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Magical Cartoons & Interpolations
by Harry Leat


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Magical Cartoons & Interpolations by Harry Leat

Harry Leat presents a great selection of cartoons with a magical theme, many of which reveal a universal truth. They will make you think, just as they will make you laugh. Harry also continues his stories from Forty Years in & around Magic.

1st edition, 1927, Harry Leat, London; 95 pages.

  1. Truth
  2. Your Mirror
  3. Introduction
  4. A Good Opening
  5. The First "Palm"
  6. "See the Thread"
  7. Not for Magicians
  8. The Flying Candle
  9. Apparatus and Books
  10. Chemical Magic
  11. New Apparatus
  12. A Great Future
  13. Fakirism
  14. Dreams and Reality
  15. Telepathy
  16. Refined Magic
  17. "Uncle"
  18. Mr. Charles Conyers
  19. Mr. Wilfrid Jonson
  20. The Modern Conjurer
  21. The Good Old Days
  22. Circumstances Alter Cases
  23. The Woman Who Wouldn't
  24. Bewildered
  25. Lido Magic
  26. Union Magician
  27. Sheffield
  28. The Angel
  29. The President
  30. How to become a Handcuff King
  31. A Fine Figure
  32. A Man of Letters
  33. Mr. Frank Staff
  34. The Butler
  35. Good Health Gentlemen
  36. Kill Him Someone!
  37. Afternoon Tea
  38. Doctor Leat
  39. Ideas
  40. Burglars
  41. Stage Fright
  42. The World's Greatest Exposer
  43. Cartoons
  44. Dr. Nix
  45. Mr. Louis Nikola
  46. Mr. Douglas Williams
  47. Mr. Herbert J. Collings
  48. Mr. Chris Van Bern
  49. Mr. Wilford Hutchinson
  50. The Message
  51. Hands Are Empty
  52. The Hindoo Rope Vision
  53. The "International" Magician
  54. "The Gawd-Darned Amateur"
  55. The Best Flying Original
  56. A "Bright" Idea
  57. "Now Open It"
  58. The Servante
  59. On and Off
  60. Drama or Comedy
  61. Finish
  62. The House of Quality

word count: 7419 which is equivalent to 29 standard pages of text