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Devin Knight
Around the Square by Devin Knight

A new and novel paper effect! Do not confuse this with the old Squircle effect. Although similar, this is a greatly improved version. A double sheet of newspaper is shown on both sides. It is folded into quarters and a small 2" square is cut from a folded corner. (In the original Squircle, a double sheet of newspaper is folded in half and a semicircle is cut out.) The 2" square is unfolded showing it is actually a 4" inch square.

The double sheet of newspaper is partly unfolded. Instead of the expected rectangular shape, the audience sees a semicircle! (You cannot do this with the old Squircle.)...

★★★★★ $10
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Aldo Colombini
Face-To-Face by Aldo Colombini

A startling series of visual card changes created by Didier Dupre and performed by Aldo Colombini. The routine is based on the Paul Gordon trick called "Spectrum." This is an amazing card trick which is fun to do and has a stunning climax. You show four cards which are mis-printed, in fact they have faces on both sides (the cards are clearly shown on each side). One card is placed in the pocket but it comes back to the packet in hand and this time it has a back. The other cards develop a back as well and you now show four cards with different colored backs and all can be examined!

A second...

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Aldo Colombini
Full Wave by Aldo Colombini

Created by Raphaël Czaja, performed by Aldo Colombini. An incredible version of the classic "B'Wave" where any card can be selected. No 'equivocal' choices! You show four-of-a-kind (say Queens). One Queen is FREELY selected. This is the only Queen in the packet, the other three cards are blank!

Requires two blank-faced cards and two blank-backed cards.

★★★★★ $10
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Werner Miller
Da Capo 5 by Werner Miller

These tricks originally appeared 1999-2010 in the print magazines Club 71 (later The Magician), Abracadabra, The Mystery Magazine, and in the online journal Visions.

The list of effects:

  • An "Honest" Card Trick
  • Janus-faced
  • The Magnetic Joker
  • Royalties
  • Daltonico
  • No Risk But Fun
  • Thanks to Fibonacci III
  • Orthochromatic ESP
  • Aleaque
  • Sex and the City
  • Betwixt
  • Family Affairs
  • L'addition, s'il vous plait!
  • Bizarre or Romantic
  • BalVallaBel
  • Happy Birthday!
  • Bubble Sort
  • Swindle Sudoku
  • Shake Well Before Use
  • Mixed Double
  • Seeing Black
  • Age Cube
  • 4-3-2-1
  • More Monge Shuffle Trickery
  • Obedient to the Word
  • Two Spelling Tricks ...
★★★★★ $10
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Werner Miller
Da Capo 6 by Werner Miller

These tricks originally appeared 2006-2012 in the print magazines The Magician, Abracadabra, The Mystery Magazine, and in the online journal Visions.

The list of effects:

  • Astro Nonet
  • Double Sandwich
  • Taken In Tow
  • Quadrigula
  • Stebbins Combo
  • Joker Out – Your Card In
  • ESP Twins
  • Three Predictions
  • Nothing
  • Color Filter
  • Sey On
  • J. O'Seph
  • Liar's Clock
  • Good Bye, Joe!
  • Symbol Pattern Squares
  • Migratory
  • Lined Up
  • Vive le Roi!
  • Magic Patchwork
  • Ghost Rider
  • You Push the Button
  • Fives or Sevens?
  • He & She
  • High Math
  • Higher Math
  • Quod Licet Jovi
  • A la Harry
  • Six Times No
  • Not

1st edition 2012; 31 pages....

★★★★★ $10
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Aldo Colombini
Getting the Message by Aldo Colombini

Created by Cameron Francis. Performed by Aldo Colombini. You introduce a packet of four cards blank on both sides. You split the cards into two piles of two cards each. Two cards are selected from a deck. You push the top card of one pile and on the lower card a message is revealed which reads, SPREAD THE DECK. The deck is spread and in the middle a face-up selection appears. The top card of the second pile is pushed forward and there's a message on the second card that says, TURN OVER THE TOP CARD. The top card of the deck is NOT the selection, but in turning over the top card of the pile a...

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MP4 (video)

Aldo Colombini
Gimme Five by Aldo Colombini

An outstanding packet trick with a smashing effect. Four Jokers turn face down one at a time. A Joker is placed into a pocket. The other cards are distributed on the table and they are still four, but now they are the four Fives!

Requires two double faced cards.

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Aldo Colombini
Green Carpet by Aldo Colombini

A routine by André Robert, performed by Aldo Colombini. Visual magic with several climaxes! The final climax will 'kill' your audiences! Eight blue-backed cards are split into two packets. In one packet all the cards turn face up. Then the eight cards alternate face up and face down. Finally, all the cards are red-backed and with crosses on their backs!

Requires four double-backed cards.

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MP4 (video)

Disguised by Nefesch

This is a great magician's fooler:

Borrow a Deck of cards. Have it freely shuffled by your spectator. Ask him to spread the deck on the table and to have a card selected. The card is placed back into the deck. And the deck is cut several times.

Note: At no point have you touched the deck or the card that has been selected. At least that is what the spectators will remember. In fact you will have to touch one card briefly, but it is so well hidden in plain sight that it will not be noted.

You ask the spectator to start dealing face down card by card, you ask him to stop when you feel...

★★★★ $10
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MP4 (video)

Lothar Vogt
Big Bang by Lothar Vogt

Sie kennen "Sidewalk Shuffle"?! Viele Zauberkünstler haben versucht, den Nachteil der dabei verwendeten Karten zu beseitigen; die Ergebnisse waren nicht befriedigend, da während der Vorführung auch dann nicht jede Karte fair vollflächig von beiden Seiten gezeigt werden konnte. Mit Big Bang ist das nun möglich!

Demonstration mit 4 Karten (3 unbedruckte Karten, 1 normale Spielkarte), wie ein Falschspieler sein Opfer hereinlegt. So genau man auch aufpasst, der Falschspieler gewinnt. Zum überraschenden Schluss zeigt sich, dass 3 normale Karten und nur eine unbedruckte Karte auf dem Tisch...

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Lothar Vogt
Just Do It: Macht auch Zauberer verrückt by Lothar Vogt

Sie kennen TUWIT-Routinen ("Do as I do")?! Hier die ultimative Form!

Aus einem Kartenspiel werden vier rote und vier schwarze Karten entnommen. Die Karten werden natürlich einzeln von beiden Seiten vorgezeigt. Der Mitspieler entscheidet sich dann für die roten oder schwarzen Karten, die er auch einzeln in die Hand gezählt bekommt.

Dann werden langsam fünf identische Handlungen vorgenommen - jeweils mit einer einzelnen Karte. Werden die Karten dann normal ausgefächert, zeigt sich, dass der Mitspieler zaubern kann: Während beim Zauberer alle vier Karten rückenoben liegen, zeigt beim...

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Aldo Colombini
Yikes! by Aldo Colombini

A stunning version of the 'wild card' theme.

An effect by Peter Duffie. Performed and explained by Aldo Colombini. A tremendous novelty and a big hit for your close-up act. A spectator cuts the deck and deals off four random cards. You now show a packet of seven cards - six of the cards have blank faces, the seventh is blank on both sides. The latter card is the special "image copier." The six blank-facers are laid out in pairs on the table. One by one, the image copier causes a selection to appear on each of the blank pairs. But that's only three of the selections - what about the fourth? In a dramatic...

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MP4 (video)

Aldo Colombini
The Ultimate Faulty Follower by Aldo Colombini

An effect by Ken de Courcy. Performed by Aldo Colombini. A terrific three-phase routine with jumbo cards. Having enticed a spectator up to help, you hand him eight jumbo cards and say, "Please give me any four and keep four yourself." This done, both you and the spectator carry out some simple movements but when the cards are counted again, all your cards are face down while the spectator has one face up. This process is repeated with exactly the same result. There is obviously only one answer; the spectator will have to do the actions with both packets. He does so, yet your cards finish up all face down...

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MP4 (video)

Devin Knight
Retro-Sight by Devin Knight

Two different effects in one!

One of the most novel effects you will see. Something totally unique...combined with a new principle in mentalism that will delight even seasoned pros. This is release five in Devin Knight's Psychic Sight Series.


The first effect is one that Devin has used to fool well informed mentalists in the past. Two spectators are brought on stage. Neither is a stooge nor has there been any pre-show work.

The first spectator freely selects a word from the stack of word cards. There is no force of any kind and the mentalist really does not know...

★★★★★ $10
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Lothar Vogt
AUKAWA by Lothar Vogt

Die wohl "sauberste" Variante zum Thema "2-Männer-Trick". Bis zu 3 Karten wandern vom Spiel in die leere Kartenschachtel (oder unter die Hand eines Mitspielers) – und das ganz ohne Fingerfertigkeit!

Kein Rau/Glatt – Keine Klebepräparation!

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Lothar Vogt
Gib Acht Auf Die Acht by Lothar Vogt

Vier Karten werden von Vorder- und Rückseite vorgezeigt. Es handelt sich um 3 leere Karten und eine normale Karte. Eine leere Karte wird bildunten abgelegt, um das "Betrügerspiel mit 3 Karten" (2 leere und einer normalen) zu demonstrieren. Es stellt sich heraus, dass keine der 3 Karten die Spielkarte ist; alle drei sind leere Karten. Die Vermutung des Zuschauers, dass die auf dem Tisch liegende Karte die richtige ist, stellt sich als falsch heraus. Auf dieser Karte steht nur "ACHT". Wenn man will, kann man die Spielkarte aus der Tasche erscheinen lassen.

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Lothar Vogt
NEP by Lothar Vogt

Joker drehen sich in der Hand des Zauberes magisch einzeln bildunten und dann verwandeln sich die Joker in verschiedenen Spielkarten. Zum Schluss führt der Zauberer mit diesen Karten noch ein magisches Spiel mit nur 3 Karten vor und der Zuschauer kann die Karten natürlich untersuchen.

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Aldo Colombini
Double Decker 2 (download DVD) by Aldo Colombini

Ten more routines with two decks of cards.


  • TWO-DECK CARD TRICK (U.F. Grant): A spectator shuffles a deck and picks a card. You count to the value of this card in a second deck and find the matching card.
  • MIRACLE REVERSE (Francis Haxton): A red card is placed in a blue deck. A blue card is placed in a red deck. These two cards reverse themselves and they are shown to be the cards removed from the opposite colored decks.
  • PACKED BAGS (Aldo Colombini): A spectator touches a card which is reversed in the deck. You remove another deck and you reveal the same card in a spectacular way. ...
★★★★★ $10
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MP4 (video)

Aldo Colombini
The Jesters by Aldo Colombini

You show four blue-backed jokers. One after the other, the Jokers become red-backed. Finally, they change back to blue! An amazingly visual routine!

Requires a double backed card.

★★★★ $10
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MP4 (video)

Bolivian Brain Bafflers by Marvoyan

Particularly noteworthy is Marvoyan's headline prediction which is fully explained in this ebook.

  • Publisher's Introduction
  • Author's Foreword
  • Hypnotic Geometry! Spectators think they signed a square, but instead find it was the circle. Great for business card magic.
  • Triple Alternative: magician ends up with the money
  • Mental Poker: remove the four aces from a borrowed deck while blindfolded
  • Minds in Control: woman selects the message written by her significant other
  • Pocket Psychometry
  • Mind Over Matter
  • My Bold Prediction: headline prediction
  • Science Fiction Prediction
  • Impossible Money ...
★★★★ $10
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Aldo Colombini
New Pentagram Magazine: 10 Tricks from Volume 3 by Aldo Colombini

More magic from the pages of Peter Warlock’s legendary magazine.


  • ANOTHER CHANGE FOLD (Sid Lorraine): A cute and original way to reveal a selected card. A piece of paper with letters suddenly folds in a way to show the name of the selection.
  • I’LL DIE FOR YOU (Tan Hock Chuan): One of the most direct and effective book tests ever.
  • PLATFORM HOFZINSER REVISITED (Francis Haxton): Four Aces are placed into glasses. One card is selected and sealed in an envelope. The Ace of the same suit of the selection disappears and the selected card is in its place. The Ace is found in the envelope.
★★★★★ $10
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Aldo Colombini
New Pentagram Magazine: 10 Tricks from Volume 4 by Aldo Colombini

More magic from the pages of Peter Warlock’s legendary magazine.


  • NEWSTEAR TELEPATHY (Fred Lowe): You tear a piece of newspaper in 16 pieces and one is selected. You predicted that part of the newspaper. It is a clever way to do this classic.
  • JUST ONE MORE CHANCE (Ian Adair): A new principle in this classic effect. Three envelopes, two spectators pick an envelope each (no force). The remaining envelope remains to you and it is the only one containing money.
  • THE INCREDIBLE PREDICTION (Jack Avis): You predict a card chosen under the fairest possible conditions and after the deck has been shuffled. ...
★★★★★ $10
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MP4 (video)

Val Andrews
Simplicity, Audacity and Bluff by Val Andrews

This could very well be Val Andrew's most important work. He describes with several great examples and historical effects, how one can entertain and amaze employing nothing but simple audacious ruses or outright bluffs. If there is a showman in you, you will love these effects and ideas. If you rather rely on your bottom deal and classic pass, then you will probably not be able to appreciate the value of this information.

  • Taking advantage of the situation
  • The uses of a "magician" as an assistant
  • On the use of "stooges"
  • Giving the cue...
  • A bluff-pass
  • Two bluff card rises
  • Bluff wand vanishes ...
★★★★ $10
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Cameron Francis
Nothing but the Truth by Cameron Francis

A great presentation for the standard Lie Detector theme where you reveal, using four cards, if the spectator tells the truth or lies and at the end the four cards change into four duplicates of the selections. You will love it! Can be done in any language.

Requires blank faced cards.

★★★★★ $10
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MP4 (video)

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