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Mentalism & Spiritism in Magic & Conjuring: page 67


Bizarre Reading Systems, Oracles & Cold Reading Propless Book Tests Billets Q&A ESP Two Person Codes Zodiac, Star Signs or Birthday Pendulums Muscle Reading & Contact Mind Reading Slates


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Robert A. Nelson
Mystery of the Gyrating Tables by Robert A. Nelson

In this eBook, Bob Nelson reveals his Mystery of the Gyrating Tables presentation, complete with opening lecture.

This effect certainly belongs in the realm of the psychic. Present it as an example of spirit phenomena, inject a little showmanship, and, as Nelson says, you'll "skyrocket to fame."

Using ordinary, unprepared tables and no apparatus whatsoever, the tables will tip, teeter, wobble and gyrate around the room or stage in the craziest fashion. And this despite the medium not even seated at the table with the participants! No stooges or confederates are employed at any time. ...

★★★★ $6
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Robert A. Nelson
With the Eyes of Dr. Reese by Robert A. Nelson

Here is a miraculous, "test conditions" billet reading method that is both fiendishly clever and imminently practical. Leave it to the fertile brain of Bob Nelson to develop a billet test as good as this!

The sitter writes any question on a slip of paper and folds it tightly. She drops this into a glass tumbler. Sitter then takes her own handkerchief and places same over mouth of glass. A rubber band is used to snap around the edge of glass, holding the handkerchief in place.

The glass, containing the spectator's billet, is left standing on a table throughout the test. The performer picks...

★★★★ $6
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Robert A. Nelson
The Mentalist's Manual by Robert A. Nelson

Do you want to be a professional mentalist? This authoritative textbook shows how to enter this interesting and highly profitable profession. This ebook literally takes the reader by the hand, and step by step, outlines the correct procedure - from start to finish. Just as if you hired Nelson to consult with you on how to break into the psychic entertainment business.

Covered in detail are: How to begin - the necessary requisites - suitable names and titles - the lecture - routines - publicity and a hundred and one time-proven facts that are so necessary for success. Not only does Nelson...

★★★★ $6
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Devin Knight
Secrets of Floating Mediums by Devin Knight

Have you wondered how the old-time mediums and even some of the current day crop of mediums levitated in the air? Devin Knight reveals some of the deep dark secrets in this PDF.

Colin Evans achieved a lot of notoriety for his ability to levitate in the air, claiming the spirits lifted him up. Even today his photos are on the internet and many people believe he was a real medium and that these photos prove levitation. You will learn the real secrets in the PDF on how he pulled it off. An eye-opener.

Douglas Home was a world-renown medium who is still controversial to this day. In this PDF,...

★★★★ $6
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David Phelps Abbott
Behind the Scenes with the Mediums by David Phelps Abbott

Considered one of the best books on exposing and explaining the methods of spirit mediums.

The expanded edition this ebook is based on includes his entire Spirit Slate Writing and Billet Tests four part article which was originally published in The Journal of the American Society for Psychical Research.

    • I. Introduction
    • II. Washington Irving Bishop's Sealed Letter Reading in a New Dress
    • III. Test Where a Trick Envelope with a Double Front is used
    • IV. Test Where the Medium Secretly Filches a Letter from the Pocket of the Sitter
    • V. The Mystic Oracle...
★★★★★ $6
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Werner Miller
E-Z Square 7 by Werner Miller

Even more effects with magic squares.

1st edition 2017; 13 pages.

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Werner Miller
E-Z Square 8 by Werner Miller

Even more magic squares with playing cards.

1st edition 2017; 12 pages.

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W. G. Magnuson & Devin Knight
Del-Ardo's Private Sealed Envelope Reading Method by W. G. Magnuson & Devin Knight

Del-Ardo was a professional medium of the old school. He developed many ways to read messages in a sealed envelope, but this was his favorite method and was the one he used most. This is also the same method that was used by psychic, Jason Michaels, during his career, with a few of his improvements. Devin Knight is still using this improved method to this day.

This method is also being used by phony mediums today who are working the spiritualist churches and camps because it is almost 100% foolproof and there is almost no chance of getting caught cheating. The method is that good.

A plain...

★★★★ $6
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Unknown Mentalist
Mind Spark 6: Audio Peek by Unknown Mentalist

Audio Peek is an unconventional peeking technique using the auditory sense and not the usual sight/vision sense. This simple and easy technique/method/habit can be comfortably incorporated into one of our most common everyday activities.

The Audiopeek technique consists of 3 steps, which are as follows.

  1. Creating conditions for performing an Audio Peek.
  2. Actually doing an Audio Peek when the conditions support.
  3. Using the information thus gained in an appropriate and impactful manner.
Audio Peek will yield some tremendous results to you in the long run without you having to invest any...
★★★★ $6
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J. G. Thompson Jr.
Strongest Thought by J. G. Thompson Jr.

We're going to let the words of the immortal Robert A. Nelson describe this amazing psychic demonstration.

A volunteer assistant (not a confederate) hands out to any spectator of his choice, white cards and envelopes and the performer requests these persons to "write something." The spectators comply and seal their cards in the envelopes provided, after which they are gathered by the volunteer who passed them out. All this is perfectly fair, for the performer doesn't leave the stage at any time. The volunteer assistant takes care of everything.

After securing all the envelopes, the volunteer mixes them...

★★★★★ $6
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W. G. Magnuson
The Ellis Mindreading Act by W. G. Magnuson

EFFECT: The performer delivers a short lecture on mental telepathy and introduces the lady medium, whom, he explains, can with mental telepathy, answer any short question of a serious nature.

Small pads and pencils are passed out to interested spectators, requesting that they write their important questions, sign their name and fold the paper two times to make a small billet, with the question concealed inside. While the questions are being written, the medium is blindfolded and seated behind a small undraped table on the stage or raised platform. The folded billets are now collected in an...

★★★★ $6
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William V. Ottaway & T. A. Whitney
Magic and Mentalism Mysteries by William V. Ottaway & T. A. Whitney

Originally published as Pleasure Moments with the Magic Man. A nearly impossible to find book of occult-themed magic and mentalism is now back and better than ever.

Updated text and graphics have been added to this vintage text, containing a nice bridge to the past and present. No difficult sleights are required. Instructions are included for constructing the necessary apparatus to present these fine demonstrations to your own audiences.


  • Preface
  • Foreword
  • "Spirit Guide" Card Location in the Dark
  • "Muscle Reading" Card Trick
  • No-Sleight Card Location
  • How to Use the "Peg Card"...
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Various Authors
Occult by Various Authors

A collection of stories of the supernatural. These are great starting points to develop your patter for bizarre or otherwise weird and scary plot lines.

  • The Guide (Irene Amesbury)
  • Call of the Pool Goddess (John C. Craig)
  • The Room without Windows (W. P. Cockcroft)
  • The Bride of Yum-Chac (Henry Rawle)
  • The Fulfilment (Alexander O. Pearson)
  • Sir Rodney keeps a Date (Andrew Ringwood)
  • The Window (Winfred M. Carnegie)
  • Binker's Ghost (A. C. Bailey)

PDF 58 pages

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Will Goldston
Looking Into The Future by Will Goldston

This is a collection of cold reading methods including palm reading, astrology and preparing horoscopes. It also includes a collection of news reports about spirits, ghosts and other weird and unusual occurrences.

    • The Horoscope Of Will Goldston
    • Practical Points on Palmistry
    • Rules and conditions for the Spirit-Circle
    • Weird Happening At Lamberhurst
    • Locks And Bolts Of No Avail
    • Spirited Away
    • Wonderful Proofs
    • Robert Houdin Mystified
    • Remarkable Test
    • Majuba Visions
    • Curious...
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J. G. Thompson Jr.
Improved Question Reading by J. G. Thompson Jr.

Mentalists, here's the last word in question reading, using no chemicals, no stooges and no apparatus.

Any number of spectators write questions or other data on plain white cards, all of which are sealed by their writers themselves in opaque envelopes. Each spectator is designated by a number and these numbers are written on the envelopes. The performer gathers the questions, which are at no time out of sight of the audience, and begins to divulge the contents!. As soon as each question is answered, it is returned to the writer who acknowledges the card as the one on which he wrote and verifies...

★★★★★ $6
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David Robbins
ESP: Fact or Fiction by David Robbins

Cash in on interest in ESP and mind power with this 15 minute lecture and 30 minute demonstration that you can give.

The author has presented this lecture many times with great success. It is both educational and entertaining and will be enjoyed by most any audience from teens to active seniors. At the conclusion of the lecture, a demonstration of ESP (or is it?) follows. Audience participation is encouraged. Any magician or mentalist can perform the lecture. It can be read straight from a printed copy, performed from memory, or better yet, given as a PowerPoint presentation.

Use this...

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Devin Knight
Undetectable Stooges by Devin Knight

This is a fascinating PDF that should be in every magician’s reference library. This contains new material never revealed before by Devin Knight. Imagine that you can create effects so impossible, that the only solution that an audience could have is that the person is a stooge.

Imagine, that you point out to an audience, that the effect you are about to try appears so impossible, that you will take some measures to ensure that the people who come on stage are completely at random, not stooges or confederates and beyond your control. Yet, meeting these conditions, the people who come on...

★★★★ $6
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Eddie Clever
Thought Transcribed by Eddie Clever

From the brilliant mind of Eddie Clever comes this astoundingly direct sealed question reading miracle. Every move has been thoroughly thought out and blended to flow into a smooth sequence.

There have been many methods devised for secretly divining written data on a card within a sealed envelope, but none, we firmly believe, is as baffling or as easy to do as this. Lifted directly from Eddie's routine for private seances, it has been an exclusive favorite of his, the modus operandi never once having been detected.

The envelope used is absolutely unprepared and so is the white card, which...

★★★★★ $6
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Ulysses Frederick Grant & T. A. Whitney
Top Secret by Ulysses Frederick Grant & T. A. Whitney

Here's a no-fail method of predicting the headlines of five newspaper stories - a week in advance - without assistants, stooges, impressions, switches or gimmicked envelopes.

Want to feature a headline prediction in your act, but you don't own a prediction chest or other apparatus? Well, now you can, with this updated version of this near-impossible to find U. F. Grant creation.

Only in this updated version will you learn ways to improve the handling, add prestige to the mailing, and secure more publicity with the effect. And we've eliminated any old-fashioned ruses, leaving you with what...

★★★★★ $6
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Perfecto One-Man Psychic Act by unknown

Now you can perform a sealed message reading psychic act, without the use of paid accomplices of any kind. Not just one, but two complete presentations are thoroughly and patiently explained.

The Question-and-Answer or "Q&A" Act is one of the most riveting that the psychic entertainer can present. Your audiences will be amazed to find that the psychic performer is able to discern their thoughts ... even though their questions remain sealed and in view in a glass bowl upon the stage. And yes, their questions can be returned after the performance.

This act is the result of years of successful...

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Bob Hummer
Three Pets by Bob Hummer

From the brilliant mind of Bob Hummer comes a triple helping of mental mysteries that are as much fun for you to perform as they are for your audience to experience them. One effect uses cards, another coins, and the last uses a single, unprepared die.

Personality Test - This is a nice "ice breaker" effect with cards that sets the stage for the mental demonstrations yet to come. Captures your spectator's attention and leaves her hungry to see more.

The 'Snappy' Thirteen-Cent Trick - Who knew that thirteen cents could be this much fun? A spectator sets out two nickels and three pennies...

★★★★ $6
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Devin Knight
Shared Secrets by Devin Knight

This PDF is called Shared Secrets because several well-known performers in the past, U.F. Grant, Syd Bergson, Al Mann and I, all released the same ideas independently. This proves that great minds often think alike. In this release you get three effects:

ULTIMATE NUMBER FORCE - you get one of the most amazing number forces ever devised. No complicated math or contrived moves. This is one of the simplest ways devised to force a 3-digit number and will amaze you when you see the subtle secret. This is worth the price of the PDF by itself. Foolproof.

EASY WAY TO KNOW SOMEONE'S THOUGHTS - this was a favorite of Al Mann...

★★★★ $6
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Daniel Rowan
Democrats 2020 by Daniel Rowan

Democrats 2020 is a topical political drama in which your spectators get to role play as presidential candidates.

The effect: A spectator secretly picks a democratic presidential candidate. The magician is able to divine the spectator's selection after questioning one or more other spectators who become other political candidates. No sleight of hand. Simple method which allows the magician to concentrate on the presentation of a mini election. All the needed materials are provided in the PDF for printing. Your spectators have the fun of participating and play acting as a candidate for the...

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Bob Hummer
Poker Chip Mystery by Bob Hummer

Six poker chips, bearing the numbers 0 to ten are examined and mixed by a spectator. The spectator lays them on a table with no interference from the mentalist. While the performer's back is turned, the spectator turns over some chips. Three more are turned over and covered with a playing card, business card, or beer coaster. The performer turns around and, with no false moves or skulduggery, announces the total of the chips beneath the cards. It's that clean. And, surprisingly, it can be instantly repeated, with a different result.

Just the thing for parties, get-togethers, and bars, while...

★★★★ $6
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