an exceptional event, almost a miracle.

In the effect presented here, a further degree of freedom has been added: after the first response, the viewer can decide whether to maintain the same behavior (lie / truth) or if he prefers to change it.

In practice, the two answers can be LIE / LIE, TRUTH...

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Renzo Grosso
Tarots and Arcana by Renzo Grosso

Honestly, I have not been able to trace the author of this principle, which I think is lost in the mists of time. My Master of Mentalism Valerio Bovolenta taught me, and I want to give credit to him. I have done nothing but study it and try to indicate a method to be able to propose it with any number of cards.

The procedure is very simple: the spectator chooses how many cards he wants to use, puts away the remaining cards (they will not be used further), shuffles the cards he chose and, on the instruction of the performer, chooses a number, looks at a card, and reassembles the deck; even...

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Renzo Grosso
Arcane Tarot Stories by Renzo Grosso

"Tarot is a deck of cards but the Tarot represents a person. We are the Tarot and we use the Tarot because we live." (Andrea Mecchia)

I don't know if it happens to you too ... when I particularly love a project, I start to collect elements, I work on it a bit, but it always seems that something is missing ... you leave and resume the project, but that something is always missing ... then, one day, it arrives like that in one fell swoop, and makes everything good.

This is the story of this project, which I finally want to share, with the hope that it will also satisfy your desire to present...

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Renzo Grosso
Mentalism Experiments: Kinesics and the Art of the Lie by Renzo Grosso

The content of this publication collects the notes of a conference held some time ago to friends and colleagues, dedicated to the problem of "truth / lie". The book, published in Italy, has had a flattering success in bookstores: I think it is right to share the content also in the English language.

A good mentalist must necessarily acquire a good knowledge of the messages of the body and interpret the moods of the viewer to best conduct the effect. An excellent mentalist is always able to understand if the viewer is sincere or if he is lying, often leaving him the possibility to choose...

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Renzo Grosso
Remote Close Up 16 by Renzo Grosso

I love the mentalism effects on the phone, and I often use them in close-up and sometimes - appropriately modified - stage performances. I have collected more than 100, in the last 2 years and, slowly, I am proposing them with these publications. Some draw inspiration from real "pearls" of great artists, which I allowed myself to face, with extreme humility, developing them with a new setting, sometimes adding some interesting details. Others are a little older, even centuries, maybe even well known, but they are often "disruptive" as never before! Still, others are mine or, better said, by...

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Renzo Grosso
ATM Pin Reloaded by Renzo Grosso

This routine was presented some time ago and now, after having faced various situations, both on stage, in the parlor and in the living room, the time has come to apply some modifications which simplify the conduction of the effect, which can be proposed in close up, in person, on the phone (audio only) or on stage: three different and interesting ways for the same effect.

The method used is explained in detail, so that the effect can be modeled by the performer and repeated immediately afterward, making it difficult to immediately understand the method used.

The principle is interesting! ...

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Renzo Grosso
Mentalism and Communication by Renzo Grosso

The presentation of a magic effect is linked to many aspects, from the personality of the performer to the type of audience, to the type of show to be staged. Mentalism is only a pretext, it lends itself better than other spells to the discussion, especially on the definition of the character, the construction of the story, on the revelation. What we will analyze is not only useful for those who want to be a mentalist, but it is a stimulus to the realization of any magical effect and to improve one's communication process, with anyone on any subject. It's a mini-course in communication/NLP...

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Renzo Grosso
Connected by Renzo Grosso

A very effective parlor or stage effect. Cards or tickets can be used, or ESP cards or even tickets were drawn on the spot by the spectator on which to carry out an effective act of reading in the final revealing phase.

The spectator receives 4 cards, and shuffles them several times, at his discretion, while the mentalist has his back turned: at the end, he will be able to describe the correct position of all the cards.

To simplify the final phase for the performer, we propose the use of an ingenious "homemade" gimmick, which allows you to operate calmly, without fear of forgetfulness...

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Tite by RedDevil

A new principle for business cards.

"I was badly fooled!" - Matt Mello

"I HAVE NO IDEA! This principle can be used in so many routines and ways, it's making my head spin!" - Phedon Bilek

"I would give a testimony to this effect, but I don't want you guys having it. IT FOOLED ME - I grinned from ear to ear when RedDevil shared the workings and I just don't know if I'm ready to let RedDevil share this. It's too bloody cheeky! (Said in my best British accent). I love it!" - Peter Turner

"With T.I.T.E., RedDevil has taken something that many of us have played with (no, not - get your filthy mind...

★★★★★ $35
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Fauxlogical by RedDevil

"As a creator, I have a tendency to pass up on 99% of all releases and instead only take interest in those which offer me a fresh set of tools to play with...If you are looking for a wonderful impromptu mental mystery to add to your repertoire, or are looking for some new techniques to play with, you won't be disappointed here!" -Michael Murray

"I had no idea how he could have any valuable information...The more I thought about it, the more perplexed I was. It was IMPOSSIBLE. There was absolutely no way he could know anything." - Madison Hagler

It's called Fauxlogical, and it is diabolical....
★★★★ $35
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Red Nist
Pendulum Intuition by Red Nist

A card is chosen and lost in the deck. The deck is spread on the table. A pendulum is passed over the deck and begins to move over a group of cards. These small numbers of cards are then spread separately on the table. The pendulum is passed again over the cards and the pendulum begins to move clearly over one card. The card is revealed: it's the card of the spectator. This is a good magic trick right?

One day, I dreamed that this trick was done totally by the spectator, thanks to his intuition. I never touch the deck. I never touch the spectator. I never touch the pendulum. I never touch...

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Raymond Doetjes
Bankteller: A Money Prediction Effect by Raymond Doetjes

Bankteller is a powerful money prediction effect that involves several people: You hand a volunteer a prediction envelope. You show an empty stack of envelopes, you ask several people to put one coin each in that empty envelope, whilst you look away. You let the volunteer seal the envelope. After you noticed that a few of the contributors have cheated, you ask the volunteer to open the envelope and you predicted the exact amount collected; No swami writing!

Then you ask her to take any three coins and slip them in envelopes and mix them up. You will know where each coin is.

As a final thought...

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Raymond Doetjes
SQUIDS: Simple, Quick, Direct and Stunning by Raymond Doetjes

SQUIDS is a manuscript that covers the power of ambiguous phrasing, psychological forcing and psychological subtleties to these five detailed effects. All these effects are built with true psychology in mind obviously backed up with foolproof magical methods

  • Regress your self: an effect similar to what Derren Brown performed in His Evening of Wonders, where a spectator reads the minds of three people from the audience.
  • Spectator as Mindreader: where a spectator reads your mind whilst dealing cards. You can proof you actually selected thought of card
  • Forcing an American Icon: You show 30...
★★★★★ $12.95
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Raymond Doetjes
Shocked by a Miracle by Raymond Doetjes

An effect from Raymond's former show...

Shocked by a Miracle is a realistic demonstration of voodoo-like powers where one picture gets pierced or scorched and one person is marked out by either her screams or a physical mark.

The ideal effect for hypnotists employing pre-show hypnosis but also just as effective for non-hypnotists.

1st edition 2010; 5 pages (excluding cover and blank).

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Raymond Doetjes
Fouray Envelope by Raymond Doetjes

The Fouray envelope is a utility device which was born out of the necessity of having a 4-way out and showing it empty. Specially designed for those close-up performances. It has been a well guarded secret for the past 2.5 years now. It's here for the working mentalist who wants 4 outs in one envelope without using himber wallets! So get out the glue and paper-cutter and make as many as you want in less than 15 minutes per envelope.

1st edition 2010; 12 pages

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Ray Noble
The Cleansing by Ray Noble

In this unique routine you will meet an interesting man named George who happens to be a voodoo priest. This routine is told in story form to enhance the effect and to let you see how powerful belief can be. The Cleansing is a method that uses a pendulum to help cleanse a person from negativity or other things that might be upsetting them. Through the power of a pendulum not only is the negativity or worry removed but a calming takes place within the person. This is a routine that uses the persons own mind to free them of their trouble. It is played as real and those attempting this needs to...

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Ray Noble
Behind the Mirror by Ray Noble

Have you even wanted to do something that is both fun and scary? This routine can be performed at parties and friends' homes. This is a small séance that plays big and can really be played anytime of the year that you want. It uses a common magic prop that most of us have lying in a drawer and B.O.S (balls of steel).

Mirrors have always held a fascination with people and have always been connected to stories of being a portal to other worlds.

Have you ever wondered as you prepare for bed at night how things may not be as they seem? At night we comb our hair and brush our teeth as we...

★★★★★ $10
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Ray Noble
The Focus by Ray Noble

Do you want to really amaze your friends or spectator? This routine will make you stand out and seem to have powers that can't be explained. Hand them a notepad and pencil. Tell them to shut their eyes and scribble all over the page. When finished the notepad is closed and placed on the table. They now select a real playing card or one from an imaginary deck or maybe just think of an ESP symbol.

Once the selection has been made, the notepad is open and the spectator closes their eyes for a few seconds. When told to open their eyes they stare intently into their scribbling. As they stare...

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Ray Grismer
Impromptu Mentalism by Ray Grismer

Impromptu mentalism is usually improvised but certain effects may be prepared in advance if they are presented as impromptu ideas. Somewhat like the comic who memorizes thousands of one-liners and seems to create them off the top of his head.

  • Bold Shots
  • Cold Reading
  • Contact Mind Reading
  • Pendulums
  • Basic Equipment
  • Center Tear
  • Billet Switch
  • Stooges
  • Forces
  • Equivoce
  • Hobson's Choice
  • Memory
  • Magic Squares
  • Higher Math
  • 1089
  • A B C D
  • 3 - 34 Follow-Up
  • Words
  • Wallet Acts
  • Magic
  • The Occult
  • COP Out
  • Finally

1st edition ~1980, 14 pages; PDF 8 pages.

★★★★ $10
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Ray Grismer
What's Your Sign? by Ray Grismer

A letter-by-letter revelation of somebody's birth sign that produces at most two No. Here is an example:

"What's your sign? Don't tell me! I'll read your mind. Here's a list of the twelve signs of the zodiac. Concentrate on yours. Now, mentally print it in big block letters. Look at it in your mind. Concentrate. I'll try to see what you see. When I make a statement please answer with a Yes or No. I see an R. Yes. I see an I. Yes. I see an A. Yes. I see an S. No. My error - it's an L. Yes. We're looking at Libra. Yes!"

1st edition ~1987, 3 pages; PDF 2 pages.

★★★★ $5
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Ray Gordon
ESP Error by Ray Gordon
"Top Routine. Bravo!" - Roland Henning, Zaubertheater Lübeck, and owner of

The mentalist hands out a prediction for things to come. Then a spectator mixes five envelopes, each envelope containing one of the five ESP cards. he places them next to each other on the table. He has full control over the order.

Five more envelopes with ESP cards are shuffled and placed on the table, each on top of one of the other envelopes. The spectator has a free choice, where to place the envelops and he can change the order again if he wants to. At the end there...

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Raphaël Czaja
Easy Simple Prediction by Raphaël Czaja


The magician spreads a packet of five cards (from Ace to 5 of mixed suits) face up and a spectator thinks of one of them. The magician squares the packet, telling the spectator that among these cards, there is one card with a different back. The spectator says the name of his card out loud. For example, the 3 of Diamonds. The magician shows that any of the other cards could have been thought of and he deals the selected card on the table. He turns the remaining cards face down and clearly shows only Bicycle backs. The spectator turns over his card revealing the only Tally-Ho backed...

★★★★★ $8 $5
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Raphaël Czaja
Pocket Word Game by Raphaël Czaja

A prediction effect with an alphabet deck that fits in your pocket.

The magician picks four spectators to play a word game. He makes a prediction that he leaves face down, in full view, on the table and introduces a packet of alphabet cards: Thirteen cards with a different letter on both sides. Each spectator cuts, deals, and flips over the cards. The magician puts aside one card (a 'bonus card') and deals the rest of the cards among the four spectators.

The game is divided into two phases, a warm-up and the real deal.

THE WARM-UP: The spectators are asked to make up the longest word...

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Raphaël Czaja
ESP in Color by Raphaël Czaja

Find two thought-of E.S.P. cards without even looking at the deck.

A deck of 25 colored E.S.P. cards (a.k.a. Zener cards) is introduced. It contains five different symbols in five different colors. In other words, every card is unique. The magician shuffles the deck and tables it.

After he turns his back, two spectators remove a card from the deck. They create their own card — combining the symbol on one card and the color on the other card — and hide their selections face down under the cardbox.

The magician faces the spectators again and asks them to visualize their thought-of...

★★★★★ $5
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