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Mary Anne White

Mary Anne White

Mary Anne White is a Professor of Chemistry and Physics at Dalhousie University, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada. She received her BSc in Honors Chemistry from the University of Western Ontario (London, Canada) and her PhD in Chemistry from McMaster University (Hamilton, Canada), and held an NSERC postdoctoral fellowship at the University of Oxford. Mary Anne has been at Dalhousie University since 1983, where she has made significant contributions to understanding the relationships between structure and properties of matter, with an emphasis on thermal properties of materials.

Mary Anne is an author of more than 170 research papers. She also is Editor for Materials Science for the McGraw-Hill Encyclopedia of Science and Technology. Mary Anne is the author of a popular materials science textbook, Physical Properties of Materials now in its second edition.

Mary Anne has taught at all levels, from first-year to graduate classes. She has won regional, national and international awards for her educational and research contributions.

In addition to research and teaching, Mary Anne is active in bringing science to the public, including helping establish a hands-on science centre in Halifax, lecturing to members of the public, and many appearances on television and radio.

Most of all, Mary Anne loves science, and loves sharing her knowledge with others.


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