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Mentalism & Spiritism in Magic & Conjuring: page 74


Bizarre Reading Systems, Oracles & Cold Reading Propless Book Tests Billets Q&A ESP Two Person Codes Zodiac, Star Signs or Birthday Pendulums Muscle Reading & Contact Mind Reading Slates


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Al Mann
Phantom Voices by Al Mann
  • TRANS PHONE TEST: Mentalist asks anyone in the audience to use his cell phone to call home and ask anyone to choose a number (which is kept secret). Another person chooses a number secretly. These numbers combined secretly by the spectators to arrive at a page in a book. Mentalist reveals the passage in the book plus the two numbers thought of. You never approach the spectators.
  • WEIRD PROPHESY: You write 6 digits on a card and give to anyone to hold. The digits are visible to the person holding them. Members of the audienc call out 4 digits while another person on the phone chooses 2 more....
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Al Mann
Tr-Id by Al Mann

Effect: Mentalist displays a board with many designs and colors. Three persons are invited to secretly choose one design each. Mentalist passes out three pieces of art board and tells the three persons to secretly draw their chosen designs on the boards. They are then instructed to think of their designs and color. Mentalist divines all three designs and colors. That is the effect and that is exactly what happens. Mentalist can walk into any audience and do the test without any previous preparation.

Uncannily, the three persons code their thoughts to the mentalist through insignificant "body...

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The Blackjack Room by Zandman

This is a true miracle. The description below is true to the last word. It reads like a miracle - because it is one.

With contributions from: Greg Arce, Neil Tobin and Richard Osterlind

The Prediction:

A prediction is sealed in an envelope and held by an audience member the entire presentation. No switches.

The Game:

On stage; a table, 5 chairs and a deck of cards. 5 players (spectators) come up to play a hand of blackjack. Cards are shuffled by a random player and re-cased to avoid any tampering by the performer as he explains about blackjack. No false shuffles. No Sleights. One player deals...

★★★★★ $40
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Luca Volpe
The Ultimate Chair Test Routine Act by Luca Volpe

This manuscript contains Luca Volpe's best stage routine, but pay attention as it is NOT just a simple chair prediction routine, this is a COMPLETE ACT of 8 minutes that will leave your audience blown away!

A multi-phase routine with an incredible crescendo of random sequence predictions.

We will not describe the effect here as it is so well conceived and well structured that you need to read the manuscript to believe it. The only thing that we will say is that you don't use N.W. or anything like that, the envelopes genuinely have the numbers printed on them and it involves a method so...

★★★★★ $40
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Dr. Bill Cushman
Mind Index by Dr. Bill Cushman

Showcasing eight mind bending effects with index cards from Dr. Bill, the creator of Mirabill and co-creator of The Witches’ Almanac. This innovative ebook includes a reprint of Millard Longman’s original Acidus Novus as well as an instructional video of Acidus Novus in action taught by Millard.

Song & Dance teaches you how to divine both a participant’s cell phone number and ring tone as verified when the phone rings, playing their song.

In Heart2Heart you tell a participant if a past love was reciprocated or unrequited as well the secret name of the object of their desire.

In 7 Deadly...

★★★★★ $40
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Devin Knight & Al Mann
The Glass Box Revisited and Other Predictions by Devin Knight & Al Mann

If you already own The Glass Box Prediction PDF this expanded version will only cost you $25 instead of $40.00.

"The Glass Box Revisited is a fascinating must read addition to the classic headline prediction story. The many tips and bits of business Devin has revealed will be of great interest to mentalists from neophyte to professional, especially the tech age information that brings everything up to date." - Larry Becker

This is the Glass Box Prediction on steroids! New and exciting techniques that take the original glass box far beyond anything you imagined possible. Almost double the size of the first release...

★★★★★ $40
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Twins by Nefesch

"Nefesch's new book, Twins, is wonderful. It is a great impromptu plot that makes sense and looks like real mentalism. More importantly, Nefesch gives you 13, yes I said 13, ways of doing the effect! You will find your favorites, but you will also have the knowledge on how to fall back on other methods should the need arise. Do yourself a favor. Forget any props this time around and just go after knowledge." - Richard Osterlind December, 2011

"TWINS is a fantastic piece of truly impromptu mentalism which will only be performed by fearless performers. Highly recommended!" - Keith Barry;...

★★★★ $40
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JC Sum
Illusionism by JC Sum

From the author of the internationally critically acclaimed Urban Illusions, Illusionary Departures books and the producer of the best selling Behind the Illusions DVD comes a first-of-its-kind ebook dedicated to professional illusions and large-scale stage routines for mentalists and mental magic presentations.

Professional illusionist & illusion designer J C Sum details eight original illusions and stage routines for mentalism shows, complete with full presentations, full-colour illustrations and building plans.

Download the free sampler right now.

The routines offer an alternative...

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Cathy Shadows & Paul Voodini
Cathy Shadows PIMP: Practical Intuition for Mystery Performers by Cathy Shadows & Paul Voodini

This second collaboration between Cathy Shadows and Paul Voodini takes their work to a new level. Concentrating on the practical application of intuition for the mentalist and the mystery performer, this 30+ page PDF is full to bursting with routines, excercises, and ideas. Is intuition a tool that can be utilised by mind-readers? This PDF very definitely thinks so - and even if you aren't sure if you actually believe in intuition, Paul Voodini and Cathy demonstrate how that doesn't actually matter! This is practical intuition, tools that will prove invaluable to all magical performers, both...

★★★★★ $40
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TC Tahoe
Riding the Rainbow by TC Tahoe

An ebook of color based readings.

"I love this book! It has many different styles of color readings. There are many variations here to fit everyone's venue. TC has done his homework on this one, he gets into details on color like no other book. This book is a gem, I love it. Riding The Rainbow contains material that will remain in your arsenal for the rest of your life." - Neal Scrye

"Like a kid in a candy store" is how I felt when I read TC Tahoe's "Riding the Rainbow." It is a delightful book on the subject of readings using color, but it goes much further than that. Going well...

★★★★★ $40
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Gerard Zitta
Effects with Business Cards by Gerard Zitta

Imagine you are anywhere but on stage, and you are unprepared. Somebody asks you to do a 'magic trick' (yeah, they know who you are!). You answer you would like to, but you have nothing with you, but a pen and a few business cards. You take out your business card holder or box, and you start amazing your audience.

Now, imagine you would take a deck of cards. It would be all different … Nobody would believe you are unprepared!

This ebook is a compendium of Gerard Zitta's effects, that can be done with business cards. They all 'look' impromptu, and most of them are indeed impromptu...

★★★★★ $40
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Christopher Bolter
Close-Up Mentalism Part 1 by Christopher Bolter

The Lottery - a frightening adaptation of the classic psychometry routine using a premise you might not have known existed. All based off of Shirley Jackson's famous short story "The Lottery"

Invisible Dreams - a clever adaptation to a prop you probably already own.

Gilbreath Revisited - this card effect is utterly baffling, so much that it's gone by some of the brightest minds in magic!

Psychic Art Thief - a drawing duplication routine that you can do during a walk around performances or even seated at a table.

Intuition - a foolproof cards across routine that never fails!


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Sean Waters
Tailored Suits: Card Routines Befitting a Mentalist by Sean Waters

"I want to crawl up your nose and take a sample of your brain so I can clone it." - Iain Dunford

"It's a great book from cover to cover." - Don Theo

"Every time Sean describes a new card effect to me it feels like coming home to that place where 'Out of This World' is brand new and I wonder what's waiting on the next page." - Mike Ince

"A real treasure chest" - Felix Schellenberg

"An Exceptional Book" - Jan Forster

"If you've ever doubted whether cards have a place in mentalism, READ THIS BOOK!" - Gabe Abelson

"Cards DO have a place in mentalism. Here is over 100 pages that further proves it." - Bryn Reynolds

"I could...

★★★★★ $40
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Atlas Brookings
The Prodigal by Atlas Brookings

"Seriously, this is underpriced...A vast amount of theory and applicable content is squeezed into this... After I get it all integrated, this is going straight into my naked repertoire... This has a huge amount of information to digest, but it's 100% workable, and Atlas has brought many, many new ways to work with this to the table. I think that many don't use this principle simply because a work this all encompassing has never before been written on the topic. This really fills a previously gaping hole in mentalism and opens up many doors. This is incredibly underpriced in my opinion. I...

★★★★★ $40
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Peter Arcane
Zodiac KeyWords by Peter Arcane

Long out of print - now for the first time in eFormat. Over the last 11 years Peter Arcane's Zodiac KeyWords has become a bit a cult classic. Initially limited to 50 copies its long been sought after. Well now it's been released in electronic format for the enjoyment of those that perform miracles and missed out the first time round.

Zodiac KeyWords picks up where Ray Grismer's What's my sign? drops off.

What do you do once you know their sign?

Within the pages you'll find a technique that will allow you to take those next steps and present yourself as someone who has more than an understanding...

★★★★★ $40
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Gerard Zitta
Phone Mysteries & Mimosa by Gerard Zitta

It is impossible nowadays to be a magician or mentalist and not perform an effect with a phone, smartphone, ipad, laptop, etc. It is also perfectly justifiable to use it as a prediction, as an out, a cueing system, a cribsheet, a storyboard, etc.

This bundle is about phones, but it also contains original effects, ideas and principles, sometimes combined with classic ones, and some of them can be applied to your existing routines, or sometimes without a phone. The Mimosa principle will transform your smart phone into an extremely powerful tool that you can use as a multiple out system or emergency...

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Ross Tayler & Fraser Parker
Ouija: billet-less name guess by Ross Tayler & Fraser Parker

As close to real billet-less name guess.

Imagine... In the course of a routine, during a close up performance, you get the spectator to focus on the name of someone close to them. They name a few random letters, including letters from the name. The name is not written down anywhere and exists only in their mind. And you instantly tell them the name they are thinking of.

This is exactly what you DO. There are no billets, tears or peeks. Simply the words you use and the illusion they create, are all you need to be able to accurately guess a name, most of the time. Like real mind reading,...

★★★★★ $40
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Paul Voodini
Victorian Seance and the Birth of Mentalism by Paul Voodini

Paul Voodini presents Victorian Seance and the Birth of Mentalism, recounting the rise of Spiritualism in the 1800s, the antics, tricks, and techniques of the fraudulent mediums, and how this led directly to the birth of that branch of the magical arts known as 'mentalism.'

This detailed manuscript outlines and explains such techniques and methods as mesmerism and hypnosis, table-tipping, slates, automatic writing, book tests, 'reading' techniques and Q&A, spirit manifestations, the Ouija board, and much, much more. The text also touches on escapology, quick change, and other magical techniques. ...

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Scott Xavier
The Princess Codebook by Scott Xavier

In The Princess Codebook mentalist Scott Xavier takes you through a proven modern two-person code. Imagine being in a meeting and having your client pick up any 3 personal items and write down a personal question and seal it inside of an envelope... You simply grab your cell phone and call your psychic accomplice. One by one the psychic reveals each item, exactly.

Now the hard part. Even though the question has not been seen by you nor the psychic, and it is sealed inside of an envelope, the psychic begins revealing precise details about the question.

This done for corporate clients, restaurant...

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Sean Waters
Wanderer by Sean Waters

In Sean's latest, he shares his timely "Second Dimensional Psychometry", which is both relevant and logical. In Wanderer, Waters also shares his finest double thought-of card routine, "Cortex", which features Sean's trademark layered methods. He also shares his delightful "Temperature" routine which makes use of ideas you know, but in a way you wish you had thought of; he promises. "Ad Infinitum" provides an organic and appealing answer for revealing an unseen psychometric item. Maybe you are on the same path and will find this material a suitable companion.

"Sean's new book is in the same...

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Andy Cannon
404 by Andy Cannon

The ebook starts with a strange story, a neuroscience-biology lesson, and an unconventional cunning opener; the cunning in which lies in our body's response to this opener as we explore the how and why of "exploiting" our natural biology. An underlining theme in this book is about setting ourselves apart from other performers, disguising our methods, and breaking down preconceived beliefs - and that is exactly what this opener, which requires strong audience management, does.

Disconnecting Doodles - My Closer

This is the explosive double drawing duplication and energetic surprise kicker...

$42.50 $39.50
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John Vincent
The Art of Suggestion And Influence: Practical Applications For Magicians And Mind Readers by John Vincent

"Lifts the lid on all the real secrets of the top TV mind readers." - Steve Crabb, NLP MASTER Trainer

You will learn how to ...

  • Suggest playing cards, images and pictures.
  • Create powerful hypnotic phenomena, without formal hypnosis.
  • Use suggestion and influence with contact muscle reading.
  • Learn failsafe methods for practicing these effects.
  • Become a more persuasive and powerful communicator.
  • Learn how to spot trance states and utilize them in entertainment. And much much more.

"The Art of Suggestion and Influence is a gold mind and must have for any one who wants to...

★★★★ $39
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Scott Creasey
Q&A Evolution by Scott Creasey

"Just watched Q&A Evolution again. Man, is it packed with subtleties and insights from someone who has been doing Q&A for 20 years. Also made up a set of the Evolution cards and have been practicing the moves. It doesn't take long at all to get the moves down smoothly. Everything takes place in your hands, right in front of the audience. And in the case of a one-on-one reading, literally right under their noses. The combination of the Q&A Evolution System cards and the readings framework Scott teaches allows you to do unique, one-on-one readings for one person, or many. The more I work with...

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MP4 (video)

Fraser Parker
Sync by Fraser Parker

Sync is the perfect method for guessing a name completely prop-less.

I recently went back to my notebooks to an older idea I had for guessing a name without the spectator ever having to say a word and after a few days of playing with scripting all of the pieces of the jigsaw finally fell into place.

It is now possible to guess any name or word thought of by the spectator without them ever having to name letters or words associated with letters from the name - in fact, they can stay completely silent throughout the entire process.

The method itself is pure simplicity and is possibly...

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