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Mentalism & Spiritism Cards Magazines & Journals with Demo Video DIY, Makers & Builders DVD (download+stream) Books (printed) Video clips (download) Theory, Articles & Reviews for Beginners Coins, Chips & Buttons Illusions, Escape & Stage Biographies & History in German (Deutsch) Marketing, Selling & Business Matters Audio Balls, Eggs, Dice & Cups Memory & Mnemonics Paper & Paper Money Science & Math Tricks Ropes, Ribbons, Strings & Reels Comedy Magic Compilations Patter, Plots & Scripts Physical (Non-Digital) Tricks & Gimmicks in Italian (italiano) Kids & Children Hypnosis & NLP Rings Cigarettes, Candles, Matches & Fire Phone, Apps & eTricks Liquids, Chemicals & Bottles Published 1800-1899 DVD & Video (disc) Silks & Flags Hands, Fingers & Body Thimbles Catalogs Chapeaugraphy Published before 1800 Ventriloquism Instruction Sheets in French (français) Second Hand in Spanish (español) Animals Gospel Magic Gift Cards & Donations Pickpocket Fiction for Resellers Free in Japanese (日本の)


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Devin Knight
The $1000 Dollar A Day Show Plan by Devin Knight

This is ebook #3 in Devin's "Marketing For Magicians Series".

[Note: This plan may work to a limited degree world-wide. It is best suited for the USA market where there is an abundant of these venues. Non USA buyers may not have the same success that performers in the USA will have with this program. Please take that into consideration before you purchase this plan.]

"Mr. Knight delivers an interesting and practical approach to earning income as a working magician and mentalist. The material here is well-researched and presented. It's a lean, mean read, and a very good value for the money. Well worth a look." -D. Ulin

"I thoroughly enjoyed Devin's last two books on marketing that covers SEO and Facebook marketing, but this book wins the Gold Medal! He teaches how performers can literally start booking shows right now in a market even I was unaware of! And Devin was being conservative...

★★★★★ $15
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Barry Mitchell
The 10 Commandments of Selling Your Program by Barry Mitchell

While listening to the 10 Commandments you'll be learning business and selling principles that will change the way you view show business. You'll learn an edge for success. Within The 10 Commandments of Selling Your Program, you'll learn the ten principles that Barry has developed over two decades of selling. You'll also learn the importance of determining your business image. In addition you'll discover what schools really want and how you can fill their needs. Selling is an art and this recording makes you an artist.

1st edition 2001

★★★★★ $10
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J. C. Cannell
The 100 Best Tricks by J. C. Cannell

From the introduction:

In this book there are actually many more than a hundred tricks and all of them could be performed by the average person. I have included no trick which would involve the use of expensive apparatus. Besides devoting a whole chapter to the best card tricks, I have included a number of simpler tricks with cards in other parts of the book.

    • Mind-Reading Magic
    • Seeing Through the Envelopes
    • Reading the News
    • A Remarkable Card Trick
    • Another Code
    • The Domino Trick
    • The Tell-Tale Touch
    • A Six-Fold...
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Robert A. Nelson
The 16 Magic Square Mystery by Robert A. Nelson

Positively the most memorable way to ensure that spectators keep your business card. Any spectator calls out a number, say between 40 and 100. The performer instantly draws a Magic Square on the back of his business card (or has a rubber-stamped grid of 16 squares already on it). With no false moves, the mental magician fills in all 16 squares of the grid and hands the card to the spectator, with a request to keep it for luck. He then mentions an interesting fact about the lucky piece the spectator now holds. If any row of four numbers, either across, down or diagonal, are added together, they...

★★★★ $8
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Liam Montier
The 16.43 from Upminster by Liam Montier

The 24 routines from the 2022 Kaymar Advent Calendar.

The Contender - A sure bet where you put £1000 on being able to read the spectator's mind - and you are right every time. With a kicker!

Coinkydink - A self-working 'Do As I Do' with two regular, shuffled decks.

Locked Room Mystery - a secret so baffling it needs to be kept under lock and key for the sanity of your spectators. They open it at their peril.

Make Your Own Luck - Fortune Telling meets 'The Signed Card' as a reading ends with the revelation of a signed card from an impossible place.

Off-Colour Hummer - A spectator...

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Paul Voodini
The 21 System by Paul Voodini

21 is a fascinating reading and character analysis system for mentalists and mind-readers based around the card game Blackjack. It is a mesmerising game of fate and fortune that combines the cool world of the casino with the intriguing feats of the psychics. With the 21 system you will decipher the character, understand the person, and foretell their decisions!

21 is a fun and versatile system, equally at home with both in-depth one-to-one readings and more entertainment based group readings and character analysis. Everyone enjoys the occasional gamble, and with the 21 system the choices...

★★★★ $12
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Wesley James
The 3 Greatest Ace Assemblies by Wesley James

Almost every close-up magician and with near certainty every magician that uses cards in their performances includes assemblies. Some are good, some fall short of what we desire, but few have considered which of the wide variety of assemblies are the greatest. Such an assessment must, perforce, be subjective to some degree. Drawing from broad and extensive experience performing for real-world lay audiences, objective criteria can be applied and Wesley James, based on more than fifty years of first-hand performance experience, has done so. In this monograph he has distilled the subject to the...

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Stephen Tucker
The 33 Cardinal Sins by Stephen Tucker

More than 30 card effects and 7 bonus coin routines.

1st edition 1984, 70 pages; PDF 87 pages.

Table of Contents

  1. Dunbury Well
  2. Judy
  3. Distraction
  4. Back From The Brink
  5. All Change!
  6. Creating A False Impression
  7. Olympia
  8. Variations
  9. Those That Do And Those That Don't
  10. Open Till Late
  11. Short Break
  12. Con Tents
  13. Compute
  14. Chicken Curry
  15. Fake!
  16. Back For Seconds
  17. Sufferer
  18. Superking
  19. Enigma
  20. Day Of Reckoning
  21. Incentive
  22. Three's Company
  23. Mimik
  24. Zig Zag Zone
  25. Revisit
  26. Twist And Twist Again
  27. Better By Half
  28. Xtro
  29. Less Choice
  30. Sell Out!
  31. Trouble Spots
  32. Paradise Twins

    Bonus Section

  33. Glassgo
  34. The...
★★★★ $15.50
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C. H. Wilson
The 52 Wonders: Cards Manipulated by Science by C. H. Wilson

This is quite an interesting relatively early book on card moves, tricks and cons. It was published in 1877. Some believe that the author C. H. Wilson could be the elusive Erdnase, the author of The Expert at the Card Table, because the S.W.E. Shift is explained in The 52 Wonders.

Chapters are:

  • Chapter I: The Double and Single Passes
    • The Long Pass
    • The Short Pass
    • The Magic Pass
    • The Rolling Pass
    • The Grand Pass
    • The Invisible Pass
    • The Vizard Pass and Change
    • The Circle Pass
    • The Dovetail Pass
    • The Single Short Pass
  • Chapter II: Miscellaneous Passes
    • The Elbow Pass
    • The Side Pass
    • The Monte Pass
    • The Table Pass ...
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Unknown Mentalist
The 59 Second Birthday Divination by Unknown Mentalist

This includes physical product, a poker size gimmick, which will be shipped to you. The PDF can be instantly downloaded from your digital shelf.

True, there are many star sign divination methods on the market. But very few exact birthday divinations. There are quite a few by this same author like Zodiak Gods, Birthday Calendar, Elemental, Elemental 2, Signature, Star Signature etc.

The 59 Second Birthday Divination is a unique combination of classic methods which is constructed in such a way that divining the exact date of birthday becomes a breeze for the performer and yet strikes the participant like a bolt from the blue. The special poker size gimmick...

★★★★★ $18
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PDF & softcover

Mark Leveridge
The 7th British Close Up Magic Symposium by Mark Leveridge

Several of the conventioneers who attended the 7th Symposium said they thought it was the best yet! So you know that the quality of the contributors to the 7th Symposium ebook are top rate.

You will find magic from Roberto Giobbi, Pit Hartling, Sean Taylor (2 items), Mark Leveridge, Kevin Gallagher (2 items), Nicholas Einhorn and Chris Priest. Everything is fully explained and illustrated where necessary.

  • Introduction
  • Card Through Body - Chris Priest
  • Gold Rush - Nicholas Einhorn
  • Wild Business - Roberto Giobbi
  • Worlds Collide - Sean Taylor
  • The Make Weight - Mark Leveridge
  • Colour Changing 3 Card Monte - Kevin...
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Biagio Fasano
The 7th Card Mystery by Biagio Fasano

An impromptu and self-working Card Magic trick, always ready to perform with any deck.

This is an incredible impromptu and automatic card magic effect, which uses seven cards, taken at random from the deck. A spectator chooses only one of these and, by mentally answering questions posed by the magician, will shuffle the deck according to his own thoughts and will. The illusionist will then announce that, one by one, all the cards that end up at the top of the pack, returned to him by the spectator, will be eliminated at the end of each series of further shuffles that he will personally...

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Mark Leveridge
The 8th British Close Up Magic Symposium by Mark Leveridge

This is the ebook released to coincide with the 8th Symposium which took place in April 2003 at Bath University and it features the magic of those taking part on the day. Here is a breakdown of the contents:

  • Richard Pinner offers a novel color changing penknife idea. (The Opening Colour Change)
  • Lee Davis explains a clever way to reproduce two drawings made entirely at random by two spectators. (Roving Duplicates)
  • Sean Carpenter gives the lowdown on his behind-the-back card stab. (IBM Card Stab)
  • Roger Curzon provides no less than three items, two strong card effects and a well thought out...
★★★★★ $10
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Mark Leveridge
The 9th British Close Up Magic Symposium by Mark Leveridge

This is the ebook released to coincide with the 9th Symposium which took place in April 2005 at Bath University and it features the magic of those taking part on the day. Here is a breakdown of the contents:

  • David Stone offers two items. One is an elegant version of the broken and restored cigarette. The other is a thought provoking article on how to make coin magic more accessible. (No Smoking 1 & 2; A Few Reasons)
  • Brian Glover explains his variation on the classic 'Reset' card routine. (Reset Revisited)
  • Richard Sanders gives the lowdown on a very simple yet strong effect in which a spectator...
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Barry Mitchell
The ABC's of Children's Magic by Barry Mitchell

If your goal is to earn a living as a Children’s magician this recording is for you! It is true that anyone can "do" a trick, but not everyone can "perform" magic. Still fewer can earn their living from performing. This CD gives you the edge to make show business your business. Whether you’ve been performing for years or just beginning, a variety of subjects are covered that will inspire you toward more business and better networking.

  • Attitude of Gratitude
  • Be Yourself
  • Create Heroes
  • Dress sharp
  • Encourage Others
  • First, think of the customer
  • Giveaways
  • Higher performance fees
  • I is...
★★★★★ $10
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David Numen
The Abnormal Lift: and other abnormalities by David Numen

One could hardly ask for a more visual demonstration of unusual mental powers. For an astonishing few moments, the universal laws of physics are seemingly displaced. Four volunteers, using only two fingertips each, somehow lift a seated adult from his chair high into the air as though he were made of Styrofoam. And no one is more astonished than the lifters themselves, considering that moments before the sitter was as immovable as a couple hundred pounds of dead weight ought to be. What's more, the phenomenon is completely under the control of the performer who can turn the power on and off...

★★★★★ $45
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Nick Conticello
The ACAAN Experience by Nick Conticello

Author and collector Doug Edwards after seeing a performance said:

"That's the best impromptu ACAAN effect I've ever seen!"

If you have ever wanted to do an impromptu version of the David Berglas classic ACAAN but despaired of finding a workable method, rejoice! In his new ebook The ACAAN Experience Nick Conticello offers you four impromptu methods.

Each version of Nick's effect CAAN-Fluence starts from a single premise but uses a different technique each time to place a freely chosen card at a freely chosen location in a borrowed, shuffled, incomplete deck. None of these versions require any...

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Nick Conticello
The ACAAN Experience (Italian) by Nick Conticello

L'autore e collezionista Doug Edwards dopo aver visto la performance ha detto: "Questo è il miglior ACAAN impromptu che abbia mai visto!"

Se avete sempre voluto eseguire una versione impromptu della versione classica di David Berglas, ma non avete mai trovato una soluzione, gioite! In questo eBook, Nick Conticello vi offre la sua collezione di ACAAN Impromptu.

Ogni versione dell'effetto di Nick (CAAN-Fluence) inizia da una medesima premessa ma utilizza tecniche diverse ogni volta per piazzare una carta scelta a una posizione qualunque del mazzo. Tutto scelto dallo spettatore, in un mazzo...

★★★ $30
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Tommaso Guglielmi
The ACAAN Finale by Tommaso Guglielmi

After many versions of ACAAN, Tommy has created a version which he believes is very direct, hands–off and very close to the perfect ACAAN. From the spectator's view point, they will see:

  • A deck of cards closed in its box is in full view on the table.
  • A spectator selects a card using an imaginary deck and a number via an imaginary urn.
  • Mentally the spectator imagines moving the card to the correct position inside the deck.
  • The spectator removes the cards from the box and counts to named number and the named card will be there without the magician ever touching the deck
In all his...
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Mystic Alexandre
The Accursed Letter by Mystic Alexandre

So what is The Accursed Letter? I thought you'd never ask ...

It's a believable, chilling, well written letter, penned a long time ago by Rollo the Rollicking, carnival clown, that when read, will curse your friends!

Imagine the fun as you say ... "Oh my God, you have to read this!" And when they do, they will realize they have relieved you of a curse that is now upon them. So fun.

I was at a party recently where this letter was passed around to about ten people. It's effective at work, too (careful with joyless HR). How about family gatherings? Halloween goes without saying. Your...

★★★★★ $6.66
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PNG image(s)

Arthur Conan Doyle
The Adventure of the Empty House by Arthur Conan Doyle

Arthur Conan Doyle was the most famous and successful author in the detective story genre. One of the locked-room mysteries he wrote was The Adventure of the Empty House. The story plays in 1894, three years after Holmes's apparent death. Ronald Adair, son of the Earl of Maynooth, a colonial governor in Australia, was killed with a soft-nosed revolver bullet to his head while sitting in his room, working on accounts of some kind. The motive was not robbery since nothing was stolen. Adair's door was locked from the inside and the only window in the room presented a 20-foot drop with no sign...

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Daniel Madison
The Advocate: the ultimate playing card index by Daniel Madison

The best and most practical card index ever created.

The Advocate is by far Daniel's most favorite discovery and deceptive tool and was for many years his best kept secret, and it has been a monster of a reputation maker for him. This is his 4th edition of this book; where the predecessors were written with the magician and the effects in mind, this edition keeps due focus on the device itself for deceptive use. Although 'tricks' have not been removed from this edition they have been simplified and reduced to suggestions as opposed to focal points of the book. Much deserved extra attention...

★★★★ $15
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R. Austin Freeman
The Aluminum Dagger by R. Austin Freeman

Engineers will like the resolution of this locked room mystery. Dr. John Evelyn Thorndyke, a former medical doctor who became a forensic investigator of crimes, has to deal with murder behind locked doors. The only clue he has is an aluminum dagger shoved into the back of the victim.

One of the unique aspects of detective stories by R. Austin Freeman is that Freeman personally tested the methods described in his stories. The top floor of his house was a workshop and laboratory where he could try out and investigate sometimes arcane scientific knowledge from areas such as tropical medicine,...

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Henry Hay
The Amateur Magician's Handbook by Henry Hay

For more than a generation The Amateur Magician's Handbook has been the acknowledged classic text for conjurers, both beginners and advanced. Even David Copperfield recommended it during one of his TV specials. Literally thousands of magicians found their love for magic through this book. Several of these magicians are today recognized performers. This fourth edition, expanded as well as thoroughly revised, and introduced by Milbourne Christopher, includes a section where the Amazing Randi contributes his experience using video for self-coaching.

This new edition teaches, briskly yet carefully,...

★★★★★ $25
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