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Jonathan H. Green
Gambling in its Infancy and Progress by Jonathan H. Green

A dissuasive to the young against games of chance.

  • DIALOGUE I. On Playing Pins.
  • DIALOGUE II. On Playing Marbles.
  • DIALOGUE III. On Pitching Coppers.
  • DIALOGUE IV. On Matching And Tossing Coppers, Throwing Heads And Tails, &c.
  • DIALOGUE V. On Sabbath Breaking - Telling Lies - Disobedience To Parents, &c.
  • DIALOGUE VI. On The Use Of Tobacco.
  • DIALOGUE VII. On Playing Various Games.
  • DIALOGUE VIII. On Gamblers, Lotteries, &c.
  • Death Of A Boy On A Race Course.
  • Social Card-Parties.
  • The Gambler's Victim.
  • The Ruined Family; Or, A Warning To Those Who Play For Amusement.
  • The Charm Of Gambling. ...
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Ian Baxter
Twist plus Bonus by Ian Baxter

Dai Vernon's Twisting The Aces, has for decades been regarded as an all-time classic and thankfully, the new wave of 21st Century card experts still carry the torch for this perennial favourite. Over the years, new additions and presentations are published, adding even further interest to this wonderful effect.

Australian card man Ian Baxter admits to having performed TTA for sixty years, starting just three years following its publication in 1960. Up until recently, he performed it totally 'as is' from Dai Vernon's More Inner Secrets Of Card Magic.

"Tampering with a Vernon treasure such as TTA, can often promote controversy" admits Baxter....

★★★★★ $8
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Ken de Courcy
A Card Exits by Ken de Courcy

This is Ken's take on R.M. Jamison's 'Yogi Tells' effect from The Phoenix. Someone thinks of one of four cards of the same value of different suits. After two brief shuffles, you spell "Y-O-G-I" three times discarding the card on the last letter, and the card that remains is the one the spectator chose. In Ken's version the spectator thought of card magically flys into the pocket of the performer.

1st edition 1984, 8 pages; PDF 9 pages.

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Zaw Shinn
Transfer by Zaw Shinn

A spectator chooses a card that magically moves to a phone, leaving the spectator holding a blank card. The transfer is reversed and the card vanishes from the phone and the spectator is again holding his card.

You will need an App called MxPlayer to accomplish this plus a bit of sleight of hand. Several short MP4 files, to create the appearance and vanish of a card face from the phone's screen, are included in the download.

1st edition 2023, video 17:23

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MP4 (video)

Ian Baxter
Knockout Book Test by Ian Baxter

No prizes for guessing who it was that did more to popularize mentalism than anyone else. Certainly, a steady stream of impressive performers and writers have kept the kettle boiling over the years, but it was Theo Annemann who, beginning in the first half of the twentieth century, set the pace with ingenious methods and presentations that still influence material today.

He wrote: "It is my theory that any effect to be successful must first be founded upon a simple method, and then be performed with a direct, to-the-point presentation." Hard to disagree with a compelling narrative such as this.


★★★★★ $8
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Don Alan
Don Alan's Bowl Routine by Don Alan

Just as Don presented it on TV. The move is so good you'll fool yourself. This trick had a lot to do with Don Alan's success on TV and in countless personal appearances. In fact, the very first time Don had a chance to do a trick for anyone connected with TV - in this case the director of a new show - he performed this effect. He was hired at once and began his long and sensational career. It's that good.

This beautiful routine uses a brass bowl (not supplied), or a single cup from your regular Cups and Balls set. The cup is not gimmicked in any way. Also needed are four sponges, which...

★★★★★ $8
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Eddie Joseph
Card Bonanza by Eddie Joseph

Excerpt from the Introduction:

In my opinion, anything Eddie Joseph produces needs no introduction for he has proved to the world at large his ability as an originator and as a writer on magical subjects. His thought and ideas have high rating among Magicians. In fact, I know many Magicians who will buy any trick, book, or manuscript with Joseph's name to it. So this does not leave much more to say as an introduction to this manuscript.

However, the contents herewith are so good that we felt justified in saying so in writing, especially in respect to the "Telephone Repeat". It is our hope...

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John Ramsay & Victor Farelli
Four Little Beans by John Ramsay & Victor Farelli

Excerpt from the foreword:

Unless I am mistaken, the routine explained in this modest little volume is the first sleight of hand trick I learned. I was then at school - over sixty years ago - and as I have been performing it constantly ever since, I have had, obviously, a lot of practice!

Although I have always done the trick fairly well, I have added, quite recently, a number of improvements which make it, I think, a routine not unworthy of the attention of any close-work magician.

Broadly speaking, it is similar in effect to the Chinese Marble Trick described by Edwin Sachs in...

★★★★ $8
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Victor Farelli
Controlled Coincidence by Victor Farelli

A subtle system for card workers. Four card miracles.

Excerpt from the introduction:

In the Winter of 1928, or early in the following Spring, Messrs. Bagshawe & Co. issued a catalogue entitled "New Magic," in which an item called "Card Control" appeared. Briefly, the effect was that any card (not forced) could be taken from a pack - if desired, in the performer's absence - and the performer was able always to locate in the pack a card of the same VALUE and a card of the same SUIT, as that chosen.

Being struck by the novelty of the effect I wrote to Mr. Bagshawe, requesting him to send...

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Graham Hey
Word-Up by Graham Hey

Easy to do mentalism effects.

Word-Up is a word prediction where a spectator selects any magazine from a selection, any two numbers are called out and the word on that page and line is remembered. The performer reads their mind and writes down the exact same word. Then he asks the spectator to flip through their magazine and remember any famous landmark they see ... the performer draws his in advance. He's correct again. It's so easy to do. You'll have to buy a few magazines to make this, but it's worth it. Perfect for stand-up.

Then there's Where's the Balloon? Perfect for close-up or...

★★★★★ $8
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Ian Baxter
No Delay: Think Stop by Ian Baxter

A timely favorite for any magician with a deck of cards in hand is Think-Stop. With a popularity spanning decades, this absolute classic has attracted attention from virtually every known card expert of the 20th and 21st centuries. Practical additions and/or worthwhile improvements to this gem are rare indeed. However, this brand-new handling from Australian card man Ian Baxter easily meets that challenge.

Reviewer David Jones comments:

"The Stop Trick is a stunning card effect which has traditionally depended on the use of a psychological force and hence cannot be relied upon to work...

★★★★ $8
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Ken de Courcy
Hot Ice 1 by Ken de Courcy

A series of novel and above all entertaining card tricks, all requiring a minimum of skill, the simplest of apparatus and all designed for the maximum entertainment and audience appeal.

No. 1. "A Double-Dose": Predestined and Black and Red Computation II.

Two effects, both using the same subtle principle, credited to Nick Trost.

PREDESTINED is for platform performances. You can use a Jumbo pack of cards and four cardboard plates. You will make this up in a few minutes and have a good program item. The working is simplicity itself but, being more interested in the presentation possibilities...

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Sam Dalal
Indian Cups and Balls Primer by Sam Dalal

Like the Billiard Balls, and Linking Rings the Indian Cups and Balls have become a classic of Magic. The apparatus is "designed" exclusively for Magic... (like the Linking rings), one does not come across such things in everyday life. While this may not find favour with many performers, whose idea of magic is to perform miracles with "everyday" objects,...their very design makes possible miracles of a type not possible with many other objects. For unlike Silk Cabbies, and Ghost Tubes, there is nothing fake about the apparatus itself...but their shape and construction make possible a surprising...

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Ken de Courcy
Hot Ice 3: The Kosky Cut by Ken de Courcy

Here Ken de Courcy took a clever cut effect by Gerald Kosky, changed it, and altered it to make it completely self-contained and also impromptu. Whilst doing this, Ken hit on another use and here you are getting two for the price of one.


A borrowed pack is shuffled by the owner, then the magician extracts two cards from it, hands the cards to the spectator and asks him to place them into a convenient pocket. The deck is placed on the table and the spectator is requested to cut off about two-thirds and lay it face-up alongside the remainder. He now cuts the larger packet roughly...

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Renzo Grosso
Synchro by Renzo Grosso

Synchro is a mentalism effect that can be achieved (in person or on the phone, with audio connection only) with playing cards, or with ESP cards or with tickets: this latest version also allows you to develop the final revelation in cold-reading.

The secret used in this routine is a combination of unique methods, amalgamated for an amazing finish. It can be done remotely, with cards borrowed from the spectator, or with tickets written "on the spot"; the mentalist does not need to see the cards in any way. While using various methods, it is easy to memorize, as it is based on simple patterns. ...

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Ian Baxter
Two-Speed World by Ian Baxter

An approach to the Paul Curry classic "Out of this World".

Out Of This World, Paul Curry's timeless classic, gets a fresh look in this new manuscript from Australian card man Ian Baxter.

Years after its release, the trick retains its enduring popularity. No sleight of hand, an absence of moves demanding any form of dexterity, with attention to presentation steering the success of this baffling mystery every time. OOTW is a timeless gem. The August 1947 issue of Hugard's Magic Monthly, in a poll conducted at the time by Fred Braue, confirmed to the magic world then that this ingenious card mystery be given the mantle of the most...

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Alexander Herrmann
Herrmann's Wizards' Manual by Alexander Herrmann

From coin tricks to card tricks, black art, mindreading and even ventriloquism, this work is meant as an introduction for the budding magician and showman.

Excerpt from the introduction:

Magic naturally separates into two divisions: One, as performed by pure sleight-of-hand with ordinary objects; and the other, which depends upon apparatus or mechanical appliances; and these are called respectively Drawingroom, and Grand or Stage Magic. The former is made up of feats depending upon manual dexterity, chemical combinations, and arithmetical problems. Grand magic, likewise, consists of...

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Ken de Courcy
The Astro Card File by Ken de Courcy

Effects with the Zodiac deck. (Deck not included with this PDF.)

Excerpt from the introduction:

Whilst this beautifully produced pack can be used for card games, as suggested in the small folder that comes with the deck, its main strength to a magician lies in the way that ordinary card tricks can be given an astrological slant and thus personalized. To the mentalist, of course, the pack represents one of the finest adjuncts to have come out for many years. Whilst a spectator may not be able to associate herself with the Queen of Hearts, she can certainly relate to her own birth sign....

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Ian Baxter
Princess on the Move by Ian Baxter

Who among us has not heard of, seen, or performed The Princess Card Trick? For the record, it was conceived by Henry Hardin and was first made available way back in 1903. Mahatma magazine carried advertising for it and in the decades that followed, countless 'improvements' ended up in print.

It seems that not too many of these ideas were ever celebrated by the magical fraternity, and no wonder - with crazy fakes and gimmicks being introduced that almost drowned its popularity.

Fortunately, the original idea has remained unchanged which is why today, it is still regarded as a classic of card...

★★★★ $8
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Mystic Alexandre
Numbers: a direct memory test by Mystic Alexandre

A simple and direct memory demonstration.

The professional-looking chart (meant to be on your phone but could be printed out) is handed to the subject in order to help test your memory ability with numbers. You mention that attempting to memorize the 51 seven-digit numbers, enhances your ability to ask questions, find insights, solve problems, critically think, and inspire creativity.

You hand them your phone with the chart, or a copy of the chart, and the subject chooses a section, say No. 45, and you begin calling out the 7-digit number in that section. Feel free to repeat the test...

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Ian Baxter
Courtskill by Ian Baxter

A new approach to the Stewart James classic Miraskill.

Theo Annemann's journal The Jinx, September 1936, was where Miraskill was first published. Subsequently reprinted in various books and magazines over the years, this Stewart James creation still baffles one and all. The years have not dulled the remarkable impact it can have on today's audiences.

Courtskill is a brand-new version of Miraskill. Australian card man Ian Baxter has concocted a totally new version, with some very distinct advantages.

Barely half the deck is used, trimming the performance time considerably, not to mention a surprise approach involving court...

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Toni Koynini
Derby by Toni Koynini

A "Horse Race" in which you always win under impossible conditions.

The aces represent horses and the performer and three spectators run an exciting race, moving their horses on the “course” as indicated by a fourth spectator dealing the cards. The performer always wins and the effect can be repeated as many times as desired, with the same result every time.

  • An ordinary pack of cards
  • No sleight of hand
  • The spectators shuffle the cards before the race is run
  • Spectators freely select their own “horses” the performer taking the one that is left
  • No switching – no special cards...
★★★★★ $8
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Ian Baxter
Simplicity Aces Comeback by Ian Baxter

A new approach to the Stewart James classic Simplicity Four Ace Trick.

First appearing in print in Ralph W. Hull's book More Eye Openers, Jean Hugard wasted no time in grabbing it for Encyclopedia Of Card Tricks; it also ended up in John Northern Hilliard's mammoth book Greater Magic, along with a number of other texts as well.

The straightforward plot involves the four Aces of the pack assembling in one heap, following a careful separation from other cards. Economy of movement is top of the list here, buoyed by an absence of sleights and very easy moves. Within reach of any card handler, beginner or expert.

And now, years down the track, Ian Baxter offers this...

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Ian Baxter
Pocketheral Once Again by Ian Baxter

A new approach to the Stewart James classic Pocketheral.

Stewart James (1908 - 1996) was known not just for an immense output of published effects, but his deliberate, somewhat humorous conferring of odd titles to various tricks. Pocketheral was certainly no exception, attracting the attention of, among others, Edward Marlo.

The Cardician, Marlo's celebrated book released back in 1953, included two very worthwhile variations of PTR. Marlo, along with many others, would doubtless have been amused by the name chosen for this one. Marlo's approach involved not twenty but ten cards being dealt in a row, a spectator being asked...

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