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Mentalism & Spiritism Cards Magazines & Journals with Demo Video DIY, Makers & Builders DVD (download+stream) Books (printed) Video clips (download) Theory, Articles & Reviews for Beginners Coins, Chips & Buttons Illusions, Escape & Stage Biographies & History in German (Deutsch) Marketing, Selling & Business Matters Audio Balls, Eggs, Dice & Cups Memory & Mnemonics Paper & Paper Money Science & Math Tricks Ropes, Ribbons, Strings & Reels Comedy Magic Compilations Patter, Plots & Scripts Physical (Non-Digital) Tricks & Gimmicks in Italian (italiano) Kids & Children Hypnosis & NLP Rings Cigarettes, Candles, Matches & Fire Phone, Apps & eTricks Liquids, Chemicals & Bottles Published 1800-1899 DVD & Video (disc) Silks & Flags Hands, Fingers & Body Thimbles Catalogs Chapeaugraphy Published before 1800 Ventriloquism Instruction Sheets in French (français) Second Hand in Spanish (español) Animals Gospel Magic Gift Cards & Donations Pickpocket Fiction for Resellers Free in Japanese (日本の)


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(Benny) Ben Harris
Run Silent Run Deep by (Benny) Ben Harris

If bought together with Silent Running you will receive an instant $5 bundle discount. (Also applies to all who bought Silent Running from us before. Make sure to FIRST login to your customer account and then add it to your shopping cart. Otherwise you will not receive the loyalty discount.)

Run Silent, Run Deep is the highly anticipated sequel to the controversial book, Silent Running (which created such a storm of interest in early 2010). This clever approach to the "Think of a Card" plot gained immediate acceptance with mentalists around the world (being translated into Japanese, Spanish and German editions), yet...

★★★★ $49.95
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William John Hilliar & Albert M. Wilson & John Mulholland
The Sphinx by William John Hilliar & Albert M. Wilson & John Mulholland

You get all 52 volumes (597 issues), almost 17,000 pages as color PDF files (one for each volume). We have added to that a complete index stretching over 540 pages. (Don't ask us how long it took to prepare this index because it will bring up painful memories.) Additionally you receive an introduction by Bill Kuethe, an article about The Sphinx by Gabe Fajuri, a presentation about The Sphinx also by Gabe Fajuri and the personal research A. M. Wilson's granddaughter, Mary Syphus, conducted about Wilson.

One could write long articles about The Sphinx. Two are included as introductions to this...

★★★★ $49.50
more than one
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Jean Hugard & Milbourne Christopher
Hugard's Magic Monthly (for resale) by Jean Hugard & Milbourne Christopher

Hugard's Magic Monthly consists of almost 2500 pages in 21 volumes and is packed with contributions from the finest artists and thinkers magic has to offer. People like Victor Farelli, Ted Annemann, Martin Gardner, Harry Lorayne, Milbourne Christopher, Ross Bertram, George Kaplan, Cliff Green, Fred Braue and Hugard himself. The subtitle says it all 'Devoted solely to the interests of magic and magicians'.

Jean Hugard and Fred Braue wrote some of the most read magic books in magic history, such as The Royal Road to Card Magic and Expert Card Technique. A good part of Martin Gardner's Encyclopedia of Impromptu Magic Tricks can be found in Hugard's Magic Monthly. It featured book reviews by John J. Crimmins Jr., and the famous Frank Joglar...

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Scott Davis
Seance Magazine by Scott Davis

Seance Magazine - a quarterly magazine devoted to spirit magic - was published from fall 1988 until summer of 1991, a total of 12 issues. This is a facsimile reproduction including every published page and every tipped in sheet of advertisement.

This magazine is considered one of the best publications on theatrical seances with contributions by legends such as Eugene Burger, Tony Andruzzi, Phil Goldstein (Max Maven), T.A. Waters, Punx, Bob Baker, Lee Earle, Jim Magus, and others, and of course Scott Davis himself. It is a great source for performances during Halloween and other spooky or bizarre performances. ...

★★★★★ $49.50
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Borodin & Bill Palmer MIMC
Sheherazade by Borodin & Bill Palmer MIMC

Punx considered Borodin (Ulf Bolling) his best student, who had a gift weaving storytelling and magic into one coherent and mesmerizing unit. This work has received numerous accolades including from Ted Lesley who wrote:

"Believe me friends, it is a wonderful book. The first trick in it is alone worth 10 times more, as you have to pay for it. I recommend it highly!!!!

Sheherazade is not a magic book. Sheherazade is also not a story book. Sheherazade is the successful synthesis of the two. This ebook contains extremely refined routines which are easy to perform. They are dressed up in artistic presentations...

★★★★★ $49.50
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Jon Racherbaumer
The Legendary Kabbala (1971-1981) by Jon Racherbaumer

The meaning of Kabbala, translated from Hebrew, means something received and handed down. This definition resonates. Knowledge of magic, after all, is handed down from generation to generation, from magician to magician, and from teacher to disciple. Prior to xerography and personal computers, most magical knowledge was transmitted in this primitive, semi-private, and intimate means. Word-of-mouth reigned supreme and to a certain extent still does.

The magic scene in the Seventies was a blooming, buzzing place, atwitter with contentiousness and creativity. Close-up magic, particularly with...

★★★★★ $49.50
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Carl Willmann
Zauberwelt alle Jahrgänge (1895 - 1904) by Carl Willmann

Die Zauberwelt war die erste Deutsche Zauberzeitschrift. Es war eine ausgezeichnete Publikation. Der Inhalt spannt einen großen Bogen der Zauberkunst von Tricks mit Karten, Münzen und Billardbällen, über Apparaturen und mechanische Tricks, Illusionen, Tricks mit Blumen, Tüchern und Fahnen, bis hin zu mentalen und spiritistischen Routinen. Sogar Chapography, Gesellschaftsscherze und Spiele findet man. Es werden auch Leserbriefe und Anfragen abgedruckt.

Besonders hervorheben sollte man die vielteilige Kartenschule die sich über mehrere Jahrgänge zieht. Es finden sich auch Routinen und...

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Wilford Hutchinson
Conjurers Chronicle by Wilford Hutchinson

This house organ ran from May 1919 until February 1940. Each issue had 8 pages and was mostly filled with ads for items Hutchinson retailed. However most issues also included a trick contribution or effect (see below for the list of contents). The most interesting contribution is Graham Adams' Card Work, a series of his favorite effects, moves and in particular his take and fondness of Erdnase.

  • Volume 1
    • The Evolution of the Flags / Wilford Hutchinson
    • The "C.H." Sympathetic Blocks / Cecil Heygate
    • The Mysterious Glass Frames (stage illusion) / B. Wayre
    • The "Flu" Trick / Jas. H. Smith (The Naval...
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Alfred Czernewitz
Zauberreport alle Jahrgänge (1992 - 2001) by Alfred Czernewitz

Für zehn Jahre hat Alfred Czernewitz berichtet was sich speziell in der Deutschen Zauberszene getan hat. Nachrichten, Lehrmaterial und Tricks finden sich alle in dieser Zeitschrift.

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Peter Wilker
Magische Blätter by Peter Wilker

Die Magischen Blätter ist eine hervorragende Zauberfachzeitschrift die sich exklusiv auf Tricks konzentriert. Sie werden keine Werbungen, Nachrichten, oder sonstige Plaudereien finden. Jeder Trick ist ausgesucht, erprobt, und durchgearbeitet. Es werden auch einige Tricks aus der Jinx herangezogen und teilweise in neuen Variationen präsentiert. Da von dieser Zeitschrift nur 100 Kopien angefertigt wurden werden die meisten sie nicht kennen. Mit dieser digitalen Ausgabe haben Sie die Möglichkeit die Geheimnisse dieser Fachzeitschrift zu erkunden.

  • NUMMER 0 (1986)
    • Immer Dieses Bier
    • Der Trostpreis ...
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Edward Bagshawe
The Magical Monthly by Edward Bagshawe

Edward Bagshawe was a very creative and innovative English magician. The Magical Monthly ran from October 1923 until September 1926 (Volume 3, No. 13), more than 600 pages strong. From the foreword to the new magazine:

In presenting for your delectation the first issue of The Magical Monthly, a few words regarding our aims and policy may not be out of place.

The publication will be an absolutely independent one; our sole aim in presenting it is to offer, for professional and amateur magicians alike, an up-to-date and promptly issued magical magazine, devoted exclusively to their interests....

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Peter Duffie & Jerry Sadowitz
Card Zones by Peter Duffie & Jerry Sadowitz

For those who have been looking for the first five books that Jerry Sadowitz and Peter Duffie published through Martin Breese - there is good news. All five books have been compiled in one ebook called Card Zones. These are:

Card Zones has over 100 illustrations by David Britland and Roy Johnson.

"I received Card Zones yesterday and just wanted to tell you what a beautiful piece of work it is. You've really done proud by Peter and Jerry. I love the cover, both color and illustration. The inside layout for all the tricks is...

★★★★★ $49
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Robert Harbin
The Robert Harbin Book by Robert Harbin

This is a digital facsimile version of the original hardcover book. [The one hardcover I had left has sold. Sorry.]

Back in the 1970s Martin Breese had the chance to record Robert Harbin on one of his early Magicassette releases. The Harbin Magicassette probably rates as the most popular of his recordings.

In 1983 Martin asked the late Owen Griffith to transcribe the words from the Harbin Magicassette. The late and great Eric Mason created the illustrations for The Harbin Book. One day at a business trade fair Martin saw a full scale photo litho printing machine being demonstrated and decided to leap in to the deep end and he bought the demonstration machine and had...

★★★★★ $49
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Ein Abend im Magischen Cercle: Alle 6 Episoden by ORF

Ein Abend im Magischen Cercle war eine sechsteilige Sendung des ORF von den frühen 80er Jahren. Es wurden einige der besten Österreichischen Tischzauberer gezeigt. Jede Episode hatte auch einen Gast vom Ausland. Humoristische und zauberische Moderation von Peter Lodynski.

"Ein schönes historisches Dokument!" - Roberto Giobbi

Die erscheinenden Zauberer sind:

  • Willi Seidl
  • Gerwald Lehotzky
  • Peter Heinz Kersten
  • Ed Keener
  • Magic Christian
  • Heinz Boncina
  • Heinz Freundt
  • Tino
  • Peps Zoller
  • Kurt Freitag
  • Al Goshman
  • Dr. Odo Mayer
  • Herbert von Heldt
  • Wolff von Keyserlingk
  • Alfred Moser
  • Eckhard Boettcher
  • Onkel Peppi ...
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MP4 (video)

Greg McMahan
Learn Magic Instant Author Kit by Greg McMahan

Many entertainers have discovered the goldmine in back-of-room sales. You can double or triple your fee by selling this book after your shows. Greg McMahan's Learn Magic Instant Author Kit is how it's done. It's 44 pages of magic tricks, gags, variety skills and more that you can print yourself. It's already written, illustrated and ready for you to add your name and contact info, even list yourself as the author. Selling this after your shows could result in hundreds of extra dollars per gig.

These are also great to print in small batches as handouts after shows or to supplement magic classes....

★★★★★ $49
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PNG image(s)

Eckhard Böttcher & Peki & John Blaky & F. S. Sheba & Bobby Marbony & G. Albert & El Corbo & Jose Aldini & Teddy Tonkalla
Magisches Intermezzo (Alle 23 Folgen) by Eckhard Böttcher & Peki & John Blaky & F. S. Sheba & Bobby Marbony & G. Albert & El Corbo & Jose Aldini & Teddy Tonkalla

Das Magische Intermezzo war eine Serie des Bayrischen Rundfunkes die vom Ende 1979 bis Ende 1981 ausgestrahlt wurde. Insgesamt gab es 23 Folgen die typischer Weise je 15 Minuten lang waren. Einige Folgen waren kürzer.

Verschiedene Deutsche Zauberkünstler gestalteten die Sendungen:

★★★★ $49
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MP4 (video)

David Britland
Chan Canasta: A Remarkable Man Volume 1 by David Britland

Chan Canasta (1920 to 1999) was something of a TV sensation in the 1950s as one of Britain's leading mentalists. His blend of psychology and traditional conjuring which he called psychmagic, was a breath of fresh air. This beautifully ebook is a unique record of his mentalist effects and unique entertaining style.

"Martin has excelled himself with the production values. It looks beautiful; maybe it is the most attractive looking book I have ever seen. If you are interested in Canasta then you will have to buy the book." - Peter Zenner

"I'm not sure that there have been other books quite like this....

★★★★ $49
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Eckhard Böttcher
Alle Zauber-Briefe Nr. 1-151 by Eckhard Böttcher

Von 1981 bis 2012 brachte Eckhard Böttcher seinen Zauber-Brief heraus. Es war seine Hauszeitschrift in der er neue Produkte beschrieb, und Tips, Anregungen, Routinen und Informationen inkludierte. Ab Nr. 96 benannte er diesen Tips und Tricks Teil "Magic Info Pool". D.h. die Zauber-Briefe sind nicht nur ein Produktekatalog sondern sie haben auch immer wieder interessante Routinen und anderes Brauchbares dabei.

★★★★★ $49
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B. W. McCarron
Fortune Telling With Cards Pitch Book Kit by B. W. McCarron

Others charge $100 or more for a similar reprint license, and don't include our book of tips and secrets. Through a special arrangement with, we are able to bring you the camera-ready master and the separate how-to print book for just $49 US.

Be an author. Sell pitch books at your performances to earn extra revenue!

If you're not selling "back of room" books and merchandise at every show, you're leaving money on the table--money that should be in your wallet. All the pros are doing it. Now you can, too. And it costs so little to get started.

This package enables you to become...

★★★★★ $49
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Friedrich W. Conradi-Horster
Zauberspiegel Alle Jahrgänge by Friedrich W. Conradi-Horster

September 1895 - November 1896 Borwig und Horster, Dresden; Dezember 1896 - Juni 1898 Horster und Kluge, Dresden; ab Januar 1904 Conradi-Horster, Berlin.

Kunststücke aus allen Sparten der Magie. Detaillierte Beschreibungen klassischer Zaubergeräte, Hilfsmittel und Kunststücke (die oft auch heute noch im Handel sind). Erklärung vieler Großillusionen der damaligen Zeit. Viel Material über Trickkarten, Trickspiele und mechanische Karten. Viele Vorträge, oft von humoristischer Art, die leicht zu modernisieren sind. In vielen Jahrgängen finden sich die ständigen Rubriken Antispiritismus,...

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B. W. McCarron
Finding Your Destiny with Numerology Pitch Book by B. W. McCarron

Sell this pitch book at your performances to double your performance income!*

If you're not selling "back of room" books and merchandise at every show, you're leaving money on the table — money that should be in your wallet. All the pros are doing it. Now you can, too. And it costs so little to get started.

This package enables you to become an instant author, with full reprint rights for printed copies of the Finding Your Destiny with Numerology book. Charge as little or as much per copy as you want: it's up to you. Your audiences will flock to the sales table to buy this easy to read...

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B. W. McCarron
Magic Miracles You Can Do (Pitch Book Publishing Kit) by B. W. McCarron

Sell this pitch book at your performances to double your performance income!* Now with color cover.

If you're not selling "back of room" books and merchandise at every show, you're leaving money on the table - money that should be in your wallet. All the pros are doing it. Now you can, too. And it costs so little to get started.

This package enables you to become an instant author, with full reprint rights for making and selling printed copies of the Magic Miracles You Can Do book. Charge as little or as much per copy as you want: it's up to you. Your audiences will flock to the sales...

★★★★★ $49
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B. W. McCarron
Your Personal Solar Zodiac Chart Pitch Book Kit by B. W. McCarron

Sell this pitch book and give private readings to clients after your show to double your performance income!*

If you're not selling "back of room" books and merchandise at every show, you're leaving money on the table - money that should be in your wallet. All the pros are doing it. Now you can, too. And it costs so little to get started.

This package enables you to become an instant author, with full reprint rights for printed copies of the Your Personal Solar Zodiac Chart booklet. Charge as little or as much per copy as you want: it's up to you.

Your audiences will flock to the sales...

★★★★ $49
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Various Authors
Gold: When it has to be Performance Gold by Various Authors

This is a fundraiser ebook. 100% of the proceeds of this ebook will go to Kennard Chandler and his wife Bean to help them in their personal and financial struggles.

A Who's Who of mentalism has contributed routines from their performing repertoire to make this fundraiser ebook worth your money and time. Not only is it a worthy cause to help support a member of our community, but it is also a great ebook to read, including some routines that were never published before. In other words, it is material you can only learn from this ebook.

  • Introduction by Chandler
  • "Hey Rube!"
  • Act One: Make...
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