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Mentalism & Spiritism Cards Magazines & Journals with Demo Video DIY, Makers & Builders DVD (download+stream) Books (printed) Video clips (download) Theory, Articles & Reviews for Beginners Coins, Chips & Buttons Illusions, Escape & Stage Biographies & History in German (Deutsch) Marketing, Selling & Business Matters Audio Balls, Eggs, Dice & Cups Memory & Mnemonics Paper & Paper Money Science & Math Tricks Ropes, Ribbons, Strings & Reels Comedy Magic Compilations Patter, Plots & Scripts Physical (Non-Digital) Tricks & Gimmicks in Italian (italiano) Kids & Children Hypnosis & NLP Rings Cigarettes, Candles, Matches & Fire Phone, Apps & eTricks Liquids, Chemicals & Bottles Published 1800-1899 DVD & Video (disc) Silks & Flags Hands, Fingers & Body Thimbles Catalogs Chapeaugraphy Published before 1800 Ventriloquism Instruction Sheets in French (français) Second Hand in Spanish (español) Animals Gospel Magic Gift Cards & Donations Pickpocket Fiction for Resellers Free in Japanese (日本の)


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Murray Bonfeld
Faro Concepts by Murray Bonfeld

This is primarily a mathematical treatment of the faro shuffle. It explores the principles and properties underlying the faro shuffle for decks with different numbers of cards. You will find some effects and routines as well. Foreword by Karl Fulves.

  1. Novel Faro Relationships
    • Basic Terminology and Operations
    • For A 52 Card Deck Only
    • For A 51 Card Deck Only
  2. Faro Functions
    • Even Numbers Of Cards
    • Up And Down Faro System
    • Unit Shuffles
    • Multiples Of Four
    • Odd Numbers Of Cards
    • Unit Restorations
  3. The 32-Card Deck: An Analysis
  4. The Principle of Internal Shuffling
    • Controlling...
★★★★ $20
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Gerard Zitta
Twin Peeks by Gerard Zitta

The Addition principle: A novel method to peek, in full view, any information written on business cards or playing cards.

Twin peeks: A mind reading card effect. You find the twin of a thought card that was kept under the spectator's hand.

Quick peek: Find a missing card in a borrowed and shuffled deck in 1 second!

Witness: A puzzling drawing duplication: your own drawing is revealed by a witness, while the spectator's drawing is still under her hands.

Four of a perfect pair: You find a thought card and a selected card.

Invisible book test: An incredible impromptu book test with...

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Jesse Demaline
Demagic by Jesse Demaline

The story of the late Jesse Demaline and 65 years in magic. Apart from his interesting life story there are lots of his effects: Mental Magic 21 items, Children's Magic 21 items, Close Up Magic 23 items, Miscellaneous Magic 26 items. This ebook received great reviews from Terry Seabrooke and The Magic Circular when it was first published.


  • The Act
  • Card Mentalism
  • The Handkerchief Test
  • The Jay Dem Book Test
  • Card Transition
  • Psychic Visions
  • Absolutely Silent Card Mentalism
  • Designs
  • One In Fifty-Two
  • Animal Magnetism
  • Jay-Dem Mentalism (Using a Dictionary)
  • Pools Win
  • A Good...
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Gerard Zitta
The Yin Yang Principle by Gerard Zitta

A novel mental force.

A spectator thinks of a card and changes it to a new one, in his/her mind. You predicted it, or you name it BEFORE the spectator names his/her own card!".

Impromptu - Anytime, Anywhere. Perfect for informal and casual setting, or when you have NOTHING with you (It can be performed naked on the beach!). You can also use this as a "warm up" experiment, to open your mentalism act.

No fishing or "PA" - Nothing needed, no cards, no props. Pure mind reading. Can fool performers as well.

It is not 100%. Most of the time (80% approximately based on probabilities and...

★★★★★ $20
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Mark Leveridge & Graham Hey & Phil Shaw
Best of British by Mark Leveridge & Graham Hey & Phil Shaw

Right from its first issue, Magicseen Magazine has sought to showcase talent from the UK, talent that sometimes can be a little swamped by high profile personalities from other parts of the world. To put this right, Magicseen approached a list of the UK's top performers and creators and invited them to contribute to a book that is designed to show the world what they have to offer. Best Of British contains routines from over 20 creative British magicians, including Wayne Dobson, Peter Duffie, Geoffrey Durham, Paul Gordon, Simon Lovell, Shaun McCree, Marc Paul, Scott Penrose, Mark Shortland, Paul Stockman and many more. It's a fabulous collection...

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Andrew Normansell
The Man Who Would Be King by Andrew Normansell

Readers of Magicseen will be familiar with Andrew as there have been a couple of features on him and he has also appeared a few times answering questions in the Close Up Clinic. Now Andrew reveals the secrets of his commercial success by recounting his life story so far, gives readers excellent food for thought in a section called Devil's Advocate in which he passes opinion on all manner of magical themes, and finally he also gives full details of 28 of his pet routines for close up, stand up and mentalism. Everything Andrew does is geared to commercial performance and his methods are delightfully straightforward....

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Benedykt Krajdener
Fascinating Gambling From the World of Imagination by Benedykt Krajdener

This routine is done from a shuffled deck, under fire, and on the spot. You will never have to remember more than five words at one time so you can talk and you can concentrate on your presentation. There is only one condition – you must know Benedykt's mnemonic system from Her Majesty the Magic of Cards.

  • The deck is shuffled and can be borrowed.
  • There is no sleight of hand, deck switches or prepared cards.
  • You can be surrounded by spectators, there are no false moves.
But even under those conditions you will be able to
  • Seperate face up cards from face down cards with closed eyes
  • Do very unusual poker deals...
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Robert Kaldy-Karo
Ludwig Döbler: Genius des Biedermeier by Robert Kaldy-Karo

Mit ihm, dem Zauberkünstler Ludwig Döbler, hatte Österreich bereits in der Biedermeierzeit einen internationalen Superstar, der von Budapest bis London, von Prag bis St. Petersburg die größten Bühnenerfolge einheimste. Er war zu seiner Zeit genauso, wenn nicht populärer als Nestroy, Grillparzer oder Raimund. Mit den Intellektuellen seiner Zeit, wie z.B. Goethe, Dingelstedt, Saphir, Bäuerle, Heine, Castelli, Raimund, war er freundschaftlich verbunden.

Berühmt war sein Entree, nach einem Schuss brannten 200 Kerzen auf der Bühne oder "Flora's Blumenspende", wobei er dutzende kleine...

★★★★★ $20
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Roberto Giobbi
CardPerfect by Roberto Giobbi

CardPerfect war eines der ersten grossen Bücher des produktiven Schweizer Zauberkünstlers Roberto Giobbi.

Die 13 Routinen in CardPerfect sind - von wenigen Ausnahmen abgesehen - technisch verblüffend einfach und für den interessierten Leser unter der erstklassigen Anleitung des Autors leicht lernbar. Obwohl Roberto Giobbi zweifellos zu den virtuosen Kartentechnikern unserer Zeit zählt, werden in den vorliegenden Routinen vor allem die Präsentation, die Ablenkung der Aufmerksamkeit und das harmonische Zusammenspiel von Wort und Handlung in den Vordergrund gestellt. Die intelligente...

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Gerard Zitta
Coin Games by Gerard Zitta

Two hands off and impromptu effects you'll do for the rest of your life at any moment notice, and every time you'll meet somebody because they are fun to perform, simple and practical.

"Man both routines are very very clever! I love them! Especially the heads and tails one!!! I definitely use them! Well done mate!" - Romanos, creator of GERTI/Silver swindle

This ebook is a combination of the simplest plots you can perform in Magic: HEADS or TAILS? and WHICH HAND? They can be done separately as well.

The routine:

Take your wallet and casually throw a $100 bill (or just $1...but...

★★★ $20
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Henri Decremps
La Magie Blanche Dévoilée by Henri Decremps

Ou explication des Tours surprenant qui font depuis peu l'admiration de la Capitale et de la Province.

Cet ebook contient Supplément à La magie blanche dévoilée.

1792, 400 pages.

★★★★★ $20
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David Devlin
Esoteric Conspiracies: Cards by David Devlin

This is the first in a new series of videos by David Devlin. In this video, David teaches three of his best effects. These effects are not difficult to perform, but each one is a very hard-hitting effect. Here are the effects:

Boomerang: This will knock them on their butts. A deck with a blue back (which has been in use) has from it a card selected and signed. Two jokers with red backs are introduced and shown freely. The selected card is pushed into the center of the deck by the spectator. Without coming near the deck, the signed selection materializes between the jokers! Once again, the...

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MP4 (video)

Devin Knight
Get Paid Doing Free School Shows by Devin Knight

This is ebook 5 in the Marketing for Magicians Series.

Are you having difficulty booking school shows? Are schools telling you that their budgets have been cut and they no longer have money for school assemblies? Many school show performers have been bemoaning that their school assembly shows are declining. This is because of budget cutbacks that most schools are experiencing.

Suppose you told the schools that you could provide a quality educational magic-themed school assembly at NO COST to the school. That is right, a school assembly, at positively no cost to the school. How many schools...

★★★★ $20
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Greg McMahan
Backdrop Designs for Pennies by Greg McMahan

Backdrops add so much to a show, but they can also subtract so much from your wallet. Here's a great resource for building inexpensive backdrops for as low as $30!

A good backdrop can really kick things up on a notch on attaining that professional look. Yet, they don't have to be expensive. Using materials you can find just about anywhere, even around the house, you can make your own backdrop for less than $30.

Many different types of backdrop systems are shown, and the pros and cons of each one discussed. There is a lot of information in these notes... extremely helpful if you want to...

★★★★ $20
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Greg McMahan
Kids Think It's Funny by Greg McMahan

Routines and ideas to add plenty of laughs and fun to any children's show.

Chapters include...

One Hundred Balloons an Hour, a technique developed over thirty years of making balloon animals. Using this technique, you can do about 100 balloons an hour and still keep everybody entertained... without them waiting in a line!

Balloonology Seminar, a balloon twisting class that also works very well as part of a birthday party show or other children's event.

In the Days of Yore revives the old Monkey Bar trick, known far and wide as a sucker gag, into the centerpiece of a storytelling...

★★★★★ $20
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Tommaso Guglielmi
Marpis by Tommaso Guglielmi

In order to help Tommy's friend who lost her work due to a serious health issue (pulmonary hypertension and multiple sclerosis) he decide to help her by raising money through his ebooks and he is offering an insane deal.

All of his ebooks above for just $20! (Bonus: Michael Kociolek added two of his own ebooks to the bundle and Peter Duffie added four of his ebooks.)

This deal will stay active until Tommy has raised the 15,000 Euros his friend needs to keep her home.

★★★★ $20
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Alexander de Cova
TNT: card in sealed envelope by Alexander de Cova

TNT is the ultimate card in envelope. A signed card appears in a sealed envelope that has been in full view all the time. So easy to execute, but completely baffling. Perfect for close-up, parlor and trade show magic. A real stunner that can be built in minutes. Detailed video explanation in English.

1st edition 2014, runtime 7 minutes

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MP4 (video)

Ian Kendall
Egotistical Opinions by Ian Kendall

This is a collection of six theory talks by Ian Kendall on various subjects of performing in general and performing magic in particular.

1st edition 2009

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MP4 (video)

Matteo Filippini
Il Gioco Dei Bussolotti: Note di Conferenza 2014 by Matteo Filippini

Il Gioco Dei Bussolotti, le note di conferenza di Matteo Filippini in formato ebook, dedicate al più antico gioco di prestigio che la storia dell'umanità ricordi.

Nelle 63 nutrite pagine, Filippini affronta molti dettagli sia tecnici che pratici riguardanti questo antico prestigio, passando al setaccio, oltre a molte delle tecniche e principi, due straordinarie routine di cups & balls, quella di Dai Vernon e quella di Johnny Thompson. L'ebook è arricchito da decine di fotografie.

Elenco dei contenuti:

    • Il ruolo dei Bussolotti nel XXI Secolo
    • Bussolotti come palestra della...
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Cedric Taylor
Fly On The Wall by Cedric Taylor

Fly on The Wall is Cedric's most ambitious work to date. What you are getting are 5 of Cedric's pet routines that he use everyday.

1. Omniscient: This is a mentalism theory created by "The Urban Entity", Cedric Taylor that works as a Q & A. It's unique in its approach because it:

  • allows the performer to do a mass reading while walking around in the audience without ever needing the stage.
  • can be performed for 5 or 5,000
  • billet-less. (Billets are only used for pre-show work. You will also need a deck of cards.)
  • can be performed at a "kisser's length" away from your spectator.
  • can be...
★★★★ $20
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Gerard Zitta
Bluff by Gerard Zitta

This is a fantastic principle to know. You need nothing. Just your brain and some easy acting skills. You can improvise anytime anywhere. It is hands off, practical and the method is very simple. And most importantly, it is fun for the participants, for yourself and for the audience. What else do you want?

You will be able to detect liars in a group of people and identify which one has selected a specific card or ESP symbol for instance. You can show your psychometry skills with borrowed objects. There are tons of applications.

You just ask the same question to some of them.

It does...

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(Benny) Ben Harris
Quarks and Quirks by (Benny) Ben Harris

"Some of the most clever takes on the Torn and Restored Card in years, Ben Harris' Quarks & Quirks is an invigorating journey of topological twists and tears." - Richard Kaufman

A journey beyond the tear, inspired by the weird world of Quantum Physics. In this superbly produced book, filled with photographs Ben Harris shares seven routines. Includes:


A method for apparently tearing a card cleanly in half, while in reality, only tearing one quarter from the card. This sets you up as either a "quarter ahead" or a "quarter behind" depending upon the intended...

★★★★★ $20
more than one
type to choose



Stephen Ablett
Learn A Magic Trick by Stephen Ablett

This download DVD features over 40 simple, easy-to-learn magic tricks that you can master in minutes and perform for your family and friends. It is easy to start with any tricks you want to learn and with close-up shots you will see all the special moves. You'll be performing these trick in no-time.

This feature is suitable for both adults and children. All the effects require items found around the home and include magic such as the pen through a banknote which can be seen below.

The effects you will learn include:

  • Pencil Through Banknote
  • Crazy Compass
  • Paddle Sticks
  • Amazing Colour...
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MP4 (video)

Gregg Webb
Best of Feen-X by Gregg Webb

The title of this ebook is misleading. It is not a compilation of the best effects from Feen-X magazine, but rather a completely new 24 issue magazine Gregg Webb created from 2010 to 2012. Better think of it as a continuation of Feen-X. The name stems from the fact that Gregg does revisit some of the best plots and ideas from Feen-X, but not to repeat them, but to update and improve on them. And of course, there are also completely new ideas.

It is hard to categorize this ebook. Gregg's ideas span a big arch from close-up to stage, from cards, coins and other daily items, to mental magic, gaffs, gimmicks and...

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