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Mentalism & Spiritism Cards Magazines & Journals with Demo Video DIY, Makers & Builders DVD (download+stream) Books (printed) Video clips (download) Theory, Articles & Reviews for Beginners Coins, Chips & Buttons Illusions, Escape & Stage Biographies & History in German (Deutsch) Marketing, Selling & Business Matters Audio Balls, Eggs, Dice & Cups Memory & Mnemonics Paper & Paper Money Science & Math Tricks Ropes, Ribbons, Strings & Reels Comedy Magic Compilations Patter, Plots & Scripts Physical (Non-Digital) Tricks & Gimmicks in Italian (italiano) Kids & Children Hypnosis & NLP Rings Cigarettes, Candles, Matches & Fire Phone, Apps & eTricks Liquids, Chemicals & Bottles Published 1800-1899 DVD & Video (disc) Silks & Flags Hands, Fingers & Body Thimbles Catalogs Chapeaugraphy Published before 1800 Ventriloquism Instruction Sheets in French (français) Second Hand in Spanish (español) Animals Gospel Magic Gift Cards & Donations Pickpocket Fiction for Resellers Free in Japanese (日本の)


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Eddie Joseph & Paul Gordon
The Complete Dumbfounders with Cards (used) by Eddie Joseph & Paul Gordon

Booklet stapled in good condition with a dedication to Martin Breese by Paul Gordon. For details on the contents see the digital edition.

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Frank Garcia & George Schindler
Magic with Cards by Frank Garcia & George Schindler

113 easy-to-perform miracles. All you need is an ordinary deck of cards.

Here are 113 easy-to-perform card tricks ... miracle card tricks that many professional magicians don't know. In these pages are secrets that have been closely guarded for years. Most are surprising, some are unbelievable, and all are fun.

The authors call these tricks "miracles," and, after you've mastered a few, you and your audiences will agree. The real miracle is how easy they are to learn and perform. All a beginner needs are this book, an ordinary deck of playing cards, and the desire to be an expert card magician....

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Charles Thorton Jordan
Ten New Pocket Tricks (used) by Charles Thorton Jordan

Booklet stapled in good condition. For details on the contents see the digital edition.

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Charles Thorton Jordan
Ten New Miscellaneous Tricks (used) by Charles Thorton Jordan

Stapled booklet in good condition. For details on the contents see the digital edition.

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P. R. S. Foli
Fortune Telling by Cards (used) by P. R. S. Foli

Hardcover book in decent condition with some stains on the cover. For details on the contents see the digital edition.

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Jack Merlin
... and a Pack of Cards (used) by Jack Merlin

Softcover book stapled in good condition. For details on the contents see the digital edition.

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Sarah Ella Phant (formerly Trustman)
The Amazingest Memory Test by Sarah Ella Phant (formerly Trustman)
"Sarah Trustman is more interesting than Netflix." - Dan Harlan

"Though I have only known Sarah Trustman for a few months, I have spent each week meeting with her along with a team of other creative performers, three times a week, for as long as three hours per session, ever since we met. Sarah has 'heart.' As a performer, teacher, or speaker, she is an excellent communicator - fearless, clever, quirky, and thoughtful, as well as truly committed to her own creative-self. It is now no surprise to me that she can amazingly bring those same gifts to the pages of this work that you now hold." - Alain...

★★★★★ $20
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Peter Wilker
The Creation of Magic by Peter Wilker

A practical guide to the invention of tricks plus newly created tricks.

"I must say that I was prepared to dislike this book ... Wilker's discussion, however, is so pleasant and unassuming that one can hardly disagree with him. In part, this is because Wilker seems to recognize the inherent problems in stating hard and fast rules about creativity and so limits his conclusions accordingly." - Stephen Hobbs

From the Preface:

This book reflects my own knowledge and thoughts on the subject of inventing tricks. Part 1 is devoted to this process and by reading its introduction you will, dear reader,...

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M. S. Mahendra
Amazing Card Miracles (used) by M. S. Mahendra

Booklet stapled in decent condition. For details on the contents see the digital edition.

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Vincent Wilson
Digital Perception by Vincent Wilson

For years Vince has been perfecting facial and muscle reading techniques and has pioneered new ways of performing in the digital age. Now, after months of practice and nearly a 100% success rate after dozens of demonstrations, he is ready to share his newest feat of mentalism. Digital Perception allows you to make a startling mind-reading prediction over live streaming video.

1st edition 2021, length 20 min.

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MP4 (video)

Jan Bardi
Entropy Dropping by Jan Bardi

Explorations of a 100% hands-off "volunteer as psychic" plot and method.

"I find 'Entropy Dropping' an amazing piece of work. Jan creates a world of new possibilities and I doubt anyone else could have tackled the topic as thoroughly. Every nuance is addressed. Many applications are covered. Accompanying his explanation are dozens of routines. Being a card man at heart, I was especially attracted to the four card magic chapters. Great inspiration all! I envy Jan's clarity and how painstakingly thorough he is in explaining the material and creating so many effects. I know how difficult that...
★★★★★ $20
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Adam Hudson
Out of My Mind by Adam Hudson
"Most of us only know how to show off with our magic skills, Adam is putting his to worthwhile and inspiring use. Excellent stuff." - Derren Brown

"This book is full of original ideas for the mentalist performer, I wholeheartedly recommend it." - Marc Oberon

Out of My Mind is the fruit of twenty year's hard work in the art of mentalism and mental magic. This ebook teaches numerous brand new effects, never before to have been put in print. The material within utilizes exciting principles that bring incredibly strong moments of wonder.
  • Introduction by Marc Oberon
  • A Named Card in Envelope:...
★★★★★ $20
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Ken Muller
A Novel Thought by Ken Muller

Not for those who already have Telepathy Once Removed.

This is the "Concept, Theory and Method" companion for the stand-alone ebooks Thrifty, ABAT and Steroid Telempathy, designed for those competent in one or more of these applications who wants a "Graduate Course" in presentation methods.

(All author proceeds support the woodHenge Wildlife Sanctuary.)

1st edition 2021, PDF 91 pages.

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Ralf (Fairmagic) Rudolph
Ghost Riser by Ralf (Fairmagic) Rudolph

A selected playing card rises out of a packet that is inside a bottle. The rising takes about 8 seconds. The rising card can be handed out as a souvenir. The bottle can be inspected before the rising takes place.

1st edition 2021, video 40 min.

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MP4 (video)

Sarah Ella Phant (formerly Trustman)
mNumbers: As Easy As Pi by Sarah Ella Phant (formerly Trustman)

mNumbers: Easy as Pi is the latest comprehensive work by world-renowned mnemonist Sarah Ella Phant. In this remarkable ebook, you'll learn two sure-fire methods to memorize numbers. It's an astounding feat that's so much easier than you may suspect.

"Sarah Ella Phant is the most entertaining Mnemonist the world has ever seen. This download gives you insight into how she became the leading performer in memory arts. Best of all, it's so easy, anyone can memorize pi ... it's what you do with it that sets you apart from all the others." - Dan Harlan

"With Sarah Ella Phant's guidance, you will not only...

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Maurice Sardina
The Magic of Rezvani by Maurice Sardina

Translated from French (La Magie du Sorcier) to English by Dariel Fitzkee. It details the tricks, moves, ideas, and improvements of Rezvani, the Persian magician who has been a sensation among the magicians of Paris. Overall it is an excellent work, particularly for those who appreciate the finer points of sleights and how they are deployed in tricks. There is a lot here for card magicians. Also his most famous trick the Tomato trick is explained, but for that routine, I suggest studying The Cushions of the Princess: or the tomato game.

Paul Flemming writes:

Medjid Kan Rezvani, a native of Persia who now resides in Paris, is recognized as one of the most...

★★★★★ $20
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T. Hayes
The Reference Guide to Early Works on Card Cheating by T. Hayes

This ebook presents an analytical review of works on card cheating that are written in English and published before 1900. Given this scope, The Reference Guide to Early Works on Card Cheating takes 151 publications, and documents the card cheating techniques that they describe. Only card techniques discussed in the context of cheating at card games are considered. The 146 defined techniques are used to evaluate the publications based on their breadth and their contribution to the literature. The breadth is indicated by the absolute number of techniques each work describes, and the contribution...

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Peter Mennie
Sound Advice for Magicians by Peter Mennie

Let's face it, once you step in front of an audience you not only have to be seen, but you have to be heard. And just like the sleight of hand in your show has to be the best it can be, the sound has to be the best it can be as well. Your audiences deserve better than 'it's good enough'.

Sound Advice For Magicians was written out of a lecture I do for magic clubs and clown alleys because I saw too many talented performers bomb in front of audiences because their sound system failed or the people running them were incompetent. In addition to performing full-time for over 40 years (with many...

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Brian T. Lees
Performance Negotiation by Brian T. Lees

Magicians are in the entertainment service industry. Just like other independent contractors we provide quotes. There comes a time when we must negotiate. Some magicians move along when they hear the venue/individual say no. Others negotiate to try to find a win/win agreement. Those who are willing to negotiate their performance have a better chance of getting hired.

  • Negotiation, element of business
  • The differences between "NO"
  • When to negotiate
  • Set up negotiation
  • Open negotiations
  • Accept/decline negotiation
  • Wrapping it up

1st edition 2021, PDF 19 Seiten.

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Ken Muller
Cup of T by Ken Muller

Unique magical effects and routine ideas made possible by the handle on a tea, demitasse or christening cup. Dozens of new moves, sleights, and subtleties beyond traditional cups and balls and chop cup routines.

Descriptions and definitions of T-cups and objects suitable for producing minor miracles and new feats of conjuring with free and ungaffed materials – simple teacups and small, common objects.

Explanation of more than sixty (60) moves using T-cups.

Detailed patterns of performance with T-cups using these moves.

A complete description and identification of 57 cup and ball...

★★★★ $20
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Bob Farmer
The Mind Reader Encephalonic Dossier by Bob Farmer

"Bob Farmer is an interesting man, who creates interesting magic, and that's all one would need to know. With Mind Reader he has once again topped himself, as it might very well blow your mind!" - Roberto Giobbi

"Compared to fully gaffed decks that accomplish the same effect, Bob's work gets you to the selected card faster and leaves you with a deck that can be examined/used for other effects. Final Rating (1-10, 10 being best): I rate this a solid 8 on 10 and a strong recommendation, especially if you are a fan of Bob's other works." - Chris Aguilar

"I have never seen Bob Farmer perform. I have never...

★★★★ $20
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Brian T. Lees
Sponsored Shows by Brian T. Lees

Businesses have to promote themselves, even through the pandemic. Media today is extremely expensive and sponsorship is a very attractive alternative for them. The impact and long-range potentials are a win/win situation for both the business and the magician. This ebook gets you started with sponsors and identifies the "hot spots" you need to mention as you speak with them.

  • Business Basics
  • Basic Marketing
  • Sponsors
  • Sources to Consider
  • Approaches
  • Calendar and Files
  • Wrapping it Up

1st edition 2021, PDF 20 pages.

★★★★★ $20
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Graham Reed
Audience Tested Originalities by Graham Reed

Twenty-seven practical tricks which you, and your audiences, will enjoy. A whole host of laugh-grabbing gags is worth a fortune to the working performer. A valuable look at publicity and promotion. Graham Reed is a top advertising executive; don't miss reading his suggestions. A useful collection of games for children's parties. This section, alone, is worth the price of the ebook. A mixed grill of extremely interesting ideas, comments, thoughts, hints, and tips.

  • Hello...
    • Bingo 'Just Chance'
    • Joker Prediction
    • Publicity Spot Paddle
    • Postcard Brainwave ...
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Ulrich Rausch
Das Punx Projekt Band 1 by Ulrich Rausch

Ludwig Hanemann - Punx (27. Oktober 1907 - 4. Februar 1996) gehört zweifelsfrei zu den bedeutendsten deutschsprachigen Zauberkünstlern des 20. Jahrhunderts. Auch wenn er in der Öffentlichkeit vielleicht nicht so bekannt war wie mancher Kollege, hat er mit seiner Art, die Zauberkunst zu zelebrieren, generationsübergreifend Impulse für Kollegen gegeben. Darüber hinaus war er der erste TV-Zauberer, der an die 50 Mal regelmäßig im Fernsehen auftrat.

Was bisher fehlte: Eine Biographie, die das weit verstreute Erbe des Menschen Ludwig Hanemann wie auch des Zauberkünstlers Punx zusammenträgt...

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