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Punx & Bill Palmer MIMC
Magical Adventures and Fairy Tales by Punx & Bill Palmer MIMC

"This book is going to be a classic. Punx takes the simplest of effects and weaves an 'entertainment factor' about them that makes it a delight to read and easy to perform. His artistry blends magic and fantasy. A true example of making magic - magick!" - Masklyn ye Mage

Punx was the acknowledged master of 'Magic as Theater', actually the creator, where the performance takes center stage and method only serves the role to support and enable the performance. There are wonderful stories, excellent tips on tricks and handling, and deep insights into the Art of Performing Magic.


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Punx & Bill Palmer MIMC
Fourth Dimensional Mysteries by Punx & Bill Palmer MIMC

"Frankly, this is one of the most exciting and inspiring books on magic and mentalism I have ever read for Punx does both magic and mentalism as theatre ... and with great entertainment value .. A MUST READ for the serious magician or mentalist." - Phil Willmarth

Punx shares and teaches his way of performing mentalism. You can't read this without starting to think and apply some of Punx's ideas.

In the late seventies, Punx released material he had been performing for various decades as a series of seven booklets (in German): Experimente mit dem Überraum. In 1980 one of them, Der Wahrtraum, was...

★★★★ $25
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Punx & Bill Palmer MIMC
Farewell Performance by Punx & Bill Palmer MIMC

"Your wonderful book is entertaining, informative and inspiring. It is written in the humorous, intellectual style that is so uniquely yours ... You will live on in the history of Magic - forever." - Siegfried and Roy

These routines are taken from Punx's full evening show. This material is not only audience-tested, it is the material that one of the greatest magicians of the twentieth century used to earn a living. It is not a book for beginners. Some of the routines have only partial explanations. This is because most of this material consists only of presentations, many of them for...

★★★★★ $25
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Christopher Bolter
Close-Up Mentalism Part 2 by Christopher Bolter

Drawing Man: a very fun and funny routine designed to get the audience involved. Using a classic artist's mannequin the mentalist predicts the outcome of an impossible to know pose.

Partners: this is a clever two person card routine that uses 2 decks, and comes with a surprise kicker ending! Mentalism with cards at it's finest.

The Magic Square: Chris unleashes all of his work on the classic magic square. With looks at the easy to the complicated you'll learn how to build, code and perform your own magic square.

Don't You Know It: A totally impromptu routine using some cards you're...

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Christopher Bolter
Phone Box Mentalism by Christopher Bolter

Mentalism On-The-Go

  • Crusher - immediately cause a plastic bottle to crush itself
  • Taster - correctly name the chosen flavor of gum just by having them imagine the taste
  • Alarmer - a random time is written down by an audience member and hidden … several minutes later an alarm goes off ... at the exact time predicted
  • Stopper - cause a borrowed, un-gimmicked wrist watch to STOP and START on your command
Effects Using Borrowed Items
  • The Human Calculator - a borrowed calculator is used to total random numbers by the audience – only to total a prediction made by the mentalist days in...
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Gerard Zitta
Fair Mysteries by Gerard Zitta

Short warm up mentalism effects. Anytime, anywhere, practical, easy, direct and impromptu.

Some of the simple ideas presented in this ebook can also be used as safety nets in your existing routines.

W(h)i(t)ch hand?
A classic: A spectator hides a coin in one of his fists and the performer shows which hand.

  • Impromptu – no gimmicks, no electronics
  • Versatile - presentation can vary
  • Anytime, anywhere, anybody
  • Simple and direct
F(l)air play
Here is a nice little effect and method that can be used to give away your business card and will leave a good impression on your spectator....
★★★★ $25
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Dr. Bill Cushman
Dr. Bill's Bend by Dr. Bill Cushman

As seen on Steve Cohen's 2 hour feature television special, "LOST MAGIC DECODED" aired on The History Channel, October 18th, 2012!

"I chose to perform "Dr. Bill's Bend" on my television special because I needed a pendulum routine with a distinct ending. My studio audience loved this routine, and so did I. Perhaps I should add it to my live shows at the Waldorf-Astoria? It's that strong." - Steve Cohen, The Millionaires' Magician

Imagine using a simple pendulum made from a piece of ribbon and a key (these can all be borrowed) to teach an entire audience to focus their mental powers...

★★★★★ $25
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Medjid Kan Rezvani & Michael Landes
The Cushions of the Princess: or the tomato game by Medjid Kan Rezvani & Michael Landes

This is a translation and reformatting of Les Coussinets de la Princesse by Medjid K. Rezvani.

"... it was quite a surprise, a positive one, when I received a preview copy of the ebook of this wonderful booklet. Translated by Michael Landes, it provides a clear interpretation of the routine. The routine, itself, is called "les Coussinets de la Princesse" -- the little cushions of the princess -- and is also known as "The Tomato Trick." It's a nice piece of story magic, as well as a darn good trick. The book goes into how to construct the close-up mat, the construction of the "cushions," the...

★★★★★ $25
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Roy Johnson
Pure Gold by Roy Johnson

Roy Johnson had a wonderful clean and simple style, often mixed with unique methods. Roy always applied his own mind, even to classic effects, and thus you are getting here the Roy Johnson treatment.

Effects taught:

  • Flash Square
  • The Race
  • Checkmate
  • Sum
  • Match Block
  • Dialamite
  • Twinned Princess
  • Murder Imperfect
  • Psycho
  • P.S.S.
  • Reflective Jackpot
  • Chromatism
  • Son Of Astro
  • The Con (Sidewalk Shuffle)
  • Koranistic
  • Pairs
  • Nuts

1st edition 1988, 1st digital edition 2013, 75 pages.

★★★★★ $25
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Werner Miller
Ad Rem 3 by Werner Miller

"ad rem" (lateinisch) heißt "zur Sache", und wer den Autor kennt, kann unschwer erraten, um welche Sache es sich hier handelt: semi-automatische, leicht vorzuführende Tricks auf mathematischer Grundlage, vorwiegend mit Spielkarten und ESP-Karten. Jeder Band hat knapp 100 Seiten und enthält 50-60 Tricks, die meisten davon in mehreren Versionen.

[Die Effekte überlappen sich zum Großteil mit der Englischen Sub Rosa Serie.


  1. Arrowbatics
  2. OLRAM Arrows
  3. Arrow Predictions
  4. Sigma - amgiS
  5. Dazwischen
  6. Aus 1 mach 4
  7. Diese Farbfamilie, jener Wert
  8. "Dreisatz"
  9. Äquivalent
  10. Wie oft auch immer
  11. Line Dancer
  12. Nicht deine Karte
  13. Bitte nicht stören ...
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Maximiliano Monteleone
La Fanciulla in Sogno by Maximiliano Monteleone

Come Costruire, davvero, una meravigliosa LEVITAZIONE a 360°... i più completi piani di costruzione di questa originale versione della levitazione a 360 gradi. di Maximilian Monteleone - Introduzione di Ruben

Se per te i "piani di costruzione" di una illusione di solito somigliano ad un puzzle...

Se sei rimasto spesso deluso dalla mancanza di completezza dei piani...

Se hai bisogno di una Illusione spettacolare che puoi eseguire praticamente ovunque anche a qualche metro dagli spettatori e che pur può essere trasportata nella tua auto...

Se hai sempre desiderato eseguire una levitazione...

★★★★ $25
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Peter Arcane
POW! by Peter Arcane

Add a little POW! to your readings.

Typically readings can be intense, or at least you can be dealing with intense emotional situations. It can be difficult to guide the person you are reading for as they can be too closely involved. They literally cannot see the wood for the trees!!

By sparingly and wisely adding the information found in POW! to your reading process, you can softly 'nudge' their thinking and encourage the sitter to look at situations in their life in a completely different light.

What you'll find in POW! are Quotes, Proverbs and more which have been carefully selected,...

★★★★ $25
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Peter Arcane
KAPOW! by Peter Arcane

KAPOW! picks up where Peter Arcane's POW! left off.

It offers 250 inspirational quotes, proverbs and sayings which cover 25 traits of the Minor Arcana and more - Peter also covers the most popular topics of Cold Reading.

Used with care, and sprinkled lightly through your readings KAPOW! will make you a true Superhero.

What's been said so far about KAPOW!...

What you get here is not an updated version of POW! No! Much better! This is a perfectly made follow up. - Rudolf Künzli

I was amazed at the new insights I gained from KAPOW. This is essential reading for anyone who uses Tarot...

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Peter Arcane
Quick Jumps Lazy by Peter Arcane

Peter Arcane first shared Quick Jumps Lazy in his 2004 Twisted Mind lecture notes.

Having refined the routine over the last 10 years he now shares with the fraternity his thinking behind the basic effect and more - isograms, panagrams and much much more...

The alphabet will never quite be remembered in the same way ever again!

1st edition 2004, 1st digital edition 2014, 17 pages.

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Mark Elsdon
Conversation as Mentalism 1 by Mark Elsdon

Would you like to have in your repertoire some killer mentalism effects that you can perform anytime, anyplace and without any props?

Well, good news! Conversation As Mentalism contains tried and tested material that you can start to use immediately.

The participant's experience of what occurs during these casual performance pieces is this: during the course of an interesting conversation, things take an odd turn and something strange and completely inexplicable happens.

Maybe you read their mind about a film they've seen or a book they've read. Maybe it's a simple verbal game that...

★★★★ $25
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Rob Chapman
By The Beast Inspired by Rob Chapman

Five essays inspired by the writings of Aleister Crowley designed to inspire and change the way you think about magical performance.


  • A whole evenings show - The Mysterium.
  • Awaken the spirits of Earth to a very visual presence.
  • Full Spirit Cabinet routine.
  • and much more.
  • and a thank you offer for those who buy it....

"Rob Chapman writes with a style that leaves you feeling like you just made a new friend. His personable style of mysticism mixed with occultism and good old skill-full handling make Rob Chapman one of the most watchable and bankable performance magicians on...

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William W. Larsen
Genii Volume 01 (Sep 1936 - Aug 1937) by William W. Larsen

September 1936 - August 1937
Official Organ for The Pacific Coast Association of Magicians
William W. Larsen, Editor & Publisher

420 pages

  1. Genii - Volume 1, Number 1 - September 1936 - 36 pages
  2. Contents
  3. A Love Poem - T. Page Wright
  4. The Genii Speaks - editorial comments
  5. MAGIC
    1. The Error Aces - T. Page Wright & William Larsen
    2. Nothing New in Parasols - Dale Williams
    3. Felix, The Felicitous Feline - T. Page Wright & William Larsen
    4. The L. W. Stop Mystery - T. Page Wright & William Larsen
    5. McMillen-Wright Rising Cards - T. Page Wright & William W. Larsen
      1. The...
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William W. Larsen
Genii Volume 02 (Sep 1937 - Aug 1938) by William W. Larsen

September 1937 - August 1938
Official Organ for The Pacific Coast Association of Magicians and Official American Organ for The International Alliance of Magicians
William W. Larsen, Editor and Publisher

464 pages

  1. Genii - Volume 2, Number 1 - September 1937 - 32 pages
  2. Cover - Thomas Chew Worthington III
  3. In This Issue - Contents
  4. Thomas Chew Worthington III - biographical notes
  5. Genii Speaks - editorial comments
  6. MAGIC
    1. The Third Eye - William W. Larsen
    2. "Dots" - Frank M. Chapman
    3. The Chinese Bartender - Dale Williams
    4. Indian Prisoner Tie - Fred Kapp
    5. "Tattle-Tale" -...
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William W. Larsen
Genii Volume 03 (Sep 1938 - Aug 1939) by William W. Larsen

September 1938 - August 1939
Official American Organ for The International Alliance of Magicians
William W. Larsen, Editor and Publisher

412 pages

  1. Genii - Volume 3, Number 1 - September 1938 - 40 pages
  2. Cover - Al Robbins
  3. Albert C. Robbins - biographical notes
  4. In This Issue - Contents
  5. My Favorite Tricks - The Editor
    • A Bit Of Clairvoyance
  6. Genii Speaks - editorial comments
  7. Mr. Charles Waller, of Australia Presents The Parcel That Makes Itself
  8. "Old Stuff" - George G. Kaplan
  9. Eddie Clever Presents Measured Thoughts
  10. William Tell Up-To-Date - George Postle
  11. Oscar Weigle,...
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William W. Larsen
Genii Volume 04 (Sep 1939 - Aug 1940) by William W. Larsen

September 1939 - August 1940
Official American Organ for The International Alliance of Magicians
William W. Larsen, Editor and Publisher

403 pages

  1. Genii - Volume 4, Number 1 - September 1939 - 32 pages
  2. Cover - Maldo
  3. Maldo - biographical notes
  4. We Hope You Are Like One of These - testimonials
  5. In This Issue - Contents
  6. Genii Speaks - editorial comments
  7. The Inevitable Rabbit - Jon Kirby
  8. "Vernon's" Spirit Slate Routine - Vernon Cook
  9. Scattered Shots - L.O. Gunn
  10. By Touch Alone - Harlan Tarbell
  11. The Traveling Stamps - Loring Campbell
  12. Handkerchief Restored - Caryl S. FLeming
  13. Noting...
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William W. Larsen
Genii Volume 05 (Sep 1940 - Aug 1941) by William W. Larsen

September 1940 - August 1941
Official American Organ for The International Alliance of Magicians Including S.A.M. and M-U-M pages
Mr. and Mrs. William W. Larsen, Editors

420 pages

  1. Genii - Volume 5, Number 1 - September 1940 - 32 pages
  2. Cover - Bernard A. Giannini
  3. Bernard A. Giannini - biographical notes
  4. We Hope You Are Like One of These - testimonials
  5. Index- Contents
  6. Genii Speaks - editorial comments
  7. Nite Club Magic - Milbourne Christopher and Russell Swann
    • Opening Tricks and Gags
      • A Blare of Trumpets
      • A Pin Please
      • Introducing the Magician
      • The Rising...
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William W. Larsen
Genii Volume 06 (Sep 1941 - Aug 1942) by William W. Larsen

September 1941 - August 1942
Including S.A.M. and M-U-M pages and Magigals
Mr. and Mrs. William W. Larsen, Editors

476 pages

  1. Genii - Volume 6, Number 1 - September 1941 - 40 pages
  2. Cover - Caryl Fleming Memorial Issue
  3. Caryl S. Fleming - biographical notes
  4. Genii Speaks - editorial comments
  5. Any Drink Called For - Caryl S. Fleming version
  6. Success - poem - Harry Opel
  7. I Spell Your Card - Gerald Kosky
  8. Do You Remember When? - Harry Opel
  9. Flower Fantasy - Jack Trepel
  10. The Inverted Cigarette - Dr. Ervin
  11. Just Paragraphs - Herman L. Weber
  12. Wallace Lee - memory feat
  13. The King Can Do No...
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William W. Larsen
Genii Volume 07 (Sep 1942 - Aug 1943) by William W. Larsen

September 1942 - August 1943
Including S.A.M. and M-U-M pages - and Magigals
Mr. & Mrs. William W. Larsen, Editors

432 pages

  1. Genii - Volume 7, Number 1 - September 1942 - 32 pages
  2. Cover - Floyd and Jennie Thayer
  3. Floyd and Jennie Thayer - biographical notes
  4. Genii Speaks - editorial comments
  5. Fame Maker - Harry Mendoza
  6. Caryl Fleming Suggested--
    • Magical Impersonations
    • Comedy Interruption
  7. Tips - On-Tricks - Milbourne Christopher
    • Even Further "Out of This World"
    • No More Gas
    • Zipper Banana
    • Papa Gag
    • Pencil Tip
  8. "Here's Your Stamp" - Frank Herman ...
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William W. Larsen
Genii Volume 08 (Sep 1943 - Aug 1944) by William W. Larsen

September 1943 - August 1944
Including S.A.M. and M-U-M pages - and Magigals
Mr. & Mrs. William W. Larsen, Editors

432 pages

  1. Genii - Volume 8, Number 1 - September 1943 - 36 pages
  2. Cover - Del Monte
  3. Genii Speaks - editorial comments
  4. The King and Queen and a Bet! - Julien Proskauer
  5. Markers - R. M. Jamison
  6. The Relentless Reel - Charles Waller
  7. Two Favorites - Walter the Magicians
    • The Ghost Knots and Flying Silks
    • Cigarette and Fire
  8. You Didn't Notice It? - R. M. Jamison
  9. Del Monte [Charles Reagan] - interview by mail by Geraldine Larsen
  10. Pitcher Pips - "Hen" Fetsch
  11. The Invisible Cocktail...
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